• Published 26th Aug 2018
  • 514 Views, 22 Comments

A Raven’s Greatest Flight - Chemtest

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Pact of Madness

I’m sitting by myself in an office, on Captain Jack Sparrow’s ship. We fly through the air, and I can hear Jack clones setting up decorations. Tomorrow, I get married.

To think I proposed over two hundred years ago is madness. After death by nuke, death by Master, the revolution against Dawnbreaker, and the war against the Combine, nothing shall stay in my way. Unless if some god were to appear from nowhere saying there was a solution to Blueblood, nothing will stay in my way.

I can hear bootsteps, “Oh fine, since you made such a good guess!”

I stand to my hooves and spin around to face the voice, “Who are you?!”

Standing there is a man with a mad smile, and equally mad fashion sense, “Me? Why, I’m charmed by you not instantly cursing my good name! I am Sheogorath, God of Madness, here to offer you a solution to Blueblood!”

I grab my head, “Great, now not even my thoughts are safe.”

Sheogorath creates a chair to sit down upon, “That’s not to say I don’t respect you, Death. In fact, you’re the only person I do respect, because you get us all. Oblivion, I thought that my previous incarnation was the bee’s knees, but then the Oblivion Crisis and Greymarch happend. Your all that I respect now, because I know you are the only thing more powerful than any Sheogorath that existed! But I know you don’t really enjoy the act of death that much, you just reap the souls because you must.”

I look at him, annoyed, “Do you have anything useful to say, Madness? Because if you don’t, I’d like you to get off my ship!”

He laughs into the air, “Oh, don’t call me Madness, too professional! Call me Sheo, please.”

I sit back down in my chair, “I will only call you by your title as long as you continue to call me mine, Madness.”

He draws out a long sigh, “Oh, fine, Raven. And, I do have something I’m here to do.”

I glare into him, “Then get to the point before I introduce you to the point of my scythe. I’m a busy man, Sheo, I’m getting married tomorrow, and I have an enemy to worry about. I do not enjoy the privilege of free time, unlike you who would gladly go on vacation from the Shivering Isles. I don’t wish to be snippy, but I need you to get to the point.”

He nods, and pulls out a sheet of paper, “Fine, fine, I get it. As I said earlier, I have a deal, a proposal to make.”

I lean forward, “And that would be?”

He smiles, “Sign and you will get to decide Blueblood’s punishment, with no death, unless you choose that.”

I look him in the eyes, “What’s the catch?”

He smiles more genuinely, “See, that’s what Blueblood forgot to ask, that’s why I respect you. You will go through a challenge, deatails I cannot say, except that you will forget everything and only receive tidbits as you go through. I think you will win, but I don’t know for sure. If you lose, Blueblood gets one shot on you with the Wabbajack, wich has a small chance of permanently killing you. If you win, you get to punish him.”

I think about it, “Can it wait until after tomorrow? I am getting married man.”

He shakes his head, “Let me tell you something. Blueblood signed this, and then learned what happens if you wins. He wants to kill you before you can sign. He has half of his army coming here, right now. Your people will be dead within three hours of now, you cannot wait until tomorrow. I’m sorry, but if you don’t sign this, people will die today. Think for a second Raven. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sombra, Louis, Sparrow’s all being slaughtered, and you would be too busy dieing over and over again to revive them.”

I look him in the eyes, and don’t see the smile I usually do. He’s serious, and that is scary, “I have no choice then.”

He shakes his head, “You always have a choice Raven. You can choose to possibly sacrifice yourself, or allow others to die because of your inaction. It’s not a pleasant choice, but it’s a choice.”

I look at the paper, and see all that he’s saying, “You know me, Sheo, you know I will sign this. And I have a feeling you have a personal stake in this.”

He smiles again, “Great job there. See, Dissy and me are good friends, and your friends with him. Discord wants me to help you, and I can see the fun and chaos in this. Also, after I left Blueblood, I felt a bad feeling. Khorn, the Blood God, popping in right after me. Khorn is dangerous, and with him on Bluebloods side, Madness would die under them! I hate that stupid Skull Throne and all it stand for! The death of Madness and meaningless war! Those two combined pose a serious threat to Madness in this realm, so I want to change things up.”

I think on his words, “This Khorn dude sounds dangerous. Yeah, sure, I’ll sign.”

He slides me the paper, “Sign here, put name, date, and period right next to it! Make sure you don’t forget to cross the ‘s’ and dot the ‘y’! Remember, Madness script is really specific.”

I sign as it says, and hoof the pen back to him, “I’m ready.”

He smiles, “Wunderbar, go ahead and prepare.”

I look around, and start to move, “Okay then.”

He snaps, “Well, time up! Better be prepared!”

“Why did you give me that time? I’m not even prepared!”

He leans down to look me in the eyes, “Not with that attitude you aren’t!”

I shake my head, “Look, when do I start?”

He looks around at his arm watch, and nods to himself, “No time like the present!”

And with that, the deal starts.


My name is Hopeful Sight. I have no eyes, and I still see. I am a foal of unknown age. I am a dark colored unicorn salespony. I am a citizen of Equestria.

The races of Tel’la De Equestria are constantly at war, and this eternal winter isn’t helping. Humans and Elves, Dwarves and Elfves, Ponies and Humans. Orc raiders don’t help matters of peace either. The roads aren’t safe, thus I became a weapons dealer from old battlefields.

Yes, that is my life. Let’s see if I can sell some more weapons today. Bills don’t pay for themselves.

Author's Note:

And, Season Two starts