• Published 27th Jun 2018
  • 7,001 Views, 740 Comments

Broken Bindings - anonpencil

You've found an "interesting" book recently. You don't know what it is, or why it was hidden in the back of Twilight's library, but you feel so compelled to read it. And keep reading it. And keep reading it...

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I know I didn't imagine it that time. I couldn't have. I felt that, that was real, that was movement other than my own letters and spaces.

You're here.

I don't know who you are, but you're here.

I could cry right now, if I remembered how to do it. I wish I could hug you, throw my hooves around you just so I can feel better that you're really, truly out there. But I'm forgetting myself, what I'm here for, aren't I? You're the first one to read this in what feels like years, maybe decades or centuries. It's so hard to tell the passage of time anymore. But let me do the best I can for you. Let me be everything I can manage, give you the best show I can, like I'm supposed to.

Welcome to this book. I was put together by a pony named Celestia, back when she was first learning how to pull the moon across the sky, as she already did with the sun. I didn't start out as a book, thoug1h, I was a pony, like you might be. I don't know what you look like or who you are, and things may have changed out there since I've been away, but if you're reading, then it means at least the book is intact.

If I'm being honest, I wasn't a very good pony. But I've found I'm of value here in this book. I can tell so many stories here, and my main job is to entertain, offer companionship to those who read with me. I can do more than create pretty words though, and I've been practicing, I've had lots of time. Watch...

See? It's not easy, but when I try hard, I can take lines and colors, and put them together and force them to move. I can turn them into something you could almost touch, if you tried. If you want, I'll create lots of those for you. I'll spin up wonderful stories, I'll keep you company on late nights by the fire light. I can listen to you talk, and never interrupt you, share my own life advice, make you smile.

I can be here for you, be the best book you ever picked up. You won't regret this.

I've rambled about this long enough, though. You didn't come here to see me boast about my abilities, now did you? You want to read, right?

Turn the page, I've got an idea on how to begin. This is going to be so much fun!