• Published 3rd Jan 2019
  • 7,233 Views, 477 Comments

Contact Harvest - CommanderApplejack

A solar storm is disrupting magic all over Equestria, the crystal mirror is going haywire, and three fillies are missing.

  • ...

Chapter 26

True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient, it's about being there when it's not.


Rainbow was rolling on the ground of laughter after she found Scootaloo and Maria laying in a pool of water in the morning, I myself couldn't help but laugh a little too at the sight. Apparently, Scoots had brought in a cloud for her and Maria to sleep on later in the evening not knowing a natural cloud without tampering would completely dissolve by morning.

“I, uhhh... Can clean this up?” Scootaloo said sheepishly, standing in the middle of the large puddle.

“No, no, I have it. You three should do whatever you need to do before Twilight arrives,” Rarity chuckled as she and Spike had already gotten a mop and bucket.

“She is right, I want you three in dress suit to greet the Princess and sergeant Bloom and I still need to get out of the Mjolnir,” Maria stated, stepping out of the puddle of water. “Mister Spike, could you point us to a room we could use to work in private?"

The little dragon looked up at Rarity who gave him a nod as she was making quick progress cleaning up the mass of water. The small dragon led us to a private room where we could undress from our Mjolnir. Maria had received some field equipment that would allow us to strip the power armour and after an hour we were completely out of the armour and getting into the dress suit. I took a few glances in Maria's direction as she slipped into the suit, I may not have had all that much experience with griffons but I was pretty sure they usually weren't as muscled as her... That and being what was probably getting close to Celestia's size.

“So, what should I expect of your Princess?” Maria asked as she straightened her sleeves. She had expressed some amazement that the entire suit had transformed so perfectly.

“Shouldn't worry too much about Twilight, she's honestly just a huge nerd. She'll probably get Princess Celestia involved soon though and Ah remember that she really runs things, never met her proper, but I'd be surprised if she ain't a smart one after livin' over a thousand years,” I explained.

“That is probably a wise assumption,” Maria admitted as we ordered our Mjolnir in the corner of the room. Our weapons, though, were still slung around our bodies as we didn't want anypony to accidentally get hurt from them. After hooking up with the others and the getting Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie, we made our way over to the train station for the morning train.

“Sweetie Belle?!” we heard someone call from behind our group, making the unicorn pause and look back.

“Button?” Sweetie replied as she noticed a group of foals with their schoolbags on were gawking at us... Our old classmates. Our sisters and Maria kept a little distance as we broke off from them, the train wouldn't be arriving in a bit anyhow. My eyes fell in another of the fillies though: Twist was looking at my with eyes wide as saucers.

“Hi Twist,” I simply stated, the other fillies shying back a bit as I was absolutely massive compared to the filly I had been a mere two weeks prior to them.

“How are you so big?” Button asked, staring at me too before looking Scoots and Sweetie too. “How are all of you so big?”

“We messed around with something in Twilight's castle. We... spent some time away from home,” Sweetie stated. “We're going to be meeting Twilight at the train station to figure out some things.”

“So you'll be returned to being filly blank flanks soon? Good to know.”

I immediately held out a hoof so Scootaloo couldn't step forward and looked her in the eyes. “Stand down. You have nothing to prove anyway.”

The tension in Scootaloo's body immediately vanished. “Yes sarge, sorry about that.”

“We spent three years in another world. There's no de-aging from that, and besides...” Sweetie lit her horn and unbuttoned her dress suit a little to show her burn while pulling up my sleeve to show the metal leg below. “...we took some irreversible damage along the way.”

The group of fillies reared back a little as they saw what would be absolutely debilitating injuries to them. Diamond Tiara's mouth slammed shut as her eyes shrunk to pinpricks. “Sweetie...” I growled at her for scaring our old friends and bully but she'd already moved her attention back to Button Mash.

“I remember that I promised to play video games with you, didn't I?” Sweetie asked Button Mash who shyly nodded. “I can come by this weekend?”

“S-Sure, you know where I live... Right?”

“Yeah, I do. Say hi to miss's Cheerily from us, we're probably going to not be in school for a while,” Sweetie smiled as she stepped back and started returning to the others. “See you guys around!”

Scootaloo said her own goodbye and I gave our classmates a nod before moving back to the group. “Ya know yer two years older then him now, right?” I asked as we returned on our route to the train station.

“Sure, I'll have to wait a bit, but two years isn't the craziest age difference and he's growing quick.” Sweetie shrugged. “And I remember him absolutely having a crush on me but being too nervous to tell when I prodded him for it.”

“Wait, you knew about him trying?” Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Knew about what?” Spike asked as he caught up with the girls.

“Nothing,” Sweetie, Scoots, and I replied in sync.

“Don't worry Spike, just girl talk,” Sweetie chuckled.

“Of course, mushy things,” Spike said, faking a gag as we arrived at the platform.

“How long is it untill the train arrives?” Scootaloo asked as there were some passengers waiting for the morning train.

“Not long,” Spike replied as he pointed at the approaching plume of smoke in the distance. It indeed wasn't long for the engine to appear in sight... And the moment it did a bright purple flash lit up the station.

“You know, Twilight, you could just have waited for the train to come into the station,” Spike deadpanned as he walked up to his big sister.

Twilight jumped as she saw the ponies and griffon waiting for her. “Girls!”

“Hello Princess,” I sheepishly said, knowing to her we'd just broken into her castle and been sucked into the mirror. Twilight's smile faded a bit as she scanned the group. “Where's Sunset?... And who is the griffoness?”

“Chief Petty Officer Maria,” the Spartan simply stated with a sharp salute. “Your 'Crusaders' have been under my command for a bit.”

“You're a soldier...” Twilight said in awe as her eyes drifted back over to us, sucking in every detail she could. “...You all are?”

“Yeah, we found ourselves in a bit of a twist in the place yer portal sent us to,” I admitted. “Beside returnin' here the UNSC wants us ta negotiate an alliance between them and Equestria.”

“I... wha-... Who?” Twilight stammered as she tried processing what she'd just been told. “Assuming I understand what you're talking about... You'd need to talk to Princess Celestia for that.”

“Well, darling, this is the train to board for that,” Rarity pointed out as the machine came to a stop in the station. Twilight seemed to be having trouble wrapping her head around the situation, standing silently in her place as she processed what was happening.

“Alright. But I want to know everything.” Twilight demanded as she turned back at the train right as Fluttershy stepped out. The pegasus getting encased in Twilight's aura and turned around one-eighty degrees. “Our trip is going to be a bit longer Fluttershy.”

We held nothing back as we rode up to Canterlot, telling everything that had happened to us from the moment we'd landed on Harvest to the training we'd received, to the combat deployments we'd been on. Even the ponies that had already listened were totally engrossed as the three of us built on eachother stories, providing more details that the others didn't know. Applejack and Rarity cringed when Scootaloo described what had happened when I'd lost an arm and Sweetie had been severely burned, our sisters pulling us into hugs to confort us.

“And you really feel nothing?” Rarity asked as she held Sweetie's fur-free forehoof.

“Not at all,” Sweetie replied. “They had a load of really good doctors back on Reach.”

“An' Bloom?” Applejack asked as she glanced over at me.

“Don't feel the leg at all. It still seems to function just fine, even with magic an stuff, I've been able to pick up things as normal with it,” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Seems like Scootaloo got off best there,” Rarity commented but quickly held her tongue as she saw the dead look Scootaloo was shooting her.

“I saw my two best friends nearly het killed in front of me, dragged them out of the line of fire, and jabbed them full of drugs in a desperate attempt to keep them alive,” Scootaloo stated as the temperature in the room noticeably dropped. “Some scars aren't of the visible kind.”

“She's right about that,” Dash spoke up, staring off into infinity for a moment. “I wasn't there awfully long and I saw plenty of humans completely broken by what they saw.”

“War's hell,” I agreed. The carriage remained quiet for a bit as they gave us time to get our minds back together.

“We lost a lot of good people... Friends,” Sweetie stated sadly.

“As long as we remember her a piece of her will stay alive,” I stated as I saw who she meant and tried swallowing the growing lump in my throat.

“Oohrah,” Scootaloo softly stated, tapping her chest twice with her hoof.

“She died a good death,” Maria stated, breaking silence as she'd just remained quiet while we told our story. “Most soldiers' deaths in war are sudden, their life is snuffed out in an instant, but when Ana saw hers coming she faced it. She chose to make her stand right there and died on her own terms, not on the enemy's terms. Linda and Grace will make sure she is remembered by the other Spartans too.”

“She deserves it,” Scootaloo stated. Our sisters and the others said nothing as they let us have our moment, the pain was so tangible it could be felt by everyone.

“Next stop, Canterlot!” the conductor called out as he passed through the carriages, the train having slowed down as it was being pulled up the mountain.

“I almost forgot! Princess Celestia doesn't even know we're here!” Twilight suddenly stated as she summoned a piece of parchment and quickly scribbled a message onto it. Spike then sent the message over and received a reply back in no time.

“She says she's sending a Royal Guard escort to the station,” Spike stated as he finished reading the message. “She's very interested in hearing about the Crusader's adventure.”

“I'm pretty sure she won't be as excited when she realises what were here to ask,” Sweetie stated.

“And what exactly is that?” Twilight asked as she was getting curious, looking at Maria as she was the one and only 'human' representative to come meet Celestia. “If your people want to pull my, and the other Princess', ponies into this conflict we will disappoint you,” Twilight warned her.

“A few specialist would be appreciated but our main need is magical devices that can detect magic sensitive humans among our own population. From what I've seen, you ponies simply don't have the population to field a serious force. We need expertise and materials, not soldiers,” Maria told her as they came to a halt in Canterlot station.

“I... Think an arrangement like that could be considered,” Twilight stated, clearly avoiding making any commitments yet. The train was quickly emptied as it was going to turn around back to Manhattan from which it came. Though the station was busy, everypony took a wide berth around the group led by a princess and containing a massive griffon. It didn't take long for the squad of Royal Guards that had been sent for them to find the group. The six of them gave a quick bow to the princess before studying her company. The squad leader lowered his head a little as he noticed the four of us in dress suit, something we reciprocated to the fellow soldier.

The escort to the palace was quick but we still attracted plenty of attention, ponies looking and pointing at our group. Some were focused totally on Twilight, others were way more focussed on Maria and the rest of us. In the end whatever gossip that would spread about us wouldn't be all that important. As we entered the castle Twilight wanted to make a beeline to the throne room but was stopped by the royal guard.

“Morning court will be going on for at least another three hours, Princess Celestia will be tied up there until then,” He informed her.

“I am quite aware, sir, but there are certain things for which court may be adjourned... Among which is military necessity,” Twilight told him. “I can lead my friends further, I need you to wake Luna and get her to the Throne room too.”

The guard looked a little afraid for a moment before bowing. “Yes, Princess.”

“I need you all to stay outside the throne room while I introduce you. The nobles take interruption of the court very seriously,” Twilight warned them. “Maria, Scootaloo, Sweetie, Apple Bloom, can you be ready to step into the room when I call you in?”

“Shouldn't be an issue,” I shrugged, the others also making sure they were ready to step in. We held back as Twilight pushed the two large doors to the throne room open with her magic and walked in. The noble who'd been making a plea to Celestia turned to glare at whoever had interrupted him.

“Twilight?” Celestia stated in confusion as she saw her student. “I got your message and will have time in the afternoon lunch break.”

“I know you will but what I have to tell has to be discussed at the soonest time possible,” Twilight stated as Luna teleported into the stands, looking very tired. “Girls, could you step in?”

A wave of commotion went through the crowd of nobles as Maria and the rest of us stepped forward into the chamber. Celestia remained quiet as she let Twilight have the chamber, the way she was looking at her reminded me of how our instructors looked at us when we were getting the hang of something.

“By the authority given to me as a Princess of Equestria, I adjourn this court to discuss imminent military matters among my fellow Princesses,” Twilight stated, the entire crowd of nobles falling dead silent as they looked between Twilight and Princess Celestia.

“You heard her,” Luna stated from the side, “She is as much a princess as either myself or my sister. Clear the room.”

The nobles started filing out of the room, some curious and others clearly offended but they filed out none the less. Our sisters and the others came in after the last of them had left and the doors were closed behind them.

“I hope you have good case for this, Twilight, because the nobles will not take this laying down if there isn't,” Luna warned her as she got down from the stands.

“I have... Hopefully,” Twilight said, losing a bit of the confidence she'd shown just prior before turning back to Princess Celestia. “Remember the message I sent you two weeks ago?”

“About the fillies?” Celestia asked, knowing the answer. “Did the books from Starswirl I sent help?”

“They did... Sweetie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, could you step forward?” We immediately obliged Twilight and walked up next to her, seeing Princess Luna's and Celestia's eyes widen. “The timestream in the dimension they ended up in wasn't matched with ours. They were there for years while it was just two weeks here.”

“Maria can you step forward and introduce yourself?”

The massive griffon responded equally as swiftly, stepping up to Twilight's other side and saluting the Princesses. “Your hignesses, Maria zero-six-two, United Nations Space Command. I was sent here with the three of your people to initiate contact and hopefully start positive relations.”

Luna and Celestia glanced at each other briefly to silently communicate with one another. “I must say, this is rather unprecedented. I hope you will not object to us wanting to ask some things about your people first?”

“Of course not, ma'am, I wouldn't expect anything less,” Maria responded as Luna stepped forward.

“Alternatively, I can glance into your mind and get the information that way. It would save a large amount of time and I could share it with my sister,” She proposed as I could see Maria already starting to object.

“Ya can look into mine,” I proposed. “Maria knows too many of her people's secrets, Ah don't think they'd like if ya potentially had the chance ta poke around in them.”

“I would never,” Luna immediately defended herself.

“Even if you wouldn't, my people could never confirm that. It's nothing personal, ma'am,” Maria stated as apologetically as she was able to.

“I... Alright. Please come closer Apple Bloom.”

Stepping up in front of the Princess, she closed her eyes and lit her horn. As she opened her eyes they were white with light, a tendril of magic climbing out of her horn and moving towards my forehead. As it touched I vaguely felt memories being pulled to the front, emotions get shaken loose, and old wounds starting to itch.That said, I was gazing into Luna's glowing eyes stoically.

Luna, on the other hoof, tensed up completely. Her wings were a little spread as if she was about to bolt, the muscles in her neck tout. The tears forming in her eyes quickly turned red as blood started flowing over her cheeks, followed by a small stream from her nose.

“Enough.” Celestia pulled her sister away from me and severed the connection, Luna shaking as she got herself together.

“How are you still sane?” was the first thing Luna asked, breathing heavily. “How are any of you so calm?”

“We have our ways of coping,” I stated, hearing Scoots and Sweetie shuffle behind me.

“Luna, what did you see?” Celestia asked, immensely concerned at the reaction her sister had shown.

“War... they are outnumbered and outmatched against a foe who's stated goal is the complete annihilation of their people,” Luna whispered, coughing up a wad of blood and spitting it out. “They have my full support.”

Celestia seemed to be taken aback, “Are you sure?”

“If our ponies ever find themselves in a similar situation I would want them to be helped too. So yes,” Luna looked over at Maria. “Tell me what your people need and I will try to provide any assistance you require.”

“I think it's best if we took this meeting to one of the diplomatic rooms,” Celestia said as she saw the determination in Luna's eyes. “To determine what would be expected of one another.”

Maria nodded. “That'd be agreeable.”


Luna came down in a glide onto one of the viewing platforms that gave me a good vantage over Canterlot and the hilly plains that stretched below and beyond the city. I had trouble with the stability of it all as I gazed out over the picturesque landscape, my entire life I'd only known the military. My brothers and sisters were the best of the best at what we did, but seeing this... Peace. I envied the fillies that were playing in the streets below. Was I older than them? Or were they older than me? If they were allowed to be playing like that, why couldn't I?

“Enjoying the sight again?” Princess Luna asked.

“It helps with thinking,” I responded curtly as always. You can't because humanity needs you, now more than ever.

“I see,” Luna replied as she tried prying information out of me as always. “Anyhow, I wanted to inform you our preparations are essentially done. Your people have indicated an opening between our worlds is possible at this moment and we will attempt an opening soon.

“You are here to fetch me,” I simply stated as I turned, having a brief moment of confusion as the Princess was wearing a black outfit, and a modern armoured vest that almost looked like it was made of kevlar. “You are going yourself?”

“I am. Out of anyone in this world I am still one of the most well versed ponies in the use of magic. For the initial setup of the new portal my help will be invaluable,” she stated as the two of us walked back towards the palace. “Plus, I've seen the other end through Apple Bloom. If I am to send ponies to your people I will see their destination first.”

“I do not think your ponies would hold it against you if you stayed. Your safety is very important to this world too,” I argued as the Princesses here were definitely lynch pins in the working of the nation.

“I would hold it against myself,” Luna stated as they entered the palace and headed towards the roon where all the preparations were being made. A new mirror had been constructed with a much larger surface area to make shipping larger quantities of materials easier. A few unicorns were around checking the magical equipment around to assure it's function. I stopped as I saw Firewing, Belle, and Apple fully geared up and waiting. Their Armour having gotten a paint to a dark Blue, most of the logos on it intact but their shoulder pad had a moon added to it. They smiled as they saw me enter. They had been staying with their families in Ponyville over the last month while I'd remained behind with with the Princesses.

“I didn't expect to see you here,” I stated as I approached them.

“Well, we heard the princess here was going ta Harvest and we couldn't in good conscience let her go without proper security,” Apple Bloom said with a chuckle. “So we'll probably have ta wave goodbye on the other end.”

My lip curled up a bit and I gave her a nod. “Appreciate it.”

“My guard was not happy with it but they are undoubtedly the best prepared for the job,” Luna stated. “And with their time spent in your world they are old enough for guard duty in our world.”

“AJ, Rarity, and Dash weren't all that happy but knowing we probably aren't going to be on the direct front lines they agreed we could go.”

“Being legal adults helps too,” Sweetie pointed out.

A unicorn cleared his throat as he butted in, “We received the counter signal, they are ready to receive us.”

Luna nodded. “Open the gate.”

Magical equipment started to hum and the portal shimmered various colours, rippling as it came to life. Various ponies were monitoring values and tweaking dials to sync the portal perfectly. “Connection stable!”

“Is the anchor prepped?”

“Ah have it in mah backpack,” Apple Bloom stated as she got ready for the transfer back to human space.

“Then we will be off. Once we set up the portal on the other end we will start pinging this end until you open the portal,” Luna stated as Scootaloo was the first to walk up to it.

“Alright, if it starts sparking don't come after me,” She grinned, putting on her helmet and jumping through.

“Transfer successful, it's safe Princess,” one of the monitoring unicorns reported.

“Apple Bloom, Maria, would you?” Luna stated, letting is go first, neither of us hesitating to step through. The journey back was much smoother than the journey to Equestria, the two of us simply stepping out on the other end into the room from which we had departed. Scootaloo and Sunset were waiting for us on the other end with a group of officers who were standing further back.

The air started shimmering behind us, the room heating up a bit from the energy. Bloom and I taking some extra distance as Sunset lit her hands to see if there wasn't any instability in the portal. “Who the hell are you sending through?!”

Sunset's question was answered as Luna, supported by Sweetie passed through the breach, her hair retaining its ethereal quality as her magical potential hadn't diminished a bit. She stood a tine bit higher than me in my Mjolnir, positively towering above the rest of the room with ease. Her clothes had morphed into a hybridisation of armour and gown, the black fabric flowing down her legs. In my education we'd covered plenty of ancient gods and she would definitely fit among those.

Sunset had immediately dropped onto a knee and lowered her head as she saw who'd come through. The officers had also straightened up further and the ONI representative looked like as if he was calculating if they had made a mistake.

“Thank you Sweetie, Luna stated as she found her balance, her wings adjusting to help her out a little. “My apologies, I am not used to walking on two legs instead of four,” Luna stated as Sweetie kept a supportive arm out for her to lean on. Luna bent her knees a little and lowered her head a moment. “Princess Luna Morningstar of the realm of Equestria, guardian of the night.”

One of the officers got out of their stupor and stepped forward, saluting the Princess. “Welcome to Harvest, Princess, I'm Commander Aryan Thomson, we were not expecting someone of your stature to come and greet us.”

“It is only fitting that if alliances will be discussed someone with the authority to make them is present,” Luna replied, trying to stand on her own.

“Of course. We will arrange transport to get you off world and to a safer planet as soon as we can.”

“With my security detail of course,” Luna stated as Bloom and Firewing stepped in closer to the princess. “I assume that won't be a problem?”

“Space can be made for them too,” the commander promised. I had walked up to the ONI representative in the meanwhile and saluted him.

“Sir, if ONI doesn't have any missions planned then I would like to request to be allowed to accompany the Equestrian delegation,” I told him. He glanced over at Luna who'd picked up on the request and was looking over expectantly.

“For now your roster is clear but that may change once you arrive at Reach,” he told her after deliberating. Turning to the Princess afterwards. “The Office of Naval Intelligence has a prowler in orbit to safely bring you to Reach, we are glad to have you Princess. I hope our cooperation will flower into something greater.”

“As do I” Luna smiled and nodded. “Now, there is plenty of work to be done. Shall we begin?”

Author's Note:

I know, I know, I'm a slow cunt. I really despise leaving things unfinished though so I hope this does it a bit of justice. I've been rather busy lately with life.

Comments ( 17 )

Luna: *Arrives on Harvest.*

Covenant: Why do I hear boss music?

so how long until luna throws a moon at the covenant?

Luna has entered the field........

The Covenant are screwed lol

Ah, good to see this get a continuation! Now Luna is on the field and ONI has to do something they've never done before, sit down and have a diplomatic conversation with a foreign power.

Despite this being the ending of the story. The thought of a spinoff of this is a tempting one. Whether or not to do it is up to you. Great job on it and hope to see you again in the future.

Why do I get the feeling that reach is falling as they speak?

If luna tuns back into NMM during the treatees it's ONI's fault or covenant's one, let's hope is the later and they just annoyed her

I loved this story! Glad that you could finally finish it.

Pretty good ending, really hope to see Atleast a lil bit more of this story in the future

Oh boy...

Luna in battle will be a sight to see.

This was a wonderful story.

Sooooooooooooooooooo, what's next? :duck:

Absolutely wonder! Would love to see more in this AU, but I understand that you are extremely busy. Thank you for all your hard work. :twilightsmile:

Don't suppose there's any hope for a sequel? Like what happens in maria's story going forward and what kind of agreement equestria forms with the UNSC, I'd assume it'd be more like shorts, telling events here and there but it'd still be nice to read...
Does maria meet master chief? Is master chief even apart of halo at this point... or is that later?

THIS IS BLOODY EPIC and nice choice to pick luna instead of celestia cuz if was celestia probably it won't make sense

Canonically yes, but some fanfic writers are more generous than the actual writers.

God this fanfic is so good

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