• Published 15th Apr 2017
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The Worst of All Possible Worlds - TheTimeSword

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria only to find Twilight Sparkle battling a strange pony named Starlight Glimmer. Unbeknownst to Sunset, Starlight has altered the past, forcing Sunset to deal with reigniting her friendships all over again.

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World 6: Chapter 5

“I’ve never been to Cloudsdale.”

The puffy, white clouds beneath Sunset’s hooves tingled like the texture of cotton candy. It did not dissolve, nor did she fall through it. For Sunset, a unicorn only dreamed of reaching Cloudsdale by balloon, and even then, they’d be forced to stay within the confines of the ponymade streets. To not abide such rules would end in a plummet, kissing the earth for one final time. Now her wings made it impossible for such a dramatic end, though she wished to share the experience with all her new friends.

Instead, only Fluttershy was able to join her, the curious mare felt no need to wait with Pinkie and Applejack to guard Twilight. “If those two can’t prevent her from escaping, there won’t be much I can do,” the pegasus explained after they exited the train. “My skills are far more suited to searching for Rainbow Dash, though if she’s here, it won’t be hard to find her. She’ll most likely be staying with her parents.”

Sunset lingered on uncertainty of the yellow pegasus. Helpful, yet callous in her words, the Element of Kindness seemed apathetic to the plight of Twilight Sparkle. She did not give a glance at all to the unicorn during the entirety of the train ride. And though they had every car to themselves, Fluttershy remained bound to the seat she chose, refusing to get up until they reached their destination.

Even then, her willingness to be beside Sunset was measured in a gap two ponies could fill without ever bumping shoulders. Sunset wanted to soak in the moment of setting hoof in the cloud city, but Fluttershy trudged forward, forcing the alicorn to keep up. “Is her home far? You know where it’s at, right?” she asked, trying to keep in stride with Fluttershy, and still somehow failing.

“Clouds move, Sunset, but places tend to stay the same. I know what their home looks like and the area. It won’t take as long to locate like your friend did.”

It wasn’t the first time Fluttershy said those words. ‘Your friend’. I know it shouldn’t feel odd, I’ve been through six of these worlds now. Yet every time I hear them say they’re not friends I just want to shake them and scream they are friends. “I hope you’re right. Returning to Princessland will be a chore, but it’ll be the final chore before our big task.”

“I won’t bother asking what that big task is exactly. I’m sure I’ll find that answer soon enough.”

“You don’t have to ask, I’ll tell you. We need to find the Elements of Harmony. That’ll draw Discord out.”

“An outrageous task, to be certain.”

Sunset felt confident in telling Fluttershy most truths, while hiding the biggest secret that carried itself within the nylon of her backpack. Only a few worlds ago, I was so bent out of shape over lying. A sudden creep of fluff ran up her back as she thought of another place in another time. The want to fill her acquired journal with memories strung itself in the forefront of her mind, but was clouded by clouds themselves. She breathed with inspiration, her nostrils flared at the sight of ponies within their fluff, white windows.

One memory stuck out the most, of the last world. That first time flying. It made her feel weak in the knees and strong in the wings.

A pegasus shadowed that memory, a small filly wanting nothing more than an autograph. Fluttershy stopped to glance back and wait for the alicorn who happily signed the paper. Sunset noticed this foal was the only one. Her eyes sprang up to the windows where ponies of all shapes and sizes gawked, but compared to the overpopulation of Manehattan or the tedium of the Crystal Empire, they did not jump from their window sills to rush to her presence. Only the filly.

Even though Sunset preferred the solitude, her mind continued to notice the lack of incidences as she and Fluttershy continued on. Were they afraid of her? That wasn’t quite it. In fact, homes within the cloudy city seemed so dormant that if spiders could fly they’d certainly have webs sprung this high. “This place is empty,” Sunset muttered to herself.

Fluttershy did not hear or did not have an answer, as she remained silent. The more homes they passed, the less Sunset was sure Fluttershy knew where she was going. That is until she spotted a stallion with rainbow hair who stood outside, watering potted flowers that sat around the edging of his home.

“Good morning, Mr. Hothoof.” Fluttershy spoke with a monotone demeanor. “It’s been a while.”

The stallion turned, his green shirt was lightly sprinkled with water droplets and the collar tugged with mud. “Oh, hello there. What can I do for you ladies?” His confused face dropped once Fluttershy removed her hat. “Fluttershy! Well butter my biscuits!” He reached out and wrapped one solid hoof around the yellow mare’s neck, pulling her in close. “Been some time since you’ve come around. How’ve you been?”

Pushing away, Fluttershy answered, “I’ve been good. I’ve come looking for Rainbow Dash. A princess wants to meet her.” She stepped aside, pointing her hat to Sunset. “This is Princess Sunset Shimmer.”


The stallion’s jaw dropped at the same time he sucked in air, almost dragging the cloudy platform they stood upon into his mouth. “A princess!? What an honor!” He bowed once, then twice, before finally staying down the third. “My name is Bow Hothoof, but please don’t be like Fluttershy. You can just call me Bow, if you’d like, princess.”

With a wave of her hoof, she commanded him to stand upright. “That’s quite alright, Bow.”

“Come in, come in!” The stallion rushed to open the door, and though they felt the need to reiterate their reason for being there, politeness pulled them inside. “It’s a shame Windy isn’t home right now. She’d be lovin’ this. A princess, here for our little girl!” He went to the kitchen, not even bothering to ask if they’d like a drink, choosing to prepare them something regardless of their wants. “Dash ain’t been in the right place for the past few years, so I’m surprised you want to meet her. She, uh, isn’t in trouble, is she?”

Fluttershy spoke for Sunset: “Why would Rainbow Dash be in trouble?”

“You haven’t spoken to her in a while?” He came back with two glasses of the clearest water.


With a scratch of his cheek, the stallion seemed befuddled by the answer. “Well, after being kicked out of the Wonderbolts, she came home. She’s doing better now, honest! But, for a while there, she wasn’t. Windy wouldn’t like me showing you—but I mean, she’s a princess and you two were best friends for the longest time.” Leaving the water on the table, he trotted, motioning for them to follow through the house.

Down hallways with cloudy ceilings, Bow opened the door to a room preserved in time, along with all the damage ever done to it. “I thought about cleaning it up but Windy insisted we leave it the way it is. My girl is number one at throwing temper tantrums, that’s for sure!”

“She was kicked out of the Wonderbolts?” Sunset echoed as she entered the half-destroyed room. Trophies were snapped in two, first place ribbons ripped to shreds, photos crumpled, and the bed was split down the middle. “If this is what you call a temper tantrum, I’d hate to see your version of rage.” Picking at one crumbled photograph, she found that it contained Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, and her mother. Rainbow Dash wasn't part of the picture, however, and both mares appeared very upset at whoever snapped the photo.

Bow smiled, almost to himself. “It was… unfortunate, but I think she got it out of her system for a while. She kept going on and on about how she was supposed to only rely on herself, and that friendship was pointless. I don’t know what happened with the Wonderbolts, but she’s way better than any of them. I guess they couldn't handle how awesome my little princess is.”

As Sunset examined all the damage, her eyes suddenly met Fluttershy’s blank stare. It was piercing right through her, as if Sunset wasn’t there at all. The frown the pegasus held wasn’t for anger or sadness. It was something Sunset knew intimately. Regret. “Fluttershy?”

The pegasus snapped back to reality. Her calm demeanor returned. “Where is Rainbow Dash now?”

Bow tugged on his collar. “She’s got her own place on the west side of Cloudsdale. Little home business that I’m sure will hit it big soon. I know she can do anything.” Rushing past the two mares, he went to a wall and pulled down one of the few photographs that remained undestroyed. “I can’t let you two go empty hooved. Here, Fluttershy.” Sunset glanced past the mare’s collar, looking down at the fillyhood friends within the photo.

“Thanks.” Fluttershy stuffed it into her coat. “We’ll be on our way now,” she said, trotting out of the room.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Bow.” Sunset patted his shoulder. “Thank you for your help.”

“Anything for a princess. I ain’t ever been to Princessland, and to be honest, I’m not even sure how many princesses there are nowadays.” His face crinkled abruptly into shame. “My daughter’s the only princess I’ve ever known. If she’s in trouble, don’t hesitate to let me know, okay? Me and Windy worry about her, but she doesn’t ever tell us anything.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I’m sure a princess has other things to worry about.”

Sunset’s heart sunk. It hurt to think of Rainbow Dash as anything than the loyal, helpful mare she’d always been. “Don’t worry. She’ll be surrounded by friends soon.”

His eyes lit up, and a smile that spoke for him rose higher than any other. She didn’t glance back as she trotted out of the room, following after Fluttershy. She arrived just in time to see Fluttershy exit outside, but something caught her eye. Slanting her eyes at the two glasses of water, a new item hid between them. A photograph of two friends. Sunset frowned, quickly and discreetly levitating the photo from its placement and stuffing it into her backpack. I guess they aren’t friends anymore. This’ll be an interesting meeting, then.

“Are you alright, Fluttershy?” Sunset asked after trailing outside, inching up beside the mare.

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation. “There’s not much on the west side of Cloudsdale, if my memory serves well enough. It won’t be hard to spot her. You hate wasting time, correct? Let’s go.”

Sunset gritted her teeth, barely staying her tongue. She followed the yellow pegasus, knowing full well upsetting the Element of Kindness could lead to the truth being released to the other bearers. “Are your parents here in Cloudsdale? Do you want to see them while we are here?” Sunset asked, trying to lighten the conversation.

“They are, but as I just said, you don’t want to waste time. I do hope you won’t mind my repetition.”

Giving up, Sunset kept quiet as they passed into a district where clouds were separate. Homes and buildings were sparse, forcing them to glide from one to another. Having no idea what any of the shops were for, Sunset tried her best to guess what Cloudsdale made besides clouds and storms and rainbows. Such rudimentary knowledge left her conflicted. The want to learn more of the city, and the want to learn more of Fluttershy’s past. Neither were on the agenda, however.

As fate would have it, her insatiable curiosity would only be drenched with more questions.

Finding the cloud building known as Rainbow Dash’s home was easy. Of metal and glass, the house reminded Sunset of a trailer drug by a truck back in the world beyond the mirror. Atop the metal frame sat a sign of lights. “Rainbow Dash LLC,” Sunset read aloud, though the ‘D’ had long since burnt out.

Fluttershy reached the safety of the cloud first, stepping forward toward the tiny home. As Sunset landed, the mare of their search came bursting out with a smaller stallion tossed to the cloud ground. “Get lost you bum!” she shouted, trotting down the makeshift wooden steps to kick his rump. The stallion was quick enough to take flight before she reached him, passing Sunset on his way to some place friendlier. “Oh, goodie, half time entertainment. What a lucky day for me,” Rainbow Dash said dryly, examining Sunset with a disinterested glare.

The blue pegasus wore nothing but a white tank top, dirty with mud, grease, sweat, and food. Her hair appeared to be so matted that it was clear it hadn’t been combed since she was a filly, if that. “What’s with the getup? The cold too much for you, gal?” Her deep cerise eyes rolled at Fluttershy, not recognizing the face beneath the hat. “If you two are actually lookin’ for me, you’re too late. I’ve got a list of jobs that are paying well, and I don’t like to be interrupted when it comes to making money.”

Removing the hat, Fluttershy stared up at the rude pegasus.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash’s manner changed like a flip of a coin. Galloping out, she grabbed the yellow pegasus and squeezed her so hard Sunset believed they’d meld together. “You ol’ scaredy cat, coming all the way back up to Cloudsdale. You didn’t fly, did you? Hah! Of course not!”

Pushing hard, Fluttershy managed to wiggle out of Dash’s grip. “Actually, I did on behest of a princess,” she said huffing. “Princess Sunset Shimmer, I’m sure you know who this is.”

With an ounce of spit shot into her hoof, Rainbow Dash slicked back her hair, trotting toward the alicorn. “A princess? Here in Cloudsdale?” She watched as Sunset extended her wings, showing off the gallantry. “Well it’s my lucky day then! Come in, come in!” She shoved the two into her home with no regard for their safety, smashing them into the stained table that wobbled between two torn up plush booths. Sunset felt gum stick itself to one of her back legs, while her front hoof touched something wet and smelly.

“I can throw all my other clients aside for a princess, especially one with lots of bits to spend,” Rainbow Dash greedily said as she went to a cupboard. The home was smaller on the inside than the out due to the clutter of trash and random pieces of sheet metal, weights, surfboards, trophies, and toilet paper rolls strung about. The kitchen sink was filled to the brim, forcing Rainbow Dash to push the faucet to one side just two fill two glasses. As she placed them down on the table, Sunset glanced at the thick liquid which was foggier than the clouds outside. “What can I do you for?”

Sunset looked to Fluttershy, but the mare grew coy and shy, perhaps due to the nostalgia brought on by Rainbow Dash. “I’m here for you, actually,” Sunset told Rainbow.

“Well that’s obvious,” Dash replied in a taunting tone. “Ain’t been to Princessland since it was called Canterlot. If you’re here for me, though, then something’s really gone down.” She grinned, displaying her surprisingly intact and well managed teeth. “My services aren’t cheap, though.”

“I’m not so much interested in hiring you as I am recruiting you,” Sunset responded.

Popping a squat next to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash kicked her back legs onto the table and threw her front around the back of her neck. “Yeah, and I’m not so much interested in being recruited by you as I am being paid.”

“Rainbow Dash.” The boldness of Fluttershy returned. “Princess Sunset is wanting to challenge the Flim Flam Brothers. She wishes to become the main ruler of Princessland and Equestria. Such a feat would earn a reward.” Fluttershy continued Sunset’s charade perfectly, not including the mention of Discord, which Sunset appreciated.

Rainbow slapped both glasses off the table. They didn’t shatter, proving they weren’t even glass. “Flim and Flam!” Rainbow spoke their names as if they were curses. “Those unibrows get all the glory, meanwhile, I invent and I invest and I’m still here in the same city all my life!” She shot a hoof at Sunset. “Why do you want to take them down? I thought all you princesses worshiped the ground they walked on?”

“Fame, recognition, what’s it matter? If you don’t like them, why not come with us?” Sunset argued.

“Nah,” Rainbow replied as she got up, the mare never sat still. Going over to a pot of dirty brown liquid, she poured herself a bowl as all her mugs were dirty. “Stand on your own four hooves and be the pony you want to be, that way you can help others. Shouldn’t a princess know that?” Taking a sip, she spat it out. “Gah!” she yelped. “It’s cold. I don’t even like coffee, why do I have this?” She dropped it into the sink and splattered the brown liquid all over the faucet. “Point is, you should do it alone. Makes you a better pony. Can’t remember who taught me that, though. I still think they were lying, but it’s not like teamwork ever did me any favors.” Her eyes settled on a crooked photograph strung up by the door.

Sunset followed her eyes, trailing to the picture. Two ponies, much like the one Bow had given Fluttershy, stood together wrapped in friendship. This one, however, showed a pegasus Sunset recognized. One she’d seen only once. Lightning Dust!

While Sunset sat for a moment, her brows drawing close together, she turned to look at Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus stared straight down at the table, her hooves tucked together, her face drowning in regret and sweat. “Be the pony you want to be to help others? You said something similar, didn’t you?” she connected the dots.

The words snapped a panicked expression to Fluttershy’s face.

Rainbow came close. “Yeah… Yeah, it was you that told me that.” The scrappy blue mare turned sour. “Well, you got your life together, didn’t’cha? Did it all by yourself? You got a fancy coat, a pretty hat, and your face ain’t changed from the cute thing it always was. Made for a name for yourself, too, I bet. How’d you do it, huh? Stand on your own four hooves, no help from anyone?”

“I had help. And then I chose to help others instead of myself,” Fluttershy countered, something any other Fluttershy wouldn’t have done.

“Really? You think it’s that easy, huh? Just improve yourself and help others and everything will fall directly into your lap? That’s the type of garbage you’ve been spewing? Shoot, I’ve got a toilet bowl with brighter ideas than that lame notion, it’s sitting right over there next to a blowup snowpony.”

“If you don’t mind me saying, but your ideas were always brash,” Fluttershy said, remaining less calm than before. “You were the one who told me to go fast and that’d help build my confidence, yet when those bullies came around to harass me, you were nowhere to be seen.” She pushed herself up from the booth, getting in Rainbow Dash’s face. “I’m here to help the princess. Not to be insulted.”

“Please,” Rainbow Dash chuckled, though there was no happiness in the laugh. “If I wanted to insult you, I’d talk about the time you cried when you dropped your ice cream.” She then turned to Sunset. “Yeah, licked the scoop right off the cone and it fell straight down through the cloud. Started bawling immediately instead of chasing after it and catching it with her cone like every pegasus in Cloudsdale.” Turning back to Fluttershy, she prodded the yellow pegasus with her hoof. “But I guess me doing it for you isn’t good enough to be counted as friendship. Not like you were ever a friend to me. You were bullied all the time! Missing it once and then boom, not friends anymore. Well good riddance.”

“I became something so you wouldn’t have to help me all the time. Just because somepony else showed me the way, doesn’t mean I didn’t have you as a reason to do it.”

Rainbow Dash pushed past Fluttershy, shoving her against the booth’s end. “Oh, geez, you gonna burst into song and dance now? A little friendship powwow and we’ll be right as rain, is that it? My life’s gonna change now that you’ve dragged some princess I’ve never heard of into my lap?”

“I did it for her, not for you. She needs help and we’ve got to be the ones to give it to her.”

“She ain’t done anything for me, and neither have you. As far as I’m concerned, you both are just like Flim and Flam. Go overthrow them. Go take on the princesses. Do whatever it takes. I don’t care, just beat it before I throw you out too. One pony a day isn’t enough exercise, and I’m feeling spirited.”

Sunset rose from the booth. “It’s not the princesses I’m after. It’s Flim and Flam, and they aren’t alone.”

Fluttershy turned to eye Sunset, an uneasy glance that asked: “Are you sure you want to tell her everything?”

“They’ve got a super powered draconequus who altered the events for this world. His name is Discord, and he’s the reason you’re the way you are. Not Fluttershy. Not Flim and Flam. Discord. He transformed everyone’s lives into what they are just to stop me. So we’re going after him. I need your help to do it.” No going back now. I’ll just have to deal with the consequences later. Telling them all about Discord will smooth things out.

Fluttershy was pleased by the sudden truth, though Rainbow Dash seemed angered by it. “Discord? Draconewhat?” She once again blew by Fluttershy, shoving her out of the way, only to come nose to nose with Sunset. “You mean to tell me someone’s changed my life for the worse? How do you know this?”

“I am not from this world. I come from one where you have friends and family who love you and you care about them,” Sunset explained, “And where you defeat villains, save Equestria, do all these cool and awesome things! Not just sit here… wallowing in your own pride and failure.”

Rainbow raised her head, staring down her muzzle at the princess, though they were the same height. “Either I’m crazy for actually buying that, or you’re crazy for trying to pass that off as truth.” Her eyes twirled to Fluttershy who gave a verifying nod. “Alright,” she said to Sunset. “I’ll play along. Not like I had any customers anyway. Guy I threw out was the first prospective client I’ve had in months. And savin’ the world sounds nice. Will I get reward?”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Sunset lied. “What do you even do, anyway?”

“Odds and ends, random jobs. I’m a jerk of all trades!” she answered.

“You mean jack of all trades,” interjected Fluttershy.

“Yeah, sure.” Rainbow Dash brushed back her messy mane. “Toilet repair, cloud pushin’, tree removal, painting model, garbage disposal, architecture design, dog walker. You know, the usual.”

Sunset internally grimaced. “Well, at least you’re not a criminal.” But Dash threw her head back with laughter, though she refused to answer why exactly she was laughing. With a gulp, Sunset said, “You’ll fit right in with Applejack then.”

“You’re going to fill the others in on Discord, aren’t you?” Fluttershy asked before they headed out, clearly thinking what Sunset already pondered. “If Dash and I know, certainly one of us here won’t be able to keep it secret.”

Dash’s teeth bared. “I ain’t no blabber mouth.”

“No. I’ll tell them. It may get Twilight Sparkle on our side if we open up. Applejack’s opinion won’t change, and Pinkie is… Pinkie,” Sunset reasoned, more to herself than to Fluttershy. “Plus, Flim and Flam already know of my plan in a way. I didn’t tell you, or anyone, but they sought me out in Manehattan while we were searching for Pinkie.” They know every lie the princesses tell them. But what if I lie to the princesses? Maybe I can use that to my advantage later. “So long as you six act as though I am the bad guy, we’ve got ourselves a loophole.”

“Well, your snootiness—” Rainbow grinned “—if you’re taking on Flim and Flam, then you’re going against the princesses too. Not hard to see you as a villain there. What have they ever done that’s bad? Gee, I bet they’d be as sweet as cherry pie compared to you. Might even give a bigger reward for helpin’ them. Not saying I would, but…”

Sunset ignored the sentiment. “You’ll meet them soon enough, I’d imagine. Next stop is Princessland to pick up our final bearer.”

As Sunset and Fluttershy walked out of the dinky home, Rainbow Dash fell in behind. “We’re seriously going to Princessland? Don’t suppose I’d have time to whip up some fake souvenirs to sell while we’re there? Princessland’s a gold mine for that sort of garbage.” As if an accomplishment, she then added, “And I know a thing about trash!”

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