• Published 16th Jan 2019
  • 21,557 Views, 3,309 Comments

To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

  • ...

Chapter 73

Changelings wreak havoc in Fillydelphia.

Over thirteen thousand bits worth of damage and numerous minor injuries occurred yesterday morning when a small group of hostile changelings triggered a stampede within the southern section of Fillydelphia.

Eyewitnesses at the scene reported the cause of the event to be an incident involving three pony foals and a changeling foal believed to be the daughter of Queen Chrysalis.

All three foals were playing near their homes when the changeling dispelled her disguise in broad daylight and used her magic to toss the three ponies into the air resulting in them suffering minor injuries including a sprained fetlock.

“I was just hanging out with my friends when I heard this scream,” Steelie Breeze, a nearby resident said, “then the next thing I know those three foals hit the ground and there’s this little changeling standing right in the middle of the sidewalk.”

“It was my day off and it was so nice out I went for a walk,” Heart Line, a nursing student explained, “and then I saw this green ball of fire down the street. I’m not certain but I think the changeling was yelling for the foals to stay out of the road.”

The changeling then began acting erratically which drew a crowd of concerned bystanders who alerted the city’s police force.

However, before authorities could arrive to deescalate the situation three disguised changelings emerged from among the gathered onlookers and attempted to flee with the changeling foal by air.

“Three unicorns just stepped right out of the crowd and over to that little changeling,” Mint Dream, a local business owner said, “then these green flames just burst from their backs and suddenly they have wings!”

“It would have been better for everypony if they just let them fly away,” Mint’s husband, Pasticcio Dream, explained, “because I think they got really irritated about being followed.”

A small group of pegasi are reported to have tried to pursue the changelings and possibly instigated one of them to break off from the rest of their group.

That changeling began to discharge bolts of magic at anypony nearby, prompting the stampede and possibly creating a distraction to provide cover for the rest to escape deeper into the city.

Several members of the FPD arrived shortly after and the pegasi members of the force went in pursuit of the changeling while fellow officers worked to quell the chaos on the ground.

Once order had been restored the officers canvassed the area in search for any possible remaining changelings and discovered an unconscious female unicorn who appeared to be the victim of love drain.

An ambulance was called, and the injured unicorn was transported to a nearby medical facility for treatment where she is expected to make a full recovery.

Unfortunately, despite the FPD’s best efforts the changelings avoided capture and are still currently at large.

Beside the foal only one of the changelings revealed their true form and is described as larger than the average changeling, having solid blue eyes and missing one ear.

The changeling foal is described as having green eyes with vertical pupils, a green midsection, and a long dark cerulean mane.

The FPD is requesting for any citizens that may have witnessed anything suspicious to please visit your local police department and file a report.

Cicada, disguised as Harmony Honey, smiled as she folded the newspaper closed and laid it off to the side on the outdoor café table in front of her.

“H-here is your order Miss H-honey,” a lanky green unicorn stammered as he walked up beside her table with a trembling tray levitating by his side.

As the sound of dishes rapidly clinking together filled the area, some of the other patrons stopped in their private conversations and turned to look at what the sudden commotion was. The stallion anxiously bit his lip as he started to lower the tray, but it only seemed to quake more the closer it got to the table. Little droplets of chai tea began escaping over the rim of the cup while the half dozen small cannoli bounced around atop their plate, foretelling a possibly disastrous future for Cicada’s treat.

“Relax,” Cicada said sweetly as she placed a comforting hoof against the waiter’s shoulder. “You look like you’re about to shake off your skin.”

“I’m so s-sorry,” the unicorn apologized and froze up at her touch, “it’s just, It’s you!”

“Yeap, it’s me,” she confirmed.

“You’re Harmony Honey!” fawned the stallion.

“Yes, I know,” said Cicada.

“And you’re here!” the waiter said, stating the obvious.

“Look, last time I checked I was just like anypony else,” Cicada said gently, “so there’s no need to be nervous around me.”

“I know, I know, but just, WOW,” the stallion gushed.

“It’s really not,” began Cicada.

“I mean, I can’t believe I’m serving The Harmony Honey!” prattled on the unicorn.

Despite the nice meal of love and adoration she was secretly absorbing from the waiter, Cicada was quickly becoming annoyed by the pony’s antics.

“Well, you were serving me,” she corrected him, keeping the pleasant look on her face and her tone sweet, “but you’ve stopped.”

“Oh… OH! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” the stallion blubbered, quickly unloading the tray and laying her order in front of her. “I guess I got a little star struck there."

“You wouldn’t believe the trouble I had getting here from across town,” a female voice cut in. “I swear there are empty cabs everywhere when I don’t need one and the moment I do they go into hiding.”

Allure Endeavor trotted around the side of Cicada’s table and pulled out the seat directly across from her. With an exaggerated sigh, the mare plopped down in the chair and placed her satchel atop her lap.

“I’ll have a large caramel latte, soy milk, extra shot of espresso, extra whipped cream, and a red velvet tartufo,” Allure told the slack jawed waiter before turning her attention to Cicada. “I hate it when you want to meet here. It's going to make me fat.”

“They do serve salads, soups and sandwiches too you know,” smirked the fake pegasus as she used one of her wings to lift her cup so she could sip her chi tea.

“Yes, I know,” griped the agent, “but I see you eating desserts and then I feel like I have to too. How you don’t put on any extra weight is beyond me. I swear you must have an extra dimensional pocket in your stomach.”

“I have a high metabolism,” shrugged Cicada, “and practicing dance routines is a workout.”

“Speaking of dancing, have you,” Allure paused and looked at the stallion who had remained just off to the side of the table, “why are you still standing there? Go! Shoo!”

The waiter let out a little squeak and galloped back into the café.

“Young stallions,” the agent grumbled as she began rummaging through her bag until she produced the newspaper she was searching for. “Anyway, as I was saying, have you seen the paper today?”

“I’ve glanced through it,” confirmed Cicada, using a wing to motion at her own copy on the table.

“Well?” Allure asked, leaning forward and turning her head slightly.

“Well?” repeated Cicada, giving the mare a questioning look.

“Do you really still think it’s a good idea to use changelings in your upcoming performance after seeing that article?” the agent whispered with a hint of harshness in her tone.

“They aren’t the same kind of changelings,” sighed the false pegasus as she placed her cup back down.

“I know that but to some ponies it won’t matter,” explained Allure. “You don’t want the first show of your tour to be empty, do you?

“Look, King Sombra was a unicorn, right?” Cicada stated more than asked.

“Um, yes but I don’t see how that correlates,” the agent said.

“Just because one unicorn was evil doesn’t make them all evil,” Cicada elaborated. “So just because one group of changelings caused some trouble on the other side of Equestra doesn’t mean the ones coming to Applewood will.”

“I wish I could understand why you’re so set on this,” admitted the agent.

Cicada shrugged, lifted her drink back up to her lips and took a small sip.

“Like I said before, I believe that giving the changelings an opportunity to experience life among ponies would be a good thing for them,” said the false pegasi.

Allure leaned back in her chair with a sigh and ran the back of her hoof against the bottom of her chin.

“Well, we’ve already sent them an invite and they’ve agreed to the auditions,” the agent said. “Telling them to just buzz off would be bad press. I hope this doesn’t end up biting us in the flank.”

“You need to have a little faith,” Cicada said before nipping off the end of a cannoli and flashing the mare opposite her a confident smile, “this is going to work out perfectly. You’ll see.”

Author's Note:

This is the last chapter I had written before the pandemic upended things for me. I was hoping by posting these chapters I would get over my apathy and continue the story but unfortunately my heart just isn’t in it. I apologize to those who maybe disappointed and I appreciate those who provided constructive criticism along the way.

Again, thank you.

Comments ( 36 )

How you don’t put on any extra weight is beyond me.

Later, after Cicada's plans have gone down in flames: So she cheated, then? Still a little jealous, to be honest

Telling them to just buzz off would be bad press.

"Harmony Honey": Especially if you used that wording.

I was hoping by posting these chapters I would get over my apathy and continue the story but unfortunately my heart just isn’t in it.

The "On Hiatus" and "Cancelled" tags are intended for this situation, depending on how final your decision is. Most people read them both identically, in either direction, due respectively to lack of hope or lack of empathy.

Several investigators are going to have their jaws all over the floor when they find out!
So is this indefinite hiatus? It's understandable, no hard feelings. Here's to hoping things will ever be improving in your life. 😇

Inspiration come and go, when chapters come out, than we get to read them. In the meantime there is always re-reading them :raritywink:👍

This is the last chapter I had written before the pandemic upended things for me.

I regret that everything went awry and I wish you to get the strength to overcome all life's obstacles.
let all problems happen only in fantastic works.

and let no one know the destruction of habitual life due to the war that has begun near. :(

If you dont intend to continue could you please at least give a summary of how the story would have developed and ended, I really enjoyed this story and would love to know how it would have ended for closure

This is the last chapter I had written before the pandemic upended things for me.

So, no more new chapters?

Uh, no. No spoilers for me, please. I would rather use my imagination until the author does decide to finish this story, and ruin any chance I ever have of enjoying it again.

It was nice while it lasted. If this gets picked up again I'll be back but it doesn't sound like you think that's going to happen. Have a good one, hope you have the motivation to write more, even if it's not this story specifically.

This is the last chapter I had written before the pandemic upended things for me. I was hoping by posting these chapters I would get over my apathy and continue the story but unfortunately my heart just isn’t in it.

Aww, I really like this story. :fluttershysad:

Damn, I thought we were going to the end this time. Thanks for posting these last chapters at least.

I just came across this yesterday, wish you luck with your life, this story was pretty good. It’s sad you lost your motivation. (Also my sentence structure has left the chat. )

Thanks again for writing this, even incomplete I love it :heart:

Thanks for releasing these chapters. I enjoyed reading them. :twilightsmile: :heart:

Perhaps next time:

That would be entertaining. Pupa having a action movie dream :coolphoto:👍

My respect for the press in Equestria grows. We'd never get a report that coherent and accurate from a newspaper here on Earth.

Happy birthday to me thanks PlagueRat~!
it may be sad to see this stopped at the moment but your life is important and we the reader can enjoy what was given, I hope your heart comes back refreshed and enjoy writing one of these days again when things get better but I hope you hang around and enjoy this site with us!

Writing and reading it should be fun and relaxing and it shows after all no story is better than a forced story!

keep being awesome PlaqueRat!

I really enjoyed the story so far I hope you eventually come back to it when you find inspiration to do so :3

This is undoubtedly one of my favourite stories on the site, and I really hope you'll find the drive to continue eventually.
Though I know how you feel. I've got some stories on AO3 that I just haven't worked on since 2019 because the pandemic just sucked all of my energy out and hasn't given it back yet.

Nuuuu It can't die off before Cicada gets curbstomped! D:

Hopefully you'll get your mojo back at some point, I really enjoyed this story.

I’m just going to assume that what Chrysalis said about Thorax and his changelings is eventually proven true and they all start dying with no way to save them. This would of course lead to a situation where Chrysalis and her changelings cannot be legally charged for feeding off ponies and everyone in Equestria just has to deal with it.

I say all this not because I don’t like the new changeling designs but because it’s always interesting to see something different.

Very good story so far. Hope you continue, author!!

With my second account, my first was deleted for unknown reasons.
Basically imagen a account like mine now, wasted...
Kinda sad for all the lost comments and two stories I never published.
I still have the German untranslated story on hard drive though.

...and....finally caught up here.
Hope you're feeling better, PlagueRat. I'm definitely looking forward to where this is going. Don't let the bug (the other bug) get you down.
Awesome story you've made so far, especially that Chapter 69! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Got a feeling deep down Caciada wants the reformed lings to succeed.

Rest for as long as you need, Rat.

Good story so far. Finished chapter 72 and now i can start waiting for new ones.

Its 4 months now since last update. Is the story dead or just heavily delayed?

Hope it's not dead, this stories really good

Nooooooo!! Why.. this happened!?! OMG!!

I still hope this continues, and I hope things have improved for you

To be continued, always a painful experience :fluttercry:
Until next time :pinkiesad2:👍♡

So long as the plumbing is NOT using soldered connections, it should be doable. Open flames and Lego bricks are NOT a good combination. :trollestia:
Speaking of which, you'll DEFINITELY need custom fire sprinklers throughout the place--probably best to have them activate at 120°F.
And you can forget getting homeowner's insurance. But it'd be well worth it to film any thieves breaking in to catch their reactions at being confronted with a wall safe with a $10k combination lock that's securing a container made entirely out of Legos! :pinkiecrazy::rainbowlaugh:

That sound very twisted ... yet accurate :rainbowderp:

If my first account wasn't lost due to server change and other factors I be really everywhere.
It's sad that manly Author accounts have been deleted since 2013.

We need more hugs or Pupa.
Do Changelings usually don't hug one another? :duck:

I'm so curious about whether or not there's any future for Throax and his changelings, or if they'll really all die out like Chrysalis says

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