• Member Since 1st Oct, 2015
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Quick Fix

Just a guy from the British Isles with a crazy idea in his head.


The Elements of Harmony are living legends, even more so after Twilight Sparkle ascended to princesshood. There isn't a pony alive who doesn't know of them and their exploits in the name of Equestria. In the twenty three years that have passed since they first met, these six have saved the world multiple times and united many ponies in friendship. Everypony wants to hear their stories. But every life has a story to tell and theirs, while well known, make up just six of them.

It's easy to forget that there are thousands more.

From the friends and family of those six, to those they never met. Equestria is a land with plenty of stories to be told, they just need somewhere to be heard. This is that somewhere. These are the Quickverse Chronicles.

Ok I promise not to be dramatic like that again. But really, this is my collection of world building stories and one-off pieces that don't go along with the main stories of the Quickverse. Anytime I get an idea it's gone here, so writing quality may vary wildly if I include some older pieces. As such, some stories will also include spoilers for all my other stories, though these will be marked at the start of each such piece.

Focal characters for the individual stories will be bracketed in the titles. Character tags reflect the general spread..

Rated Teen as some chapters may include blood and language.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 22 )

Not much I can say other than excellent job on the information in this history lesson chapter. I particularly liked the designations of the eras and the reasons for them.

Not much I can say other than great job on the information and emotional content in this story. I particularly liked the first meeting between Celestia and Sunset. I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

7607571 Thanks, I was pretty proud of what I came up with for the world's history.

7607577 That's a major boost to hear, emotion is something I feel like I struggle to get down. I already have several more pieces that just need to be edited before putting them up here and more ideas to write. I also consider my previous stories Unrelenting Conviction and I Knew Him to be part of the chronicles (shameless plug complete).

There isn't a pony alive who knows of them and their exploits in the name of Equestria.


7607775 Not sure how I missed that. :facehoof: Fixed, thanks for pointing it out.

Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this next piece up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Excellent job on the exchanges, emotional content and chapter wrap-up in all the right places. Yeah, I can see Cadance having nightmares considering all she's already seen and all she has on her plate, in addition to the worry of outliving her husband and child. Yeah, I'll definitely be looking forward to the next story as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

7613083 Thanks :twilightsmile: Honestly though most of these pieces were written as part of cooldown periods either before or during the time I was writing The White Phoenix, I just make some edits and altercations before uploading them here. As for Cadance's nightmare, that's actually due to something of an entirely different nature...That I won't reveal because spoilers.

Hey there. Not much I can say other than, once again, great job on the exchanges, emotional content, action and wrap-up in all the right places. I particularly liked Rainbow's scene with Lightning and the scenes with the team comforting each other as things got tough. I'll definitely be looking forward to more stories in this series as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

7618235 Thanks, though you don't need to keep commenting on time and inspiration just yet. I already have another four stories ready to go and two that'll need context from other pieces I'm working on before they go up. And yeah, I really threw Lightning Dust through the wringer there, even if her presence was little more than a case of wrong place, wrong time.

Not much I can say beyond thanks greatly for getting the next chapter/story up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. The exchanges, action, emotional content and wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. Great piece depicting Trixie and Scoots's first meeting in this universe.

7625177 It's no trouble, though I'm glad you're still enjoying it this much. :twilightsmile: I always thought Scoots and Trixie was one of the stranger friendships I'd come up with even before the Quickverse was a thing, so it deserved some background.

Hey there. Thanks greatly for getting the next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Once again, great job on the exchanges, emotional content, action and wrap-up in all the right places. I particularly liked seeing those three hoods learn (the hard way) NOT to underestimate a pregnant woman. I'm definitely going to be looking forward to more stories in this series.

7632684 Really, it's no effort and no need for thanks, it's starting to get a little embarrassing. :twilightsheepish: I think part of it was not to underestimate Babs but yeah, a maternal mare is not to be trifled with either. I've always thought that pregnant woman are somewhat underrepresented so I do tend to slip one in from time to time.

This story will be a long one, right?

Hello there. Once again, superb work on this chapter. The exchanges, emotional content and wrap-up were, of course, well done in all the right places. I will definitely be looking forward to more of this.

7638041 Depends on your definition of story. I mean, for this individual piece that's about it. For the chronicles as a whole, it's just a gathering of my short story ideas that I add to based on time and motivation.

7638070 Thanks, that's a boost after the trouble writing it was. Some bad news though, the next piece I upload will likely be the last for some time. My focus has shifted onto my next main story for now and any other chronicles I've completed require context of unwritten pieces before they're ready to post.

Not much I can say other than, once again, great job on the exchanges, emotional content and world-building in this chapter. And, yeah, I can definitely see the practicality behind Luna's reasoning.

7644404 The emotional content isn't that great this time, I was planning to include a flashback of Luna actually getting advice from Celestia but couldn't make it work without ruining the flow. Beyond that, thanks. Luna's decision to create the EDF is one of the more significant events in creating the path this world went down, alongside student Sunset and the altered events of The Cutie Re-Mark.

Not much I can say other than great job on this chapter. The flashback and the exchange between Starlight and Sunburst were quite well done. Excellent balance between thought-provoking and heart-warming without being completely unrealistic. :-D

7787425 That's a relief to hear, I basically rewrote half of this piece during editing so the fact it still holds up is a welcome boost. I'm glad it worked too, I'll admit I've become quite a Starlight fan in the time since I wrote Unrelenting Conviction.

Is this the first story in the Quickverse?

9120526 This individual story is the second to last, for now at least. The Chronicles as a whole are technically the first story, though the first main story is Rising Above.

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