• Member Since 17th Apr, 2013
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De Writer

After a long dry spell, De Writer has sort of returned. I am now writing again. Watch this space for more new tales and more chapters of the latest


Saga is an Old Icelandic word meaning "biography or life".
This is the Saga of Caramel Treat, Werewolf.
Caramel Treat, born from the attempt to murder her mother by a deadly Poison Joke potion, is a Werewolf. She, unlike cursed weres, retains her intelligence and control in her form as an Everfree Ridgeback Wolf, the largest kind of wolf known in Equestria.
This is the story of how she adapts to life among ordinary ponies and other beings of Equestria.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 51 )

Werewolf story. Insta-tracked.

Wouldn't she technically be a mearhwolf (which could be reconstructed as merewolf I suppose)? :twilightsmile:

Caramel Treat could indeed be so called. I did consider doing something like that. However, in this instance, I used a common and widely known and understood idiom. Most readers have an instant grasp of and reaction to WEREWOLF that they would not experience from another term.
The term that I considered was Poniwolf. It simply did not have the instant gut impact of werewolf. As a result, I use werewolf or werewolf pony to make my point a spear point instead of a pinprick.

They just keep on getting longer.

She's a bit of a mary sue, but it isn't bad. I hope to see more soon.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Sadly, really bright and capable ponies/people do come across that way.

7565473 she is isnt she? and while the story is really fast paced its still pretty good.

7565821 I love this and really want to read more!~:heart:

I'm very confused as I haven't read your other stories, something involving "rom" I think, And confused because this is ponyville and more than enough has been going on to warrant at least one of the mane six's appearance. Just so I know what's going on, where are they and what time frame am I looking at. With no mention of diamond tiara I can only assume this is after or before their birth. Cheerilee is there so it must be either directly before or after. I will read the other stories in time but I also have quite the que as it is. I would just like to make sense on what's going on in the world so a brief rundown would be nice.

Oh and Sawnax is starting to feel like team rocket in away don't if that's intentional but it's a funny repetitive.

Great story my only issue is that you solve the problems to quickly giving a Mary Sue feel to Caramel.

In my personal opinion you could fix this by making more chapters mostly by breaking up your previous chapters into multiple ones. It creates a minor illusion of a longer story and if you put the breaks in the right place it slightly helps the Mary Sue problem. The next thing is to actually come up with some sort of challenge that is going to last a long time and work with that. Example, A civil war starts because of the tensions between races and all the racial differcity of Equestria. Caramel is called in by the side supporting equality to be a cook and a supportive fighter within the base/whatever camp she would get sent to.

I simply want to help you become a better writer and it seems like the only thing that you need to work on is your character development and an effective plot line that matches the character well. Please PM if you want me to help you come up with a problem or two that won't have Caramel seem so Mary Sue-ish.

7565821 bright and capable yes. But this story goes beyond that. The villains are downright stupid in their handling of their actions, everyone else just loves the main character fully. I've let to see a character flaw in said main character. She gets her way all the time, and despite her arrogant attitude in several cases the majority side with her. She always succeeds, and quite frankly, a werewolf always in full control of herself? Really? I'm sorry, but I'm dropping here.

The main char's a Mary Sue, there's no conflict that isn't resolved within a few paragraphs, and the community practically misses her paws....hooves, whatever.

This was a very good start

Damn he nearly destroyed ponyville

Sawnax’s retort was cut off by meaty THUMP! Constable Crager’s expertly wielded truncheon rebounded from the back of Sawnax’s head as the brown pony collapsed.


Huh that was a very strange ending?

More Caramel Treat tales are planned. Some will fit in before Caramel Treat's Friend and a good many will be after it. Caramel and a grown Fangrin figure prominently in a number of the Grumpy Goat <tails>.

I’m FAIRLY certain he’s going to prison for that. I wonder if Chief Rainbow is really Rainbow Dash?

Or if you want goodies.

Radar has picked up a helicopter that goes soi soi soi.

Grakkan’s crest flipped up in inspiration and she spontaneously touched her beak with a wing tip! She turned and dashed for the interior of Caramel’s restaurant!

While Grakkan was busy inside, a Ponyville Police officer came by to collect the fallen Sawnax and lead him off to await a hearing on his violation of the Court Order.

When the big gryphoness returned, she bore a big sign card that had a fine sketch of Caramel’s head as a wolf. Under it were the words:

If you have any problem with my staff or patrons for any reason, be it species, race, coloration, belief or any other thing at all, PLEASE LEAVE. I BITE! ~ HARD!

BEST warning sign EVER.

Like Peanut, earlier, Caramel could not really sleep. Her dreams when she did were of hunting with the Stone Ridge wolf pack. When they cornered the prey, it was a great golden bit!

There’s a helicopter going soi soi soi in the air right now.

I am afraid not. Battalion Chief Rainbow is Ranibow Flashover. Sadly, her tumblr blog is long inactive. Actually, if it were not for that, Rainbow Dash would be a good choice.

Will there be more chapters?

More chapter/stories are indeed planned.
They will fit into the earlier parts of her saga as well as some extending it.
The next chapter, which is under way but progressing slowly, will deal with Caramel and Fangrin saving Grumpy Goat from the Celestian Church (denounced and detested by Celestia herself) mob.
For many more side snippets and some not so snippets, read my assorted Grumpy Goat stories.

I have even reserved space in the posting of the SAGA tales for more stories so that I can keep them in order.
I have been away from writing for a longish while. Depression from my father's death was part of it. He was 93 and it was not unexpected, which in no way lessened the impact.
The little writing that I have done does not fit this site. Non MLP, but still fun, I think.
Here is a link to an index of my stories on Tumblr. Master Story Index

I'm so very sorry for your loss

Sylica telca Chief Rainbow is Rainbow Flashover. Her blog is still present on Tumblr but has been inactive for years. She is or was a genuine firefighter. I asked her advice on the setup and handling of the disaster. Any errors are mine.
Sawnax got off with a huge fine as the incident was entirely due to misunderstanding. Plus, he is rich. He is a among my "usual suspect villians" for both Grumpy Goat stories and Caramel Treat tails.

It is OK. Finally out from under the cloud enough to be writing again. It is good to see that fans are still reading my stories. That helps no end.


“Equestria is not a theocracy run by that worthless high priest Hortimer or any other. Our gathering is specifically allowed by the same religious freedom law that allows your so called church to exist. You claim to worship Celestia but you ignore what she herself writes about you and your church. She detests you and all that you stand for, especially your vile doctrine of Unicorn Supremacy.

If my OC was nearby they would to be very very afraid of him and would learn not to harm our group of protagonists as they're the kind of group that would be under his protection and would learn not to incur his wrath again as he has a pretty strong dislike (not hate level) and therefore low tolerance for such groups (especially ones associated with light) and would no qualms harming them sometimes to where they can never recover or wiped out all together more often than not he does it personally.

My OCs Hylans Shadow Flame and Merlin Ducour would be proud to attend and stand side by side with Shooting Star.

Was not expecting a wedding and I dont know how I feel about it? I kinda don't like it

Yeah I definitely don't like the wedding but I'm glad to see you writing more

Thanks for the support! I need to look into some of your things as soon as I get some time. Sounds like a fun lot of OCs.

Shooting Star would be delighted to have the support of your OCs, Glad that you liked the story and thanks for the idea!

Sorry that you did not care for the wedding but I felt it to be a natural progression of the relationship since they are frequently referred to as mates in my Grumpy Goat >tails< where they are prominent supporting characters. Those stories begin a bit later in the timeline.

Well the wedding should have progression instead of just dumping it on us. Didnt we meet fang in like the last chapter?

Having her marry a guy who barely has any character development is just terrible writing!!!

It wasnt natural in the slightest. It was very unnatural there's no set up or plot or anything? Why are they getting married and for what reasons? We know literally nothing of this fang guy

They really would regret getting on his bad side right?

Thanks1 Hope that you enjoy the rest of the Saga. You will find Caramel Treat as supporting character in many of the Grumpy Goat <tails> as well.

Thank you. Lots more to come. You will find Caramel Treat as supporting character in many of the Grumpy Goat <tails> as well.

My canon is quite different from the show. It started because I was filling in some serious plot holes in Season One. By the time that Season Two got under way, my world had developed and continued to develop as an AU in its own right. My full canon is t o be found in my blog postings.
Hadn't thought about Team Rocket but that is pretty accurate!

There are a good many more tales in the saga. I hope that you enjoy them all.

Basically I am just trying to follow the life of a not so simple character. Not looking for a war or the like but the idea of a long lasting fundamental challenge is an excellent one. Thank you.

Happy that you liked it. Love hearing that! You would be surprised at how much it helps.

That was fun. That sign figures in a number of other stories too. Look up my Grumpy Goat <tails> where Caramel is a frequent supporting character.

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