• Published 5th Feb 2018
  • 11,514 Views, 473 Comments

Ponyville Runaways - Splash Surfer 216

After the Gabby Gums incident leaves them feeling outcast by their friends and family, the Crusaders resort to running away from home.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The Search Party

At that moment after leaving the Golden Oak Library, Twilight and Spike had just made it to the Town Hall, where Mayor Mare's office stood in the center of Ponyville. They all knew that it was important that she be notified first before everypony else in Ponyville was alerted of the situation at hand, and if anything, once they explained everything to her, she'd be able to help them out.

Twilight and her assistant headed up the stairs of the office and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Mayor Mare?" the unicorn librarian asked. "It's us, Twilight Sparkle and Spike."

The door slowly creaked open and Mayor Mare, clad in a dark hooded cloak, poked her slightly obscured head through the door.

"Oh, Miss Twilight!" the mayor said, in relief. "What a pleasant surprise. I was just about to head up to read my novel."

She then noticed the looks of concern on their faces.

"What seems to be the problem?" she asked.

"It's my friends' little sisters, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and their friend, Scootaloo." explained Twilight. "Because of all the backlash Gabby Gums has gotten, they've gone missing and they might've even ran away from home!"

"That's why we came straight here." said Spike. "We need you to help us find them, Rarity and the others are all in a tizzy!"

"We already have an investigative reporter from Canterlot and his team helping out, but we need to gather everypony together and inform them of what's going on."

As Twilight and Spike explained everything, the mayor was in complete shock and sympathy towards the Crusaders' family and friends.

"Say no more, Twilight." she said. "I'll schedule an emergency town meeting right away, in the meantime, I need you to ring every doorbell in Ponyville and spread the word. I'll see if I can gather everypony else from my end as well."

The lavender unicorn and dragon nodded and hurriedly headed off to spread the word, Mayor Mare on the other hoof, quickly trotted upstairs and dug out a megaphone, turned it on, and headed toward the window and poked her head outside.


A few moments later, everypony in Ponyville had gathered outside of the town hall for the emergency meeting. They were all talking amongst themselves, wondering what was going on and what the emergency was. Twilight and her friends stood onstage, and Big Scoop and his team sat offstage writing down notes and taking pictures of the meeting.

It was then that Mayor Mare stepped up to the podium.

"Can I have everypony's attention please?" she asked.

At those words, the crowd silenced and directed their attention towards the mayor.

"Thank you, and I'm especially pleased that you all came here for this meeting which I will now call to order."

"Well, now that we're all here," began Amethyst Star in the crowd. "Would somepony please explain what in Tartarus is going on here?"

"I have a few ponies here with me who will help explain everything, starting with our resident librarian, Twilight Sparkle." the mayor said, motioning toward Twilight Sparkle who stepped up to her place on the podium.

"Thank you, Mayor Mare." the unicorn said to the mayor, stepping down. "Alright everypony, I regret to inform you all that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have gone missing, therefore we are currently rounding up a search party."

The entire crowd was silent for a moment, with confused and outright indifferent looks on their faces.

"And... why should we care?" asked Carrot Top, stepping forward.

"Yeah! Haven't those three caused enough trouble for us already?" added Cherry Berry.

"What?!" Twilight and her friends were in shock. It looked like they weren't going to get any more help after all.

"H-how can you all be so heartless? This is serious!" said Rarity, growing even more hurt and angry.

"Well, what do you expect?!" asked Berry Punch. "They wrote slanderous filth about us and exposed our secrets! To that, I say good riddance!"

As the entire crowd began to nod in agreement and start grumbling on and on about what the fillies had done, Mayor Mare had had enough and stepped back forward to the podium with a disgusted look on her face.

"I can not believe what I'm hearing!" she said, indignantly. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves, passing insults and judgement on three little fillies for making a simple mistake that shouldn't even matter that much to everypony! You know, I heard it from Twilight herself and she's right. Gabby Gums was popular despite the fact that they were spreading gossip about everypony, but then with each new pony being targeted, started getting more and more hated!"

"That's right! I told you all that it wasn't a good idea liking Gabby Gums' gossip columns in the first place, but noooo.... you told me to lighten up, you said that I was full of it. Nopony cared to listen until it was too late!" said Twilight.

"And if you all knew that Gabby Gums was writing hurtful things about you, why didn't anypony bother to do anything about it other than shutting yourselves away or verbal and physically abusing those involved?"

The crowd was almost dumbfounded, and tried coming up with an answer. It was then that Caramel stepped forward.

"But Mayor Mare," he argued. "Shouldn't you be upset at them as well? I mean, they wrote that whole story about your mane really being pink instead of grey!"

It was then that the lone sound of laughing erupted on stage, everypony turned to see Pinkie Pie rolling on the ground, guffawing like a kookaburra.

"Now that one was really funny!" she giggled before being met with glares from her friends.

"Now Pinkie, you enjoyed that story when you first read it, didn't you?" asked the mayor.

"Sure did!" said the pink earth pony, pulling out a copy of the newspaper in question. "'Mayor Not Naturally Gray!' Ha ha! Who wouldn't want to read that?"

"And when they printed a story about you being an 'out-of-control party animal', you didn't like that, didn't you?"

"No way!" Pinkie said. "I mean, sure it's true that I love parties and all, but they made it sound like a bad thing!"

She then froze, and trotted back to her spot next to her friends, rather embarrassed.

"Now, I have forgiven the Crusaders after having some alone time to think, and now the entire problem doesn't bother me as much." explained Mayor Mare. "But it seems that the rest of you have still yet to let go of this issue!"

"What Pinkie has just demonstrated is the very definition of hypocrisy." added Twilight. "Which is what you all seem to suffer from, and which is also the reason that Gabby Gums is what it is because of you liking these stories until you were being targeted."

It was then that the entire crowd slowly hung their heads in a mixture of shame, guilt, and embarrassment. They had realized that Twilight and the Mayor were right.

"An' now thanks ta us and also all of ya," said Applejack. "Mah lil' sis is somewhere out there suffering with her friends an'll probably be haunted by this fer t' rest of her life! An' all because y'all seem ta care more 'bout yerselves than others!"

"You know, when me and Twilight first moved to Ponyville," said Spike,"I thought that sign right there was just for a Pony Fools joke that hadn't been taken down yet."

He then pointed over to a sign that read: "PONYVILLE, THE MEANEST TOWN IN EQUESTRIA".

"But now I know that sometimes, it's the truth!" he then finished, snorting in disgust.

The entire crowd started talking amongst themselves, overcome with guilt and saying a few apologies. It was then that Cranky Doodle Donkey and Mr. Cake trotted forward.

"Alright, alright, alright, Applejack," Cranky grumbled. "You made us all feel bad about what we did to your little sister and her friends, so now what?"

"Yeah? What do we do now?" asked Mr. Cake.

"That's why we're putting together this search party." said Mayor Mare. "We must bring the Crusaders home and straighten everything out. And then, and only then, will we be able to put this entire 'Gabby Gums' nightmare behind us."

"We'll all split up into two teams," explained Twilight. "We have with us, Big Scoop and his team over here..."

When they noticed Big Scoop, the crowd cheered and whistled.

"I love you, Big Scoop!" screamed a pony in the crowd.

"Thank you, thank you all, you're too kind." Big Scoop smiled humbly.

"They're going to help us in this search, Spike and I will go with him and interview some of the Crusaders' classmates. and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity will be leading Team Alpha. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will be leading Team Gold." Twilight said. "Team Alpha searches uptown, and Team Gold searches downtown and in any other area."

"Are there any questions?" asked Rarity.

The crowd was silent for a brief moment until...

"YEEEEAAAAAH! GOLD TEAM RULES!" shouted Bulk Biceps, flexing his muscles.

"Looks like Bulk over there's ready and raring!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Then let's get to it!" said Applejack.

And with that, the entire crowd yelled out in agreement and set off to begin the search.

The hunt had just begun, just about almost everypony was searching the entire town and beyond for the Crusaders, putting up missing posters, or even calling out the fillies' names.

They all searched high, and low and through every single spot in Ponyville and nearby. But unfortunately there was no sign of the Crusaders anywhere.

Twilight and Big Scoop interviewed many of the classmates of the fillies but unfortunately, a majority of them hadn't had a lot of knowledge of the operations of the Foal Free Press since they weren't part of the after school program, and those that were, were acting rather strange, almost as if they were too afraid to say much about it.

On the other hoof, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and the others weren't having much luck either, they were busy doing a status report with the split up search party.

"They aren't by the Ponyville Lake." reported Shoeshine, all soaking wet from the lake in question.

"Well, keep lookin'!" said Applejack.

"They aren't anywhere near Mount Dragonshy!" said Twinkleshine, covered in dust and debris from the rocks near the mountain.

"Well, keep looking!" said Rarity.

"They aren't in my thoughts..." said Cranky Doodle.

"Well, keep thinking!" said Rainbow Dash.

"This isn't doing any good, everypony.." sighed Rarity. "We're going to have to double... no, TRIPLE our efforts!"

"How about calling it a day?" asked Rainbowshine, exhausted. "We've been at it since 4:00! And we're almost close to dusk! Celestia's sun is about to set at any minute!"

"Think about the children!" said Millie, rocking her infant foal in her pram.

"That's perfect!" said Rainbow Dash. "We can use the foals to look in places we weren't able to look before!"

The other ponies groaned at how stubborn and overzealous things were getting.

"This is a load of horseapples." whispered Lyra to her friend Bon Bon.

"Ah heard that!" snapped Applejack. "Nopony's sleeping or goin' anywhere 'til we find mah sister an' her friends!"

"Oh, wait! Here she is!" called Minuette, as she held up up a small filly that looked nothing like Apple Bloom.

"That ain't Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom's coat is light yellow, an' she has a red mane an' tail an' a magentaish bow tied in it!"

Thinking quickly, Minuette stuck a pink bow in the filly's mane and held her up.

"Uh, howdy everypony?" the filly said nervously, trying to give the best cowpony impression she could give. "Ah love buck'n apples with mah sis?"

"No ya don't!" groaned the cowpony.

"I've found Sweetie Belle!" said Lemon Hearts, dragging over a confused earth pony filly with a white coat.

"Ugh!" sighed Rainbow Dash. "Is everypony being daft tonight?!"

"Well the coat's the right color," said Rarity. "But Sweetie Belle is a unicorn and has a pink and purple curly mane and tail!"

"Yeah!" added the sky blue pegasus. "And Scootaloo is an orange Pegasus with a dark pink mane and tail."

"Oh, here she is!" said Sassaflash, holding up a orangish looking hen. "Hey, can we go home now?"

Rainbow Dash could only facehoof in annoyance. Either everypony was being a complete idiot or they were really just getting tired and giving up too easily. Things weren't really going anywhere.

A few hours later, it was now past dusk and now night had begun to fall on the town of Ponyville.

Over at the Golden Oak Library, Twilight and a few of her friends were having a meeting on their own. The library itself looked slightly different since it was cluttered up with Big Scoop's equipment.

"This search has been gettin' us nowhere!" said Big Mac.

"And we still don't have any clues on where they could've gone or what else might've led to all of this." sighed Click Typer, who was polishing his camera while Big Scoop and Ink Press were analyzing the clues, testimonies, and alibis from everypony they interviewed.

"How's Rarity and Applejack doing?" asked Fluttershy.

"Ever since Apple Bloom an' t' others went missing," said the tall earth pony stallion, "AJ's mind's been deteriorating alongside Rarity's, so Spike and Ah put them upstairs ta rest."

Upstairs, Applejack, and Rarity were indeed upstairs trying to rest a little, but little did anypony know, they were each slowly beginning to enter a terrifying nightmare.

In Applejack's dream, she found herself in complete total darkness with no sign of light in sight. After a brief moment of idleness, the cowpony began to take a few steps forward.

It was then that a small voice called out in the darkness.


Applejack recognized that voice, and turned around to notice the faint form of a light yellowish figure with a red mane and tail, and a pink bow in it and a blank flank.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack ran towards the figure of her little sister, and then finally realized that she wasn't getting any closer to her. It was almost like she was half frozen in place. Realizing that Apple Bloom was starting to trot away, Applejack started to call out to her. "Apple Bloom! Wait! It's me, Applejack!"

The little earth pony then froze before turning around to face her older sister, but instead of her normal eyes, her entire expression was that of disgust, disappointment, and utter coldness.

"What do ya want, Applejack?" she asked, in a bitter tone of voice that sent chills up AJ's spine.

"Please... Apple Bloom, come home, Ah'm sorry 'bout what happened between us before! Ah was selfish an' let mah own pride an' foolishness get in t' way of mah own judgement! You're mah lil sis an' Ah love you!"

Apple Bloom let out a loud snort of disgust. "Ya think a simple apology'll fix how you an' Big Mac treated me? Ya think Ah'll just forgive an' forget that easily? Nice try, Applejack, but ya already blew it, an' as of right now, Ah no longer have a sister!"

Apple Bloom then slowly started to walk away.

"No, Apple Bloom, please wait!" Applejack began to trot after her but she was still stuck in the same place while Apple Bloom trotted further and further out of sight.

The cowpony lowered her head in shame as sparkling tears began to fall from her eyes. The tears began to float around Applejack and started taking shape, the shapes started out slightly abstract until they began to take on a familiar form, the glowing spirits of two ponies, a mare and a stallion, one wearing a Stelson hat like Applejack's, and the other with orange frizzy hair.

Applejack could hardly believe her eyes... "M..m.. Ma? Pa?"

The spirits of Buttercup and Bright Mac said nothing, but could only stare remorsefully at their daughter with a look of utter disappointment on their faces, before disappearing into nothingness.

All of a sudden, the entire scenery changed and Applejack found herself back at Sweet Apple Acres that afternoon, where the whole thing began. She looked around, confused, until she saw herself, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and the rest of her friends. It was right after they had arrived to reasonably ask them for another story.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack tried to move but she found that her hooves were glued to the ground.

"Aw c'mon, Applejack!" said Apple Bloom to her sister, the other Applejack. "Yer not mad at us too, are ya?"

"Eeyup..." was the only answer the other Applejack could give, with a stubborn, sulky looking on her back-turned face.

"No! Ah... Ah'm not mad Apple Bloom, Why are you giving her that shoulder, ya idiot?" Applejack yelled to herself in anger.

"Yer not even gonna talk to us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Eenope..." responded the other Applejack.

"No! Just talk ta them! Let them at least try ta explain themselves!"

It was then that Big Mac stepped forward, with a distainful glare on his face.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" he snorted angrily. "Humiliatin' yer sister an' me like that!"

"Stop it, Big Mac!" cried Applejack. "It wasn't like that! They didn't mean it!"

It was then that Big Mac stepped even further to the point where he was towering over the fillies and poking a hoof near Apple Bloom's forehead and pointing in the direction they came.

"We don't wanna talk ta any y'all right now, so take yer little gossip column an' yer embarrassing photographs an' just GO AWAY!"

It was then that the images of Applejack and Big Mac vanished as the Crusaders trotted slowly and sadly away, watching this made the real Applejack's heart sink, it was then that she finally was able to free herself and tried to chase after the Crusaders.

"Wait, Apple Bloom! No! Come back! Please!"

Once she had been able to catch up to them, she tried giving her sister the biggest hug she could, but was horrified when her hooves went right through her. Just then, her heart began to sink even more when she noticed something she hadn't before, Apple Bloom had tears in her eyes as she left Sweet Apple Acres with her friends.

"Mah own family hates me.." Apple Bloom sobbed quietly.

"No, Apple Bloom! Ah don't hate you! Please... please don't cry..." Applejack herself began to cry in guilt and despair. "Ah love you... Ah'm sorry... Ah'm so sorry..."

"AJ!" Big Mac called to his dozing, and struggling sister. "AJ!"

"Rarity, wake up!" cried Spike. "You're having a nightmare!"

It was then that the two mares woke up screaming as loud enough for everypony's ears to almost bleed.

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, AJ!" yelled Big Mac, delieving a sharp smack to the face to snap his sister out of her panic.

Taking one deep breath, Applejack came to her senses again. "Thanks, Big Mac... Ah needed that..."

After that, the two mares began to slowly calm down and were almost relaxed, yet still haunted by their nightmares.

"Ya had the same dream as Ah did, Rarity?" asked the cowpony, slowly hyperventilating. "But about Sweetie Belle?"

"Yes... she... she said she never wanted to talk to me again!" the unicorn sniffed. "And she said she'd tell every psychiatrist she goes to what I did! Every sister's greatest fear!"

Rarity began to burst into tears, that nearly flooded the upstairs and started to almost seep downstairs near the equipment which Big Scoop rushed to protect from getting ruined.

"Rarity, please..." said Spike. "Everything's going to be fine..."

"No, it's not!" cried the white unicorn in an emotional rage, glaring at the baby dragon. "How can everything be fine when I feel like I just kicked my little sister to the curb for something I brought on myself!"

"It wasn't all your fault," said Fluttershy. "We all played a part in this..."

"Oh, Big Mac..." wept Applejack. "How could Ah have been so cruel?"

"Ah've been ask'n myself t’ same question..." said her brother, hanging his head in guilt.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Scootaloo's already found somepony new to look up to after what I did to her." sighed Rainbow Dash.

"You should all be ashamed!" said Click Typer, pointing his camera at the group. "Actually, can you look even more ashamed? I know we're helping you find your siblings and all, but we're still getting big bits out of this as well."

"How's this?" asked Spike, making an even sadder face.

"Perfect! Great! Swell!" said Click, taking even more photos.

"One thing for sure is, if we're going to find the Crusaders," said Ink Press. "We're going to have to take a different approach."

"Hey, Twilight?" asked Spike. "Do you think we ought to ask Princess Celestia to help?"

At the mere mention of her mentor, Twilight's stomach began to tie itself in knots. She knew that if Princess Celestia got involved and found out what she had done to the Crusaders by refusing to help them in their time of need, and what everypony else had done, she would be very, very, disappointed in her, even more than she was that faithful day when Twilight went completely bonkers because she hadn't had written a letter to Celestia for an entire week.

But before Twilight could say anything, Big Scoop stepped forward. "While it would be proper to inform the princesses of the situation at hand," he said. "I believe that we're starting to slightly get closer to the next piece of this puzzle."

The ponies looked at the unicorn stallion, weirdly.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, having been working in the news industry for awhile now," said Big Scoop. "I know for a fact that while the Crusaders did indeed write the stories, we don't know for sure that they took those embarrassing photographs or if they even had access to a camera. As with every newspaper in every part of Equestria, there is a single photographer like Click Typer here, to take those photos. And also, what baffles me is why no pony bothered to complain to the editor and chief.."

"What does t' editor n' chief have ta do with any of this?" asked Applejack.

"The editor and chief is responsible for the publishing of each and every story that is presented to him or her." explained Ink Press. "So that all means that even if they wrote those embarrassing stories and lies about everypony, somepony had to have taken those photos and another pony would've had to have approved of them. The question remains however, who's responsible for all of this, and who put them in charge?"

This made everypony present start thinking, they now understood that if they found the two ponies responsible for the pictures and for publishing the newspaper, they would be able to solve what would come to be known as the "Great Gabby Gums Caper".

It was then that Spike noticed something outside the window, it seemed like some floating grey speck getting closer and closer.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" he said. "There's some weird grey speck in the sky!"

Everypony headed over to the window and saw the grey form in the sky heading towards the library.

"I say," said Rarity. "Is that some blind carrier pigeon?"

Rainbow Dash took a closer look and immediately realized what or who it was.

"Oh no... INCOMING!" she yelled as everypony ducked for cover.


When the dust settled, there was a huge gaping hole where the incoming presence had arrived, and everypony found a grey pegasus with a saddlebag attached to her back, lying on the floor, dazed and surprised. Next to her was a young unicorn filly with a pale purple coat and a blond mane, also dizzy from the impact.

"Geez, what the Tartarus, Derpy?!" yelled the sky blue pegasus, before noticing the young filly next to her. "Oops, didn't mean to cuss in front of a child."

"Why didn't you just use the door?" asked Twilight, helping the grey Pegasus to her hooves.

"Uh, making an entrance?" answered Derpy, sheepishly. "Fact aside, you guys won't believe this!"

"My mom and I were looking through Ponyville trying to find a clue about where the Crusaders could've gone," said her daughter, Dinky. "And that's when we saw Miss Fluttershy's bunny, Angel coming towards us with a newspaper in his mouth!"

It was then that Angel appeared, poking his dizzy head out of the bag before he quickly recovered and hopped over to Fluttershy with the newspaper in question in his mouth.

"Not just any newspaper though, it's the newest edition of the Foal Free Press, and you'll never believe who's in it!"

"Looks like somepony else is running Gabby Gums since the Crusaders are gone." said Twilight as she and the others opened up the newspaper and gasped in complete shock at what they saw.

The most embarrassing pictures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders...

"L... look at Scootaloo!" said Rainbow Dash pointing at the picture on the left. "She's trying to get out of the mud, but she can't! And those birdbrains are just standing by there, mocking her!"

"Looks like somepony's not getting their after-lunch birdseed snack cakes tomorrow!" said Fluttershy, disgusted at the sight of the birds tittering at Scootaloo's predicament.

"I remember this!" said Rarity, pointing at the picture of Sweetie Belle wearing the peacock-esque headdress and matching shorts with attached tail feathers. "This was when I had Sweetie Belle model that new design I was making for Sapphire Shores! What was I thinking? I should've added more feathers on that design, it would've looked much better on Sweetie Belle as it would look on Sapphire!"

"An' that's a picture of one of Apple Bloom's baby pictures!" said Big Mac.

"She made us promise ta keep those hidden," said Applejack, "'Cause in her own words, 'If anypony got a hold of those, Ah'd never hear t' end of it!'

"How did they get in here?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, as Big Scoop stated before, somepony had to have taken them and somepony had to have published them!" said Click Typer. "But who?"

"Let me have a look," said Big Scoop, levitating the newspaper over to himself. "Ink Press, bring me over that magnifying glass."

Ink Press levitated over the magnifying glass and her fiancé began to examine the newspaper searching for a clue as to who might've taken the photos.

Finally, Big Scoop let out a triumphant, "Aha!"

"Aha? What 'Aha'?" asked Twilight.

"I believe we have our first suspect..." said Big Scoop.

He handed back over the newspaper and positioned the magnifier underneath the pictures. There was a caption underneath them that read: Photos courtesy of our main photographer, Featherweight.

"Do any of you happen to know somepony named Featherweight?" he asked.

"Oh, I know him!" said Dinky. "He hangs out with me, Pipsqueak, Button Mash, Snips and Snails, and Rumble at recess and sometimes after school!"

"And isn't he that young colt that recently got his cutie mark?" asked Rarity. "I remember Sweetie Belle talking about a foal recently earning his mark and oh, how jealous she was!"

Twilight took a look at the newspaper and also saw Featherweight's name in the fine print.

"This story checks out, everypony." the lavender unicorn said.

"So it was that colt that took those embarrassing pictures of us!" said Big Mac. "Hearing this makes me feel even worse fer snappin' at Apple Bloom..."

"Why that nosy little sneak!" growled Rarity.

“I can’t believe a little colt like him would do such a thing,” gasped Fluttershy, “Even making that fake picture of me with tail extensions!”

"I think we'd better have a little talk with this colt, and straighten this all out." said Big Scoop.

"If my fiancé's hunch is right," said Ink Press. "Then this Featherweight's going to have some explaining to do..."

"Dinky, didn't you say that Featherweight was hosting a sleepover at his house?" Derpy asked her daughter.

"Yeah," sighed Dinky with a tone of disappointment. "With Rumble, Button Mash, and Snips and Snails, they said I couldn't go because they wanted to have a 'boys-only night' first, before they even consider inviting a girl."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Rainbow Dash, unfurling her wings. "Let's find that little punk and give him a piece of our minds!"

"Yeah!" everypony, sans Twilight and Big Scoop agreed before they began to storm out of the library.

"Wait everypony, let's not be hasty!" called the reporter.

"Can't we talk this over?" said Twilight. "He's just a colt!"

It was then that the unicorns set off after the other ponies to confront Featherweight and get some answers out of him.

Author's Note:

Update: Edited (6/7/18)!