• Member Since 17th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday



Call me Troubleshoes.

You're probably darned curious to know how a stallion like me ended up scoring with the Spirit of Chaos.

Frankly, I ain't so sure either. But I'll explain it as best I can.

Cover art by kretka-fretka. Proofread by Themaskedferret. Written for the Hearts and Hooves Day prompt for the Time Action Glory Challenge! group.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 39 )

This is my new OTP

If my only claim to fame on my deathbed is being the person who came up with Troublecord, then I'll count it a life more than well-lived.

Wonderful story telling! :moustache:
I am going to assume this is canon to the Palavarverse. :twistnerd:

This is now canon and if you disagree you are a particularly cheap fruitbasket.


This is now canon and if you disagree you are a particularly cheap fruitbasket.

i imagined Discord saying that whole thing aloud as a casual threat to all onlookers. :trollestia:

I see Troubleshoes inherited all of his great-grandfather's luck and none of his agility. I wonder which descendant got the hat...

In any case, I found myself reading this aloud, complete with voices. Fluttershy posed a challenge, but I may just do a recording of this anyway. It's a fantastically entertaining romp. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

Oh! Troubleshoes' narration is pretty good! :pinkiehappy:

I'm not sure how you managed it, but the conclusion of this tale turned out downright cute.

This is all the canon there ever needs to be now. :pinkiehappy:

I endorse every bit of this statement.

It's one of the more kindly threats he could make towards truculent onlookers, really.

Ha, glad you liked it! And any recording you choose to do is something I'd be delighted to hear. :twilightsmile:

Glad you think so!

True (horrifying, chaotic) love has a habit of assuming that very quality.

I mean...um...congratulations on finding a pairing that...well...no one else in the multiverse would ever have thought of, or attempted to write about. The fact you made it into a rather charming story speaks volumes about your quality as a writer.

Troubleshoes internal narration is wonderful here. I mentally read the whole thing in his doleful, lugubrious voice. Especially the phrase "concussed discombobulation", that's just perfect.

Lovely Fluttershy too. Oh, she knows how to work with Discord and his ways.

This was unexpected, but awfully good fun anyway!

That was adorable and I am so glad that I found it

Happy folks seem to like it, born of utter madness though it might have been. :twilightsmile: There wasn't much about this that wasn't great fun to write at all times, but keeping up Troubleshoes' doleful narration was especially entertaining.

Glad you found it! :pinkiehappy:

7947569 *slips you 3 bucks and half a candy bar* So.....If you've got anymore ideas about this odd couple...It'd be great if you shared them...Just saying, i'd read the heck out of a story about a unlucky gay horse and a ( most likely) pansexual noodle man

Only this one planned for now, but never say never. :twilightsmile: I'm sure the pair've got good story potential.

Kind of hilarious seeing Fluttershy get all confused at Troubleshoes giving Discord another chance.


"But I'd handed out the moral lesson and everything, in your favour! Why ... why are you undermining that?"

Glad you liked that! :twilightsmile:

Cute AF.

Thank you. :twilightsmile:

OK, this was cute. Weird as all get out, but cute. Somehow I see sometime of child coming form this as the incarnation of luck, which will be a head ache in a half to someone some where.

Also this is so much pure crack you should be arrested. Seriously I feel a little high just reading it.

Glad it delighted! Purveying recreational substances in word form was a fun novelty. Maybe there's a winning career to be made of it. :raritywink:

I feel like I should read this, but I'm hesitating on account that Troubleshoes saying he "scored with" someone falls wrong on my ear.

Yeah, there's probably more apt or in-character ways to have put it in all fairness.

This story was awesome! There were very few errors I could spot.

Would you like a drink, or—no, that would count as plying you with alcohol too quickly, wouldn’t it?

I assume it was not intentional to miss the "a" in "playing"?

But again, this was simply amazing, though perhaps not the best-of-the-best-favorites tier. I just have a few questions.
1) Is it implied at the end that they are in a relationship now?
2) Have you considered adding the "Sex" tag (while still keeping the story Teen)? There are a hella lot of innuendos. If you decide not to, that's your choice. It's just my opinion that this should have the tag.
3) Could I have your permission to take inspiration from this and do a sort of friend-shipping fanfic starring Trouble Shoes, Pinkie, and Discord? Perhaps a love triangle somewhere in the mix?

Glad you liked it, and for adding it to several of your libraries (which have lovely names). 'Plying' was the intended word there.

1 - That's the implication, yep. It may not be the most conventional or straight-forward of relationships, but they make it work.
2 - I considered it, and I can see why it might merit inclusion, but I personally reckon that so long as it stays innuendo-y within the auspices of the Teen tag, then it's alright to leave off.
3 - Feel absolutely free! :pinkiehappy: I'd be up for reading that.



Well I'll be damned.

Anyway, yeah, thanks for answering my questions!
Next writing priority: Troubled Chocolate Rain

“But what with what I’ve been given, I reckon I’d be a pretty poor sort of stallion if I didn’t give second chances to folks who mess up a little. Howsabout you make a proper introduction, and never mind that checklist none?”

I must not have noticed this story when it first went up.
What a charming tail tale.

Glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:


Hey, that's pretty gay! :P

Hey now. It's anomalous and unconventional.

...and gay as well, admittedly. It can be lots of things.

8168143 Totally gay. :3

Author Interviewer

I adore the way this is written, but I rather detest that they got together in the end. You had a good lesson building there! :B

A very good lesson indeed. Rest assured, Fluttershy was just as scunnered as you that they undermined it. :rainbowwild:

This is quite cute and the voices are well-written. Well done!

Alas, for Troubleshoes forgot his innate curse of FATE!!

Little did he know that when a draconequus chooses a partner... eventually they are MERGED!!! :fluttershbad:

And that's why Discord has all those parts! :pinkiecrazy:

That time where he got it on with a goat and a snake at once doesn't even make the top ten for Discord's oddest relationships.

Beside it, a little white rabbit looked up from their basket and gave me the most concentrated look of bale I’ve ever seen on a critter.

A random segue, but while checking on whether or not 'bale' by itself was a proper word, I discovered that the collective noun for turtles is a 'bale'.

Collective nouns for animals are the absolute best. It's hard to pick favourites, but I do have a fondness for a bouquet of pheasants.

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