• Member Since 7th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


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Twilight wants to break up with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie isn't the most perceptive of mares.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Wait, what? Also, no hint of the Queens Tongue in there. Well done, you sound like us unedumacated Ameree-cans.

:rainbowhuh: That was certainly interesting. It's... Not out of character, at least... But it was fun to read, so I'll be following it. I haven't read a TwiPie fic before.

But, there was one problem. "Shoving cake up my plot"... :facehoof: Twilight isn't aware of the meta jokes. She doesn't know the fandom equates the word 'plot' with butts. I'm just saying.

It was meh. I'm not a huge fan of the twipies but very well written. Thumbs up but no follow. :applejackunsure:

FIRST! - I'm sorry, I truly am, but I've always wanted to do that.:rainbowkiss:

Second, insanity, pure insanity - how I love it so.

I keep thinking I've found errors, but when I do my re-check, I find that I'm just reading it weirdly because of it being written in first person (time wise). I need more of this. Also... what's 'cake pregnant'? did Pinkie... you know what, I don't even want to go there.
Well, that's one off the list of things that I have to read. Only 780,257 words to go...

I love it so far, I hope you update soon.

The way you captured Twilight's scientific exasperation was perfect. I particularly like her quip about keeping to herself her futile comments that what she's doing is scientifically impossible. The bit about the covering in sweet fluids in her sleep was excellent, as was the part when we discover that Pinkie has done the same to herself. That they got stuck together and are forced to shower is an excellent diving board to the problem at hoof.

The Kinkie Pie parts are very appropriate. It's only right that Pinkie, aside from being hyperactive, is also a somewhat restrained sexual deviant. The bits about Twilight musing that a shower might not help, and the bizarre acts with sweet confectioneries was nice, though the latter kind of threw me off a bit too much.

The scenario with Twilight and Pinkie's going off on a random tangent is TOO strange. That may just be me, but Pinkie's rationalization seems way more off the mark than it usually is. Still, I look forward to seeing how this goes, if only because it's unique in that Twilight is trying to find a way to break it off with Pinkie.

It turns out that I had a chapter for this that I had more or less finished writing but did not put up because its prose was awkward and its jokes were lame.

Well, fuck that feeling.

well i hope you finish it, its pretty good and im intrested in what happends next

Author Interviewer

Oh come now, this isn't nearly enough! Your Pinkie is marvelous without being "lolrandom" in the least, but zounds man, I need closure!

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