• Published 3rd Jun 2017
  • 6,247 Views, 1,294 Comments

Cosmic Lotus - Goldfur

The Anomaly was a star in the Equestrian night sky that was unlike all the others in the heavens. Advances in science and magic had only deepened the mystery. Finally it was decided to send a starship to learn what they could. This is their story.

  • ...

Chaos and Organization

Just one last crewmember was left to be granted a wish – a male griffon with fiery-colored plumage and fur markings. Brimstone was Eon’s lieutenant while aboard the ship but had also trained as a planetary scout if their destination warranted it.

Flix grinned at Brimstone. “Ah – the student of the student of the master; more laidback than the rest, but also so very, very intense. Don't think I didn't notice when you snuck out to train next to my statue – always so focused on getting better once you were knocked down a peg. Why not really relax for a few hours?” Flix snapped his talons and two griffon hens appeared at Brimstone’s sides, crooning and nuzzling him.

“Nah, I'm okay,” the griffon said with a smile as he ruffled the head feathers of one of the hens. “Thanks though.”

Flix smirked. “It appears that my talons are on the fritz again.” He snapped them a second time and the griffon now had a zebra on one side and an earth pony on the other… both well-hung stallions.

Brimstone licked his beak. “This is more like it! Thanks!” He turned and left with his wings around his new companions. He waved to Eon as he passed. “Be back in a few hours, Teach!”

Destined had been watching all the wishes being fulfilled, and he sidled up to Flix to satisfy his curiosity. “Why is it that you seem to want to get nearly everyone laid?”

Flix chuckled. “It’s not my fault that's what's on everyone’s mind.”

“Or the first thing that occurs to them is some guilty fantasy before you give them a chance to think of something that they might want more?”

The chimera’s grin widened. “I promised a wish and fun – I never said that it wasn’t fun for me too.”

“Just like Professor Discord – he never let an opportunity for some harmless mischief go by.”

“Ah, I’m not quite at his level, but it’s not mere mischief anyway. Look at me – do you think I wanted to emulate my teacher with these mismatched limbs? No – I got them because I forced chaos to do something precise again and again. That’s not how it’s supposed to work! It has to be free-wheeling and spontaneous. That’s a major reason why the first thing that crosses the mind of the crew is impulsive rather than considered. But that’s the beauty of it too! They usually end up enjoying something that they normally would not even consider asking.”

Destined was both amused and impressed by his brother’s enthusiasm. “So, are you done?” he asked curiously.

Flix grinned. “I gave them twelve hours, and I’m sticking around to enjoy it. Besides, some might be bold enough to ask for something more. Take that crystal pony who just asked for a special meal for example – what’s the bet he regrets not thinking up something more long-lasting?”

“And if he does ask?”

“If it amuses me, why not? I never said anything about being limited to just one wish.”

“Ha! I suppose not.”

“What about you, Des? Got something you want to wish for? Not limiting myself to just the Lotus crew either.”

Destined shook his head. “Nah – my sex life is just fine, thanks. I have a great husband, two fantastic children, and a career that I enjoy. Aside from wishing that Mama Roseclaw hadn’t passed away, I really don’t have anything I really want personally.”

Flix pouted for a moment. “That’s too bad. Oh well – no sense wasting the opportunity.” He snapped his claws and disappeared.

“What did you mean by… that…?” Destined began before his higher pitched voice threw him off. With some trepidation, he craned his neck around to look at himself. … Herself. She groaned. “FLIX!” she yelled in a musical mezzo-soprano voice. She groaned again. ‘I even sound extra girly,’ she thought, not daring to speak again.

She fumed for a long moment before her thoughts turned to her husband. He had used a gender-swap spell twice in order to bear them a daughter and a son, but Destined had never done the same. Then again Silk always said he preferred it that way. Still, just this once while he was a she…? Destined didn’t think that Flix was going to undo the spell, so she was stuck this way for the remainder of the twelve hours – why not enjoy it? Destined sighed and shook her head. “Dammit, Flix – you win,” she said begrudgingly, wincing again at how melodically beautiful her voice was now. She powered up her horn, got a fix on the mana beacon back in Griffonia, and teleported home.

The chimera’s laugh was all that was left in her wake.

The Halfway Happening might have been delayed briefly, but it certainly was not cancelled. Many of those who had left earlier rejoined the party a little later. Wandering and Starry caused a bit of a stir when they revealed the nature of their relationship, but not nearly as much if half the crew had not also had their hidden fantasies revealed.

Starry said to Wandering, “What are the chances that Flix knew that exposing our relationship under these conditions would take most of the controversy out of it?”

Wandering thought about it for a moment. She eventually nodded before replying, “I believe that you’re right. Mama Roseclaw always said that Flix was precocious, and spending a century merely as an observer probably sharpened his perceptions. He saw right through us, didn’t he?”

“Yep. I’m going to look forward to spending more time with our long-absent brother.”

They did have more chances to talk with Flix despite the chimera being interrupted occasionally by various crew members. The two on the bridge were relieved and given their wishes too. However, Flix did not provide all the entertainment. The planned events still went ahead, and he joined in and enjoyed himself as much as any of the crew. Eventually a number of them drifted off to bed to get a few hours of sleep.

When Wandering announced that she and Starry were going to do the same, Flix snapped his talons and he was suddenly clad in a Cosmic Lotus uniform with a ridiculous number of rank stripes on his sleeve and enough ribbons and medals pinned to his left side to be mistaken for multi-hued scale armor. He wobbled for a moment, eventually finding his balance by thrusting his right arm and leg straight out to the side to regain his balance. He then saluted Wandering and said, “Worry not, Captain! Your ship is good claws. Admiral Flix is on the job!” Unfortunately, saluting caused him to lose his precarious balance, and desperate flailing with his limbs was to no avail as he unceremoniously crashed to the floor.

Wandering smirked. “You are supposed to hold the salute until your subordinate officer returns it, Admiral Flix.”

Flix bounced back up, now with a number of heavy trophies attached to the right side of his uniform. He beamed as he shot a snappy salute. “No fun in that, rule follower!” Wandering noted that the largest trophy was a plaque surrounded by golden filigree. It read "Zeroth Semi-Annual Equestrian Spelling Bee: Best Spelled Word". And in bold beneath that "FLIXIBILITY".

Wandering rolled his eyes and begrudgingly returned the salute. “Didn’t your yacht end up landlocked in a lake?”

“Aye! But she was safely moored, right?”

Wandering realized he was never going to win this argument. “Goodnight, Admiral.”

Flix winked and a large book appeared in front of him with a quill hovering at the ready. “Captain’s log… stardate: half past two. Ship’s Commander incapacitated… by extreme lethargy… I suspect… too much nookie…. Crew in high spirits… and in the punch too…. I must… boldly go… to the bathroom…. End log.” The book snapped shut, and both it and Flix then disappeared.

Destined Path returned to the Cosmic Lotus shortly before Flix’s twelve hour wishes were due to expire, startling the crew on watch. They had not been aware that Destined had left the ship, but that was not nearly as surprising as her present gender.

The alicorn gave them a wink and a sexy swish of her tail and said, “Better get a good look, guys – this is the last time you’ll see me as a mare.”

She left the stunned stallions and headed for the Park, believing that the party would still be going there. Her guess proved correct as she found a significant number of the crew present while musicians were playing a slow dance tune. It was his turn to be surprised when he recognized two of the couples as gender-swapped versions of Wandering and Starry, and by the intimacy of their dancing, there was far more to their story than a sex-change. He waited for the music to end and the two wandered off the dance area before he moved to join them.

They both spotted Destined at the same time and gaped in surprise before Wandering gave a girlish giggle. “I don’t believe this – our gay brother wished to be a mare?”

Destined rolled her eyes. “Don’t jump to conclusions. This was Flix’s idea of a joke on me after I commented on all the impulsive naughty ideas that the crew had wished for. Anyway, look who’s talking! Are you going to tell me that you two weren’t having happy adult fun times together as the opposite sex?”

Starry chuckled and replied, “No, but we were having those even before Flix did this to us.”

Destined grinned. “I knew it! The way you were dancing together was too intimate for mere siblings. How long have you been an item? And why haven’t you told me about this sooner?”

“We’ve been together almost as long as the voyage has been going,” Wandering replied. “We’ve just kept it a secret because we did not want to cause controversy. Only Auntie Luna knows about us, but now the whole crew is aware, or soon will be.”

“Want me to tell our parents?” Destined asked.

“Might as well. This experience has only solidified our feelings for one another, and whatever our parents think of it won’t change our minds. They deserve to know at least.”

“Okay, I’ll do that. So, how did like swapping gender roles?”

Wandering grinned. “I’ve been a mare before, and I enjoyed being one again, especially with Starry.”

Destined was surprised. “You have? You have to tell me more later. What about you, Starry?”

“Well, I have certainly gained a huge insight into masculinity, but I still have no idea how males put up with this thing between their legs every hour of the day. It’s so demanding!”

Both Wandering and Destined laughed uproariously. “You get used to it eventually,” Destined replied, “Although sometimes we still have to tolerate it at the most inconvenient of moments. But did you enjoy using it?”

Starry grinned. “Buck, yeah! I’m still going to give Flix a kick in the rump for foisting it upon us without asking, but I’ll give him a kiss after he turns us back for helping us with our relationship.”

“Seems he’s been doing that a lot in his own chaotic way,” Wandering added. “Anyway, while we’re on the subject, I believe you left the ship – so what did Silk think of the new you?”

Destined blushed. “He laughed his head off for several minutes. Flix’s spell made me extra girly, and he just couldn’t stop breaking up every time I opened my mouth.”

Starry nodded. “I noticed that. In fact I think it’s playing on my masculine feelings too, but I’ve been repressing them.”

Destined sighed. “Yeah, well Silk eventually got it out of his system and then promptly dragged me off to our bedroom.”

“He wanted to have sex with you that readily despite your change of gender?” Wandering asked.

“Silk has always been bisexual – he just has a strong leaning towards preferring stallions.”

“But what about you? I’m pretty sure that you’re not bisexual.”

“Well, I think that Flix might have influenced my sexual preferences a bit, but even so, Silk twice became a mare for over a year to bear and nurse our two foals, so how could I do less than giving him the opportunity to reverse the roles for once?”

Starry frowned and poked Destined with a hoof. “That’s a load of horse-apples. No mare just has sex just because she thinks it’s her turn,” he said gruffly. “Are you seriously going to tell me that you have spent the last twelve hours, or should I say two days in your time, trying to make up for Silk’s supposed sacrifice?”

Destined blushed fiercely, started to say something, stopped, tried again, and then sighed. “You’re right. When we got to the bedroom, Silk stopped and asked me if I wanted to have sex. I found myself thrilled to be asked, and said yes. Then he made love to me in a way that I never experienced before.”

“You’re feeling guilty for enjoying being a mare for him, aren’t you?”

Destined nodded. “Don’t get me wrong – I still prefer being a stallion, but I never thought of myself of being capable of feeling that way for him as a mare.”

“He loves you, and you love him,” Starry declared. “Sex or gender has little to do with that, so stop feeling that way and remember the experience with joy.” He turned toward Wandering and smiled lovingly. “This gender swap has given me some valuable insights that I will long cherish. I look forward to being a mare again, but I enjoyed my time as a stallion, and I value the new perspective it has given me.”

With a flash and the bang of party poppers, Flix suddenly appeared next to them. “Did I hear someone say that they look forward to being a mare again? Maybe I should give you three an extra twelve hours?”

“FLIX!” all three growled at him simultaneously.

The chimera chuckled. “Just kidding! The twelve hours are almost up. Naughty of you to stretch it out for over two days, Des!”

“As if you didn’t know I would,” Destined pouted adorably.

Flix chuckled. “Guilty as charged.” He held up a camera and took a picture before Destined could react. “That’s one for the family photo album!”

“What?!” Destined squawked. “Gimme that camera!” The alicorn mare tried to grab the camera in her magic, only to see it disappear.

“I’ll send you an eight by ten glossy print later,” Flix said smugly.

Destined groaned and face-hoofed.

Flix then spoke up, his voice magically projecting throughout the ship. “Magic wishes are about to expire in three… two… one…”

“Wait a moment!” yelped someone above them.

“Zero!” Flix concluded, and simultaneous flashes of magic occurred everywhere in the ship.

Wandering, Starry, and Destined were back to their original genders, but they did not have time to appreciate it before a unicorn mare heavily landed on the grass beside them.

“Oof! Give a girl a bit more warning next time, Flix,” Golden Gleam grumbled before getting back onto her hooves.

“What just happened?” Destined asked.

“Gleam wished to find out what it was like be a pegasus,” Starry explained.

“And I was in mid-flight when the wish ended,” Gleam complained.

“Did you at least enjoy being able to fly?” Destined asked.

“Oh, definitely, but how hornless ponies deal without telekinesis I’ll never understand. Handling things with just my hooves was a pain in the plot!” She then trotted away.

Wandering said, “Well, I suppose I had better call this party to a close and get things organized for the next full shift. First I had better find out…” He trailed off as Techbird entered the Park, still in the enhanced crystal-griffon form that Flix had given her. “I thought all the wishes had expired, Flix?” he asked as she walked up to join the group.

“I was about to ask the same thing,” Techbird said. “Galena and I had been waiting for this moment with a bit of regret. So what’s up, Flix? Don’t tease this old bird.”

Flix smiled slyly. “What wish did you make, Tech?”

The griffon frowned. “As I recall, I didn’t actually make a wish.”

Flix spread his forelegs expansively. “There you go.”

“What are you talking about?” Techbird demanded.

“You did not make a wish, so it cannot expire. I gifted you one instead, and I didn’t limit myself.”

Techbird’s crystal beak gaped in shock. “You mean – I get to stay this way?”

Flix grinned at the reaction to his surprise. “Yep. You have a whole new fresh lifetime ahead of you, Tech. Time enough to discover your Answer and perhaps get to enjoy your relationship with a certain changeling princess too.”

Techbird suddenly threw her arms around Flix and hugged him fiercely. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

“You’re… welcome,” he gasped.

Techbird released the chimera, allowing him to breathe once more. “Oops! Sorry. I… I have someone to tell the good news.” The crystal griffon bounded away with the joy and vigor of youth.

“Sneaky!” Starry said admiringly.

“Totally worth the bruised ribs,” Flix said smugly.

“Any more surprises?” Wandering asked.

Flix smirked. “Maybe.”

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“Nope, but why don’t you ask them?” he replied, pointing with his dragon talon.

They looked to see Purple Point approaching down the Park’s winding path with his sister, Sunrise Flight, both of them looking worried.

“Wait a minute,” Destined said as the pair stopped by the group. “I clearly remember Point challenging you to grant his unspoken wish, so why is his sister still in corporeal form?”

Purple Point said, “I don’t know either, but I’ve come to beg you to not send her back.”

Flix smiled, but without a trace of mockery on his face. “Do you really think I would be that cruel? I swore that no one would come to harm by the use of my chaos powers. I could not think of anything more terrible than to send your sister’s soul back within you, so you’re stuck with her now. Cancellation of your wish is null and void.”

Purple Point looked incredulous, not daring to believe, but Sunrise Flight came over and kissed Flix on the cheek. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Radiance does too when he gets over the shock.” She turned to Wandering and asked, “I don’t suppose you have a use for another crew member, Captain?”

Wandering smiled reassuringly at the pegasus mare. “I’m sure we can find a place for you, Sunrise. Welcome aboard!”

“Thank you, Captain!” Sunrise turned and hugged her brother. “Come on, Radiance – we have to start looking for a job for me.”

Purple Point was gaping in shock, but he shook himself, gave her a goofy grin and said, “&*#%!”

Sunrise giggled before leading him away.

Wandering blinked in surprise as the siblings departed. “I haven’t heard that one before.” He turned back to Flix. “Next you’re going to tell me that you plan to join the crew.”

The chimera laughed. “Nah! I have so many other things planned now that I’m no longer a statue. I figure you’re going to have enough chaos all by yourself.”

“What do you mean by that?” the alicorn asked with narrowed eyes.

Flix just winked, snapped his talons, and disappeared.

Starry said, “Don’t let him push your buttons, Wandering. He may be just trying to stir you up.”

“Whatever the case,” Destined said, “I need to get back to Equus now that I’m back to normal. I have a Day Court session to hold, and at least the petitioners won’t wonder why there’s a new princess in charge.”

Wandering and Starry gave their brother a hug.

“Give our love to the family, Des,” Starry said.

“Of course I will. Seeya next scheduled visit!” Destined’s horn flared and a moment later he was gone.

“Where do you suppose Flix went?” Starry asked. “I saw no ribbon on Des this time.”

Wandering snorted. “Turned himself into a flea on his back for all I know. Anyway, time to get this ship back to normal operating routine.”

Starry giggled. “Somehow I don’t think this ship will ever be quite normal again!”

“You’re what?!” Wandering blurted out from behind his office desk.

Coldfire calmly replied, “Pregnant. With foal. Awaiting the tapping of little hooves.”

“I know what pregnant means – how did that happen?” He immediately held up a hoof to forestall another smart-ass reply. “And I don’t want to hear a lecture on reproduction. You know that there’s a ban on having foals on this voyage. We are not equipped to deal with them, and it wouldn’t be fair to the foal, growing up knowing nothing but the inside of a starship.”

“I know, but the opportunity was only there for a short time, and we both wanted it.”

“Opportunity? Who’s the sire?”

Coldfire gave him an annoyed look. “Xanth, of course! What did you think I meant by the opportunity? He was a real pegasus for only twelve hours, so it had to be done then. What do you think would be the chances of that happening again?”

“And you just happened to be in heat at that precise time?”

“I wasn’t up until Xanth was transformed. I guess Flix knew what I wanted most.”

Wandering groaned and face-hoofed. “Why did Flix have to do that? No, don’t answer – it’s because it was amusing and would cause chaos. At least I can assure you that you will almost certainly have a perfect pregnancy and birth. The way his magic works, the more good-natured chaos it causes, the more effective it is. And that brings me back to the problem at hoof. So – it’s plain that you two are deeply in love if you wanted a pegasus foal so badly that you could not wait until the end of the voyage when we return home where you could get a changeling compatibility spell and have a hybrid child, but did you consider the consequences first?”

“We were… kind of caught up in the moment,” Coldfire admitted.

“I thought as much. It seems to me that our options are limited, and none of them are perfect. We can’t return you to Equus, and letting the pregnancy come to term leaves us with the problem of dealing with a foal. I’m not sure if the hibernation system would be suitable for an infant, and the same might apply to pregnant mares.” Wandering sighed. “I’ve got some consultation and a lot of thinking to do, so you can go back to work for now.”

Coldfire got to her hooves and started to move toward the door, but she stopped when the alicorn spoke up once more.

“And before I forget – congratulations to both of you. I hope that your child will bring you the happiness that you deserve.”

Coldfire smiled. “Thank you, Captain. That means a lot to me.”

“This special council is called to order,” Federation Senator Maya Barr declared as she took her place at the head of the conference table. The bear morph waited for quiet before continuing. “Gentlebeings, I realize that we have given you a near-impossible task to achieve in too little time, but due to the nature of the threat, I need to know whatever conclusions that you have been able to derive from the Halcyon incident as soon as possible. Shir Redrock – has the Science Corps identified the mysterious energy yet?”

The chakat that had been addressed shook hir head. “Madame Senator, my team copied the records of every sensor aboard the Betelgeuse, and I do mean every sensor. Even things that should have had no chance of interacting with that unknown energy such as an oil-pressure monitor on some obscure piece of equipment. We were that desperate for data, and yet we still came up empty. The energy blast failed to trigger any sensor directly with the exception of visible light, and we came to the same conclusion as the Betelgeuse’s crew – it’s a side-effect of no consequence. Aside from the images gleaned from the visual logs, only the energy blast’s reactions with whatever matter that it struck were recorded. Whatever it is though, it isn’t electromagnetic.”

“Shir Redrock, are you telling me that we have no way of detecting the use of that energy?”

“I’m afraid so, at least directly. Our examination of the damage done to the ship shows distinctive effects on the molecular structure of materials that is similar to known outcomes caused by energy weapons. However, these do not enable us to detect the enemy in any fashion. There is still a chance that a ship equipped with specialized sensors, both tried and experimental, might be able to learn more about the energy, or at least be able to detect the process that produces the visible light portion.”

“That would involve sending a ship into considerable danger, would it not?”

“I’m afraid so, ma’am.”

Senator Barr turned to the Star Fleet officer on her right. “Grand Admiral Tirarsk, what are your thoughts on this?”

The male Rakshani gravely returned her gaze. “Madam Senator, it is Star Fleet’s responsibility to the Federation to defend it against all threats. Just because it is dangerous does not mean that it should not be done. Having said that though, my own analysts have been assessing data on the alien threat and we have drawn some initial conclusions. First – whatever their superiority in firepower, they showed none of that with their starship’s maneuvering capabilities. We believe their warp drive is vastly inferior also, with the caveat that this is based solely on this single encounter. However, like Shir Redrock, we also want more data, so we are proposing to dispatch four of fastest and most maneuverable fighters to investigate. If they find the alien threat still present, they can dodge and weave while trying to disable the enemy ship and maybe even bring it back for analysis.”

“The report showed that phasers had limited effect upon the enemy ship.”

“We have far more weapons at our disposal than just phasers, Madam Senator. If the circumstances favor us, we may get the chance to try them all out on their ship.”

“Capturing it would be of far greater value though.”

“Of course, but until we have their measure, that is by far the most risky alternative.”

Barr frowned but had to concede that point. “Very well, go ahead with your proposal as you see fit, but if you perceive the opportunity, please try to capture it. Keep in mind that the aliens must be prevented from getting access to our superior propulsion technology at all costs.” This earned a grim nod from the Admiral, her meaning clear.

The senator turned to another at the meeting – a male fox morph. “Mr. Tomas, what is the current situation with regards to the outlying colonies near Halcyon?”

“Star Corps colony ships have been dispatched to the Midline, Gosford, and Albright colony worlds to facilitate evacuation procedures at a moment’s notice. Initial reports suggest that many colonists will resist being removed, but as the colony populations have grown beyond our means to accommodate them all on our ships, that might be a blessing for those who do wish to be evacuated. As morbid as that sounds, we do not have the capability to remove even half the colonists at short notice.”

“Unacceptable,” Barr replied. “I want every available Corps ship to suspend its current operations and head for those colonies. Their safety is Federation responsibility and until it is proven that they are not at risk, we will assume the worst.” She turned back to Admiral Tirarsk. “How many Fleet ships can be brought in to defend the Corps ships?”

“I would have to research that to give you an answer, but we have over two dozen pirate hunters that can be quickly dispatched to that task. In addition, there are several capital ships, but I strongly recommend that they be held in reserve to defend our home worlds and the major colonies that are too big to evacuate. We cannot disregard the possibility that the enemy may approach from a totally different direction.”

Barr considered his words. “You’re right. Very well, leave it to just the pirate hunting ships for now.” She turned to the final member of the meeting – a faleshkarti – a race of hermaphrodite beings resembling fennec foxes. “Coordinator Blyss, your species is adept at moving and catering for enormous numbers of beings, which is why you have been assigned to handle the logistics of the evacuations in tandem with Star Corps. Do you have a program drawn up as yet?”

“Yes, Senator,” shi replied as shi forwarded a summary of the details to the senator’s PADD. “Supplies and accommodation are being sourced as we speak, and we will be ready to take in refugees if or when they come.”

That was a bold statement, and if anyone but a faleshkarti had made that claim, Barr would have been inclined to scoff. However, she had witnessed their colonizing procedures and had no doubt that they could live up to their boast. However, she still pushed for a little more. “Do you have any of your colony ships to spare, Blyss?”

The long-eared alien shook hir head. “My apologies, Senator, but they are still needed to relieve population pressure on my home-world. While enormous improvement has been made in the past eight years, it will be a long time before my race can afford to divert efforts away from reducing our numbers, even in the face of this threat.” While the Federation had found a solution to hir race’s innate urge to breed without restriction, their critical overpopulation problem would take many decades to ease.

The bear morph nodded reluctantly. “I understand. We will do our best without them.” She stood up, pushing back her chair with an annoying scrape. “That should be all for now. Unless you have any questions? No? Good. I expect daily reports even if there’s nothing new to report. Gentlebeings, we have a huge challenge ahead of us, and an enormous number of citizens who are depending on our ability to work fast and effectively. We are still treading muddy waters here, so hope for the best but prepare for the worst. This meeting is adjourned.”

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Author's Note:

For those of you not familiar with my Chakat Universe, you might not realize that although I have borrowed elements from the Star Trek franchise to avoid re-inventing the wheel, it is NOT Star Trek. While in the show, Starfleet is one all-encompassing entity, my universe limits Star Fleet (two words) to the dangerous occupations of exploring unknown territory, policing interstellar space, and in the worst case situation, waging war with the Federation's enemies. When Star Fleet discovers a new world and assesses it to be suitable for safe colonization, it then passes responsibility to the Star Corps which explores and develops it for colonizing. It retains that responsibility until such time as the colony declares its independence. The Science Corps is another division of the Federation that is responsible for research and development, and lends its services to the other branches.

Pronouns - some species in the Federation are true hermaphrodites and their pronouns are shi (replacing he or she) and hir (replacing him or her). Possessive is also hir. Some species are cyclic herms – switching back and forth between male and female. Their pronouns are hy and hym, with the possesive hys.

Check out the further lives of Purple Point and his sister in Alden MacManx's latest episode.

Thanks again to Airy Words for his pre-reading and suggestions.