• Published 1st Mar 2017
  • 5,302 Views, 452 Comments

Taming the Wild Horse - SFaccountant

Sequel to Home is Where Your Curse is. The rebellion stalls, and Trixie's show heats up as she and Ranma hit the road to make a name for themselves as something other than fugitive criminals. But old habits die hard.

  • ...

Dealing With Rejection (For Fun & Profit)

Taming the Wild Horse

a My Little Pony/Ranma 0.5 crossover fanfiction

by SFaccountant

Chapter 2

Dealing With Rejection (For Fun and Profit)

Prince Blueblood's estate was everything that Trixie had imagined it could be, and more.

Built into the side of a mountain overlooking Fillydelphia, the mansion resembled a miniature Canterlot, in a way. A large platform jutted from the mountainside, supported by heavy wooden struts. A multi-story mansion was embedded directly into the face of the mountain, while the rest of the platform was given over to meticulously tended gardens and a balcony littered with statues and fountains. It made the Mayor's house look positively humble and cozy in comparison.

Trixie was not an easy mare to impress, but even she felt slightly humbled when Blueblood's carriage slowed to a stop in front of the silvery gates that fenced off the massive property. The mansion was partially visible from the rest of the town, but contrary to Blueblood's previous assurances the trip was relatively long. A steep, winding path led up the side of the mountain, passing by several lesser villas belonging to the city's richest ponies. Every one of them absolutely paled in comparison to the royal mansion.

"And here we are." Blueblood said, dropping down out of the carriage. He passed by the two Royal Guards that had towed his wagon without a backward glance, stepping up to the gate. "I am most fortunate you returned my seal to me, Miss Trixie. Otherwise, I would be locked out entirely."

The Prince's horn flashed, and his personal seal slipped out of his jacket and floated into the air. He levitated the seal toward a metal box next to the gate, and then pressed it into an indentation on the side. A mechanism within clicked. Seconds later, the gates themselves started to open up.

"The Royal Family has several estates in cities across the countryside. There are less than a dozen ponies in all Equestria who can open these gates, and none but they and their guests can enter this property," Prince Blueblood said with a smirk.

"Unless they have wings," Trixie remarked as she exited the carriage.

Blueblood's smirk vanished. "Well... yes, I suppose that's true."

"Or if they climb the fence. Or put something else, like the carriage, next to the fence and then jumped over it," Trixie continued.

"Yes, fine. I concede the point," Blueblood huffed. "If somepony wished to break into the estate, there would be little to stop them after defeating the fence."

"Plus, there's a side road a hundred feet back that leads to the servants' entrance, so the gardeners and maids can get in when nopony's here," one of the carriage guards added. "No seal required. I'm not even sure they lock it."

Blueblood glared at the soldiers while Trixie walked past him onto the property. "Indeed. THANK YOU, soldier."

Then the Prince cast a quick glance at Trixie, ensuring that she wasn't paying attention. He stepped closer to the guard and whispered into his ear. "You may take the rest of the night off. I don't expect the lady will be needing a ride back into town tonight."

The guards withheld any comments, offering only small nods and knowing smiles before turning the wagon around and heading back down the mountain.

Trixie stood just inside the mansion gate, scanning the landscaping. Numerous magic torches hung from brass poles, each of them trapped in fragile, detachable lanterns. Large marble statues of non-descript alicorns stood over exquisitely trimmed bushes, like dread sentinels. They had large foundations and would make good hiding spots. One such statue loomed over the fence that surrounded the property, and would make an effective ramp to get on the other side in an emergency.

Not that Trixie was expecting an emergency; it had simply become her habit to tactically review new areas. Possible hazards were catalogued, escape routes noted, and, when necessary, she tried to keep track of unicorns that might somehow end up using magic on Ranma. It was routine by now, even on an occasion that was supposed to be romantic.

Trixie flushed slightly, patting down her dress. This was a romantic rendezvous, wasn't it? She had mostly ignored that implication up until now, but she wasn't naive enough not to read the Prince's intentions. Blueblood hadn't separated her from her companion and spirited her away to an extravagant private residence for mere conversation.

She wasn't completely sure how she felt about that. She wasn't repulsed at the thought, but she wasn't remotely excited at the prospect either. It all seemed like a dream. Not in the sense that it was a desperate fantasy of hers to marry a rich royal stallion, but simply in the sense that it was ridiculous and unlikely. It was completely unreal, like something out her puppet shows.

Then again, as Ranma pointed out, reality has been outpacing Trixie's stories in the fantastic drama department, she thought wryly.

"I'm thrilled you were able to join me, Miss Trixie," Blueblood sighed while he strolled down the main walk toward the house. "That sham of a party was wearing on my nerves. Mayor Baron is a dreadfully dull pony."

"Wasn't he introducing you to those others for a reason, though?" Trixie asked. "Trixie read in the papers that you can appoint the next Mayor of Fillydelphia. Are you not going to? Or have you already decided on a candidate?"

Prince Blueblood looked back at the magician, blinking. Then he smiled. "My, my, Miss Trixie! So well-informed and politically astute! What was your profession, again? You spoke very highly of your magical power, but didn't explain your primary trade."

"Trixie is Equestria's greatest and most powerful illusionist." She fluttered her eyelashes and pressed a hoof against her chest. "Trixie travels the kingdom using her mighty magic to awe the equine masses and undertake dangerous adventures!"

Blueblood mulled that over for a few seconds. "I'm quite surprised I hadn't heard of you, then. Surely you must be a pony of great renown."

Trixie snorted. "Trixie's exploits are not always as... well-appreciated as they should be. Trixie also possesses numerous jealous rivals and other assorted malcontents that antagonize her for one reason or another."

"I can only imagine, if you must keep a bodyguard," Prince Blueblood mused. His horn lit up as he reached the main building, and the gilded double-doors swung open on a trail of blue light. "After you, my dear."

Trixie hesitated, and then nodded her head graciously. She entered the mansion, and Prince Blueblood followed her inside.

It came as no surprise that the interior was as luxurious and impressive as the exterior. The entrance led past a row of marble equine statues before opening up into a large sitting room full of plush velvet seats and satin pillows. On one side of the room was an artificial pond fed by a fountain routed through the mouth of a seapony statue, all sitting between two converging staircases. The other side featured large glass doors and windows that offered an expansive view of the approaching sunset against the mountains.

Trixie was rendered briefly speechless while she walked through the entry hall; no small feat, as anypony familiar with her could attest. She'd never witnessed such a display of sheer wealth up close before, and she wasn't QUITE haughty enough not to be impressed. Only when she recognized one of the statues did the magician find her voice again.

"Twilight Sparkle? They're already making statues of Twilight Sparkle? Psh," Trixie shook her head at the last pony in the row, which was made in the shape of a relatively small alicorn bearing a tiara rather than an armored soldier.

"Ugh, don't get me started," Prince Blueblood huffed while he walked by said statue. "While I don't wish to devalue the contributions Princess Sparkle has made to Equestria or her personal heroism, I think it's slightly impertinent to start building tributes already."

He reached a large circular couch, and his horn flashed. The buttons of his jacket came undone in a series of magic pulses, and the stallion sat up briefly. His clothes peeled off of him and into the air, and then flew haphazardly to the side.

"Besides, I imagine our young Princess isn't feeling especially heroic at the moment," Blueblood said before he hopped onto a cushion and laid down. "Being defeated by two half-wits with delusions of glorious revolution must have been quite humbling."

Trixie hesitated only briefly before stripping off her dress in the sitting room. Disrobing in front of a stallion wasn't considered especially titillating given that ponies were often nude, but at the least it suggested that she was going to stay for an extended period of time.

"Trixie has heard about that," she said before climbing into a large velvet-lined chair. "The press has been breathless about her capture. But didn't she escape? Blood Rite's plot has already been foiled."

Blueblood gave his guest a blissful smile. "Professionally independent, politically adept, and quite well-read in current events, too! Miss Trixie, I'm starting to be impressed!"

"What kind of pony wouldn't be?" Trixie asked airily, lounging on her chair.

Blueblood's horn flashed again, and a liquor cabinet nearby opened up. A pair of short glasses levitated into the air, followed by a bottle of amber liquid.

"May I pour you a drink?"

Trixie responded with a tilt of her head and a flash of light from her horn. The blue aura around the glass suddenly turned pink, and Blueblood recoiled slightly at the sensation of having the objects torn from his magical grasp while they hovered over his head. The glasses and bottle started looping through the air in rapid, intertwined orbits, and the bottle's glass stopper dropped out while the container tumbled from side to side, barely staying upright. The stopper landed in Trixie's upraised hoof, and she smirked.

The orbits continued, and the bottle started tilting over further and further, spilling small washes of liquor over its lip. Each splash was intercepted by one of the glasses below, without spilling so much as a drop on the Prince. This continued for a mere five seconds before the orbits broke. The half-filled liquor glasses swooped down to the lounging unicorns, while the bottle dropped down in front of Trixie.

"Apple brandy?" the magician asked after taking a whiff from the bottle. "Not bad, but a surprising choice for the royal family." She plugged the bottle and settled it onto the carpet.

"It's a... personal favorite of Princess Luna," Blueblood said hesitantly. He felt slightly off-balance at the way Trixie casually seized control of the conversation. "She has developed quite a fondness for apple liquors and other apple products, somehow. Aunt Celestia has no apparent preference, so the servants stock the apple goods."

"Interesting," Trixie remarked before sipping from her glass.

"I agree. There are countless finer beverages available, but Princess Luna has grown quite attached to that particular fruit. Bizarre."

"Not that," she retorted. "You refer to Luna as 'Princess' but Celestia as 'Aunt.' They're sisters, aren't they? Wouldn't you be nephew to both of them?"

This left the Prince stunned for a few seconds. "That... is not... QUITE accurate," he hedged, suddenly sounding uncomfortable. "My family's lineage in relation to the royal family is actually very complex." He chuckled a bit nervously. "Aunt Celestia is, after all, over one thousand years old! I am not her nephew in the literal sense."

"Surprising," Trixie mumbled between sips of her drink. She did not sound surprised. "Trixie wouldn't mind hearing about these complex associations, especially since they apparently neglect Princess Luna's blood relations."

"Oh... no, no. It's really quite a tedious matter. A waste of time, really," Blueblood scoffed, pausing to gulp down some brandy.

Probably an embarrassing story behind it, then. Trixie can't imagine that the Prince managed to fool Princess Celestia with fraud. A meaningless, distant connection desperately inflated to seize influence, or a scandalous link the family would rather not publicize even while they benefit? She turned and levitated her brandy to her lips again. But whatever. That's none of Trixie's business.

Blueblood coughed several times after putting his glass down to clear his throat. "I'd actually like to revisit a previous topic, Miss Trixie. You said that Princess Twilight escaped from the sorcerers. That is indeed what was reported, and the royal family has not bothered to correct the narrative. But that is not precisely what happened." He grinned at the other unicorn. "If you wish, I might divulge a few surprising details about that little incident that the castle would rather keep a secret."

"Trixie would be VERY surprised indeed if there were details of Sparkle's escape that Trixie didn't know about," the magician drawled.

Blueblood chuckled. "Not so much 'details' as the entire premise. Princess Twilight Sparkle did not escape. She was rescued."

Trixie arched an eyebrow. Blueblood took this as a sign to continue.

"When our troops found Princess Sparkle, she did not emerge from the portal outside Coltson on her own, as the papers seem to suggest," the Prince said with a smirk. "They paint such an inspiring image, do they not? You can almost see the poor mare staggering from the magic gate, her fur burned and her wings shattered. The battered victor of some desperate, bloody combat! Heh."

He shook his head. "It's not true. She was carried out of the portal by two other ponies while she herself was completely unconscious. They were immediately surrounded by the Equestrian Royal Guard, but somehow escaped regardless. They left Princess Sparkle behind. Presumably they were the ponies who rescued her."

"I take it you don't know who the ponies are?" Trixie asked between sips of her drink.

"I do not. I could find out if I really wanted to, but my interest does not extend that far. This matter has taken on a somewhat bizarre and clandestine turn. There's a reason that Canterlot hasn't corrected the record on the matter of Sparkle's 'escape' and recovery."

"Why would that be?" Trixie asked.

At this question, Blueblood hesitated. He met Trixie's eyes, his expression guarded and calculating. It was a good look for him, she decided.

Then the Prince shrugged. "I don't really know. The ponies who saved her have... something."


"Something important," Blueblood amended. "Something that Aunt Celestia wants, and they seem reluctant to give her. Or maybe they just know where it is, or at least have some relevant information. I'm not completely sure, and neither is the Royal Guard. It's become a bit of a problem."

"You make her sound like a greedy tyrant," Trixie said with a giggle.

"Of course not," Blueblood scoffed," Aunt Celestia wishes no harm upon these ponies, and I'm sure she wants... whatever it is for the sake of the kingdom, not herself. Can you imagine her using Equestria's military to hunt down shiny baubles for some useless artifact collection? The very idea!" He took a gulp from his glass and wet his lips. "To be fair, though, I can't figure out WHAT exactly the palace is doing about this. Why not use the press to more actively publicize their identities?"

"To have them captured so that Canterlot can seize their property, or so that they can lauded as heroes for saving an Equestrian Princess?"

"The former, of course," Blueblood said without hesitation. Trixie looked annoyed at this, so he continued. “Although they're not mutually exclusive. Why, I'd rather enjoy seeing some cold water poured on Princess Sparkle's latest noble victory over the evil that threatens our beloved kingdom! There are even ponies who claim, against all evidence, that she captured or destroyed the rebel sorcerers as well! Ridiculous, even putting aside that the filthy vagrants defeated her once already."

Trixie's ears perked up. "You sound like you don't like Princess Sparkle very much."

Again, Prince Blueblood seemed to stop for a moment, staring at her cautiously while selecting his next words. Trixie enjoyed his moments of reticence. Not only was it a welcome change from his yammering in itself, but it felt good to pry open the Prince's political posturing little by little.

"Princess Sparkle is a hero of Equestria and Aunt Celestia's chosen champion, and she has my utmost respect and gratitude," Blueblood said stiffly. "I simply find some amusing irony in the case that a pony who has defeated Discord and Nightmare Moon and become more powerful than ever was bested by a pair of drop-outs from Aunt Celestia's school."

"Her school? Those two went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?" Trixie asked.

"Briefly," Blueblood sniffed, pausing to sip his drink again. "I can't imagine they fit in amongst Equestria's elite, even if they showed some particular proficiency in lighting things ablaze. Why, when I was attending, it was considered a failure in most classes just to..."

Trixie stared into her glass, feeling the steadily rising warmth of the apple brandy. Prince Blueblood continued talking about himself. He seemed to enjoy the topic immensely, but Trixie was getting bored already.

She tilted the glass back, letting a thin stream of the spicy, sweet brandy spill down her throat. So this was the life of a noble pony, was it? Lazing about on cushions, drinking semi-expensive liquor, and listening to a stallion of extraordinary power drone on and relay gossip in a clumsy, transparent attempt to seduce her?

It was supposed to be everything a mare could want. Why, she had been lauding Blueblood's status, behavior, and wealth just yesterday. What lady pony didn't dream of being plucked out of a crowd to play guest to a smitten Prince? She, of anypony, deserved such a fate after what she had endured while saving the kingdom from Blood Rite! After spending most of her life dragging herself from village to village to entertain strangers, it would be an almost poetic conclusion to her travels.

Trixie shook her head and lowered her emptied glass. Now that she was living the experience, Trixie found it... not just underwhelming, but aggravating. She wasn't precisely sure why. Probably because it involved listening to self-absorbed ponies prattling on about silly things much more than she expected. She much preferred to do the prattling herself. She was supposed to be dazzled and entranced, but instead the magician was simply bored.

"... which is why Aunt Celestia uses a proper dean nowadays. Hardly anything else to do, after all that." Blueblood chuckled to himself and used his magic to pour himself another drink.

Trixie noticed the pause in the conversation and decided a change of subject was in order. "Trixie should have invited Ranma along after all. Trixie is getting worried about her."

Prince Blueblood's expression visibly soured. "That thug of a mare? I suppose I could have allowed her to tag along, assuming a proper apology for her impertinence and a promise to be on her best behavior."

Trixie laughed, and Blueblood scowled. "I'm being serious. A crude pony like that could be a threat to royal property. Who knows if she might break something or start a fight on the premises?"

"Trixie knows you're being serious," she said between giggles, "and you're not exactly wrong, either!"

Blueblood seemed even more perplexed at this.

"Ranma is a bit of scoundrel, honestly. He-erm! She is always involved in some kind of trouble." Trixie smiled warmly. "In her defense, it's usually not her fault. And Ranma always has good intentions, at least. But as you saw she's very brash and a bit dim, so Trixie worries what she'll get up to when left alone for the evening."

"Oh, come now. I'm sure she's doing just fine," Blueblood scoffed.


All around the garden shed stood a ring of armored pony soldiers with their spears leveled at the small structure. Pegasi hovered overhead, flying in staggered formations to intercept any retreat through the air. A unicorn Sergeant stood atop a buffet table while he yelled into his bullhorn to deliver his ultimatum.

After a few seconds, a tremendous belch came from shed. The walls rattled from the sound, and a few of the ponies on the front line winced.

"I say, isn't this a bit much, Sir?" Mayor Robber Baron stood behind the Sergeant, looking over his garden shed with a sense of exasperation. "Really, the cake is no great loss. This is hardly worth-"

"I appreciate your input on the matter, Mayor, but I am in no position to offer leniency," the Sergeant snarled, cutting off the earth pony. "This sort of conduct may get a pass under your local police, but the Royal Guard doesn't let our guests cause this kind of disturbance!"

The Mayor grimaced. "And you resolve this by creating an even bigger disturbance?"

"Zealotry in the pursuit of justice is no sin, Mayor," the Sergeant sniffed.

Another soldier snorted. "You're just mad because she ate all the chocolate-dipped strawberries."

"THEY'RE MY FAVORITE!!" the Sergeant shouted into the bullhorn, knocking the insolent guard over with its sheer volume. "DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THOSE THINGS ARE IN CANTERLOT?! AND HALF THE TIME THEY'RE STILL SOLD OUT BEFORE MY SHIFT IS OVER!!"

The hapless soldier curled up on the ground and pinned his ears down, completely subdued. The Sergeant turned back toward the shed.

"THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!! EXIT THE SHED AND SURRENDER THE CAKE AT ONCE!! YOUR DESECRATION OF THE DESSERT TABLE WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!" A single tear crawled down his cheek, and the soldier fought to restrain a sniffle.

Inside the shed, Ranma sighed in contentment while she lay on her back. Her belly was badly distended, and bits of white frosting and sticky crumbs clung to her dress and exposed spots of fur.

"Damn, that was good," the pegasus moaned. "Horses may be missing out with the vegetarian thing, but man oh man, can they bake!"

The sound of rattling armor came from outside.

"I suppose I should get out of here. They seem really mad, and it's not like I need to stick around since Trix already left with Prince Something-or-Other." Ranma rolled onto her swollen belly, and then stood up. "Lessee... I promised I wouldn't hit anyone, so that means a clean retreat. Lot of bird-horses covering escape routes in the air, and they're probably better flyers than I am. Let's keep it grounded."

Heavy hoofsteps approached the shed door and stopped right outside.

"It's for the best," the redhead murmured, stretching out her legs one by one, "I need to work off all this cake anyway."


A grunt and a whinny came from outside, and a moment later two pairs of armored hooves smashed the front door to splinters.

The two massive earth ponies that had bucked the door down didn't even have time to turn around before a streak of crimson and gray flew over them and landed on the opposite side.

"Thanks for the sweets, guys!" Ranma chirped while she skidded across the ground. Several Royal Guards jumped back nervously or started wheeling around, trying to keep track of her. "Yo, Mayor! Nice party! You're way cooler than the Mayor in Hoofington!" She flipped a wing up, waving to Robber Baron as the soldiers started closing in on her.

Mayor Baron only managed to blink in surprise before Ranma bolted. The pegasus dashed straight toward a soldier, kicking the spear out of his hoof before he could react. The spear stabbed into the side of a tree while the armored pony recoiled, and Ranma jumped onto his back before vaulting away.

"GET HER!!" screamed the Sergeant, levitating his spear into position while the redhead galloped away.

"Why?" asked the Mayor as a dozen armored stallions galloped past. "No, seriously! Why are we causing such a scene over a blasted cake? Just shoo her off the grounds if you must!"

Ranma dropped to the ground in mid-dash, narrowing her profile and sliding between the legs of a particularly large earth pony who had been standing in her path. She bounced back to her hooves once on the other side, leapt over a startled unicorn, and crossed the threshold into the Mayor's house.

"GO! GO! GO!" the Sergeant roared.

"Be careful, you louts!" Mayor Baron shouted. "You could break something!"

Ranma bolted past a startled couple standing in the dining hall, and then galloped into the den. She skidded to a stop, glancing down one hall and then another. Several guests and servants stared in bewilderment, vaguely aware of the soldiers shouting outside.

"Hey, you. Does the bathroom have a lock on it?" Ranma asked, pointing a wing at the nearest equine butler. "I want to freshen up a little bit before I go, but I need the door to hold these goons back for a minute or two."

The butler started stuttering a response, only for the redhead to interrupt him immediately.

"No, wait, never mind. New question." She stared across the den toward the roaring fireplace, her eyes fixing on a large bowl sitting nearby on a coffee table. "Are those candied pecans?"

"Y-Yes," the butler replied.

He was nearly bowled over by the wind of Ranma's passage as the martial artist pounced, leaping over an intervening couch and immediately shoving her head into the bowl. A furious series of crunching and scarfing noises ensued, and she wrapped her forelegs around the bowl as if she were afraid somepony might try to separate her from the snacks.

Which may have been a legitimate concern, given that a pair of armored ponies charged in after her wielding spears.

"There you are! Surrender immediately!" barked an earth pony, skidding to a stop at the edge of the den.

The unicorn Sergeant behind him opted for a less subtle approach, sliding past his colleague and levitating his spear into the air.

"FOR JUSTIIIIIIICE!!" he howled, launching his weapon forward with a pulse of kinetic force.

Ranma suddenly reared up, knocking the bowl over and letting the spear pass by her. It flew into the fireplace and struck one of the burning logs, embedding itself deep. Ranma kicked herself around and fled down the hall, her mouth still full of sugar-coated nuts.

"Blast! Missed!" hissed the Sergeant.

"WHOA! What the hay?!" the other soldier shouted, recoiling. "What are you doing, you maniac?! You almost skewered her!"

"Oh, please. She didn't lose so much as a hair," the Sergeant growled, starting to turn away. "Come on, let's-"

"No. Sarge, we gotta talk," the other stallion said firmly, placing a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder guard. "You went totally ballistic on this mare, and I'm pretty sure it's not just because of some strawberries. As far as we know, she hasn't even committed an actual crime. What's up?"

The unicorn scrunched up his snout and looked away. Several other Royal Guards galloped through the halls behind them, but the pair of soldiers paid them no mind.

"I… I've... been feeling a little bored lately, I guess. Bored and frustrated," the Sergeant admitted. "We've been guarding the Prince for MONTHS, Cutlass. Months! And accomplished zilch. Blueblood treats us like any other servants, and we don't arrest or fight anypony EVER. I barely feel like a soldier anymore!"

He shook his head. "I didn't join the Guard to fetch things for a royal pony, you know? And especially now, with all this talk of bandits and evil unicorns attacking Equestria... I really feel like I should be DOING something! Taking on bad guys and fighting injustice! Protecting the common pony! This is the closest thing to action I've seen since the Griffon skirmishes last year!"

Then he sighed and looked back at Cutlass. "But you're right, buddy. It isn't right to take it out on an unruly party guest. The Royal Guard is better than that."

Cutlass nodded somberly, spreading his forelegs. "C'mon, Sarge. Hug it out."

The stallions embraced, and the Sergeant took a deep, calming breath. Cutlass patted him on the back, rubbing his hoof over his superior's withers.

A butler cleared his throat. "Gentlecolts, I don't wish to interrupt this touching moment, but-"

"Sssssssh," Cutlass hushed. "We need a minute."

"Sirs, I really think this-"

"It's fine," Sarge interrupted. "Let the mare go. She doesn't deserve this."

"... The manor is on fire," the butler eventually blurted nervously.

The soldiers finally broke their calming embrace to look over toward the fireplace. The wooden shaft of the Sergeant's spear had been consumed by flame and apparently broken from the steel spearhead. That length of burning wood had fallen beneath a chair, and the blaze around the furniture and carpet was rapidly building.

"......" Cutlass stepped away from his superior, glaring at the other stallion.

The Sergeant stared at the spreading flames, and then tilted his head to the side.

"When you think about it, this is really that mare's fault for resisting arrest, right?"

"You're unbelievable, Sarge."

"Trixie has no doubt Ranma will be just fine. That may not be the case for everypony who happens to be in her path," Trixie mumbled. "As Trixie is sure you're aware..."

Blueblood snorted hotly. "I must ask why such a refined and astute mare such as yourself associates with such a crude and hostile pony. You said she was a bodyguard, correct? What's the point of a guard that causes more trouble than she prevents?"

"Well, that's not quite... Uh... That is, she..." Trixie stumbled over her words, and her brow knit in concentration. "... Just a minute."

She turned away, quietly mumbling to herself while she divided up the various incidents Ranma had rescued her from. "Attacked by bandits, sort of his fault, but not really. Attacked by sorcerers, his fault. Attacked by musicians, not his fault at all. Attacked by Lunar Guard, kind of his fault, but Trixie was never in danger, so whatever. Jumped by sorcerers during his duel with Princess Luna, completely his fault. Stormed by Equestrian troops during Trixie's plan, his fault but only because the ambush was. Infiltrating the sorcerer tower was entirely Trixie's idea, so not his fault. Dragon emerging from nowhere, not his fault..."

Blueblood arched an eyebrow as his guest continued mumbling under her breath, apparently laying out the case he had asserted in her head and doing an item-by-item account. He felt gratified that she was taking his casual condescension seriously, although he felt the mere fact that she had to stop and weigh the matter vindicated him.

Trixie squeezed one eye shut and tilted her head to the side. "And then there was the party... which was Ranma's idea, but was actually kind of nice and didn't turn out to be a complete disaster, if only because of Trixie's quick thinking."

Nodding decisively, the magician turned back to her host. "On balance, Trixie would say that Ranma DOES prevent more harm than she causes. Although Trixie has been exposed to a frankly bizarre amount of unprovoked potential harm lately. It's not quite fair to blame her for random chance being inexplicably hostile recently, but Trixie never used to see more than one major explosion a week."

When she finished, Trixie found that Blueblood was staring at her silently. His expression was slightly glassy, although he quickly brought himself to attention.

"My apologies, my dear. I'm... I'm not used to hearing somepony speak who's more interesting than I am."

Trixie's laughter came on so suddenly and strongly that she was left kicking at the air in her seat. Blueblood recoiled in surprise, but didn't seem offended even as the giggling mare started wiping tears from her eyes.

"Oh, Prince, you have NO idea," Trixie said between chuckles. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has hardly told you anything at all! Trixie's minor debacles getting Ranma out of trouble pale in comparison to Trixie's more impressive feats and daring adventures!"

"I would love to hear more," Blueblood said, pouring himself more brandy.

"Not all of Trixie's stories are suited for royal company," the mare replied with a haughty chuckle. "But... Trixie supposes she could tell you about the time Trixie bested Twilight Sparkle in a magic duel."

Blueblood's glass quivered in the air, his telekinesis briefly weakening from his shock. He quickly put down the bottle and regarded his guest with an arched eyebrow. "You defeated Princess Sparkle? The Element of Magic? At a magic duel?" While Blueblood hadn't spared Trixie any flattery so far, he couldn't contain his skepticism at such a claim.

Trixie smirked, savoring the stallion's reaction. To Blueblood, this evening was probably intended as romantic social ritual: pick out a desirable mare, wine and dine her, and then butter her up for a night of shameless passion, never to see her again. To Trixie, she was simply putting on a show, just with a much smaller and more influential audience than usual.

"It's true. But if you find such a thing too preposterous, we can always talk about something else..."

Blueblood shook his head quickly. "No, no! Please, do go on! How did you come to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle and challenge her to a duel?"

"She wasn't a Princess then. And Trixie had crossed paths with the Element of Magic before that." She paused to take a sip of her drink, quickly considering the best way to minimize that particular incident. "... It hardly bears mentioning, really. Nothing interesting happened. At all." She coughed lightly, putting down her drink. "It all REALLY started when Trixie tracked down an ancient artifact in a shady old backwater shop... the Alicorn Amulet!"

Blueblood recoiled in surprise. Trixie smirked even wider.

"Impossible! The Amulet has been lost for generations!" the Prince gasped.

"So it was. Abandoned after the last war with the Griffon Kingdom, it had long been rumored to be somewhere in the border territories of Equestria. No unicorn that knew of its existence dared to track it down for fear of the curse of its power! Until Trixie, of course."

Blueblood leaned forward on his cushion, paying rapt attention. "I've only heard vague references to the Alicorn Amulet. Supposedly it drives ponies insane even while giving them unrivaled magic strength! Is this true?"

A droplet of sweat trickled down Trixie's head. With a quick swipe of her hoof, she wiped it away.

"Oh, it's true. The curse challenged even Trixie's iron will. But Trixie bravely risked everything in order to teach Twilight Sparkle a much-needed lesson in humility!"

Blueblood blinked. Then he tilted his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Really? Why? She wasn't even a Princess at this point, right?"

"Not important. What IS important is that Trixie's greatness and power rose to incredible heights, shattering all previous limits!" The magician jumped up on her seat, posing elegantly while her drink hovered in a magical orbit. "Trixie won't bore you with the details, but with this new power Trixie humiliated Twilight Sparkle right out of town!"

"I think I could stand to hear the details, if you don't mind."

Trixie's grin split her face nearly ear to ear. "Well... if you insist..."

In the heart of Canterlot, on the edge of a balcony jutting out from a towering castle spire, an ancient ritual took place.

The magic spell was one of fantastic power; a weave capable of shackling the very sun to the will of the bearer. Its parameters were tested by the ages, for any great variance could send the planet's star hurtling too close for the surface to endure its heat. Or, if the error happened to favor a different direction, the life-giving sun could be flung into the endless void, condemning the world's inhabitants to the slightly slower fate of freezing. The eventual result if the spell was not cast at all was a hypothesis that had long been discussed but never put to test, for such an experiment could easily be apocalyptic in its consequences.

At the same time, a similar enchantment wrenched the moon into place. The ancient satellite rose above the horizon as the sun sank out of sight. One ritual fed into the other, entwined in a torrent of magic power that could crush an entire continent to dust were it put to less benign purposes.

Yet, to the many citizens of Canterlot, this act of fantastic magical strength was simple routine. The sun went down and the moon went up, every day, over and over, predictably enough to be timed and mapped by clock and calendar. Arcane mastery of mythical scale was reduced to a tedious act of maintenance. Any citizen of Equestria's capital could bear witness to the sight of Princess Celestia and Luna standing on their tower balcony and guiding their respective astral bodies into place, but few of them took notice. Once you'd seen one casting guiding a system star into place, you'd seen them all.

During this particular dusk, however, the sister alicorns were being observed. Beyond the towers of Canterlot Castle, at the peak of the mountain which hosted the ancient city, a pair of gleaming golden eyes watched in fascination...

Princess Celestia released a tired sigh as the golden glow of her horn dimmed. Her shoulders sagged, and even the perpetual flutter of her mane and tail seemed to weaken. The White Princess twisted her head around, offering her sister a tired smile.

"Thank you, Luna. I'll be heading to bed, then," Celestia nodded her head and started to turn around.

"So soon? Sister, you've been going to bed earlier and earlier as of late." Princess Luna's horn also dimmed as her own spell reached completion. "While it is paramount that you get sufficient rest, it doesn't appear to be helping. What is troubling you?"

Celestia heaved a much heavier sigh, and her gaze briefly darted away. Luna recognized the direction in an instant; although the village wasn't quite visible from here without the aid of a telescope, her glance had been in the direction of Ponyville.

"Twilight Sparkle? I thought the doctors concluded she would recover fully," Luna mumbled, arching an eyebrow. "Surely you're not worried about complications at this point."

"No, Luna. That's not it," Celestia mumbled, rubbing her forehead with a hoof. "Twilight is going to be fine. Physically, at least."

Luna's other eyebrow arched. "... Go on."

The White Princess pursed her lips tightly. She clearly didn't want to have this conversation, but at the same time she had bottled up the emotions for long enough that she knew she would only suffer further if she didn't tell somepony. There was no good reason to hide her feelings from Luna, especially after everything she had been through.

"Have you seen the update on the search for Blood Rite?" Celestia asked dryly.

"Aye, Sister. Nothing. Same as yesterday, and the day before that, stretching all the way back to when we established a larger garrison at Coltson. The trail seems cold. What of it?"

Celestia slumped into a sitting position. "What of it, Luna? A madpony is on the loose and we are helpless! Completely blind! Blood Rite could strike at any time, at any place, and what could we do?"

Luna furrowed her brow. "Helpless? The rogue sorcerer was foiled, was he not? And with Sparkle and General Firebrand nearly recovered, our own power has hardly been diminished."

Celestia barked a dry, bitter laugh. "What good is our military might if we cannot find and stop a single unicorn who means to harm us and our subjects? Blood Rite attacks us as he wishes! He ambushed you in the forest, and Twilight outside a major city! He tried to capture you to be used as mere batteries for his insane schemes! And with a force of hundreds of soldiers and our mightiest battle wizard outside of the Elements of Harmony, we could do nothing but rush Twilight to a healer after others had stopped him. Maybe stopped him."

"Had Blood Rite not been stopped, surely we would have been the target of some sort of attack by now. I'm certain his initial plans, at least, have been thwarted," Luna insisted.

"So we hope. Yet we still don't know where the MacGuffin Stone is. Or where Havoc or Saotome Ranma or whoever are. Or even what HAPPENED!" Celestia said, her soft, motherly voicing coming dangerously close to a growl. "All Twilight herself remembered was being told she was being let go, and then Blood Rite left! And then what? 'The floor exploded.' Really? This is crazy, Luna! Blood Rite is still out there, he's still plotting against us, and we can't stop him! And it's all my fault!"

The last line was delivered in a pitch that sounded suspiciously like she was trying to choke down a sobbing wail, and Luna blinked in surprise. Then the Princess of the Night frowned, tapping a hoof to her chin.

"... There are many ponies who might share blame for allowing Blood Rite's efforts to advance as far as they did, including myself. But as far as I'm aware, you are not one of them, Sister."

"As far as you're aware," Celestia repeated glumly.

"If you wish to enlighten me, Sister, I'm willing to listen."

Celestia fell silent, staring at the floor. "... I... I don't know. It's so painful, and it wouldn't change anything."

"If it wouldn't change anything, then you need not tell me," Luna shrugged. "I know better than most the value of leaving the sins and errors of the past in the dust of history. If you feel it would relieve you, then tell me what you know. If you would merely dwell on your failure all the more, then let us concentrate on the present and future. Sometimes we cannot fix our mistakes, but we must at least try to see past them."

Princess Celestia swallowed, her eyes nervously rising to meet those of her little sister. This conversation seemed absurd; that the impetuous alicorn who once led a destructive rebellion against Equestria would stand confidently in front of her and preach about guilt and penance. But surely if Luna could make peace with her past, a mistake that nearly plunged the world into shadow, Celestia could forgive setting one student on the wrong path?

Well, maybe two students. I still don't know what ever happened to Sunset Shimmer, she thought ruefully.

She took a deep breath. "Luna... the truth is, Blood Rite used to be-"

A scream cut through the cool night air.

Celestia jumped in surprise, while Luna snapped her head around with her horn already sparking.

Soon numerous other screams and shouts followed the first one. Oddly enough, most of them were coming from above the tower, rather than below. The only ponies that would be flying over the castle were pegasus guards, and sure enough, a glance upward confirmed that the flying soldiers were scattering through the air in a panic. It didn't take long to figure out why, either.

"By the moon! A dragon attack?!" Luna gasped.

Celestia's reaction was similar at first, but then started to twist into confusion. "Is... Is that...?"

A massive, serpentine form hung in the air over Canterlot, its wings blasting gusts of wind that rattled windows. Covered in thick, armored scales of bright red striped with black, Kamikazan scanned the towers of Canterlot Castle with golden eyes that glowed bright in the gloom. Soldiers screamed and shouted at the sight of the beast, but the Prince of Dragons ignored them as a pony might ignore a scrambling nest of ants.

Kamikazan eyes were fixed on the balcony which hosted the alicorn sisters. His lips curled into a fierce grin.

The dragon hovered forward, only for a magical force field to shimmer into place in front of him. Kamikazan remained unperturbed, tapping a claw against the barrier and feeling the gentle buzz of its repulsing energies.

Then, with a rumbling chuckle, the red dragon turned away. His wings beat faster, carrying him higher into the air and taking him up the mountain above Canterlot.

Luna furrowed her brow as the dragon retreated, her horn still pulsing with power. "What gall! The dragons should know better than to encroach on Equestrian soil, but to assault the capital so brazenly..."

She turned to Celestia as she complained, and her sentence trailed off awkwardly. Celestia had the most bizarre expression on her face while she stared up at the sky; a twisted sneer of simultaneous contempt, disgust, and exasperation. Luna had never seen anything quite like it. And certainly she'd never seen anything from Celestia, who usually took extreme care to maintain her dignified, motherly demeanor whenever she could.

In a moment, Celestia's expression returned to something more neutral. "Kamikazan... how did he get free, I wonder?" Luna could swear she saw her sister's eyebrow twitch, but couldn't be sure.

"Sister, who was that? An enemy?" Luna asked. "Should we launch pursuit?"

Princess Celestia looked away, her mind racing while she fixed her gaze somewhere else. Luna could tell that her sibling was seriously considering the option.

"... No. In fact, you should contact the Guard at once to prevent any panic. Kamikazan is likely no threat to us."

"Likely? So we cannot be sure?" Luna pressed.

"Kamikazan is not a sophisticated creature, Luna. Had he intended us harm he would have ruthlessly battered himself against the barrier until it broke or we repelled him with force. He simply wanted us... wanted ME, really... to know that he was free again."

Celestia started walking back toward the tower entrance. Unlike before, now her expression was carefully schooled in neutrality. So carefully schooled, in fact, that Luna immediately knew her elder sibling was up to something.

"But who is he? Why was he not free before? Why is he here now? And what does he want?"

"The answers to those questions are... complicated," Celestia mumbled on her way out. "See to the guards, Luna. I will have answers for you in due time."

With a pulse of yellow light, Celestia popped into existence high above the mountains that held Canterlot. Her wings spread and caught the air in moments, quickly arresting the imminent fall, and the white alicorn began soaring just below the clouds over her home city. She curved through the air, her eyes scanning the empty night sky. Spotting nothing out of the ordinary, she focused on the peak of the mountain Canterlot was built on. Near the very tip of the mountain was a small cave entrance. It was normally impossible to spot at night, but there was a small bit of light coming from the cave interior, making the entrance stand out in the gloom.

Princess Celestia stopped her approach and hovered in place. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she groaned, hanging her head. "Why? Why did he have to show up again? And why NOW, of all times?"

She glanced back down at the castle, thinking about the hot cup of herbal tea and her warm, soft bed waiting for her in her chambers. The temptation of turning away from the cavern, ignoring the dragon, and simply going to sleep felt like an iron ball chained to her leg, physically trying to drag her down toward her precious castle. She had so little to gain by being here, and so many awful things could happen as a result.

"No. No, Celestia. You have to at least talk to him and find out what's going on. IF he's still around," she said through clenched teeth. "Maybe he's not, though. Maybe he left after showing himself, and the light in the cave is from a pair of adventurous lovers meeting in an exotic location! Yes, I think that would be far preferable."

Still mumbling to herself, the Princess of the Sun landed at the entrance to the cave and peeked inside.

Immediately, her hopes that some other pony had created the light were dashed. The source of the light was a small blaze floating out in the open, burning from a sphere of pulsing fire magic. It was not a particularly powerful spell, but it was the sort of thing no unicorn would have used in place of a light cantrip.

"My dear Princesssss..."

A voice from the shadows deeper in the cave emerged, the "s" being drawn out like a serpent's hiss. Celestia felt a chill down her spine, but maintained her composure. Her horn lit up with golden light, and she annihilated the fire sphere with a spark of magic.

"Hello, Kamikazan. Welcome to Equestria," she said flatly before her horn flashed, fully illuminating the cavern. "Next time you drop by, please use the front entrance. Or better yet, don't drop by anymore."

At the far end of the cave was Kamikazan. The Prince of Dragons had taken on a smaller form for this meeting; a roughly hybrid body crafted from pure magic. His scales had turned to bright red fur, and his wings now sported feathers like hers did. He sported a mane and equine tail of jet black, while the massive horns of his dragon body were shortened to a pair of ash-gray spikes jutting out of the back of his head like an antelope. Celestia might have found the form halfway attractive if it weren't for Kamikazan's feet, which retained their lizard-like fingers and claws, and his jaws, which still proudly displayed rows of sharp, vicious teeth along with his fangs.

"Celess, my dear," the dragon cooed, approaching the Princess, "please, don't be so formal. There's nopony around but ussss..." his pointed tongue snaked out between his teeth on the last syllabled, and Celestia felt another chill.

"Have it your way. How did you get free, Kozy?" the alicorn asked blandly.

Much to her growing irritation, the dragon quivered in delight, and a goofy grin stretched across his face. "Oh, Celess! It's been SO long since somepony called me that! Centuries of torment, trapped in that cavern in restless slumber, unable to hear your voice, and you heal me with a word!"

"Then it seems like you're not upset about being imprisoned for some four hundred years," Celestia drawled. "That's... good. I suppose."

"Oh, I was quite angry," Kamikazan said, a growl suddenly rising in his throat. A few tiny embers leaked from his mouth, dripping to the floor like glowing drops of saliva. "You can't possibly know the depths of my rage, Celess. To have my throne denied me, to be spurned by my mate of choice, and then to have that same creature - you - attack me out of nowhere and seal me under-"

"YOU attacked ME, Kozy," Celestia snapped, her lip pulling up into a snarl. "That I managed to escape to an unpopulated region and finish the battle there is hardly 'attacking you out of nowhere.' You were a threat to me and my people, and I dealt with you appropriately. I've shown you far more deference and respect than you've ever offered any of your victims!"

Kamikazan's demeanor changed in an instant, his expression softening and his ears pinning back. "Oh, Celess, please, let's not fight. Such a horrid expression doesn't suit you."

Celestia rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh, but the Dragon Prince instantly brightened at seeing her expression change from mad to merely annoyed.

"It's true, I was mad. My long rest was not a peaceful one. My awakening was not painless." His eyes narrowed. "And I had to deal with the most BRUTISH pony I'd ever met once I tore free of my prison! He hit me in the eye! The EYE! Who even does that?"

"Medium-sized gray stallion? Black mane? Pigtail? Spiked wheel for a cutie mark?" Celestia asked.

"Yes! How did you know?"

"Just a guess," the royal mare sighed. "Never mind. Go on."

"Right. Yes." Kamikazan coughed. "I was not in the best of moods as I explored this world for the first time in centuries. The dragons' power has waned even further in my absence, and those who survive live like beasts rather than kings. My fury burned hotter as I scouted your kingdom, like a stirring volcano; every town, every city, every cottage that lay within what used to be MY LAND was like another coal on the stove of my rage! Even free, my sleep was restless, for every night I dreamt of the vengeance I would wreak upon your feeble capital!"

His eyes darkened, and Celestia fought the urge to step back. A moment later, however, the serpent lifted his head. His eyes were clear and his smile broad.

"And then I saw you, Celess. Shining with the power of this world's most ancient magic, looking every bit as flawless and beautiful as you did four hundred years ago." Kamikazan started walking around Celestia, his golden eyes tracing every curve of her body. "That brilliant, pearly coat. Those magnificent, swan-like wings. The ethereal and weirdly colorful mane! Such grace! Such poise! Undiminished in the slightest by age or the burdens of your station! My anger melted away in moments, the centuries of torment faded to a vague memory, and my loins-"

"Okay! I get it!" Celestia interrupted harshly. Despite herself, her cheeks started to take on a pink tinge. "So you don't want to burn down my kingdom and enslave my little ponies after all. Good. Fantastic, even. I'm glad that love has replaced hatred in your heart and so on and so forth." She coughed lightly and then turned around to face Kamikazan, who now stood between her and the cave entrance. "If that is all, Kozy, I must really get back to my castle."

"Oh, that is very much NOT all, Celess," the dragon grinned. "I want you."

"I noticed," the White Princess said flatly. "But if you think you can trap me in here, then I'm afraid your memory may not have endured the ravages of time quite as well as my body."

Kamikazan snorted, and tiny puffs of flame erupted from his pony-like snout. "You make me sound like such a thug, Celess! I didn't meet with you to force myself upon you! I intend to seduce you!"

"And I intended to leave you buried for long enough that I'd forget you'd ever existed. But we don't always get what we want, Kozy," Celestia said dryly.

"Celess, please," the dragon groaned. "At least give me a chance! Are you really not tired of being alone and unloved after so many centuries?"

Celestia recoiled, looking offended. "Excuse me? Why do you just assume I haven't taken any lovers in 400 years?"

Kamikazan raised an eyebrow. "Have you?"

"Well, I... Maybe I did! Why couldn't I, what with how you go on about how pretty I am? I could... That is... It's none of your business!" the alicorn snapped, rustling her feathers and flushing even deeper.

Kamikazan kept his brow quirked. "I thought so. I doubt I'm the only suitor you've sent packing. I'm probably the only one you had to magically imprison, though."

"Third," Celestia mumbled.

"What? Really? Who else-"

"I've had enough of this!" Celestia suddenly growled, her horn sparking with power. "This rendezvous is over. If you have any sense of decency, you'll get out of my way and spare me the effort of having to teleport past you."

Kamikazan grimaced. "Celess, I just want-"

Celestia vanished in a burst of golden light, and then snapped back into reality behind the transformed dragon.

"That's Princess Celestia to you, Prince Kamikazan," Celestia sniffed, glaring back at him.

"King! I'm a king!" he corrected as he whirled around. "Although if you wanted to take a more formal approach to this, I can work with that too! A royal union? Diplomatic marriage? A treaty negotiation over a romantic dinner, maybe?"

"Good night, Prince," Celestia turned her head away and walked toward the cavern entrance.

Kamikazan snarled, his lips peeling back over his curved, razor-edged teeth. "Don't you turn your back on me, equine! We may be fellow immortals and royals, but we are not equals!"

"That was quite clear after our last altercation," Celestia said blithely.

"I am the King of Dragons! The mightiest creature in all the lands!" Kamikazan shouted, his eyes flashing angrily. "No enemy is beyond my power! No treasure is beyond my grasp! No other creature could offer you, custodian of the sun, such worthy companionship! And yet again and again you spurn me?! WHY?!"

"Ah, yes. Murder, greed, and ego. What mare could resist such charm?" Celestia rolled her eyes as she reached the exit. She spread her wings, and then tensed her legs to jump. "Really, what use would I, of all ponies, have for more treas-"

Kamikazan blinked repeatedly. Celestia had frozen in her takeoff pose, having cut herself off mid-mumble. It was so sudden and strange that the Dragon Prince shifted his vision to check for some sort of magical sabotage. Alas, the White Princess was not stricken by any spell that he could see.

"... Celess? Erm, I mean, Princess Celestia?" he asked, daring to step closer.

The alicorn stood up straight again and folded her wings against her back. Then she cleared her throat while still facing away from her suitor.

"You say you can acquire treasure? Any treasure?" Celestia asked evenly.

Kamikazan felt his heart jump. "Yes! Yes, absolutely! As much as you want!"

"It is not the quantity that I'm interested in." Celestia slowly turned around, her movements stiff and overly deliberate. "I'm asking if you can locate, secure, and give me a specific treasure that I cannot find on my own."

"Oh. Well... that's harder, I suppose, but yes! I can do that!" the dragon nodded enthusiastically, a huge smile stretched across his face. "I'll need SOME sort of lead or description, of course... as well as a promise of a reward..."

"The lead aspect is easy, actually. That 'brute' of a pony you mentioned earlier."

"Saotome Ranma?" Kamikazan asked in surprise. "He has this treasure?"

"Maybe. Or maybe he knows where it is. At the very least, he should know something of the pony who last possessed it: a unicorn by the name of Blood Rite," Celestia explained. "The treasure itself is the legendary MacGuffin Stone."

Kamikazan sat on his haunches and stared up at the ceiling, tapping a claw against his chin. "The MacGuffin Stone... How odd. I've never heard of such an artifact."

"It's power and legend pre-dates even you, mighty Prince," Celestia said with a slight smirk. "But those are my terms. Bring me the MacGuffin Stone, and I will date you. You will have your 'chance' to make me yours as you desire." She strained to keep her smirk despite her stomach churning at the thought, but couldn't help a slight twitch of her cheek.

Kamikazan didn't notice. He jumped upright and spread his wings, baring his teeth in a wide, rapturous grin. "Then it shall be yours, Celess! The Stone shall bless our eternal union, and the pitiful serfs that thought to keep it from you shall be ash upon the wind!"

"What? No! No, I don't want that last part!" Celestia protested. "I don't want you to kill anypony!"

"Oh." Kamikazan's posture slumped slightly, and he folded his wings again. "... What if I want to do that, though?"

"Then you'll find our romantic evenings much less romantic," Celestia drawled. "If I could acquire the Stone without harming anypony at all or seeking any outside help, I would. Unfortunately, that simply may not be possible. But you must NOT kill anypony! Especially Blood Rite! Just take the artifact and return it to me!"

"Ugh, FINE. Whatever. I can settle for a good maiming."

"Kozy..." Celestia warned, her eyes narrowing.

"What? It's the least these thieves deserve for daring to seize your property!" the dragon sauntered toward her, and then lifted a finger to Celestia's chin. "I will spare their lives as you ask, but surely you don't think they should escape penance for their crimes?"

Celestia shuddered ever so slightly at the dragon's touch. "Well, the thing is... they're not actually 'thieves' as far as I know. At no point did the MacGuffin Stone belong to me."

"Oh, Celess... so naïve, even after so long." Kamikazan chuckled and moved past her, eagerly rubbing his flank against hers as he passed. "We are the immortal royals! The rulers of this world! ALL its treasures belong to us, and the peasants scrounging in the soil for shiny objects possess them only so long as we will it."

Celestia sighed in exasperation once the Prince of Dragons wasn't touching her anymore. "I don't believe that, as convenient as the arrangement would be. The MacGuffin Stone is a threat to me and my kingdom. That's why it must be secured, and if possible, destroyed."

"As you wish, my love! I will return soon with the artifact, and then we shall be united!" shouted Kamikazan, vaulting into the cool night air. An aura of swirling flame engulfed him as he soared, burning away at his half-pony hybrid body. A cyclone of smoke obscured him, and then the body of a mighty red dragon erupted from the cloud. The mighty serpent twisted its head back to face the cave, grinned, and then flew away.

Celestia watched him go, feeling a sense of deep unease growing in the pit of her stomach. Kamikazan was powerful and was quite intelligent when it came to certain subjects, particularly magic. But the Prince was also reckless, dull-witted, and short-tempered. If he found Blood Rite, it was hard to imagine any eventuality besides all-out combat and a brutal demise for the loser. Objectively, that was convenient for Celestia; Blood Rite was a devoted enemy and Kamikazan was a dangerous, violently obsessed maniac. Either of them would only cause harm if allowed to roam free. But the thought of either of them dying because she had set them against each other made her feel ill.

"... How have things fallen so far from my control?" the alicorn mumbled sadly. "So much damage has already been done. So many lives have already been ruined. And now..." She shook her head. "I need to get to bed. I doubt I'll be sleeping well tonight as it is."

"... of course, Trixie knew what Sparkle's ploy was, but finally decided that things had gone far enough. Every moment Trixie could feel the Alicorn Amulet's power clawing against her mind, struggling to overcome Trixie's incredible willpower. While Twilight Sparkle showed off her parlor tricks in a hopeless effort to humiliate Trixie, an entire other battle – far greater and desperate than Sparkle could even imagine – took place over Trixie's very SOUL!"

Trixie was standing atop a pegasus statue overlooking the interior pond, her horn sparking and her hooves gesturing wildly with every sentence. A heavy flush darkened her cheeks, undoubtedly related to the half-empty glass of brandy that quivered unsteadily in the air next to her. Sitting on the cushion below, Prince Blueblood watched with rapt attention.

"At last, Trixie had enough and cast off the Alicorn Amulet. REFUSING to sacrifice her sanity for the sake of victory, Trixie conceded defeat to that dumb purp-that is… Twilight Sparkle. Even though Trixie totally, definitely could have defeated her, Trixie would not let her lesson about humility turn around and doom her instead! That would have been ironic." The glass wobbled through the air, and Trixie tilted her head back to gulp it down.

"Incredible! I'd never heard of such a thing! No wonder Princess Sparkle finds herself outwitted by common hoodlums. The sheer hubris of some ponies..." Blueblood said, sounding rather breathless. His cheeks were flushed as well, and his empty glass lay on its side on the floor. The Prince had drunk himself past the point of being able to properly levitate anything, largely thanks to all the alcohol he had imbibed at the Mayor's house.

The stallion's eyes darted to the wall. A towering grandfather clock was set into a stone carving of a unicorn soldier, and the hour hand was ticking toward ten. Sunset had passed, and he and his guest had put a respectable dent in the estate's liquor supply. It was time to close the deal.

"Miss Trixie," Blueblood said, straightening and clearing his throat, "it seems it's getting late, and the drink is beginning to take its toll. It would be my honor and privilege if you would accompany me to my bed chambers."

Trixie didn't respond right away. She stared at her empty liquor glass, spinning it around with her magic and watching the sparks of pink float away. Her disinterest was obvious, but she didn't refuse the request outright.

"... It's too stuffy in here," she said suddenly, placing the glass down on the floor. She hopped down from the statue, managing to only stumble slightly on her landing. "Trixie needs some air."

She trotted past Blueblood - ignoring his slightly dazed expression - and opened the doors that led out to the main balcony. Immediately a rush of cool air rushed past her, and the magician sighed pleasantly. Then she walked outside.

Blueblood didn't wait long before following her out. "I have been all over the kingdom, from the largest cities to the most wretched frontiers, and I've never met a pony like you, Trixie."

Trixie reached the banister and sat down on her haunches. "Surely you say that to all the mares you lure to your manor, Prince."

"Of course," the stallion chuckled. "But I so rarely mean it."

He stepped up next to her and nuzzled her neck. Trixie felt a tingle run up her spine. The contact felt good, and she felt the first stirrings of physical, carnal excitement.

But again, she hesitated.

"Trixie is flattered, Prince Blueblood. But Trixie will have to decline. Trixie just isn't interested in a short, meaningless fling right now," she said firmly.

Blueblood recoiled slightly, but he didn't seem upset. He stepped away and placed a hoof to his chest. "And what if it wasn't a short, meaningless fling?"

One of Trixie's eyebrows slowly climbed into an arch. "... Unless you're proposing to Trixie, Trixie isn't sure where you're going with this."

The royal unicorn laughed. "Ha! No, no! Not yet, surely!" He calmed down and sidled up to Trixie again. "Although I confess I'm somewhat intrigued at the prospect, we needn't move quite THAT fast. I simply want you to stay with me a while. Not just for tonight. Weeks. Months, perhaps. Longer, if we want. And if this spark persists then, maybe, one day..." he let his words trail off, flashing a drunken smile.

"Spark, huh? Trixie is... skeptical," she drawled. "You won't be here for long, will you? What is Trixie supposed to do, follow you back to Canterlot? To live in the city at your beck and call like a mere concubine? Pfeh! Trixie isn't interested."

Blueblood sat down next to the mare, leaning against her and relishing the feel of their fur brushing together. "You need a home of your own? A career? I can supply all of it. Don't like Canterlot? You don't even have to live there. You can live here instead."

Trixie blinked. "Here? What, like in this manor?"

"Yes! Or... Or, if you don't want to..." he stumbled over his words slightly, his snowy white face flushing a deeper shade of pink. "MAYOR! I'll make you Mayor!"

Trixie's eyes widened.

"Yes, that's it! I'll make you the Mayor of Fillydelphia!" Blueblood looked extremely pleased at this decision, puffing himself up and beckoning to the city below. "As the highest royal official present at the time that the mayoralty is vacated, I can appoint Robber Baron's replacement! You can live here, in the Mayor's estate, and run the town as you wish! All I ask of you is a liaison, my dear Trixie. I assure you, you will NOT regret it!"

"You're drunk," Trixie retorted flatly.

"Obviously," Blueblood chuckled, drawing a hoof over her shoulder. "And why should that matter? I assure you, I won't regret a thing either! For a mare like you, a township appointment is nothing!"

Trixie's cheeks were flushed again, and she looked away from the Prince. The compliment seemed heartfelt, and she obviously agreed with it; frankly, she felt stallions SHOULD be constantly flinging themselves at her and desperately begging and bribing for her affection. And yet... she felt unsatisfied. Unimpressed. A little annoyed, even.

"Trixie isn't sure the town would agree it's nothing. This seems like a poor way to make such a decision. Trixie has seen what happens to towns with bad Mayors."

"I am entirely confident that a mare of your class and intellect would make an excellent administrator," Blueblood said solemnly. Then he turned around to face Trixie. "But please, let's dispense with such dishonest tripe. I don't care about the mayorship. I want you, Miss Trixie, and if I can use my power as a scion of the royal family to sway you, I will not hesitate."

He cupped a hoof under Trixie's chin. "Is that not how it should be? The mighty royal lavishing his mate with gifts and privilege? Honor me with your affections, Miss Trixie, and I shall honor you as only the highest of nobility can."

Still Trixie hesitated, looking away and chewing her lip. Blueblood waited several seconds in silence, and then backed away to the railing of the balcony. He pivoted and reared up onto the railing to point a single foreleg down to the web of glittering lights below, twisting his neck such that his eyes never left Trixie's.

"All of this will be your fiefdom, Miss Trixie! And that, that shall be your palace! Whether it be leisure, power, wealth, or the simple freedom to live as you see fit and leave when you wish, you will want for nothing! I can deliver it all to you, for a single night of passion!"

Trixie hesitantly stepped over to the railing, staring down at the place where Blueblood was pointing to. He was gesturing without looking, knowing the exact placement of the property, but it was quite easy for her to spot too despite the nighttime gloom. Mostly due to the many tiny, flickering fires and the column of smoke rising from the property.

"... Trixie's palace seems to be a burnt-out husk," she said flatly.

Blueblood snapped his head around, and his eyes bulged at she stared down at the property in question. "What?! But we were just... Earlier, it was... The Royal Guard! Where was the Royal Guard?! How did this happen?!" he stuttered, his anger slowly overcoming his shock and inebriation.

He leaned further over the railing to get a better look. The small, numerous lights were not from scattered conflagrations, but were in fact being held by the various guards, firefighters, and party guests that were observing the accident. The main blaze had already been defeated, mercifully, although it was clear even from this distance that the Mayor's house had been completely gutted in the meantime.

Once the Prince stopped sputtering in shock, he heard the sound of muffled giggling coming from behind him. He turned around, and then saw Trixie struggling to restrain laughter with a hoof against her mouth.

"Trixie really should have expected this. As if he can be left alone for more than an hour on his own."

She smiled warmly despite her words, and generally seemed far more relaxed than he had a minute ago. Blueblood was more confused than ever, not least because she didn’t seem at all put off by the destruction of the property he was offering her. The mood was completely shattered, and yet his guest seemed... if not pleased, then amused? It made no sense.

"I don't understand. Who's 'he'? Did you have a date to ball? Do you know what happened?" Blueblood asked, swaying slightly.

"Trixie has a theory. But never mind that. It's getting late, after all, and Trixie must really be going. You have Trixie's gratitude for the drink and conversation, Prince Blueblood, but Trixie shall decline your earlier proposition."

"I... that... but..." Blueblood shook his head. "Wait! Hold on! My mayorship offer still stands! The house is nothing; we can have it rebuilt in a few weeks! I'll expense the royal treasury! It's a trifle!"

"Trixie doesn't doubt it," the magician replied, walking toward him, "but Trixie simply has better things to do. Have a lovely night, Prince."

Once she was close enough, she leaned forward and gave the stallion a peck on the nose. Blueblood's ears perked up instantly, and the royal unicorn spent a few seconds in stunned surprise before it occurred to him to lunge forward for a properly passionate kiss. By that time Trixie had already turned around, and he barely stopped himself from blundering right into her backside.

"You... You don't know what you're missing!" Blueblood shouted drunkenly. "To even have a chance at having a royal partner is the opportunity of a lifetime!"

"Meh." Trixie trotted back toward the villa.

"Money and esteem! Power and love! So much could be yours, and so easily!"

"And it surely will someday, because Trixie is great and powerful and deserves those things," Trixie retorted just as she stepped through the sliding glass door, "but thanks anyway, Prince Blueblood. Goodbye." Her horn flashed, and the door slid shut behind her.

Several minutes later Trixie exited the main gate around the royal estate. Her dress was neatly folded and sat on her back. Wearing it would have made for an unpleasant hike down the mountain, and it wasn't as if the sheer, silvery fabric would have made much difference against the late night chill.

Trixie hardly made it a dozen steps down the road before she heard a scraping noise above her and to the side. Her ear twitched, and she stopped walking.

"You know Ranma, you may have embarrassed Trixie, sent Trixie away with a complete sleazeball of a stallion, and even set another building on fire, but Trixie still must admit: tonight went far better than Trixie could have possibly expected. Thank you for making it possible."

"Welcome!" The dark shape perched atop a rock outcropping above the road vanished in a blur, and then Ranma seemed to materialize next to the showmare. Apparently the martial artist had changed back to his stallion form and abandoned his dress in the process. Probably for the best, if the Mayor's party had ended as Trixie imagined it did.

Ranma took a deep breath, as if he was preparing himself for a serious exertion. "So... are you and Princey a thing now? If you are, can I have your wagon? Because I realized after you left that I have no food or money or anything else but the dumb artifact I can't use and everyone wants to kill me for. And the police around here are going to find out that I'm not Frederick Goldwhinny eventually. Kind of in a tough spot, now that I think about it."

Trixie started walking again, and the martial artist followed her. "No, we're not a thing. Trixie finds that a life of easy luxury doesn't agree with her as well as she had anticipated. It feels... too shallow, somehow. All flash and no substance."

Ranma smirked and opened his mouth.

"Shut up, Ranma," Trixie said pre-emptively.

The stallion frowned and closed his mouth.

"Trixie doesn't know where her destiny will lead her, but Trixie is definitely fated for something more meaningful than being a royal mistress. It would be a terrible letdown for Trixie's fans around the world if Trixie were tied down to a Prince's whims, no matter the perks." She paused. "It also doesn't help that you burned down one of those perks before Trixie could hope to benefit."

"Not my fault," Ranma said immediately. "Guard did it."

"Trixie believes you. And yet, this is, what, the sixth burnt-out building you've left behind you? Seventh? More?"

"It depends on whether you count the ones nobody actually lived in. I don't. Property damage doesn't count if no one owns the property! That's a rule. Oh, and Rite's tower also doesn't count because he's a bad guy. I think that keeps me down to six."

"Sure. Let's go with that."

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Ranma started chewing his lip anxiously, and then eventually cleared his throat.

"So, uh... Trix? This might seem weird to say after basically setting you up with the Prince back there, but... I'm kind of... glad you two didn't work out."

Trixie tilted her head over so that Ranma could more easily see her arched eyebrow. "Oh? Go on..."

Ranma seemed uncomfortable with this topic, but he forced himself to answer. "Well, I mean... mostly because of the having no food or anywhere to go thing, but also... I really do think you can do better than a guy like that. I could tell he was a creep when he started putting the moves on me at the buffet line. He's a jerk, and he'd probably ditch you as soon as he got bored."

"Undoubtedly. But it seems Trixie got bored with him, first." She smirked. "Perhaps it reflects poorly on Trixie's choice of companions, but boredom is never a problem around you."

"Also, I'm not trying to sleep with you," Ranma pointed out helpfully.

"You'll come around," she replied.

They continued walking down the road in silence. As the minutes passed, Ranma's expression slowly shifted from neutral to thoughtful. Then from thoughtful to confused. Once he completed the transformation to worried, he turned his head toward Trixie again.

"What... What did you mean by... Are you... We're not a... I mean, I don't... uh..."

"Let it go, Ranma. It's late, Trixie is fairly drunk, and we probably need to flee the city before they properly identify 'Frederick Goldwhinny.' The break was nice, but by morning we're back on the lam." She suddenly laughed, picking up the pace down the road. "Trixie must truly be crazy to give up a future of pampered luxury to help you run from the authorities for the rest of your unfortunate life! Hah!"

"Heh. Yeah, thanks..." Ranma chuckled weakly as the unicorn passed him by. He paused only briefly, glancing back over his shoulder at the extravagant royal estate. His ears fell flat against his head, and a frown briefly crossed his face.

Then he shook his head and turned forward again, and quickly joined Trixie on the path back to town.

Author's Note:

Not quite happy with this chapter. Besides it taking way too long and still being shorter than usual, I don't think I'm too good at all these "feelings" things. The writing process is just different. Sort of like, "Trixie enters mansion, later she exits mansion, try to find a way to fill the space between those two events with as many words as possible."
Well, it's back to high adventure next chapter!

Ranma Saotome's official rap sheet: Assaulting a Princess of Equestria (two counts), assaulting a public official, aggravated assault, trespassing, breaking and entering, arson (multiple counts), vandalism (multiple counts), destruction of private property, resisting arrest, assaulting and battery of an Equestrian General, assaulting an officer (multiple counts), assaulting a soldier of Equestria (multiple counts), unlawful appropriation of military equipment, possession of an unregistered magic weapon, defacing a public bounty notice, high treason, refusal of a royal decree, conspiracy to rebellion, more high treason, illegal deforestation, dine & dash.