• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 664 Views, 22 Comments

Equestria Forever - TheMajorTechie

In a world where nothing is left but war and fear, a precious handful of people, together with the few remaining ponies, strives to bring back the world they once knew...

  • ...

No Matter the Consequences,

I don't know what's going on with the indent spacing. It's weird.

As Twilight stepped through the portal, the first thing she noticed was the smell.

It stinks like day old rotten mice in here… she thought as she glanced about the desolate wasteland.

As the spots in her vision cleared, she saw something that, had Luna still been around, would have taken months to free her of the nightmares it would’ve caused to her.

Heh, so this is where we came from… a land of destruction…

Suddenly, Twilight’s ears perked, directing her towards a seemingly derelict house that sat at the far end of the street. Following her instincts, she began to make her slow journey towards the building.

“Arrow 18 Mission Logs?”

“No. Again.

Trevin sighed loudly through the phone.

“Listen, Tyrone, we’ve already been through dozens of stories, but each one has some sort of flaw or another. Heck, we don’t even know if Equestria’s physics would work in this universe!”

“Well, it’s a possibility…” Tyrone replied.

“Says who? For all I know, Twilight Sparkle or some random pony might just appear out of some random portal and knock on your door.”

Tyrone winced at the sarcasm, but stopped abruptly as he heard a knock on the door.

Tyrone picked up the phone, and quickly said, “Wait a sec, someone’s at the door.”

He cautiously looked out the window, and at first, saw nothing. That is, until he looked down.

Grabbing the phone from the table, Tyrone quickly shouted into the phone, “Come quick, Trev, you’ve got to see this…”

He slammed the phone back down on the table, and rushed to the door to allow a very dusty Twilight Sparkle to trot in.

Twilight leaned in closer, her eyes glued to the aging monitor.

“So...” she began slowly, “You’re saying that our universe was created unintentionally from the publishing of a children’s show?!

Tyrone gulped, nodding slowly as he awaited the inevitable tsunami of questions.

“I guess that makes sense then… I mean, Equestria’s crime rates have rarely ever surpassed more than a few dozen yearly, which makes sense if it exists in a show made for young audiences…”

Trevin crossed his arms. Nodding in approval of Twilight’s logic.

“Yep. You’ve got it pretty much on point there.”

Suddenly Twilight flung a hoof in the direction of the window.

“But if our universes are so closely linked, then how did this happen?!”

Tyrone set Twilight’s hoof back down, and began to explain.

“Several years ago, the show that linked our universes ended for the last time, setting your universe free from the script writers. With that, everything in your universe became independent, no longer adhering to the ‘for children’ idea, and with that, it began to fall apart. Crime began to rise, morality was traded for greed. Our universe, on the other hand, took a nosedive for the worse. First of all, North Korea launched a nuclear missile in its supposed ‘self defense’ from the United states, causing a sudden surge in weapons production. Soon after, ISIS began to spread even further, aggressively destroying anything in its path. Soon, all this evolved into full-scale world war, kickstarting the third ever of the such. In this world, humanity has forgotten the one thing that’s made it human in the first place…”

Twilight sat back down, intrigued by the story.

“Well? Go on.”


Twilight raised a brow.

“Really?” She replied, “Friendship? I mean, I know that it’s special and all, but even in my universe, normal animals can still express friendship. Y’know, like those times where suddenly a lion or something decides to instead play with a gazelle?”

Trevin nodded. “Y’know, Tyrone,” he began, “she’s got a point. What she said actually happened many years back, before those two animals went extinct.”

Tyrone’s shoulders slumped.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But still, most people here just seem to have forgotten how to be normal, civilized beings…”

Twilight took a few seconds to allow her mind to process everything.

“So basically, once our universe began to crumble, it took yours with it, causing an endless loop of feedback between the two universes. Right?”

Trevin corrected her.

Actually, it’s the other way around. The reason why the show was cancelled was because its owner, Hasbro, was taken down by several acts of terror that targeted the ‘non-believer’s propaganda of the west’.”

Tyrone continued off what his friend had said moments earlier.

“Yes, and after that, the fandom that supported the shows, including us, began to try our best to preserve the show and its ideals, but ultimately failed once the third war broke out.”

Twilight flopped onto the floor in defeat.

From the floor, she said, “So basically, no matter what the consequences are, we’ll pretty much be doomed anyways?”

Tyrone tightened his hands into a fist, unsatisfied with the idea of defeat.

“No, Twilight, what you mean to say is that ‘No matter the consequences, we will never fall!’ You got it?!”

Twilight sighed.

“I guess so. So how are we gonna save our universes?”

Trevin pounded his chest, pointing over his heart.


“With love? I hate to rain on your parade man, but most people have practically forgotten what that word means.”

Trevin shrugged in response.

“It’s worth a try.”

Author's Note:

Can you guess who wrote the stories mentioned in this chapter???