• Member Since 10th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Writing’s pretty fun.


This story is a sequel to D.N.A: Damned New Administrator

Wrath, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, the Seven Deadly Sins in the seven layers of Hell. Demons eat each other as their previously ordered system falls apart.

Corruption, Insanity, Lust, Greed, Destruction, Betrayal, Pain, the rules of Tartarus. Demons eat each other as the ponies throw more and more into their land. But there is hope.

Takes place at the same time, and is in the same universe as https://www.fimfiction.net/story/427064/dna-damned-new-administrator

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 25 )

Is this connected to any of your other stories?

Everything is connected, sortof. All are differnt universes, but are in the same multiverse.

I think I’ll like this series.

Oh yeah, as a follow up. The answer is yes.

Good story you have here so far.

He, and every other demon in Tartarus, suffered from the Curse of Bipedalism layed upon us by Celestia.

O no! What's next manipulative digits!:raritydespair:

More. I am the sin of wrath and I demand more

Is there going be any demons tf with mane six are there?

Restate in clear terms

I do not understand what you tried to say. Can you please repeat it clearly?

I said is there going to be any demons transformation with mane six in this story!

That’s gonna be a no there. Either way, by the time the demons reach the surface, the Six will all be hospitalized.

Far away, a grey alicorn shivers at the demonic energy that he senses as he flies to Ponyville. Momentarily worried, before assuring that his friend in Tartarus would take care of anything evil.

Who? Also is Earth a decimated wasteland bathed in nuclear fire in this story?

I smile, “You aren’t dead yet. If I were an asshole tyrant, you would be for refusing an order. But I don’t want to kill you, dear, no. I only want to kill God, Angles, Christ, and all who might stand in between them and justice. To do that, I need demons who are ready to fight and die for a good cause. For that, I need happy demons. For that, I need a demon to sho me the way.”

Fuck you unnamed demon. I'm very religious and will pump your ass full of 7.62 M134 Minigun lead!

I jump off of the stage, and go up to the treasure room, “I have set you free! Greed is no more! We work together, we make our town better! The demons shall be freed, and money shall be spent! For New Hell, and for my demons!” I take my whips, and hit the wall of the building. The building’s wall breaks down, and money comes out like water. Golden coins, at least a thousand of them.


there are 4 chapters in a 11 chapter story that have less than 1000 words. At least my story has no less than 1000 word chapter. they are from 1000 to 2200 or 2400

I would be nearby on a hill in a tank providing music like I Will Survive or sum shit like that.

I KNEW IT! I read the other stories and I thought that Chaogat was a bad guy or demon of some kind. He seemed like the type of person.

Oh No! Not the curse of better grip! What could possibly be worse than being able to climb trees and spy on people! Nooooooo! (that's sarcasm btw)

Then this sounds out of nowhere: "In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood, he choose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the umbral plains, seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him, and those that tasted the bite of his sword, named him... The Doom Slayer."

**heavy metal starts**

And me on a hill 2 miles away looking at harmony: "Yep, that's gonna be hard to kill. FOR SOMEONE WITH MEDIVAL WEPONRY! HAH! I have an Barret M82 sniper rifle! I can Snipe him from 1800 meters away! Anyway," *Ch-chink* *POW* *distant loud whump* "That was easy."

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