• Published 28th Dec 2016
  • 7,822 Views, 713 Comments

Welcome to Batstralia - Damaged

A mare and her foal. A human family. A buck-load of magic. They are all coming to a sleepy little town.

  • ...


Language check. All in English.

Robin waited for the adults to leave to do adult stuff, and turned to Dream. "You got your cutie mark!" Despite her legs and arms ending in actual hooves, Robin managed to bounce up and down in excitement. "What was the big snake like? Was he nice?"

"I think you will find out tonight." Dream Thunder seemed easy to excite again, and soon started pronking in place with Robin. "You'll see! I think whenever anypony dreams now, they will be in that place. It is so cool!"

"What do you think mine will be?" Slowing her bouncing, Robin looked to her clothed flank. "Maybe a rocket ship? Or a race car? Oh, it could be like Mike's—"

Dream cut in. "Lyra."

"Yeah, like hers. Something awesome I could do…" Under her shirt, Robin's wings twitched in excitement; while she hadn't gotten the full hang of her wings, she was trying to play with them when she could.

"Well, what haven't you done before? We could do that!" Pointing one of her elongated wing-thumbs towards the door, and started walking for it. "Come on, what haven't you done, that you always wanted to do?"

Robin followed Dream out of the living room, and then out the back door of the house, trying to focus on what she liked doing that she hadn't done. "I don't get it?"

"What do you mean? What have you always wished you could do, that we could do now?" Dream Thunder led the way to the middle of the yard, and stretched her leathery wings. With an experimental flap, she laughed happily.

"Of course! Flying!" Robin raced to find her own spot in the back yard, and hiked her top up. More pony than human, there was not an inch of the young girl not covered in fur now, and when she leaned down to put all four "legs" on the ground, it wasn't uncomfortable at all. Of course, she had only been doing minor exercises with her wings, and when she stretched them out, they didn't stretch far at all.

Dream gently touched one of Robin's wings with her own. Grasping the hand, she teased it further out. "Come on, you need to stretch them further. There you go. Feel these bits? These are just like your fingers. Remember the pamphlet your mum made."

"But my hands should be here!" Robin held up a leg-arm and waved it at Dream Thunder. "Not up there!" She tilted her head and gestured to the wing she had held before Dream. When she tilted her head, however, her raised hoof proved to be a weak point in her stance.

Robin couldn't get her fourth limb down to the ground quickly enough to stop her fall, but as she started to lean forwards, one wing snapped out to full extension, and the other jerked from Dream's grip. Instinctively, both new limbs stroked forwards, her new hands cupping the air with her tight wings, and pushing her back onto her hooves.

Both girls stood quiet for a moment, then Robin squealed loudly in excitement. "I flew!"

Dream blinked in surprise. "What? That was pretty good, but you didn't—"

"My hooves left the ground for a moment!" Robin flapped her wings in excitement, kicking up some wind with each flap.

"Okay! You flew. But do you want to learn how to <fly>?" Dream Thunder curled her snout into an enticing grin. When Robin nodded to her, eyes wide, Dream continued. "Okay. Face me."

Jumping to action, Robin shuffled around on her too-awkward-for-bipedal-or-quadrupedal legs until she was facing Dream. Without prompting, she spread her wings again. "<Okay>!"

"Alright. Most of the lift comes from these parts." Dream flicked her wings in a way to move the large expanse of sail that attached to her wing-arms and stretched all the way down her back. "It's what you lean on for stability, and then you use your outer wings to boost that."

"Uh, okay." Robin remembered the pamphlets her mother had made, and given out to everyone, but hers was tucked into her underwear drawer. "So?"

Dream let out an exasperated sigh. "You want to fly, right?"

"Yes!" Robin bounced in place a few times.

"Then you need to learn how to fly. It isn't easy, and your mum's pamphlet was useful." Dream Thunder lifted her wings up, and she saw Robin do the same. "Now, just flick them a little. Demonstrating with a slight wiggle of her wings, Dream waited for Robin to do the same.

Tucking her tongue out one corner of her short snout, Robin felt for the muscles she had used moments ago. Her first attempt to just wiggle ended up with a flap. Her second almost had it. Finally, she got the hang of using those muscles, and started wiggling her wings like Dream. "I did it!"

"Okay, next thing is a flap. Just one. But I want you to use those extra bits to curl your wings a little more, like this." Demonstrating a much more air-cupping position with her wings, Dream Thunder lifted them and flapped.

Robin's eyes widened in surprise as Dream lifted nearly a meter into the air. "Whoa! I gotta try that!" Spreading her wings, curling the fingers just how Dream had showed her, she jumped and flapped hard. Then flapped again.

"Stop!" Dream pumped her own wings hard, launching up to reach Robin. "Stop flapping!"

"But I'm flying! This is great!" Robin flapped her wings one more time before she remembered what she was really here to do. Leaning sideways, she looked at her flank; and promptly forgot to flap her wings.

Starting to fall, Robin's eyes widened, and she barely got her mouth open to start screaming when a strong pair of forelegs wrapped around her belly. "DREAM HELP!" Her scream was, of course, after Dream had grabbed her. She turned to look at her savior and saw grim determination on Dream's face.

Straining her wings, Dream set her teeth and held on tight to Robin. Using her big wings as brakes, she just held them out and let both of them drop safely back to the ground. "Robin."

Robin was clinging to Dream, holding on as tight as she could. "What?!"

"Hey, it's alright. You're safe." Dream booped her sister on the nose. "Come on, let's try that again."

The statement—and the boop—shocked Robin out of her panic. "Again? But I almost fell."

"Then learn not to. Just keep your wings out, silly." When Robin released her death-grip, Dream stood up and offered Robin a hoof up.

"So this is like a bike?" Robin took the hoof with her own, climbing up to her feet again. "Keep getting back on. It's just a lot longer to fall…"

"I'm not going to let you fall, Robin." Stepping back, Dream spread her wings again. "Okay, one flap this time." She waited until Robin stood mirroring her. "And flap."

Again and again they returned to the same position after flapping. Sometimes Robin was able to make it under her own power, and other times Dream Thunder would pluck her out of the air.

"Hovering is hard." Robin, despite her protest, was hovering. She had learned to never fold her wings up, never panic, and though she still sometimes did both, each time reduced the odds of her messing up.

"It's the hardest thing, actually. Even pegasi have it easier. Their wings flap a lot freer than ours. Watch how Mum does it." Dream was hovering before Robin, not making as much vertical movement as her sister, but also not hovering perfectly in place. "Plus, the higher up you are, the safer it is."

"What?!" Robin stared at Dream in shock. "But how does that work?"

"You have longer to fall, so more chance to stop and get your flapping happening again." Gesturing downwards with a hoof, Dream started slowing her flapping just a little. "Okay, let's head back down."

No sooner did Robin's hooves touch the ground than she heard hooves clopping together. She spun her head to see Lyra applauding. "I can fly, Mike!" She spread her wings and flapped them, careful not to actually catch air with them.

"I saw that, Squirt." Standing up from where she had sat to clop, Lyra walked towards her little sisters. "Practically gone completely batty, haven't you?"

"She needs a few more bits changed, but I don't think it will be much longer; less time still if she goes to the high-magic areas." Dream reached out with a foreleg and hugged Lyra. "Did you get a nap?"

"With Pinkie Pie here?" Lyra reached a foreleg up to catch Robin, and pulled her into the hug. "We saw you a few times, my window was open."

"I flew higher than the house!" Squeezing her sisters, Robin reflected on life's fortunes for about two seconds, then ignored the contemplation and squeezed Lyra and Dream more. "I'm going to get my cutie mark in flying, you'll see!"

"You might!" Lyra rubbed Robin's mane with a hoof. "You can do anything you put your mind to, Squirt." She kept working on Robin's mane vigorously, until Robin ducked out of the hug.

Sticking her tongue out, Robin spread her wings and flapped them, sending a rush of cold air over Lyra. "You're such a meanie sometimes!" Though the noogie annoyed her, Robin appreciated what Lyra said.

Letting go of Dream, Lyra walked up to Robin and booped her on the nose with a hoof. The shock left Robin staring in surprise. "Sometimes. But I have to be. Once you can fly properly I am never going to get to do that to you again." She reached out with a foreleg, as if to hug Robin.

"Nooo!" Robin jumped back and flapped her wings. She got up as high as the roof of the house before she dropped to her rough hover. "You were going to do it again!" Lyra was grinning up at her, intent plain on her face. Robin released some of the air her wings were cupping and dropped down to land on Lyra's back.

"Hey! Get off, Squirt!" Lyra bucked, but Robin locked her arm-legs tightly around Lyra's neck. "Dive-bombing is against the rules!" Her tone was only mock accusatory.

Gripping to Lyra as tight as she could, Robin giggled. "There aren't any rules! I win!"

"No rules?" Dropping, Lyra rolled over and grabbed Robin, now squealing, in her forelegs. "Then tickle-torture is legal again!" Her hooves proved just as good at tickling an almost-transformed bat pony as her hands had been with a human.

"N-N-No! Staaaaaaaaaahp!" Robin tried to retaliate, but she was laughing too much to be able to effectively fight against Lyra. Just about ready to cry out in defeat when Dream piled on.

"Us bats have to stick together!" Dream Thunder started tickling Lyra, getting a few laughs from her big sister. When Robin managed to stop laughing enough to join in, however, to get Lyra to let go.

Rolling around on her back, Lyra was laughing harder than she had in her life. She tried to fend off her sisters at first, but quickly gave in. "I surrender!"

"No more messing up my mane!" Robin didn't let up on her tickling.

"Or mine!" Dream was laughing almost as hard as Lyra.

"Alright!" Lyra was assaulted by tickling frogs for a few more seconds before Dream and Robin backed off. "That wasn't fair!"

"You agreed there weren't any rules." Robin had her wings slightly out, huffing and puffing in excitement. She lifted a hoof up to Dream, who replied with a solid clop. "So no more messing with our manes."

"Which means no more brushing." Lyra sat up, shook her head, and grinned at both her sisters.

"But I like brushing…" Dream turned to Robin and pulled the girl into a huddle. "I like brushing."

"Me too." Robin lifted a hoof up and tapped her chin.

"I got this." Dream Thunder turned back and looked at Lyra. "Brushings, will be exempted from the, 'No more messing up manes,' rule." She looked to Robin, and got a nod back. "Is it a deal?"

"As long as you help me with something." Lyra looked around and pointed at the barrier between their backyard and the Clay's. "I need a map. You need to do the whole town, and include the rings."

Dream narrowed her eyes. "What else do we get out of this?" The question shocked her a little at the sheer humanness of it. "Actually, we'll do it for that. This world is starting to get to me, I think."

"Hey, don't be like that. I'm your big sis'. Just ask, and if I can do it with magic, I can do it for you." Walking up to Dream Thunder, Lyra stretched her forelegs out and pulled Dream into a hug.

"Didn't you just start doing magic today?" Though she was a little perplexed by Lyra's offer, Dream didn't hold back from hugging in return. Robin picked then to pile in as well.

Lyra squeezed both her little sisters, and gave Robin a little peck on the top of her head as well. "Yeah. Well, I am going to be going to Princess Celestia's school. So this is an open offer. But all I have managed so far is some instruments and a monster headache."

"Deal!" Robin and Dream both said at the same time.

Author's Note:

Support me on Patreon or fuel my writing on Ko-Fi!

Join me on Discord. Warning, said chat may contain NSFW material and should be considered adult in nature.

Awesome ponies who are already helping to keep me in keyboards and rum:
Canary in the Coal Mine

And special thanks to the following, for careful eyes and friendly words:
Airy Words
Cross Lament