• Published 13th Aug 2017
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The Second Life of Moztrot - CrackedInkWell

What if the pony counterpart of Mozart was given a second chance to live in modern day Equestria?

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Chapter 45: Her Name is Clypeus

The next morning, the Orchestra prepared to head home, full of pride at pulling off the most perfect performance of “Magic Flute” in history. We bid our Changeling actors goodbye, secure in the knowledge that their king had given them tremendous honors and praise for an astounding, ambitious feat of the arts such as the kingdom had never seen before. But at dawn (and before I was completely awake) Wilfred, Fan, and Sauté were getting ready for our next trip towards Istally. By the time I was conscious, I had one last thing to do in the Changeling Kingdom before we set out – breakfast with King Thorax.

I must say that in comparison to the other meals with royalty I’ve had in my life, this was rather unusual. Firstly, unlike those that required some privacy (except for some guards and courtiers), breakfast for the King was a communal act. There was an undoubted banquet; trays upon trays of strange and exotic foods were served, designed to please the eye and the tastes of royalty. It struck me that it wasn’t just Thorax that was given his fair share; everyone, even the humblest of Changelings, partook in this morning feast.

The King wanted me to sit next to him at the Royal table. Such a thing was, of course, a tremendous honor. But at the same time, it was as if one was eating at some other family’s get-together. Some of the rules of etiquette were outright ignored, even by the King! The subjects spoke freely with him as much as he did to them. Here, foals played with their fortress of mashed potatoes as armies of edible flowers threatened to invade. There a grandparent recalled tales of times gone by. Above all, the Changelings didn’t treat their own king any differently than any other family member.

“Waffles, Mr. Moztrot?” a colt asked as he offered a pyramid of the stuff.

I took a few and a spoonful of strawberries from a passing filly. And before I could start on those, a young mare asked if I wanted my cup of coffee refilled. Before I knew it, I was offered freshly whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

“You have the best cooking in the world, Your Highness,” I commented as I cut up the sweet treat before me. “This is the only place I know that serves dessert at breakfast. I feel like a colt again.”

King Thorax laughed, “Waffles, I think, have been around for a while now as a breakfast food.”

“Since when? I mean, not that I’m complaining of course.” I said before taking a forkful of that warm, creamy, sweet goodness.

“No idea. But I do know it’s been around for some time. Still, at least you're satisfied.” He let me consume the scrumptious meal before asking, “So I take it that you’re going back home to Canterlot?”

After swallowing, I answered, “Actually, I figured that we should go to Istally next for a… long overdue visit.”

“I see…” He nodded. “Will this as big of an affair as the last funeral you held in Saltzberg?”

“Depends who comes. But even if it wasn’t for that, I’d still be excited. I haven’t been to Istally since I was a teenager. Beautiful country with mares to match. It makes me wonder what has changed since my last visit there.”

“But I was wondering if you’re planning to perform the Requiem there, what will you do for an orchestra and choir now that your musicians have gone home?”

“Oh, I’ve already thought of that,” I told him as I cut another piece. “I spoke with the vice president about providing me one for family matters and he said he was going to pull some strings here and there. I should have one ready for me by the time I get there.”

“Ah. I see.” After he munched on something unidentifiable, he changed the subject. “I want to say that your opera last night was actually fun. And my Changelings who took part say that they had a ball doing it. I’m really impressed at what they managed to accomplish.”

“As you should be. They are natural born actors. It’s amazing to me that they managed to pull it off so perfectly in such a short amount of time. Really, you ought to show Equestria their talent, they would become stars overnight.”

“I may consider that, thanks to your efforts. Still, what a creative way to introduce my kingdom to opera. No doubt it’s giving my Changelings a few ideas.”

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine. If I have influenced anyone here, then I say my job is done.”

“Not quite.”

This snapped my attention. “Huh?”

“Before you go, there is one more thing that I think you should know.” He said as he took a drink of… something from his cup. “Is it true that you’re still open for teaching?”

“Well, that depends. Why do you ask?”

“After the opera last night, I was approached by one of my Changelings. She said that she’s interested in learning to play a new instrument, in this case, the piano, from you.”

“Oh?” My ears perked up. “How old is she?”

“Twenty-six. She played the clarinet in your opera, but she told me that she wanted to learn how to play a keyboard from the very best.”

“How come she didn’t come to me?”

“I think she tried,” he said picking up an orange, “but you were so swamped with everyone congratulating you that it didn’t seem possible.”

That made sense. “I don’t know if I could give her a lesson right away.”

“Ah, there’s more.” The King added. “She said that since she doesn’t have any bits, she’s willing to work as a maid to pay for her lessons. She does chores, you give her lessons. If you ask me, it sounds like a fair trade.”

“Another maid? Well… I guess I could ask Wilfred about it. Knowing him, he’s itching to get more staff at home. Has she been trained in service?” When he said he doubted it, I shrugged, “Since we are going to Istally, I suppose that she could be trained along the way. Very well. If you can have her come to my guest room after breakfast, then we’ll see if she’s qualified.”

“I’d say thank merciful Celestia.” Fan said. “It’s about time we get more staff. Working in a mansion and traveling around with you.”

“Agreed.” Wilfred nodded. “It’s a wonder why you haven’t considered doing this before.”

“You all know that it’s been busy since I came back from the dead,” I replied. “I just couldn’t find the time.”

“But regardless,” Mr. Sauté smiled, “at least we are getting someone new.”

“And I can use the help,” Fan nodded. “When do you think she might get-”

“Uh, excuse me.” The four of us turned towards the curtain door to see a very light pink head with blue eyes poking out. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, Mr. Moztrot.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my butler raise an eyebrow. “And who are you?”

“I’m Clypeus,” she said as she entered, “I’m the one that wants to become a maid and be your student, Mr. Moztrot.”

“Ah,” Wilfred stood up as he went up to her, “you’re the one that’s applying for the position. I understand King Thorax is aware that you’re planning to work for us?”

She nodded, “He knows and he’s okay with it. And uh… who are you?”

“I am Wilfred, the butler. This is Fan, currently the head maid, and Mr. Sauté the cook. Now, since we are about to head towards Istally, Master Moztrot-” I cleared my throat. “Ah, pardon me, Wolfgang has suggested we train you as we travel. Tell me, miss, have you ever worked as a maid before?”

“Well, I’m good at following directions, and a fast learner. If tasks are set before me, I’ll do them immediately. Plus, since I’m a Changeling, food shouldn’t be much of a problem; I personally see it as an optional luxury. But don’t worry, I’ve learned how to share the love as much as feed on it, so I’ll be able to take care of myself. Plus, I don’t have any personal possessions except for my clarinet.”

Nodding, Wilfred turned to us, asking our thoughts. “If she’s willing to learn, then hire her,” Fan said. “I can show her the ropes.”

“As long as she doesn’t harm any of us,” my cook said, “she’s in.”

“And you know what I think,” I said.

“Right then.” He turned to her with a stern look. “We will be leaving in a few hours. There are a few rules. We will set a number of hours per day you will work. During those hours you will follow any instructions given to you by myself or Fan, who from now on is your supervisor. You will assist us with cleaning, answering the door, attending to Wolfgang’s guests – in short, whatever duties that must be done. Speaking of which, you will refer to him as Wolfgang in private but as Master Moztrot in a public setting. At the end of the week, you will get your pay, the amount to be set by the Equestrian crown depending on the labor and hours you put in. We will teach you how to act professionally in your work, and the behavior you should adopt. Do I make myself clear?”

Clypeus indicated she understood.

I approached her. “You know, I’m surprised that you’ve decided to do this all of a sudden.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I embarked on this passion project, I didn’t expect that I would be getting a new maid and student as well.”

“Have you heard your own music?” She asked with a giggle. “Don’t get me wrong, I have heard of you a few times and heard some of your stuff here and there. But actually, playing that opera… I don’t know, I’d never heard anything like that. Something so simple but bursting with creativity. I just knew that I had so much to learn.”

“But don’t you have family or friends here?”

“Besides my parents, no one who’s really close. My friends say that I should try to move up in the world. Someone said once that when the opportunity comes by, it’s best to go with it to see where it leads you.”

“And you think I’m the opportunity that you’re looking for?”

She shrugged, “You never know until you start.”

I smiled. “I’m beginning to like your way of thinking, miss.”

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