• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


24, Canadian. Avatar drawn by the amazing Mix-up.


“Youth is wasted on the young.”

But only the oldest of people know that. Jonathan Taylor is one such man, in the twilight of his years, quietly lamenting the follies of the newer generations. He would show them, ah, he would show them all, if he could go back in time and live with what he now knows.

Then again, browbeating a voice that pretends to be able to grant wishes might not have been particularly smart of him either. She did hold a grudge. A little one. It probably explains the whole horse thing.

And, as the rest of the saying goes, wisdom is wasted on the old.
The cover art has been drawn by the incredible mix-up. You can also see his gallery on deviant art.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 60 )

I'm intrigued. :D

This is an unusual story, the likes of which I haven't seen before; the mind of an old man in the body of a teenager pony. He'll probably buy a skateboard or a scooter, then hang around the halfpipe all day, shouting at the younger ponies to stay away from his turf. :rainbowlaugh:

All doea the concept of the reincarnation in to Equestria certainly is not new, but see that it is "you", WiseFireCracker who has written this story I am sure you will have a special brand of twist to the story and that you will flip the classic trope upidedown and them moral of the story will be nothing that we will normally expect form you. I where in his place I would have I am not sure that I would have been so brazen as he was in the exchange of snwarks, especial in front of death and right after he just arrived in his new world. I am looking forward to see the next chapter of this story.

Well sir (or it could be ma'am) that is certainly an interesting start, 'But mark my words'. You have certainly earned a track.

You are writting fast these days!

So, a very cranky old man, the worst kind of old man meets some sort of wish fairy and end up providing us with some fun.
Really nice so far!

Gotta follow it and read after a couple more chapters...

I am very much looking forward to how this gentlecolt makes the most of his second chance. Since he's so insistent that youth is wasted on the young, what would he do, even as a pony? I especially like his resolve to not let the chance be wasted as a matter of pride. He made a wish and got it, and he'll dang well enjoy it before letting the wish giver make him regret it.

7502944 Yeah, I think I will keep the tears to a minimum in this one. I chose to go with this one because it was funnier to me, and easier on the mind. Now, can't exactly say the archetype isn't old. I mean, it probably appeared as soon as one generation of humans aged enough to tell their kids about the good ol' days. But hey, I like working with archetypes and clichés, ask my readers.


7503288 Eh, we'll see. Maybe this time, I'll surprise you by doing NOTHING surprising! I mean, not that I am saying that I will, but maybe in case of asteroids or other such nonsenses, do remember that I might be writing this one purely for fun.

7503294 Nah, definitely sir. Also, words marked.

7503339 I have a few free days ahead of me. So, you're lucky.

And please, he is not the worst kind of old men by far. Jonathan Taylor is like... the best old man ever. You'll see. Oh yes, you'll all see! :pinkiecrazy:

7503429 Hey, he said it so himself, youth is wasted on the young. Only those that are wise know what to do with youth. Or not. But hey, Jonathan is many thing, but a toaster isn't one of them. Also, he is both the most stubborn and most reasonable character I have written, I think.

7503490 are you telling me that you didn't had fun writing your other stories?:rainbowhuh:

7503490 Our defnitions of what makes a good old person may differ...

7503339 I think he is more frustrated and bitter that he doesn't have his strength and freedom to do what he wanted of when he was in his prime when he did what he wanted when he wanted and which he had a lot of pried in his autonomy that he one had and that now he is was forced to she his body decayed while his mind and health doesn't allow him to walk more then a corridor. I can understand why he doesn't look so bothered of the idea of not having hands or that is current financial situation will force him to eat grass for the emirate present, he can still go where ever he wants now that his a big freedom of autonomy that he has just regain the rest are just little details that he can ignore for now.

still staid sharp even at his respectable age of 96 I am amazed that his thoughts are still so clear in his mind, in might be grouchy and stubborned, but that is probably what has keeped him from losing his wits and health for so long he was very active during his active life and didn't let himself get beat down by age all this time. He prided himself on his autonomy and stayed active seem that for a long time staving hold degeneration.

7503854 Having met older person who took old age more graciously and more importantly, without feeling like being a jerk with whoever try to help them...


Well yeah, he's a jerk. Isn't that the whole point of the ponies and friendship experience he'll be forced to go through? To change that?

7503893 your are quite right about many of the elderly being very nice with other people, but after reading about the subject several people having exceptionally long lives and stay in good health for so long is that they where extensionally busybodies, there bodies where always physically active and they where constantly stimulated bu social interactions with many people, and especially stubborn in their mind set. they where often very involved with the the community. For what I understand Bones was very active physically for a long time, which made him better whitter the effects of aging, It remand to be seen how was his dealings with other people.

If I could give an estimation of which of the mane 6 would live the longest normally it would be either Applejack or especially Pinky Pie they are both physically very active, and involved in the communality and are very persistent , Even if PP seem to live off sugar which would make her likely to become diabetic.

7503565 Hm? Oh, sorry, yeah, I didn't mean to imply that. More... the others had me pulling my hair every other chapter. I'm hoping this one will go smoother. I think so, but you never know.

7503893 7504067 And you seem to be debating on the niceness of Jonathan? Or just agreeing that he's a jerk that needs to find Friendship in his life. That can work too.

"Youth is wasted on the young. Wisdom is wasted on the old."

how did one brand an animal in color?

Fun fact: white is actually one of the colors you can brand a horse in. If you use the flash-freeze method with liquid nitrogen, the hair that grows back in that spot will be white.

The veiled creature gave the impression of a shrug, and a mischievous one at that.

“You asked to be young and strong again,” she said, ripples of white light pulsing down to Jonathan's muzzle. Out of reflex, the young stallion snorted, a very unamused look on his face that reflected in her veil. “You should have added more restrictions if you wanted to be sure you stayed human. And on Earth.”

“And now she gets smart with me...” grumbled the teenager with a cracking voice.

I have the strangest feeling that this story really ought to have been a romance right now, somehow. :rainbowlaugh:

I honestly don't know how to react to this.
I attribute that to my own personal philosophy:
Life is worthless. To take a life is not to take anything of value, as it is what's DONE with a life that is valued, but by material objects or emotional connections and impressions is not for me to decide.

7505592 Jonathan has no use for your witchcrafts! Go back to your leeches and potions! Branding was done purely through heated metal and good old burning without your added doohickeys!

Also, romance, between an old-now-young-stallion and a disembodied wish fairy? How?

7503810 you could say they are... conflicting. Ba dumb tsh. Ok I'm done now.

Violently, presumably.

Jonathan scrapped at the grass with the sole of his hoof,

Good story. A bright moment in my glum evening. :rainbowlaugh:

Goddamn, Jonathan is a badass old man. Way to go, don't you take shit from someone just because they're immortal and incredibly powerful! You sass them beeches! you sass them good!

This was a fun read. Brilliantly written, very descriptive and seamless.

Please say there is more!

Interesting start. Hope it continues.

Interesting plot, can't wait to see how it pans out.

“I can be a lot more charming than you think, Ma'am. Besides, what would you know about this? Have you ever had a job?”

“What do you think this is?”

That's... actually a good question. Is she getting paid for this? Or is it more like community service? Now there's a question most stories certainly don't pose.

Heh. I just love how Old Bones keep calling people as if he's older then them while being the youngest one.

7772008 And yet, I was expecting something very mundane, like "Because I can".
I wonder how long she'll stick around, she's making a fine comedy duo with our main character.

It's why I made that crack on the first chapter about this being a really great setup for a stealth romcom. :rainbowlaugh: Those two have some seriously great chemistry with each other.

7748921 Alright, I got a super power! I comment and boom, new chapter!

I gotta go see if this works on other stories!

I actually quite like this story. I hope to see new chapters, keep up the good work:twilightsmile:

It does not.

“Mr. Taylor, pushing back death is a futile endeavor. The only way to defeat the fear of death is to accept it as inevitable.”

Or to become a tree and live for thousands of years! :yay:

Sixteen. Sixteen was being born yesterday, as far as Jonathan was concerned.

But there's never a wish better than this when you've only got a hundred years to live!

7505694 But a life taken can no longer do anything of value.

Your philosophy has been destroyed by the sheer vastness of my brilliance. Now go hang your head in shame and despair as I stand upon my enormous ivory tower bathed in angelic radiance.


7868337 But the act of taking the life gives value to the one that took it, so the value of the actions that may have been is passed to the one that took the life.

Meh, the farm workers are a bit too cliché so far. I hope you'll give them more depth. Same with the lead character now that I think about it. He is fun, but I'm starting to feel as if the story is outlasting the gag.

I did like all these moments where Jonhathan got confused by the pony way. To us reader that know, it ended up being a lot of fun.

Anyway, it was nice reading from you once again! And once more, I'll forward for your next chapter!

It is interesting to see this style of writing emphasizing more on the slow piecing of the story and the atmosphere. Bone is an interesting character, with his hard bitten spirit and his tenacity makes it. The part where he feel that he has to prove himself to other again, despite that he feels that he all ready feel that he doesn't need to prove himself, with his sheer stubbornness is interesting. And it is not something that we see very much form a main character either.
What I am not sure about the story is that I don't know in what direction it is going exactly. He doesn't have any real objectives to accomplish or overcome other then living out his new life as he see fit. For now the only objectives that himself the only obstacle that I can see for the Bones is the one that he has set up for himself of doing his job better then the others. I am wandering what he will be aiming for in the long run. It can be sort of a turn off if there aren't any personal stake for him if he fails, but I am sure you will find a way to make things interesting later on.

YAY UPDATE!!!! WHOOOO!! Didn't think that this story was going to go for so long without a chapter. Keep up the great work, and get some rest. It's midnight.

That was hilarious.

He is an old grandpa to a level that it's almost a superpower at this point, damn I love it.

I loved reading this chapter, it was awesome:rainbowkiss:

Keep up the good work, I can't wait for the next part:twilightsmile:

7925108 Well, their introduction is not where I'm going to put all the depths. If depths there are. As for Jonathan himself, I kinda get what you mean, but it's not particularly meant to be a gag in itself. There are certainly moments when I want to make it comedic, but it's mostly a character trait, I'd say. He's gotten decades of hardening his ways of thinking, they won't get flexible all over again so easily. Still, thanks for reading, hopefully, you'll like what's in store next.

7925121 There is a contradiction there, isn't it? He does not think he needs to prove himself to others. But he has to prove himself to himself. The only person you live with your whole life is yourself. From beginning to end, so you better be able to stand being you.

He doesn't have any real objectives to accomplish or overcome other then living out his new life as he see fit. For now the only objectives that himself the only obstacle that I can see for the Bones is the one that he has set up for himself of doing his job better then the others.

This is a slice-of-life story. And you're also right about the second part, he is the only obstacle to his own happiness, so far. Consider this, why is Ma'am still around?

7925157 Yeah, sorry, I'm just not always getting lots of occasions to write these days.

7925664 Thank you.

7927328 That is precisely what he is, except for the grandpa part. You think Jonathan could have ever had children?! Youngsters of his flesh and blood?!

7928481 Thank you. I'll do my best.

He reminds me of my grandfather. Stubborn with a sharp tongue.


You think Jonathan could have ever had children?! Youngsters of his flesh and blood?!

Well yeah, he's exactly the type of person you'd imagine when thinking of a cranky grandparent; it'd make him even more tragic too, given he mentioned that he'd outlived every family member he knew.

Enough of that though, I loved this chapter and I cannot wait to see how this one pans out.

7935423 Mine as well. He was so stubborn he held off a force of 3,000 Japanese on a small island in the Philippians with just a small force of a few hundred. He lead every charge to drive them back and fought so hard he earned 2 Purple Hearts, 2 Silver Stars and 3 Bronze stars. The Japanese commander who surrendered to him in another battle was so impressed with how hard he'd fought, he presented my grandfather with his family katana, which we still have.

This is lookin Good!

7925121 it's slice of life, it doesn't have a sure end, the point is the journey.

7938555 The thought of you anywhere near a katana strangely fills me with dread. I couldn't explain why. Maybe because you're you.

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