• Published 18th Oct 2017
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Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

  • ...

Do you know what time it is?

"Mana, the life energy that all living beings possess. Very few races aren't even aware that there is such a thing as Mana as it is very powerful as well a very difficult energy to control. Those with the power to control such energy are called in many ways, Sourcerers, wizards, witches, etc. and is often seen as something bad and unnatural thing to be involved with. It is said that those who control magic are in control of their destinies... or their demise. "

"Wooo, Ominous. Where do you hear that?"

"In one of Gwen's books I borrow. I like to read in my free time."

"You have free time?" Ben, Rook, Princess Twilight and her assistant Spike are on their way to the castle while discussing what the Princess has said earlier.

"Really? Is magic that rare in the universe? That is weird. Here it is everypony breed and butter. We use it for pretty much everything. Unicorns use it to do basic stuff like take hold of things, Earth ponies use it to grow a fast and healthy crop and the Pegasi us it to fly and control the weather."

"The only other race in the universe that I know have this vast control over mana are the Anodites and the only reason of this is that they are made up of mana. They are quite literally conscious living mana". Rook said as he gazes around curiously at the houses, streets and the residents of the town. They were already informed that the big blue bear attack was no more so they were already back to their daily routine at their homes.

Rook was a little surprised seeing how anypony seems surprised at seeing a bipedal blue cat walking along with their princess. There were some curious looks now and then but nothing major than that. Totally something not expected for a Close System Planet like this one.

"Conscious Mana you say?" Twilight asks with curiosity and amazement.

"Yep, I actually have some Anodite blood on me... or mana I guess. My grandmother is an Anodite. But I wasn't born with the Spark as she would say. Only my Cousin Gwen born with it... oh and my cousin Sunny but we don't talk about her."

"A living, conscious mana. Ha, who could have thought of that. The universe is much bigger and more interesting that I could ever imagine. Magister Rook, Helix you two need to tell me more about this universe. Hooooo I can wait for this." The princess enthusiastically said at the white alicorn and the injured Plumber who looked back at her with an unsure expression. "I would love to see this Anodites. The idea of conscious mana is fascinating,"

"Well, I would love to show one for you princess sadly the Anodites don't have DNA so I can't copy it and transform to one of them with my watch. Not that it would even matter," Ben added looking back at the green and black symbol on his chest.

"Oh yes. I was wondering about that. Ben, why have you not transform back into your original form?"

"Original form?" Spike asked. "Why, can you transform into other things? *gasp* are you like a changeling?"

"What's a changeling? No no. I got this watch that allowed me to change into several other races in the universe. That is how I fight the bad guys," Ben answered. "And yea dude. Hear this, I think the Omnitrix is busted. I can't get it to work. Its been like this since I arrived at this planet," everyone stops at their track to look at the symbol on Helix Green's chest.

"Really? Let me see," Ben tried to force a change on the Omnitrix by pushing the matrix but every time he tried the same thing happen, a pinkish purple light emanates from it along with a low tone beeping indicating that it would not budge.

"You know what I think? I think the watch overload with magic or something. Something here makes it go crazy. I think I will be like this until I get out of the planet and save the day or something, that is how it usually works." Rook look at Ben with a riced eyebrow. "What? This isn't the first time something like this happened to me."

Rook shakes his head and pushes the Omnitrix by himself to see how it would react and test his hypothesis "Ben, have you ever even read the manual for the Omnitrix?"

"Is there a manual for the watch?"

"Hum... Yes?" Rook answered knowing very well that Ben should know this.

"What? How do you even know that?"

"I give it to you the first week I was assigned as your partner. Magister Max gives it to me to give it to you. Do you remember?"

"Hum well..." Ben thought back the day he invited Rook for some chilly fries for the very first time and he barely recalls receiving a book bigger than his head from him. He remembered skipping some few pages and tossing it in the back of Rook's ship promising he will read it later only to never see it again. "... What does this have to do with anything?"

"Ben, you are in Close System mode."

"I am in what now?"

"Closed system mode. It makes the user change into the closest alien species to prevent any chaos the appearance of an unknown alien form will bring to the habitats of an underdeveloped planet. It activates automatically once you enter a planet that is not registered in the Plumbers database."

"And how do you know that?"

"As I said, I like to read in my free time. I will not skip the opportunity to learn about level 10 technology,"

"Do you get any of that stuff?"

"Well, I..." Rook, trying to avoid eye contact, scratches the back of his head and clears his throat. "*Aham* Here Let me help you with that." Rook stand on his knees as he tries his best to stay closes to the Omnitrix trying to get it to work properly. Meanwhile, the princess and the dragon stare at them curious trying to comprehend what they were doing.

"Uh? Hey, Twilight. Isn't that the girls over there?" Spike pointed out the end of the road as they saw a group of familiar faces coming over.

"Hey, Twilight? Where do you think you going?" Rainbow Dash screamed pulling something behind her along with her other friends besides.

"Hi Girls. Whats up?" Twilight asks innocently.

"And where do you think you are going, young lady. Especially with our... visitor." Rarity says eyeing Ben behind Twilight.

"What? No nothing. Sorry, I guess I was so excited that I didn't even say bye. Rainbow? What are you doing with Discord?" she asked eyeing the cart Rainbow was pulling with the draconequus on top of it as he was fanned by Angel bony with a paper fan and slurping one of Pinkies smoothies.

"Rainbow here was kind enough to pull me on this cart back to Fluttershy cottage since I can't move. Is the least she could do after such behavior from earlier. Oh and Rainbow, next time be more careful with the bumps in the road. It is affecting my back." Discord takes another sip from his cold beverage as he notices everyone else was watching him dismissively.

"Don't push your luck. Don't make me regret this because I am pretty sure you can walk pretty well on your own even with that around you." Rainbow replied.

"Isn't the day getting hotter or what?" Discord said pretending he didn't hear the blue pegasus while overdramatizing his agony and back pain as he prompts Angel to fanned him faster for the displaced of the little bunny.

"That aside. Twilight, why did you take Green eyes without telling us? Do you want him all by yourself?"

Twilight blushes at hearing Rainbows accusation. "No. No, of course not. I didn't even think that..."

"Sure you didn't," AJ reply judgingly. "Do you think we were going to let you go along with him that easily? Ah still need ma helper back at the barn to fix the problems he caused. That way he will pay us for the room and food he is going to get." She said with a smile.

"Sorry, darling but we haven't still heard from him with who he is going to stay the night with. You don't really think it was his fault for what happened at the farm, Do you? You can't seriously propose to make him work after all he has been through."

"Yea, Green eyes sure must be exhausted from his long trip across the universe. And what a perfect way to relax than in a soft cloud house like mine. He will rest better in my house."

"Oh no. Here we go again," Spike face slap as he sees all his friends fighting for the new good-looking visitor. Spike sit down arms crossed as he looks at Rarity and how hard she was trying to get a stranger to her house.

"Ooooooh, shiny!!! Benny, Rooky what are you doing there?" Pinke said bringing the attention of everpony else to the bright green light emanates from the stallion.

"And... there. I think this should fix your problem." Rook step aside, standing up with difficulty and watching the symbol on Helix Green chest beeping from a purple color to its usual green. "Now all you need is your command."

"Wow, really? Was that easy?" Ben said while slamming the Omnitrix on his chest making him glow in a green light as his body silhouette deform back to his normal bipedal form. "Rook, you did it!! You fix the watch. Awesome!! The great hero Ben 10 is back to business." He said raising a fist with a smile.

Everypony watch with unsure faces at the creature in front of them. He was a tall bipedal creature wearing a black shirt that has a green stripe in the middle with a white 10. He was also wearing brown cargo pants with pockets at the knees and green and white shoes.

"Benny, in what have you transformed this time? A hairless ape? The other black alien was so much cooler than this one."

"Hey!! watch it. This hairless ape happen to be my real form. I am sorry it took this long but let me introduce myself properly. I am the great Ben 10, savior of the universe. Is a pleasure," He said smiling raising his chest proudly.

"Wait? Helix? That is your real... form?" Twilight asked. When Ben nod, it was quickly followed by a loud group of disappointing exhales.

"So that elegant tall stallion alicorn with the noble white feathers and with the beautiful emerald eyes is in reality..." *Burrrp* "... this?" Rarity said in disgust as the bipedal creature burps very loudly in front of them.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I knew those hey smoothies weren't going to be good for me," "Burrp* " Ah, excuse me." Everypony takes a step back and looked the alien visitor in disappointment.

"Yea, You know what Twi, Ah think I can handle the repairs to my field on ma own, they weren't that big anyway. Ah don't need him anymore" Applejack said taping Twilight shoulder.

"Yes, darling. I think is better he will stay with you. It was the princess order anyways, isn't it?"

"Yes, he isn't an alicorn anymore so he can't stay in my cloud home"

"He... he can still stay in my home..." Everypony turn in confusion to stare at Fluttershy. "I-I mean if he wants to," she quickly replied trying to hide behind her hair sheepishly.

Everypony then turns back to see the visitors from out of space and all watched how Pinkie was with Ben lifting his arms and checking Ben's mouth. "Oh, interesting but why you only have a hair in your head, Benny? and how do you even grab things without hooves?"

"Hey, stop it. You are tickling me," Ben giggle softly.

"So... this is how you usually look?" Twilight asked curiously but with a hint of sadness at Ben as he finally noticed that every mare was staring him curiously.

"What? do you want to see more transformations?" Without even waiting for an answer, Ben pushes two buttons at the side of his wristwatch as a hologram of a green disk showing several silhouettes of different species of aliens appeared in mid-air. Moving it around with one of his fingers he finally decides for one of the figures as he raised his palm to push the matrix.

Suddenly, the same green light surrounds Ben once again as his body changes. His stature gets taller and more muscular and a second pair of arms appeared just behind the first pair along with another pair of eyes. His skin now red with a set of three little spikes on top of his head and on each shoulder and on his face, a distinguish mustache appeared. He wears a black tank top with a green strip in the middle and a belt where the Omnitrix is located.

"Four arms!!" A different voice, one more dipper than that of Ben's or Helix's screams at the air as the transformation ended. "Good, It seems the watch is back to normal," Everypony stare at him with different expressions. Some of amazement, others of curiosity and others with indifference.

"Oh, fascinating. You change from a hairless monkey to a red, little bit taller monkey with four arms," Discord said with sarcasm. "Rainbow, why don't we go already to Fluttershy's, Is getting late. Isn't that right Fluttershy?" But any pony responded. They were too busy watching the red alien in front of them. Discord just sigh in annoyance.

"That is more like it. So what can this guy do?" Pinke asked.

"Oh. Can you shoot lasers out of your eyes?" Spike asked. "Or, can you blow frizzing wind out of your mouth? Can you fly or run super fast?"

"Oh, oh can you make orange juice out of your nose or frozen yogurt from your armpits?" Pinkie added.

"Hum well, No, no I can't but I... I have four arms and I am very strong," Four arms said with a smile showing off his biceps which didn't impress anyone. "Ok, let me show you," Four arms then gently grabbed all the others including Rook and put them on top of the wooden cart and lifted it in the air with just one hand. "See and I'm not even trying that hard." He said with a smug smile

*Crack* The wood then lets out a concerning sound. "Hey, watch it!" Applejack, at hearing this, quickly jumps off and ran putting herself under the cart. She then jumps up grabbing her cart with her hoves managing to take it off from Four arms' grasp. She then slowly and carefully lay it down on the ground with no more effort than Four arms used to left it up. "That cart is mine and Ah want it in one piece, thank you very much," She said as she checks if the cart was still good condition.

Everyone else stares at Ben unamused.

"Hum... ok, ok. I see you are not impressed by feats of strength." Four arms body was changed back to that of Ben. "But what about this one." Ben raises his hand up high ready to slam the cylinder on his watch. Once he did, his stature change once again but this time to a smaller one. One that appears to have four stick legs, yellow thorax, a beak and big antenna in comparison to his small size.

"What?!! Ball Weevil? Oh, men!!" The little yellow insect said out loud.

"An insect? I've seen bigger and way more intimidating bugs than you, Hero" Rainbow said getting close to see the small creature.

"Ouuu. I think it is adorable!!!" Fluttershy said embracing the small insect. Everyone else sees him with a tilted head not knowing what to think.

"Ough... Seriously Omnitrix? Ball Weevil? I wanted Heatblast or at least Swapfire," He said still between Fluttershy hoves. "Wait, let me try again" Freeing himself from the hug, he transformed back to his original form only for him raising his arm on the air once again this time slamming his watch with more force than before but once again, after the transformation finished, an alien that definitely Ben didn't want to transform into appeared. This time it was a small grey alien with big green eyes and with the watch on his tiny little back. "Oh, c' mon!!!"

The act of transforming back and forth between his original form and his most disappointing transformations continues for a few minutes. Transformations like a mole with a big mustache, a puny fish with little fins, a sort of pixie or fairy, a red goblin with an aviators outfit, a yellow, fat blob alien wearing only his underwear. "Ough, this is The worst thing ever," The yellow blob said in a disappointing sigh.

"Oh, don't worry Ben. I think all your transformations where adorable" Fluttershy said trying and failing to comfort him.

"Magister Rook? Sorry to ask this but... Is he really a hero that has saved the universe... more than one time?" Twilight asked whispering to the Plumber's ear.

Rook looked at Ben that was screaming and yelling to himself and to the watch on his wrist as the others tried to calm him down." Ough as much as unlikely it looks, he has indeed saved the universe multiple times. Though he lacks the discipline and seriousness of a true Plumber, everything ended up his way one way or another."

"I see" Twilight look unsure of the so-called hero thinking thoughtfully if she should trust them or not.

"Well, as entertaining it is to watch you change into all those aliens or whatever Ah think is best if we part our ways by now or we will run out of sunlight. Ah still need to finish my shores back at the farm," Aj said looking up at the sun shading it with one hoove looking unsure of what she had just said.

"Hmm, yea, Actually I think it passes 8 already but the sun... the sun is still up above in the sky," Twilight said looking the sun that was right above them with a little of confusion. "The sun should be getting ready to hide on the horizon by now. I guess it isn't that late as I thought." Everypony shares an unsure look.

"Yea, yea. Can we leave already? The longer we stay here standing the longer it would take Twilight and the heroes to get me out of this thing," Discord said struggling with the orange energy net around him.

"Yea, let's all go home already. I am getting bored here and I still need to take this to Fluttershy's," Rainbow said eyeing with a smug smile at Discord. A mean look was the only thing Discord do as a response.

Every pony nodded and said there goodbyes to each other. Rarity saying she had some work to do at her boutique, Pinkie saying bye after offering the Plumbers the last of her smoothies, a thing that the two politely refused and Rainbow and Fluttershy walking their way to the cottage but not before Fluttershy offers the plumbers her house if they want someplace to stay the night. This leaves the princess, her assistant and the Plumbers alone on the road.

"Well, we better start working on that weapon of yours, Magister Rook. We wouldn't want for one of my friends to keep waiting any longer... and maybe you can tell me how to build one of these nets just in case." The two Plumbers share a look before walking there way along with the pony and the young dragon.

"Isn't this interesting?"

"Interesting? What?" Ben asked Rook as he talked to Ben making sure the two creatures in front couldn't listen.

"The way the call the big bright ball on the sky."

Ben tilted his head" Do you mean the sun?" Rook nodded at his question. "Well, duh. Every alien I've meet call the sun well... a sun."

"Yes but that is because it was, in fact, a sun." Rook said giving Ben a confused look.


"What do you mean that that it isn't the sun?" Tirek points confused at the big ball of light up on the sky questioning his new partner's sanity. Vilgax just laughs walking towards the tired and recently magic-less princess of the sun.

"This planet is an anomaly unique in the universe. Even though it isn't orbiting any solar system it has been detected to withstand life reach in green vegetation, water, and many other similar conditions to harbor life along with an abnormal amount of radiation. And now, been here on the planet, I understand what this radiation was all along," Vilgax said as he looks up through a window to the sun with an evil smile. He then graves the magic-less mare by the throat while rising her up. "And since you are the princess of the sun you must know it too, don't you Princess Celestia?" Vilgax said with a threatening voice as his grasp around her neck gets tighter.

"I will never tell you anything to you, you...vail beast," Celestia said as she was struggling with the hand around her neck.

"Haha, A fullish bravery expected from royalty," Vilgax chuckle as he let goes of the fatigue princess letting her fall down to the floor. Celestia coughs trying to stand up on all fours but she was powerless not even being capable to sustain her own weighty. The alien creature walks towards the unconscious princess of the moon putting a foot on her face threatening to let go off all his weight into her skull. "I wonder how long that is going to last you." He smiles every.

"No!!! Let her go!!" Celestia screams as loud as she can but the warlord didn't oblige. The floor under Luna's head started to crack.

Vilgax was about to open say something but the sound of a trumpet echoed through the castle interrupted him.

"Hum...It looks like they already find out about our unwelcome presence here." Tirex pointed out. Celestia smiles with hope at seeing that in just matter of seconds royal guards start surrounding all the room.

"Step aside from the Princesses you two and put your hands in the air where we can see them." A male Pegasus shout as he commands with a hoof to all other guards, bout Solar and Moon, to point their lances at the enemies.

Vilgax smile, amused by the actions of the ponies that only functions to show how little they know about the supreme being in front of them. He was about to show them why exactly he was called a warlord until a strange sensation surrounded his body. A crackling sound was heard from all his mechanical enhancements and he feels his body heavier. "Ough, Tirek would you mind doing something?" Vilgax scold.

The centaur only growls at this as he despised the feeling of someone giving orders to him."Stupid overgrown crustacean. If it weren't because I still need the magic from Discord and the two alicorn princess left, especially Princess twilight, you will be done where you're standing." Knowing very well that this wasn't the time or place to start a fight over such trivial thing, he does as told. Opening his mouth, magic started to get out of the guards around Tirek and into the mouth of the beast,

"Quickly stop them before he steals all of our magic," the captain shouted as the everyponie else attacked the centaur at the same time giving a few the opportunity to conserve his magic. The ones who were reached by Tirek's magic absorption ability where quickly replaced by more guards ready to battle giving the opportunity for other guards to save their falling comrades.

The odds seem to be in favor of the Solar and Moon guards as the numbers seem to overwhelm Lord Tirek. He couldn't find the time to use his abilities to finish quickly with the fight before any spear pierces through his eyes or any other vital parts. Vilgax clenches his teeth at seeing the hard time Tirek had at such easy fight, slamming and rushing his arm around like a child. The only reason he wasn't over by now is that he overwhelms them by his large size and pure strength bit still it wasn't a sure victory for either side.

"Princess. Princess."

"Capitan Ironheart," Celestia whispers at seeing the captain of his guards silently approaching her grabbing her by the arms trying to put her in a safe place.

"Don't worry princess. I will take you to a safer place," Ironheart said watching at the green monster with red and black armor as he seems distracted standing in his knees next to Luna watching the fight Lord Tirek was taking part of.

"No, wait. What about Luna?"

"Don't worry about that either Princess. Her guards are going to make sure nothing bad happens to her." Both watch at the Lunar guards slowly and carefully surrounding the squid monster waiting for an opportunity to save their unconscious princess.

"No, Tirek alone is one thing but him along with the other... this-this is going to be a problem. I am sorry to say this but we aren't going to win this battle."

Ironheart feels insulted hearing that her princess didn't trust her guards to do their jobs but when he looks back to see all his comrades that were fighting Tirek, his confidence dwindles at seen how Tirek tired of playing games started to use the magic he has stoled so far defeating the guards with a single magic attack and taking the magic of their bodies one by one.

"Capitan, I need a parchment, quill and the green candle from Luna's desk. We still have the other princesses, we still have hope," Capitan Ironheart nodded before looking around searching for her princess' request. Once he finds the items, he runs back and forth with such items on hooves.

Vilgax rises his fist, testing it by closing and opening his palm. He now can control his body more easily but still with some difficulty. On it was just in time for him as he finally decides to put attention to the Lunar guards trying to save her princess. All the spear strikes and more was nothing compared to the years of battle experience the warlord have. Not even a single scratch was upon the alien creature who defeated the guards with arms thrust and eye beams.

Once he saw all the ponies that were around him down on the floor, Vilgax saw how Tirek use his ability to absorb his magic too as he was about to defeat all the guards around him too. When he lowers his arm, he could see the princess of the sun with some items on her mouth looking nervously from the piece of paper on the floor and him. "Hey! What do you think you are doing, pony?" Vilgax stands up and rushes quickly where the Celestia was pushing aside the Lunar guards around him with ease.

The white mare writes in the parchment the fastest she could with his trustworthy captain putting himself between her and the monster to at least buy her some seconds. Vilgax trusts his arm to put him aside like the others but he managed to dodge it by jumping and flying in the air. He takes the opportunity that the monster was too slow to catch up to him at his flaying speed to kick him on the face hoping it will break his balance and fall on the ground This act was fruitless however as the kick was but just a small pebble hitting him in the face for him.

Vilgax, anticipating to the guard movement, raises his arm to hit him. He barely succeeded in hitting him on one of his wings but the hit was good enough to send him flying away into Tirek direction. Vilgax looks back at the princess which look like she has already finished what she wanted to do and was now burning the parchment with the green flames of the candle. The paper takes a time to be completely burned but when it happens, not even its ashes were left behind.

"What did you do?" Vilgax asked out loud.

"The princess has already informed the other princesses about your attack in Canterlot. They will be here any minute," Ironheart gives out a brave smile to the giant tyrant who was graving him between his giant hands.

Tirek looks at the pony on his hand for a few seconds before deciding on opening his mouth and absorbs his magic until the last drop. He then let him fall to the ground and smile. "Good, you are making this much easier for me. Princess Twilight will pay for what she did."

As all of this was taking place, Vilgax had finish knocking off the rest of the Lunar guards leaving them unconscious on the floor. "Well, it seems the number of hostages has increase," Vilgax walks once again towards Luna putting his feet on her face. Tirek, on the other hand, imitates him but with some of the guards. "Now, should we continue where we left off." Both Tirek and Vilgax smiled fiendishly.

"No, stop!!! I...I" Celestry lower her head in defeat. "I am going to tell you everything I know so please leave my sister and my guards alone."

"Good, so start talking. We have time to kill until our new guests arrived."

"Uuuuugh, sorry for that," Ben said waving his hand trying the move the burp flavor air out of his face. "Did you guys know what time it is? I am starting to get hungry again. *Burp*" Ben said holding his stomach with cross arms and with an unhappy face. "Those smoothies really did a number to my stomach though"

"Haha, yea. Sure they did. Haha...haaa," Twilight gives out a nervous chuckle before letting go a sad sigh. She just couldn't get used to the idea that the white and handsome stallion was in reality...him. Not that she got anything against other races, she even invited the two alien creatures to help him repair their technology, that way she can make them talk more about things found on other planets... and because she likes to help. She is looking forward to this but she has to admit that if Helix Green was present instead of...him she probably will be happier. "Sorry Ben, right now I am lost too in knowing the time but it wouldn't be necessary. We can all get something to eat here. Welcome to my home" She said as the view of her castle was now visible from the horizon.

Rook takes a few seconds to look at the curious crystal tree of a castle as he put a thoughtful face. "My apologies for being so late to ask this Princess but are you sure we can find everything we need to fix my Proto-tool in your castle?"

"Totally, Twilight has one of the biggest libraries in all Equestria. Including mechanics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, and more science stuff and if none of that work we can try all the different spells he has in her books. And if you need some materials you can count on me, her number one assistant." The little dragon said with pride. "If she can't help you nopony can."

Twilight role her eyes as she pets Spike's head. "I will do my best to help you the best I could and after that, we can figure out where your criminal went. Discord may look a little strange but I bet that with his help we can capture him in no time but we need to get them out of that first."

"See Rook. No problem at all." Ben throws a confident smile.

"Ok, What are we waiting for?"Rook said taking a step forward without taking into account his injuries. He quickly stops to hold the bandages around his broken ribs. Ben quickly come to his aid.

"Wow-wow. take it, easy dude." Rook put a forced smile as he pushes away Ben trying to be strong.

"Haaa, we can also get some help for that too if you want to," Spike added. As the four gets closer and closer to the main door. They were able to see another creature knocking at the entrance of the castle.

"Princess Twilight. Urgent message for Princess Twilight! Is anypony home?" The creature standing in two hoofs and with a trident on hand shouted as he didn't receive any response. He was a red minotaur no bigger than a pony wearing a sort of Spartan/greek black armor and a threatening trident on his left hand.

"Aster, Is that you?" Twilight asked what bring his attention to the young minotaur.

"Your Highness. Is so good to see you again." The minotaur said bowing to the princess.

"Stop it Aster. You know you don't need to do that when we are alone. Is so good to see you." Aster stands up as both smile before shearing a hug.

"Spike, buddy how are you doing," Aster said raising his fist as the little dragon brofist him. The Dragon and the alicorn started to chat as it seems the already know the strange creature.

"Hey, Rook is that..."

"Yea, I think it is. A minotaur, one of the creatures from earth mythology."

"So what is the caretaker of Cerberus, guard dog of Tartarus doing here. Actually, speaking off. How is he? Don't tell me he run away again?" Twilight asked.

"Did she just said Cerberus and Tartarus... Like-like the actual hell.And what about Cerberus the three-headed dog from hell? But what is wrong with this land of multi-color ponies and its monsters, their hell and their devil dogs and minotaurs and who knows what else?... This place is so awesome!!" Ben said excitedly to Rook who the only stare unsure.

"I wish it was a simple problem like that, No. Cerberus is actually very harmed. Someone attacks him." Aster said taking off his helmet with a sad frown.

"Someone attack Cerberus? But how, why, who?" Twilight said shocked. Cerberus is the guard of Tartarus for a good reason, Imagining somepony who was strong enough to beat him was just unthinkable.

"We sill don't know who exactly did it but it seems he did it to..."

"Twilight!!!!, Twilight!!!!" Screams from the streets interrupted the minotaur. All turn around in the direction of the screams seeing a blue unicorn wearing a wizard attired running towards the castle. "Twilight! You got to help me. You need to help me, to help Starlight!!" Trixie keeps repeating the same thing taking hold of Twilight's shoulders and breathing heavily.

"Trixie? Trixie, calm down. Why are you like this. Have you been running from Starlight's old village all the way to here? Spike get to the kitchen and bring some water for Trixie, please."

"Sure thing," The little dragon said saluting and quickly entering the castle running at the direction of the kitchen but when he was about to do what he was asked for, he burps a green flame out of his mouth and within the flame a half burn and a very damaged scroll with a message.

"There is no time for that Twilight! Starlight, Starlight is in a big trouble! She was fillynap!!!" Trixie said with tears of frustration and worry that started to appear from her eyes getting uncomfortably close to Twilight's face.

"What! fillynap? are you sure?" Twilight asked what makes Trixy shake her head up and down vigorously as a response. "Hum.. ok I believe you, this is an emergency. We need to send some guards to..."

"Twilight. I know this is bad news to you but we may have bigger problems." Twilight was about to get inside her castle to look for Spike so he can send a letter to Celestia but she stopped when his old friend talked. "The-the creature who attack Cerberus also did something else. He-hum he also released Lord Tirek from his cell." He said holding his trident with both hands in frustration.

"Tirek!!!! What!!!, Oh no, Oh no, no no no. This is really bad news. Really bad news. We need to tell this to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna at once."

"Hum Twilight? I don't think that will be necessary," Spike said as he just finishes reading the scroll on his hands. " Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are being attacked right now by Lord Tirek and an unknown creature," Spike said holding the scroll on one hand to allowing Twilight to read it.

"What!!!!!!!!!, Oh no Oh no this is the worst thing ever." She said as she reads the message written by Celestia's own hoofraiding. "This is really bad. Fillynapping, Cerberus, Tirek, Luna, Celestia. But who, who and why? Who could have done all of this?" She said with panic showing all over her face.

"Some sort of squid-like creature. "The dragon, the minotaur, and the unicorn share a confused stare between each other as the three said the same thing at the same time. Twilight slowly turn to look at the Plumbers who were with a frown

"Well, I guess I already know what time it is. It's Hero time!!"

Author's Note:

Sorry if the mystery of why Ben couldn't transform into other aliens wasn't that epic like a bad function of the Omnitrix or something like that. I thought it was funnier this way :pinkiehappy:

Hope you like it :scootangel: