• Published 23rd Dec 2018
  • 1,309 Views, 148 Comments

Vengeance - xd77

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Chapter 4: Escape From The Manticores/Meeting Tempest Shadow

Author's Note:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Meanwhile somewhere in the badlands of Equestria in the deep pits below, Nathan had awoke due to heavy breathing of a very nasty breath smell blowing on his face, not even Smolder would have a nasty breath smell like this one had. But when he awoke and his vision cleared from blurred sleep, he looked up to see the face of what appeared to be a manticore, and at least seven of them with snarling looks and drooling saliva coming out of their mouths as they licked their lips.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH MANTICORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan screamed in horror, he quickly saw an opening at the top and flew up, only to find that the opening was too small for him to fit through. So instead of making it through, he just bumped his head and fell back into the pits of the manticore pit, luckily he managed to escape into a small hide hole in between the rocky walls that surrounded the pits and quickly hid from their appetizing sights.

Nathan tucked himself in like a ball and slowly talked to himself, "How did Ah' get here, where is everypony, where's mah' friends?!"

"HELP, SOMEPONY, ANYPONY!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, but no matter how many times he called for help or find a way out, it just wouldn't work. He could still hear the seven manticores out in the open of the enclosed pit snarling at his presence and just waiting for him to mess up or give up so they could eat him.

Nathan trembled in fear as he felt he was stuck in this hide hole forever, he was all alone. His parents were not here to protect him, his friends were far off, and not even Twilight or the others could even get to him. His biggest fear of being all alone had struck him, even though he tried to face it in the test that the Tree of Harmony had brought upon him and his friends.

And ever since that test, he had been feeling guilty about it, and that was probably why he had the feelings of fear when he sensed that Cozy Glow and Tirek were back out in the plains of Equestria ready to make their act of revenge. Nathan curled up in a ball like a puppy and cried. Suddenly............

"Nathan...." said a whispering voice.

"Huh?" Nathan said while wiping tears from his face.

"Nathan...." the strange voice whispered again.

"Who's callin' mah' name?" he asked, that's when it happened. A wisp glowing light floated right in front of him then began to take shape. As Nathan sat there in awe, the shaping light grew brighter and more powerful then a body of an all too familiar looking man appeared out of the light, but the glow stayed on him and flashed all around him.

"Fear not Nathan, it is I Jesus Christ of Nazareth."


"Yes Nathan, it is really me." said Jesus who put a hand of comfort on his back.

"The Heavenly Father has seen the oppression of Equestria and your fears, and has heard their cries of pain. So He has sent me to help save you and the rest of this world, so we shall win the battle of evil, but I will help you in spirit because of your belief in me."

"But Tirek and Cozy Glow are too powerful."

"Nathan, haven't you forgotten that God has twice the power, that He is the Father Almighty?" Jesus asked, "Don't ever lose your faith in Him."

"Yes Lord." Nathan said, Jesus then got up and helped Nathan to his feet

"Thank you Lord for being with me." Nathan said.

"I will be with you in spirit as you will win." Said Jesus, "Now let's get up and go to the manticores."

"But they'll eat us!" Nathan warned, "They're aggressive!"

Jesus then approached the manticores in person, when they saw Jesus, they snarled and growled ready to attack. But Jesus walked up to them very calmly as they continued to growl and raise their claws.

"Peace, be calm." He said, and just like that, the manticores were suddenly gentle as domesticated cats and they walked up to Nathan and licked him affectionately.

"Ok ok, stop it!" Nathan laughed, he then gently stroked one of them like a dog.

Just then a low rumble of the ground shook below Nathan, he then looked up to the opening he had tried to get through soon grow bigger and a bright light shone down on him.

"Nathan, as long as I am in your heart you will win this battle because you have great faith in God, He will send chariots of fire to help you win, all you have to do is continue to be strong in your faith. I will return soon because you have a great journey to embark back home." Jesus said with a hand on his chin. Jesus then floated up into the light and vanished into heaven.

Now feeling all alone again, but with the manticores still gentle, Nathan flew up out of the pit and soon found himself in nothing but pasture and forest, he didn't know where he was or where Ponyville was. But he knew Jesus was still with him in heart and that was all that mattered.

Just then a feeling came over Nathan, as a quick vision of the Elements of Harmony came into his head.

"The Elements of Harmony, Ah' know where they are!" he said, then he embarked on a quest to the area where they were located and hopefully gain something against Cozy Glow and Tirek and beat them once and for all.

"Stop!" said a voice making Nate halt dead in his feet.

"What?" he asked, then he turned to see a dark purple unicorn with a pink mane and tail.

"Perhaps you've never heard of me." this pony said as she walked up to him.

"Where did you come from?" Nathan asked.

"I watched the whole thing unfold from a far distance, all the magic gone from Equestria for good. I also had a strange sense that some creature got kidnapped and held hostage, and I knew it would be a child."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am FizzlePop BerryTwist, but you can call me Tempest Shadow, or just Tempest."

The name quickly rang a bell, "Wait the Tempest Shadow, the Tempest Shadow that was a commander of the Storm King?, the Tempest Shadow that stole all the magic from Hippogriffia?, the Tempest Shadow that nearly brought down Canterlot all because of a lie about getting her horn restored?"

"That Tempest Shadow?!" Nathan knew this because Twilight told him about her and how evil corrupted her soul and that she really did fall for a lie.

Tempest hung her head low, "Yes, I am that Tempest Shadow. But if Twilight didn't inform you, I am reformed." she said.

"And yes, I did fall for a lie, but that was because I actually thought that by admiring the Storm King that he would restore my horn. But he just used me."

Nathan quickly came to his senses and understood that she was reformed and had accepted friendship. But, he really could've used a partner to help him on his journey back to Ponyville and help save his friends. He also knew that Jesus was in Heaven preparing an army of chariots of fire and angels with weapons of storms and lightning which came from the Power of God.

"So you wanna be mah' partner and help me save mah' friends?" Nathan asked Tempest.

Tempest smiled and put a hoof on his shoulder, "Yes Nathan, I will help, I owe Twilight a lot of gratitude anyway for her achievement on showing me the true ways of friendship."

"Thanks Tempest." Nathan said hugging her, Tempest returned his hug.

"Now the first thing to do is to find the Elements of Harmony." she said.

"Ya' mean to tell me that Cozy and Tirek managed to remove the Elements from the tree?"

"Yes, in order for the tree to be weak, they first dismantled the elements and then threw them out into the pastures, I saw them."

"Well why didn't you stop them?!" Nathan asked in frustration.

"I still don't have a horn, I'm not powerful enough!" Tempest argued.

"Oh." Nathan said in sorrow.

"Well come on kid, we don't have time, we've got to save those elements before it's too late!" Tempest said, and she let Nathan climb onto her back and they took off from the forest they were in and headed off to find the elements.