• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 8,244 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced DemonSlayers - Flowjam

Two best freinds get transported to equestria by a man in a resident evil merchant costume at con.

  • ...

Chapter 5 Boss Fight

Inside the everfree more trees and grass begin to burn and fall to the ground. Berial's anger was rising, he heard the noise of his demons silenced and the ashes in the air fading away. The fire demon seethe smoke out of his nostrils "My army hads been beaten. The army I forged to conquer the kingdom I set out to control and rule!"

Berial's flames started to heat up the more he thought about it. He was tired of waiting. As the saying goes "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" so that's what he was going to do.

"Drekavac!" berial called out. The dreamwalkers warped beside him "Our army has been wiped out. I will not stay standing by and let those worthless ponies win!"

Berial stomped one of his four legs on the ground creating a burst of flames destroying all plant life around him "We Will Take Equestria And Kill Everypony In Our Way!"

The dreamwalker nodded. The two higher tier demon's headed to ponyville to finish what they came to do.

While that was happening Dante and Nero were being filled with question not from twilight but from the three fillies Nero saved. Each one asked their own question just like how twilight did but was more annoying. It went in order from applebloom to scootaloo and sweetie belle in the middle.

"What are ya?"

"Where do you get your cloths?"

"How Strong are you two?"

"Can ya shoot lasers out of your eyes!"

"Can you fly?"

"Are you faster than rainbow dash?! your not right?'

Nero breathed in and sighed. He never disliked children but right know he was starting to. Once again Dante wasn't even listening he was checking out ebony&Ivory and found out there were bullets inside the clip but weren't normal bullets because he could feel his demonic power inside each bullet.

Twilight saw how bothered Nero looked and Dante not listen to them. So she came in to save them from the fillies onslaught of questions "That's enough you three. I would like to ask a question on how you thought sneaking out here was a good Idea?"

Applejack, rarity, and rainbow dash each walked up by twilight side asking the same thing. Making the three troublemakers freeze and turn around slowly to face their very much anger sisters.

Applejack was the one to get them back on track "Well? You better have a good reason or it's months of chores for you bloom"

Rarity agreed with applejack "That's right. The same will happen to you sweetie but just grounded instead!"

Rainbow gave off her own older sister glare like the two "And don't try and roll around it squirt. If you lie I won't let you watch me do my moves anymore!"

Each of the fillies got scared and worried, mostly scootaloo making her the first one to spill "We wanted to join you guys to the party but you said we can't so we snuck out!"

Applebloom spoke next "We didn't know that demons were going to attack. If we did we have just stay home with granny!"

Sweetie was the last one "Were sorry, Were sorry, Were sorry....."

And at the same time all three said "Please forgive use!!!" then they did their puppy eye act to seal the deal.

The three scrunched up their faces. Trying hard to stay mad but not lasting long

"Alright. We'll let you go for know" applejack said making the fillies smile and almost yell out in victory "But" their eyes widen when hearing that word "Your all still in trouble so bloom your going to work half of the chores for a week"

"Sweetie I won't ground you but for a week just like bloom your going to clean up my material when ever I have work to do"

"Scoots you can still be their to watch my awesome skills but were going to up your training even higher!"

All three fillies fell to the ground like a airless balloon. Thinking that they were home free but very much not. The whole thing made Nero and Dante chuckle at how funny the kids reacted.

"Excuse me" The two looked to see celestia standing thanks to the doctors healing magic "I would like to thank you for facing the demons and keeping my ponies from harm"

Dante smiled and Nero smirked "No problem. We were just doing our job" Nero said.

"No problem?" They looked over to Luna that was looking a little better but needing rest to fully be healed like celestia "What you did was save many lives from certain death. You both risked your lives for use, if theirs anything we can do just ask"

Celestia agree with her "My sisters right. If you need something we will try in our power to accomplish it"

Dante put on a sly grin on his face "Anything huh?" looking at celestia in fake lust and licking his lips. This made the pony princess blush and move back a little twiddling her finger and shuffling her legs. The guards also saw this and were about to point their weapons at him but Nero stopped them by slapping Dante behind the head.

"Less acting like an animal and more human you idiot"

Dante rubbed the back of his head actually feeling the pain from the hit "Ah, dammit dude I was just joking around"

Nero pointed to celestia and the guards "Well they didn't find your joke funny" Dante looked and saw celestia's small blush and her guards moving in front of her.

Dante smiled sheepishly seeing his mistake "My bad. I was just kidding"

Celestia was able to calm herself down making her blush fade away. She coughed in her hand "It's fine my little ponies. Like he said he was just playing and lets not forget their the ones that saved use remember?"

The guards looked at each other and listen, putting their weapons away and after thinking it wouldn't do much against the two. Twilight and the girls came up to discuses what to do "Celestia. Know that the army is gone should we try and head back to canterlot?"

Celestia thought about it "No" the ponies eyes widen same with the girls and guards "I may be able to stand but I'm to weak to do anything at the moment, the same with my sister. And as I said we sent every citizen to a save place. They'll be fine, we'll go back tomorrow to fix the damage" the ponies understood celestia, thinking it would be better if they go back tomorrow.

"You and Luna, and the guards can stay with me and sleep in anyone of the room inside the castle" twilight offered her. Celestia smiled at twilight like a mother. She nuzzled her use to be student.

"Thank you twilight we will gladly join you"

All of the ponies started to clam down now that the action was over. The guards escorted them away so that twilight, the girls with celestia and Luna can talk to Nero and Dante "If you like you two can also stay inside my castle"

Dante looked at twilight in surprise "Hold up. you mean that huge crystal castle is yours?!"

Twilight nodded, Dante scratched his messy black hair "Don't you think it's a bit much that the whole thing is made out of harden crystal?" Dante asked jokingly that twilight and the other could tell making them giggle and twilight to puff her cheeks out making Luna and celestia hold in their giggling.

"Hey! it's not like I asked for a giant castle made out of crystal. It just sprouted out of the ground"

Nero raised one eyebrow "Sprouted?"

Pinkie then popped in the middle surprising everyone except the two demonslayers "It was so crazy. You see this huge mean guy name tirek attacked equestria sucking everyponies magic so he can take control and conquer the world but twilight fought him by absorbing all three pony princesses magic to face him. It was super hardcore just like dragon ball z, shooting lasers and destroying trees and mountains but then tirek with his evilness captured us and used us to make twilight give up her magic. She did making him even more powerful so then we headed to the three of harmony to open the chest giving use the power from the tree beating tirek and blasting him back to Tartarus"

Everyone looked at pinkie in shock, surprise, and wonder. Mostly from Dante that found the whole thing awesome and crazy "I almost forgot. When we got back the tree of harmony created the castle because twilight was a complete princesses"

Twilight was the one to finally say something "Pinkie" Pinkie pie turn to twilight "How did you know the parts that you weren't there for"

Pinkie smiled "Well duh I read the script"

"Script? Pinkie the hay are you talking about" rainbow dash was having a hard time understanding.

"You know "My Little Pony season 4 ep 25" that's how I knew what happened" the girls still didn't understand the same with celestia and Luna. Nero just didn't really care anymore and Dante was laughing at how funny their faces looked.

But then like Nero that was able to understand everything pinkie said dante asked "Hold up. How the heck do you know what dragon ball z is?!"

Pinkie looked else where. Sticking her tongue out to the side "That's a secret"

Dante blinked once, then twice. He then smiled "Your weird, but in a cool way" Pinkie heard him and blushed at the complement.

"Join the club partner. Your not the only one that thinks that" applejack said with the others nodding with her.

A stallion pony guard came up to celestia "Princess we moved all of the citizens back should we tell them it's safe to head back to their homes?"

"Yes that would be-" she was cut off by the rumbling and shaking from the ground. Everypony froze and looked towards the everfree. Dante and Nero looked also and saw a bright light coming to them.

"Oh no" they all heard celestia say, the look of dread and fear on her face. The same for Luna. They all soon notice the smell of smoke and burning fire, Nero and Dante moved up waiting for the thing to come.

Princess! What's going on is another army coming?!" twilight said worry and fear in her voice.

Celestia shook her head "No twilight. That is no army. What comes is a demon just like tirek and much more evil" the girls got even more worried. Tirek was one of their most powerful enemies they faced. They never thought there would be anyone as evil or strong as him.

The light got closer and they soon could see the trees in it's way light on fire and fall to the ground, making fluttershy worrying about the poor animals that could be hurt from all of the fire. But then the light disappear right near were the army first came.

The ponies got confused by it but Nero and Dante still kept their guard up and a good thing to. In a fiery roar the tress, grass, flowers were all burned away by berial roar. The roar made Nero and dante to cover their eyes and turn away from the wave he gave off. Few of the ponies couldn't take it and fell down with other holding on to each other and the fillies to hold on to their sisters.

When the wave finished they were able to see the fire demon clearly. Freighting them all by his size and the power he was giving off far more greater than the two sister and tirek that absurd almost everyponies magic. Stone heart and the guards pulled out their shields and swords but unlike him that was keeping calm his guards and the ones that were healed were shacking and sweating a storm.

Berial looked and saw them all. His burning eyes looked right at the two sisters, he yelled out his voice pushing back the ponies except Nero and Dante "Princesses Of Equestria. I've Come To Wipe Your Weak Species Off The Face Of the World

Beria waved his mighty sword making the grass catch on fire around him. Nero was having a hard time to compensate what was going on and how a demon from a game was here "The hell is going on? I can understand those demons before but the hell is this guy doing here! Shouldn't he be in the game, not in real life!"

"Give Up Know And I'll Make Your Deaths Easy And Simple" Berial said making the ponies even more scared then before.

Celestia was having a hard time too. She couldn't face berial as she is know even if it wouldn't do much "How could have I forgotten. He's the reason canterlot suffer so much and killing most of my guards and ponies!"

The girls were fearing the outcome of this new demon that's making their princesses seem tiny to a giant "What about discord. He could do something right?!" rarity said trying to keep everyponies hopes up.

"Discord is on his vacation and won't be back till the next day" Fluttershy said dashing everyone's hope. They didn't know what to do but good thing they had something better,

"Don't worry" They turned to Dante and Nero "I'll take this guy out just like his little army" The girls gasped with celestia and Luna eyes widen. Dante looked to the guards "You can put away the swords. I'll take care of it" The guards didn't know what to do and did what Dante said except stone heart not thinking Dante was serious.

"Are you insane!! You heard the princess, he's the reason why they lost!"

"That may be true but who's to say I can't beaten him, not you" Drake pointed at stone heart as he steps back thinking Dante has lost his mind. He may have beaten the army but this was the leader of that army. Stone heart didn't think Dante could do it.

Nero was watching berial until he saw something behind him disappear not giving Nero a good look at it but then he felt something moving around the field and didn't like it.

Dante summoned rebellion on his back "Don't you all worry. I won't let this fire cat get close" he started to walked off to berial. The girls and princesses were about to say something but Nero grabbed Dante's hood, pulling him back and surprising him

Dante looked to face Nero "The heck man. Why did you do that" just like him everypony else were confused by Nero actions.

"Because. I'll take on the demon" this shocked everypony mostly Applejack, Fluttershy, and Luna. Twilight, pinkie, rarity, and rainbow just like everyone else was shocked and worried when Dante just didn't mind and face the fire demon.

Nero let Dante go so he could face him "What? why should you get to face the boss" Dante wined like a child making Nero roll his eyes.

"I only faced 13 demons while you got 50" Nero moved pass Dante that wasn't liking Nero's reasoning but knowing he wasn't going to change his mind "And even so it's not like your going to stand around and do nothing"

Dante didn't understand what Nero was saying "What are you talking ab-" that's when he felt it. Just like Nero he knew it was a demon but it was moving around unseen.

Know understanding Dante smirked "Alright. You get to face the burning hair ball, I'll deal with the invisible demon" Nero nodded to Dante and was about to walk off but Luna stopped him.

"Wait!" Nero turned to look at Luna being helped by her sister "You can't do this. He's different from any demon we have ever faced, you'll be killed if you fight him!" Luna didn't what Nero to get hurt because of herself and everypony else. She didn't know why she cared for this unknown human that was fighting for her ponies.

"Please" He turned to see Fluttershy also not wanting Nero to get himself killed "I don't want you to fight and possibly get killed" small tears started to show on the corner of her eyes that surprised Nero.

Applejack like the two found herself liking Nero and said "Partner think this through! You could die by this demon"

Nero looked away. He rubbed his white hair around, confused by this "These ponies care to deeply. They just met use and are worried? Their nothing like the humans back home" Nero shook his head a little shocked at the way he phrased it "Damn is my mind changing?!" Nero whispered.

He felt the ground shake making the ponies gasp. He looked to see berial walking slowly towards them "No time to think about this"

Nero turned his body but looked back at the three mares "You don't have to worry about me" He walked off surprising all of the ponies because he was heading to the huge demon "This won't take long" Nero's eyes harden, unlike his funny friend Nero always take his fights seriously, he wasn't the type to lose.

He walked over to Berial. Berial saw him and stopped, his flaming body still burning the grass getting closer to Nero. Nero gripped red queen and placing the tip on the ground. When he was close to the fire he turn his body and swung his sword on the ground. Creating a powerful wave of wind and dirt that blew away all of the fire. It even pushed back the ponies behind him.

(Stop it at 1:07)

The action shocked the ponies and grabbed berial's attention. Nero placed red queen on his shoulder and got closer to berial that was looking at him.

"Sorry but I don't think they would like having their homes burned downed by your fire" Nero quipped.

The Fire Demon Could feel a strong power coming off of Nero "So... Your the reason why this town insist destroyed, and my demons killed off" Beria said gripping his blade.

Nero notice the action but didn't mind it "Nope that would be Dante that took care of that. I just took care of the ones that pussed out from fighting him and tried to sneak pass"

Berial growled "How dare this thing talk to me like this. He should be shaking like the rest of the ponies. Fearing my power that was able to best the pony sister in combat!"

"Do you know who I am?" Berial started to make a speech "I am one of the most powerful demons in Tartarus. I am known by many as the bringer of all fire, the tyrant that rules the bottom of Tartarus, one of the greatest demon warrior of all ti-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it your a powerful demon. Can we please get this started already I want to relax and sleep the day off" Nero said interrupting Berial's speech. Berial’s whole body erupted in flames.

"You little insignificant bug!" Berial raised his sword with Nero taking red queen off his shoulder "Die!!!" He thrusted his giant fire sword at Nero. What happened next shocked berial and the ponies watching.

Nero did the same and thrusted red queen at berial's sword stopping it in it's tracks. The impact blew everything around them. They stayed like that for a few seconds till Nero put a bit of power in his arm and shoving berial back, making the huge demon step back and catch himself.

Berial looked back at Nero in shock but that changed into rage when he saw Nero smiling at him "Futile pest, you will suffer the wrath of Berial!" his body started to burn bright forcing the ponies to move far away from the up coming fight "I, the conquer of the fire Hell!" Berial roared out. Nero got into a stance ready to put this bad kitty down for good.

Dante saw what happened, he chuckled to himself "I swear it's like his cool factor just rose from that" unknown to the ponies Drekavac was already on them. The dreamrunner could have killed anyone of the ponies but set it's sights on the princesses.

He saw how weak celestia and Luna looked, he was going to attack but stopped when he saw the other pony princess twilight sparkle. He change his mind killing her instead and going for the other two soon after. Drekavac slowly appeared behind twilight while the ponies were watching Nero and Berial.

He pulled one of his blade in his right hand through the portal, Drekavac was going to pull his blade back and stab twilight through the chest but Dante was there for a reason. He kept his senses on the demon and waited for the right moment, when he felt a change and pinpointed the demons position he reacted.

Dante spun around with ebony in his left hand and fired at where he felt the demon was. The action was too fast for anypony to react, the bullet went passed twilight’s ear and right for the demon head. Drekavac was able to see and block the bullet with his blade. Between those actions everypony soon jolted from the ring of the shot and twilight getting startled and jumping to the side.

That was when everypony notice the dreamrunner making the mares in the crowd scream. They all moved away fast, the demon looked to Dante but got confused because he wasn't there. Drekavac had a weird feeling to look up, he did and was glad.

Dante was in the air heading towards the demon while it wasn't looking, Dante saw that the demon notice him and dropped fast to the ground to cut off it’s head but he was to late. Drekavac was able to sink into the portal right when Dante got close, Slamming the ground were the demon was.

Dante stood back but "Dammit I missed. Guess this won't be easy as I thought"

The group walked over to Dante, scared and worried "The heck was all that about!" rainbow said trying to not seem scared but just afraid like the rest.

"It would seem that there were two demons wanting to wreck this place" this got the guards to look around and make the ponies even more scared.

"It's him sister" they looked to Luna "The one that's killed our best guards back in canterlot" Luna looked even more scared then before. That was when a portal appear in front of them, they all look to see the dreamrunner in full display. His feature made fluttershy almost faint and rarity to almost pass out from how disgusting his cloths looked.

The demons head shook and turned to each side like a broken machine. It's bloody eyes looked at each of them. The fillies look about to cry from how scary Drekavac looked. Dante like Nero remembered this demon from the game "The fuck is going on? first Berial in DMC4 and know this freak from my game, how the hell is this possible!?"

Dante saw the demon stretch out both of it's arm making two portals appear, he stuck them inside and pulled both of it's blade out "This isn't the time to think about, I'll beat this hobbit looking freak just like in the game" Dante smirked and walked forward to the skilled demon.

"Tell me something" Dante whipped out Ebony&Ivory at the same type, striking a pose "Are you ready to die" Drekavac made gurgling and scratchy noises that everypony heard making them step back, a look of disgust on their faces.

Dante raised an eyebrow at the demon, guessing that's how he talks "Hmm. Alright then" He fired straight at the dreamrunner without warning. Drekavac reacted fast and blocked every bullet while run right at Dante. When he got close Dante quickly switched to rebellion and tried getting a swing in.

Drekavac warped before Dante could get close to slashing him. Dante looked to the ponies "All of you get back. I'll take care of this" They did as he said and moved away from the area near Dante. Stone heart ordered the guards to cover the front making a barrier around the girls, Princesses and ponies.

(Stop at 0:20)

Dante looked around Trying to senses were the demon would attack. He dropped his guard when he felt him stop in one place. He turned in time to see drekavac warp not to far away looking at Dante while doing the head thing. Dante turned to face him not liking the portal bullshit the demon was doing "Shit. This might take much longer than I Bargen for"

Dante cracked his neck and got into a stance right when drekavac warped back inside his portal, Dante knew that was when the battle started.

The ponies had two fights to watch. Luna, Fluttershy, and Applejack and half of the ponies watched Nero face Berial. While Twilight, Pinkie, rarity, and Rainbow dash and half of the ponies watched Dante take on Drekavac. Celestia switched between the two, not wanting to miss anything and see how powerful they are.

Nero ran head first at Berial not skipping a beat. Berial swung his sword at him but Nero dodge each swing. Nero revved the handle, heating red queen. He dash and slashed up cutting up berial's stomach to his chest. The slash wasn't deep but he still felt the pain and heat coming off red queen for reason unknown to the fire demon hurting him even though he was made out of fire.

When Nero got to his face he kicked the side of berial's face shocking everypony because the hit knocked the huge demons head to the side. Berial stepped to the side from the blow but then swing his arm at Nero having to raise his arm to take the hit. The attack knock Nero back to the ground but turning himself up right to land his feet on the ground.

Nero went back in when he touched the ground. He ran back at berial but instead of attacking in the air, he moved passed him and slashed his legs with more strength to leave a deep cut. Berial roared in pain, he started swinging his sword faster at Nero but each swing missed by Nero's was fast reaction time and speed.

Nero kept on slashing berial's legs. He then kicked one of his injured legs making the demon drop to one knee and giving him a shot to his face. Nero jump on Berial's shoulder, he first punched him with his devil bringer making berial again turn his head to the side, before berial could fight back Nero revved red queen. He flipped over his head and swung right at his left cheek.

Berial roared in pain from the big cut on his cheek. Berial touched it, stepping back to give himself space away from Nero. Nero dropped back on the ground, he placed red queen on his shoulder, giving her a few turns for his next attack.

Berial couldn't believe that he was facing something smaller than him and losing! "This is impossible! How could I, the conquer of the bottoms pits of Tartarus be put into the defensive by this small insect"

"If I'm a insect what would someone like you that's losing be. A germ?" Nero said, grinning and angering Berial further. The fire demon faced Nero, his body got hotter. Berial placed his arms close to his chest, Nero could feel he was generating power so he jumped back in time for berial to release a wave of heat stronger than before.

The blast pushed Nero back but didn't do much to him. Once again everything was on fire and the land was scorched. Nero looked around him seeing the land get even more destroyed by berial. He growled and look to the demon, his body heating everything around him "I will kill you and turn your body into ash!" Berial yelled out.

Nero Never liked the showy types, they always annoyed him the most. This gave him a reason to stop playing and kill berial faster before he sets the whole damn place on fire.

On Dante's side it was more like a game then a fight and he wasn't liking it. He would face the runner up close and fight him but then Drekavac would warp pass his hits and try to hit Dante from behind or from the side. Dante traded blows with drekavac, their blades hitting each other.

Dante Tried being creative by doing his combos, He slashed three times at drekavac, the last hit made the demon drop his guard. Dante spun around making his swing stronger but right when rebellion got close Drekavac would warp pass and moved around him.

“This might be the most annoying fight I might ever been in" Dante looked around to see were the demon would appear. The ponies watching Dante also looking to see were the dreamrunner would come from. Pinkie's tail twitched, she looked up above Dante to see the dreamrunner over him.

She yelled out "Above you!" Dante heard her and looked up to see the demon. The dreamrunner shot down at him. Dante stepped to the back, dodging the demon. The dreamrunner stood up and looked at Dante, it turned to him and it's head shaking, showing it's smiling mask at him.

With out warning The dreamrunner ran at Dante. He did the same but found the action not right "The hell is going on? First it want's to play hide and seek then it just runs at me wanting to throw down. Somethings not right"

The two fought, Dante moved passed a few sword swing and sending his own at the dreamrunner getting a few cuts in. Dante even did "High time" then did "Aerial Rave" and "Hellbreaker" dropping down with the dreamrunner and slamming him to the ground.

Dante stepped back, looking at the down demon. He found the whole thing to easy mostly cause how before it kept dodging his hit and know it taking them. The ponies were about to yell in victory but the dreamrunner got it's self up shocking them.

While it was getting up drake sensed around and felt the demon in front of him didn't have any energy, it was like a hollow shell. But then he felt the energy before slowly creeping towards the ponies.

Dante smiled and said "I see what's going on. Pretty clever" he pulled out ivory with his left hand. The fake demon got up and looked to Dante "Come at me you ugly skinny bastard!" The dream demon ran at Dante continuing the fight. Dante slashed leaving marks and bullet holes but the demon wouldn’t go down but he wasn't trying to kill it, Dante was passing time until the real one shows it's self.

Drekavac slowly moved around the area so Dante couldn't find him. He knew that in a up close fight it wouldn't go his way even though he was a good fighter, Dante moves were to fast and creative for him to get a hit in. He set his sights on the princesses and again went for twilight.

Dante knew were he was and moved just a little closer to the group to in act his plan. Drekavac was right behind twilight and just like before he was to quiet for anypony to hear or see him. This time he pulled both of his blades out in each hand, pulling back and right when he was going to strike Dante acted.

Dante dodged a swing from the fake runner then used "Stinger" piercing the demon, he kicked the demon with full force knocking it far away. Dante quickly turned around with ivory. Startled the ponies when he aimed right at them. He fired making them jump and for twilight to freeze when the bullet flew pass her once again but this time it hit it's mark.

The shot hit Drekavac's mask knocking the demons head back. twilight and everyone else moved away from the dazed demon. Not wanting to lose this chance Dante switched ivory for Ophion, he shot it towards drekavac the hook attaching to his face.

Dante gave a strong pull making Drekavac come to him. Dante pulled rebellion back, he shot right at drakavac and used "Trillion stabs" cutting and leaving stab marks all over his stomach, chest, He kept going until he had enough of stabbing. Dante dashed back and used "high time" cutting Drekavac in half.

Dante fell back to the ground, placing rebellion on his back making it disappear. He looked back to see the fake dream demon fade away "Feels good to kill that asshole. Warping around the place, what is this Portal" unknown to Dante a small white light shot into, the contents of this will be known later to the demonslayer.

Dante headed back to the others "So? You guys alright?" he was met with silence from them all. Dante was confused by this "Is something wrong?"

"Something wrong! You almost killed me!" twilight screamed. she seemed frightened and angry.

Dante sheepishly grinned "Well I guess that was a little dangerous"

"A Little!!"

"But... If I hadn't fired you would have had two swords going through your chest" Dante said finding his reason good enough.

"He does have a point there twilight" rainbow said, the others agreeing with her.

Twilight sighed calming herself down "Ok. your right, I shouldn't be yelling at you"

Dante waved off her apology "No you have a right to be angry. I'd be pissed if someone shot at me close to my head to" he smiled making twilight do the same looking into his eyes and finding them nice to look at. Their little moment ended when a loud boom rung out and a roar of pain coming near the forest.

They all looked to see Nero and Berial trading blows with their swords. Each hit rung out in the air, this went on until Nero while attack was revving the handle heating red queen further till the sword glowed red. When Berial swung his sword at him Nero timed it and used "Exceed Shuffle"

The attack was too strong for Berial to handle. It shot his sword high up in the air in his grasps, leaving himself wide open. Nero rushed him, he jumped in the air near Berial's chest and used "Exceed Streak" Slashing him across the chest making a line cutting deep close to his core that everyone could see.

Berial felt the attack, grabbing his chest trying to hold in the pain. The heat from Nero's sword was something new to the fire demon and he hated it. Berial took a few steps back so he could relieve the pain but Nero didn't waste time on letting him rest. He rushed him again, Nero jumped at his chest but instead of using his sword he used his devil bringer to form a huge arm, he punched berial right were he slash and sending the hulking demon off the ground and straight at the forest. Knocking down a few tress and inflicting more pain on berial.

Nero fell back to the ground on his feet. He placed red queen back on his shoulder, waiting for Berial to dig himself out of the trees he knocked him in.

The ponies were shocked. Some of the guards had their mouths hit the floor from the overwhelming strength Nero showed off. And for some reason the three mares watching felt hot from the show of power.

Stone heart's eyes widen "This doesn't make sense. How can he do that, he's smaller than that giant!"

"Because Nero's stronger, duh" Dante said matter of fact.

"B-but what was that thing that came out of his arm?" Fluttershy said. Shockingly pointing at his devil bringer.

"That was one of the abilities Nero has in his arsenal" they all listed to Dante.

Berial was able to push the trees off him. He got up on one knee, slowly getting himself off the ground. He looked up to see Nero walking over to him in a normal pace. The more he thought, the more it infuriated him that he was losing to some creature that just showed up, ruining his whole plan.

Berial stood back up on all fours "This wasn't suppose to happen. I was so close in taking equestria's magic point, all I had to do was kill the sisters and take everything they have. But You..."

Nero saw the fire in his eyes, finding it amusing "You and that other creature had to show, and ruin everything!!!" Berial's yell pushed Nero's hair back and scared the ponies "I Came out of Tartarus with the others to conquer a kingdom and that's what I'm going to do!"

Nero heard everything he said and raised an eyebrow at others "So he wasn't the only demon around then, and if their like him their probably trying to take control in other places" Nero wasn't able to think more about it because of Berial.

The fire demon saw how Nero was looking away, thinking that he wasn't listing and ignoring him. Berial's Body started to heat up once again but this time he was going to use his full power "I will not fall to an insect like you!"

"He was holding out on me" Nero put on a smile like Dante but it was more dangerous and Berial could feel it "It won't change the outcome demon. You will fall and die by my hands" Nero's devil bringer started to glow blue with his body doing the same, just faintly.

Berial coated his hand in fire and magma. He slammed his hand on the ground, that's when Nero felt the ground under him heat up. Reacting on time he stepped away just before a pillar if fire could give him a tan. he kept dodging the pillars till they stopped.

Right when they did, Nero looked up to see Berial rushing him like a speeding truck. He rolled passed him, pulling out blue rose and firing a few shots at Berial's head. He used “Charged shot” making berial feel the hit and knock his head back.

Berial covered his head with his left hand. He guessed were Nero was and jumped, slamming his sword at him. Nero "Table Hopper" Passed the hit. Making Berial and the ponies to believe Nero can phase through the sword. Nero Used "High Roller" combined with "Roulette spin" cutting more into Berial's body, berial tried grabbing Nero in the air but was jumped over by Nero's "Air Hike"

Nero Revved up and used "Exceed Double Down" on Berial's head. He roared in pain and tried to shake Nero off but he held on. Nero revved the handle, Berial felt the heat from the sword on his head dazing him from the action. Nero pulled red queen out of his head, the rough action hurting berial.

He was going to use his burst attack to burn and fry Nero, but he was interrupted when Nero jumped off berial head, he used "Exceed Calibur" cutting his right eye, stopping him from attacking. Berial grabbed his eye this time, he was going to roar in pain but Nero stopped him by using another "Charge Shot 2" Making the demons head fly back in smoke.

Berial took a few steps back from the shot. Still touching his eye with his free hand. Nero landed and waited to see what berial would do. He saw Berial shakenly letting his hand go. When the smoke died, Everyone cringed at the state of his face. The eye Nero cut left a big mark. His face had a few holes near his cheek and left eye. Nero could hear Dante laughing, he chuckled at his work.

Nero impaled red queen on the ground, he said "Feeling ok buddy? want me to even out the other eye for you?" Nero said fake care in his voice.

It was immediate. Berial's whole body went on fire again and he roared louder then ever before. Nero was close to him so he was pushed back from it and having to cover his face. The ponies had to take cover and hold on to each other to not be pushed back from the roar. Dante had twilight in his arms because of Berial's action.

When he was done Nero looked over his arm to see Berial huffing. He let his arms drop down "Tell me something. You got anymore tricks to show me?"

Berial growled, he moved his top half to the side positioning his sword. Nero saw this and pulled queen out of the ground right when Berial swung his sword right at Nero's side. Nero was able to jump over it but berial wasn't done, he spun and jumped. He was high up, he then dropped down faster than Nero's expected having him blocking the giant sword.

With Berial using his full power and combined with his jump the attack sent Nero down to the ground. When Nero's feet touched the floor, the ground cracked breaking apart. Shattering the ground around the two and almost reaching the ponies. Berial's sword was imbedded in the ground were Nero was.

"Nero!!" Luna yelled. Fluttershy's eyes widen with her pupils into pinpricks and Applejack covering her mouth with her eyes widen from the earth breaking attack from the demon. The ponies gasped, celestia was worried just like the others but Dante clamed them down "All of you stop worrying" Twilight notice that she was holding onto Dante, she blushed but was softly moved by him.

Fluttershy had tears in her eyes "B-But h-he's-"

Dante cut her off "Like I said don't worry. I've known Nero for years and if you think that would kill him, your all sadly mistaken"

Berial huffed and started to chuckle then laugh "Finally. That blow should had shattered his bones and Sliced him in half" Berials laughed even more "I did it! I Won!!"

But it was over lived by the shaking of the ground "I really hate it when villains just believe they won just like that" Berial's sword started to rise up off the ground. He quickly started to push down but was outmatched in strength. His sword was high enough to see Nero's head and chest, his legs were in the rocky earth.

The ponies started to cheer that Nero was still alive. The three mares sighed in relief the same goes for celestia, wanting to talk and get to know the two demonslayers "See what I told you. He's fine, the man wasn't even using his full strength in the fight anyways" what Dante said made all of the ponies look at him like he had two heads.

Celestia and Luna were the most shocked because they lost to Berial and Nero is know facing him not even using all of his power in the fight from the beginning.

Berial couldn't believe it, he put all of his power into hid last strike and it still didn't do much. It only got Nero's coat dirty and his hair more messy "H-how is this possible?! What Are You!!!"

Nero's body glowed more blue, he pulled one foot out of the ground. He groaned just a little "You could say I'm" Nero's devil bringer started to glow bright the same color blue with red outlines. This time Nero was the one to yell out, he forced his way up and knocking Berial back with his sword, the power from the push shock the demon because it was much more stronger than before.

Berial stepped back. The ponies gasped with the main six and Princesses doing the same. Berial was able to stop himself, he looked back at Nero but what he saw made him speechless.

Standing tall Nero's body was coated in blue aura all over his body. His devil bringer glowed bright. Nero's Grey blue eyes changed into a demonic red color that glowed in the night. But what got everyone's attention was the ghostly figure coming out of his body and over his head.

Berial and the two sister were the only ones to feel the power Nero was giving off, It was the same as Berial's but more calm and controlled than his, more controlled then the two sisters. The demonic spirit was bigger than Nero, it had two horns coming from the back of his head to the front, It's whole body looked to be covered in scales, in it's right hand was a sword they never seen before. Thin, long, and sharp, on it's left was a scarbbed looking thing on the side of it's arm. It was something they never seen before and would be printed in their minds.

Nero walked closer to Berial, making the fire demon step back "I'm kind of like you. Just stronger, faster, and better looking"

Berial dashed all hope of winning when seeing Nero's DT form. Nero slammed red queen into the ground. He revved the handle just twice. He pulled her back out "Let's end this shall we"

Not giving him a chance, Nero shoot his devil bringer at berial. The big arm latching to his head. Nero pulled making Berial step forward even though he pulled back. Nero's body was pulled towards the demon, he started doing "Aerial Combos" on his face. The spirt followed Nero's movement doing more damage.

Berial's face was being knocked around form every hit. Before Nero fell he placed red queen on his back and grabbing Berial's chest, his DT form protecting him from Berial's flames. He pulled and shot himself at his chin, he sent his devil bringer with the spirit doing the same punching Berial and sending up in the air from the blow.

Nero didn't stop and used "Air Hike" to get above his head. Before Berial could go down Nero grabbed his head, his demon spirit doing the same "Were do you think your going" Nero's spirit let him hover In the air. Berial was fading from conciseness from the attacks he got from Nero's "Aerial Combo" and the uppercut.

Nero pulled Berial's head higher and in a yell "Drop Dead!!" he pushed and sent Berial back to the ground, Slamming him into the hard dirt and destroying and up rooting the earth. Nero didn't stop, he dived bombed Berial's back with red queen and the spirit.

The action brought Berial back because of the pain. Nero started to rev Red queen till she was exceed. Berial's fire like body turned off like a candle from the sword. His body shook because of red queen in exceed mode. Nero concentrated, he gripped the handle and roughly pulled with his spirit out of Berial's back and dropping their swords back on his back harder and erupting his back with his demonic power.

Instead of a roar Berial screamed in pain, his senses failing and his body heat dropping down. The light from Nero's attack made the ponies look away. When it died down they all looked to see Berial's body flickering like a broken light bulb.

Nero turned his DT form off and pulled red queen out of Berial's back smoothly. He placed the sword on his back and jumped of the beaten demon. Nero looked back at Berial, most would think the demon would just die but Nero wasn't dumb. He pulled blue rose out and started to walk back to the ponies.

They started to cheer much louder when Dante killed Drekavac. The three mares that were worried also cheered, Luna didn't care if she seemed unroyal like she was happy to see Nero win and defeat the demon that attack them. Celestia smiled, glad that her ponies and kingdom was saved by Nero and Dante.

Unknown to the ponies Berial was still alive and he didn't want to die without taking a win "I will not die alone!" Berials head came off his body, turning back on fire and catching everyponies attention.

He shot after Nero. Everypony yelled to him right when berial was getting close "Die!!!"

This was what Nero was waiting for. He remember back in the game when the older Dante faced him and did the same thing. Nero turned around and aiming right at berial's head the action surprised the demon and ponies. Nero's devil bringer glowed much more meaning he was at "Charge Shot 3"

Right when Berial's head got close Nero turned blue Rose to the side and said like a badass "Jackpot" He grabbed the revolver with both hands and fired right at Berial, The bullet turning his head into flickering flames going passed nero's head blowing his hair softly.

Nero spun rose in his left hand and placing her in his coat. The ponies eyes widen from the whole thing, except Dante that found it cool and badass. Nero watched as Berial's body turn to flames, some of the fire evaporated and the rest formed into a ball. Nero saw the ball and remembered that in the game when you kill a boss you get a power up or a new weapon.

He stuck his devil bringer towards the ball. It started to fly to Nero slowly but then it shot right at him and when it touched his arm everything started to glow white around him. Nero closed his eyes because of the light. When he opened his eyes he felt something in his right hand, he looked, his eyes widen at the weapon he obtained.

It was a bow covered in molten rock and fire coming off it. Nero felt his spirit come back out and look to see it looked different than before. Instead of blue it was red, it wore a hood covering it's left eye, ghostly fire was coming off it's body, the horn on it's head was replaced with only one coming out of it's forehead. It didn't have a bow like Nero but a crossbow on it's left arm and flaming arrows on the bow.

Nero could feel the heat coming off his body and liked the warmth it gave off. He turned off his new DT form, making the bow disappear and his demon spirit. He headed back to see everyone staring at him, he didn't mind it and walked over to the main six, princesses and Dante.

He was first greeted by Dante that slapped Nero behind the back "Holly shit. That was freaking sick, the way you beat that demon was awesome!" Nero smiled at the praise.

"Thanks. How did it go on your end?" Dante turned his head with Nero following to see the dead dreamrunner body turned into black goop and evaporate.

"It was annoying at first but I still won in flying colors" Nero nodded to him. Nero was surprised when someone ran at him and hugged his back.

He turned his head and looked down to see fluttershy hugging his back. He could feel his back get wet figuring she was crying "I-I W-was s-so worried f-for you" she sniffled and whispered out to Nero that was able to hear her. Luna would have been the one to do what Fluttershy was doing but she was still hurt and tired. She just looked getting jealous that she wasn't the one to hug her savior.

Nero moved and turned around. Fluttershy moved with him and know having her face in his chest still crying. He placed his left hand on her head, he patted and rubbed her main softly "It's ok. I'm fine and everyponies safe" Nero had to force himself to not cringe when saying Everypony.

She looked up at Nero. The sight of her crying face almost made Nero's heart break just from how sad and cute she looked. Nero blinked his eyes for using cute as a description but let it slide, Nero started to feel awkward from how close she was and not letting him go "So... Are you going to let go or..."

Fluttershy eeped and jumped away from Nero "I'm s-sorry I don't know what came over me"

Nero scratched behind his head "It's alright. You were just worried about me" He heard snickering and looked to see Dante trying to hold in his laughter from how awkward the two were being. Nero glared at him, making him stop and turn away.

Applejack watched fluttershy and Nero getting along, it made her feel like she was losing in some way "Aw horse apples, I should have went in to see if he's fine" she whispered but applebloom was able to hear her talking.

"What you say sis?" bloom said startling applejack.

Applejack looked else where "I'm just thinking that Nero was mighty strong to face that huge demon"

Applebloom gasped in excitement "I know right! And the way he just punched him away was crazy, that monster was bigger than the barn and he still won!"

Applejack looked back at Nero, right when he was dusting himself and fixing his hair. Applejack sighed in bliss "You got that right~"

Celestia found it good for everypony to head to their homes. Everypony listened to her and started to head back to their houses. The demonslayers with celestia, Luna, Stoneheart and the guards went with twilight and spike for the night. The rest of the girls, and the fillies walked with them for the time being.

It didn't take them long to get to twilights castle. Spike and the fillies talked with Nero and Dante to pass the time, Dante found spike interesting because he was a dragon, the same with Nero but less showing like Dante that was looking spike all over and poking his spines.

It took twilight smacking Dante's hand away for him to stop. When they got to the castle that was when they said their goodbyes to each other.

"Well today was an interesting day but I got to get back to the farm. Don't want granny ripping the place apart for bloom"

"I can't stay out long either. My beauty sleep is very important for my daily care"

"And I have to clean up everything back at sugercube corner for tomorrow"

"I have to see if my animals are ok"

"so.... Tired!"

Each of the girls said their goodbyes. Nero and Dante did the same, They weren't able to see the blushes of the mares faces when they smiled and waved bye.

The rest went inside. Dante and Nero were baffled from how big the place was. They followed twilight to the rooms. She helped celestia and Luna, with the guards help in taking them to their beds. Stoneheart and the guards went to their rooms.

Nero and Dante were last and were placed to sleep in a room for them both. Nero waved good night to twilight and went inside his room to sleep the day off.

"Wow. He must be really tired" spike said as he watched Nero lazily wave and close his door.

"Spike he had to face a giant demon and keep back more from attacking everypony, not to mention the time they had to walk from whitetail to ponyville" twilight said making spike feel dumb.

"She's right you know" they turned to Dante, his shoulder against the side of the door "The guy had to face a powerful demon, he may have won with zero no problems but the day took a toll on both of use"

Spike scratched his head, not thinking it through "Yeah that makes senses"

Twilight moved up to Dante "I would like to thank you and Nero for saving everypony"

Dante grinned at twilight "It's fine. We didn't do it for the praise but because you needed it" twilight was glad at Dante's response, she thought the two were suspicious and probably dangerous. She was happy her thought's on them were wrong.

"I'm still trying to figure out how you two were able to fight and beat those demons without leaving a sweat, if it's alright do you mind if we can talk and ask questions?!" Twilight said in hope, her eyes wide and trying to get Dante to agree.

He found the action funny and cute. Dante moved close to twilight, he touched and moved her hair to the side. Giving him a full view of her face and making twilight blush from the contact "I wouldn't mind spending time with you, Princess~"

Dante let twilight's hair go back over her eyes. He went back to the door, walking inside "Night you two" he closed his door leaving the flustered twilight to stand in front of his door.

Spike saw the whole thing and was confused by it "Um twilight, are you ok?" Spike's voice was able to get twilight back on track. She turned and headed to their room "Let's go spike, time to sleep" spike just followed her.

When Dante flopped on the bed he fell completely asleep. Inside Nero's room he was thinking about what Berial said "I Came out of Tartarus with the others to conquer a kingdom and that's what I'm going to do!"

"He’s not the only demon roaming around. These others must be doing what berial tried to do" Nero turned his head to see the moon glowing in the night. He could tell it was different from the moon back on earth. It was bigger and perfect to see.

He smiled, feeling this world would give them both more than they bargained for. But Nero didn't care about the dangers but the excitement it would give. Nero looked back up at the ceiling, closing his eyes and falling asleep "Better make do at what we have. Can't think of the bad but the good It could give use" Nero got comfortable and went off to sleep.

Far off in the near distant kingdom of Griffonstone, A bipedal demon, walking on four legs was surveying the kingdom from a far.

"When will we attack. I want to taste the flesh of those griffons!" He turned to looked at his companion. The darkness of the night hide the demons face, only leaving the demons red glowing eyes and it's four glowing wings. The demons voice was deep and rigged.

"We'll attack in day break" he pulled out a huge canister in his right hand "Attacking from behind is one of the most favored tactics in the book"Soon enough more eyes appeared in the darkness around the two demons. The first smiled, it's knife like teeth showing in the dark.

"Those birds won't know what hit them" He started to laugh the same as the second in the night. Soon another kingdom will face a demon attack.