• Published 14th Jun 2018
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The Worst Equestrian Necromancer - Nobodyslament

Some necromancers want to rule the world. Some want to reign terror across their own demented plane of existence. One just really wants to annoy heroes. These are his stories.

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Halloween Special! - Crystal Concert

Shining Armor knew this was the climax of their fight against Sombra. He also knew it wasn’t looking good. His sister was working on getting the Crystal Heart, but the shield was about to fall; it was a race to see whether Sombra would break through before Cadence collapsed from exhaustion. Unless Twilight returned with the Heart, this was the end.

He felt the shield collapse as Sombra's triumphant laugh echoed through the city. He ran to the nearest balcony and stopped. Sombra had materialized in the air, his jagged body adorned in a majestic red cape and his barrel covered with steel armor, but that wasn't what caused him to pause. No, what had caused him to freeze was the second cloud of black smoke appearing in the city square. He stared in dismay at what could only be another eldritch horror until a familiar voice rang through his kingdom. "Sombra, you have chosen this, the holiest holiday of Ragar, as the day of your return." Shining Armor fought back a smile; the most unlikely of reinforcements had arrived. Ragar's voice called out again as the smoke faded, revealing the lich in his customary robes. "So now you must face RAGAR, THE IMMORTAL EVIL."

Sombra laughed. "You think you can best me, you miserable lich? I have been leeching off your power for centuries. Your petty tricks cannot best a master of dark magic such as myself!" With that, Sombra sent a lance of crystalline dark energy straight towards Ragar. Shining watched in horror as Ragar barely moved, not even trying to dodge or block. The lance struck the ground where Ragar stood, coating the area in a blinding mist of snow. Both Shining and Sombra watched as the snow blew away. But instead of a shield or a destroyed skeleton, there was now a black stage surrounded by red curtains - and then a song began to play.

Fillies and Colts of every age,
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

The curtains vanished, revealing a small orchestra of skeletons that were each wearing a different costume. Shining flinched as he noticed that a trio was dressed as him, Cadence, and Chrysalis. Ragar himself was in the front, now dressed in a pinstripe suit.

Come with us and you will see,
The awful joy of Ragarween!

Sombra growled and sent another lance of energy, only to have a disturbingly carved pumpkin intercept it and explode into a firework display.

This is Ragarween, this is Ragarween
Pumpkins bloom during our fight!

Ragar sank into the ground in a snakelike shadow as a black, malnourished alicorn rose behind him. Its body was shiny, and exposed ribs made the alicorn seem barely more than a skeleton itself. It replaced Ragar on vocals, its voice sounding like nails across the smooth marble of gravestones.

This is Ragarween, everybody make a scene,
Kick and fight 'til Sombra's gonna die of fright!

Shining felt magic pull him from the balcony and transport him onto the stage. Confused, he felt himself sing out.

It's our town, everybody scream!

He was forced back to the balcony as crystal ponies peeked out of their houses, several wearing goofy grins.

In this town of Ragarween.

Sombra tried to descend upon Ragar's stage, but instead found himself flopping onto a bed while the lyrics continued from under it.

I am the one hiding under your bed
teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red.

Indeed, shadows with glowing red eyes and sharpened teeth came from under the bed, grabbing Sombra and tossing him against a staircase that hadn’t existed a moment before. He tried to shake off his stupor and regain control of the situation, but a voice came from a closet beside him.

I am the one hiding under your stairs
Hooves like snakes and spiders for hair.

From the closet, a truly horrifying masterpiece crawled out. Its body was coated in spiders, with the exceptions of its hooves - which were interlaced snakes. That was enough to get Sombra moving, and he frantically took flight. Ragar’s orchestra continued the song, with a number of crystal ponies joining in on the vocals.

This is Ragarween, this is Ragarween
Ragarween! Ragarween! Ragarween! Ragarween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the undead song

Sombra's flight was interrupted by a flashing image of a hooded skull appearing in front of him, freezing him in place. Cadence trotted out to the balcony, a huge smile on her face.

In this town, don't we love it now?
Everypony's waiting for the next surprise

She spun in a circle as she sang, her wings flying out behind her. An image of a snow-white alicorn baby appeared in the sky above her, much to the confusion of Shining Armor. Sombra took advantage of the distraction to move back to street level, ducking between buildings to buy some time to formulate a strategy - until he heard the alicorn sing again.

'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting just to pounce, and how you'll

Suddenly a trash can exploded into a beast coated in dark fur with entirely too many fangs, causing Sombra to dodge out of the cover of the alleyway.

Scream! This is Ragarween
Red 'n' black, and slimy green

A skeleton on a broom zoomed by, grabbing Sombra by the horn. He distressed grunt was all the cue they needed to continue the song.

Aren't you scared?
Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night

As the skeleton released Sombra in the skies above the empire, crystal ponies began to assemble around the dark stage, continuing the song.

Everybody scream, everybody scream
In our town of Ragarween!

Sombra recovered his balance, floating above the city as he tried to catch his breath. He knew he could beat this foalish oaf. All he needed was a moment to make a plan. Impossibly, a bell chimed behind him; turning, he found a clown nearby, riding a bike in the sky. Before he could formulate a response, it sang to him in a happy child's voice.

I am the clown with the tear-away face

The clown raised a hoof to its face and then ripped it off, revealing a blank void within its head. A deep, demonic voice issued from the void.

Here in a flash and gone without a trace!

Suddenly the clown was gone, replaced with the distinct feeling of somepony looking over his shoulder. He turned quickly. "Who dares-" but was interrupted by a soft whisper in his ear.

I am the who when you call who dares

Suddenly the feeling faded, filling Sombra with dread. He was comforted by a soft wind blowing through his mane.

I am the wind flowing through your mane

Sombra froze at yet another whisper in his ear, turning to see... the moon? It was daytime. But there was the moon, though a stallion’s face of pure shadow rested on it.

I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with blight

The ponies on the ground sang out again.

This is Ragarween, this is Ragarween
Ragarween! Ragarween! Ragarween! Ragarween!
Ragarween! Ragarween!

A small foal climbed on stage and grabbed a skull from one of the violinists.

Tender ponies everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare

The skull turned of its own volition to the foal, causing him to drop it on the ground.

That's my job, but I'm not mean
On this day of Ragarween

Cadence flew down to the stage, landing at the center with a soft smile as she comforted the foal.

In this town
Don't we love it now?
Everypony's waiting for the next surprise

Suddenly the shadows beside her began to writhe as a single skeletal hand rose slowly from the ground.

Skeletal lich might catch you in the clinch
And roar like a Manticore
Make you jump out of your skin

Sombra felt bony arms closing around him, but before he could react a tremendous roar sent him spiraling through the air. Cadence flew back to the castle and collapsed next to Shining Armor upon landing, barely able to stay awake even with the harmonious song.

This is Ragarween, everybody scream
Won't ya please make way for a very special guy

The skeletal hand on the stage continued to rise, revealing Ragar still in his pinstripe suit.

Our lich Ragar is Lord of the Boneyard
Everyone hail to the Undead King, now!

As the crystal ponies began the final reprise, Spike ran out onto the balcony with the Crystal Heart clutched in his claws. His delivery made, Spike peeked over the balcony at the dwindling music as Shining and Cadence began planning with hushed tones. Ragar raised an accursed arm to point a finger at Sombra. "Your next words will be: 'ENOUGH OF THESE FOALISH GAMES!!’"

Sombra finally began to recover, rising even higher above the empire. With his eyes focused on Ragar, he didn't notice the glow of the Crystal Heart coming from the castle. "ENOUGH OF THESE FOA- WHAT!?!"

Ragar clacked his jaws as he spun to his orchestra. "Boys, Ragar's done it. Mission accomplished."

Sombra glared at Ragar, completely disregarding Shining Armor as he lifted an exhausted Cadence in his hooves. He shouted out to his rival in dark deeds. "YOU HAVE NOT BEATEN ME! THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE IS MINE!!"

Ragar pointed his finger at Sombra once more. "Next you'll say 'WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE!’"

Sombra was about to say something - anything - different, until he noticed a light growing steadily closer. Turning, he saw an airborne Cadence nearly upon him, with Spike on her back holding a shining Crystal Heart. "WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE! DID YOU PLAN THIS ALL FROM THE START, RAGAR?!"

And then Cadence made contact. With a body check to make Wayne Gretzky proud, the Crystal Heart’s payload of love shot into Sombra, forcing his body apart in a large explosion. With everypony looking at the fireworks, nopony noticed where his horn flew - or that Ragar caught it in his bony hand, pocketing it inside his jacket.