• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


This story is a sequel to Breakfast with Rose

Spurred on by a class presentation and an unexpected—but not entirely unwelcome—new day job, I began to more seriously consider how I might fit myself into pony society.

Manual labor provides plenty of time to think, and strips away facades.

I wasn’t sure that I was ready for that, but I couldn’t put it off forever, either.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 507 )

Been waiting for this sequel. :twilightsmile:

Well darn it, now there's a whole new series I learn about that I have to read...

Honey Dipper, eh? i suspect a honey⁽*⁾ wagon is involved...
(*) That ain't honey, by the way.

It's been a long time in the making has it not :pinkiehappy:
I'm glad to see Sam again!

And I have read, and it is fun.

I have to say, Sam doing hard manual labor without shoes? She's braver than I am.

It's nice to see she's finally fitting in, more and more. Ponies really are a xenophobic bunch on the whole. It's good that Cheerilee is trying to change that, and that she's made friends with Rose.

Also, it's kind of too bad that the only way she's able to be accepted is by pushing herself to be like a pony in ways that are really uncomfortable. Realistic, but still unfortunate. The analogy that kept going through my head was pony/human nudity taboos being like people who won't accept religious head coverings. Not quite the same, but it's the same neighborhood.

Your writing Sam and Rose is really great friendshipping. Even if other ponies/possibly Rose thinks it might be more than that. I'm enjoying watching everything progress. Slice of life is great.

When she mentioned how the world looks superficially similar but different the closer you looked I knew exactly what she meant. It's a thing even in foreign countries, let alone alien planets. You don't know how much you know about what trees and birds and bugs you expect to see until it's suddenly all wrong, there's almost an uncanny valley effect.

“It doesn't seem right.” Lily picked her scissors back up. “Pretending to have something that you don’t.”

Aah, the frustrating charms of the narrow-minded. I wonder what Lily would think about 'purchasing' computer software and not actually get to own it yourself.

Also, are you the villain in Sam's story? With the war in 1812?

I just burned through the previous stories and am hanging out for more


Yeah, definitely Molasses.

Well now. This was a fun series to catch up on.

I’m liking Sams interactions and struggles and look forward towards more.

Where's the nudity in this?
Is it only in the Naked Truth group because of the statement about bathing?
I only skimmed over it.

I haven't even read this story yet, and I already favorited it. Your Sam and Rose stories are the best! They're what led me to you, and you quickly became my favorite author on this site.

Have you read the previous Sam and Rose stories? Not being condescending, just curious. Although not explicitly stated in this story, Sam never wears more than her shorts and panties. So there's that.


Well darn it, now there's a whole new series I learn about that I have to read...

You won’t be sorry. :heart:


Honey Dipper, eh? i suspect a honey⁽*⁾ wagon is involved...

You’ll just have to wait and see if your suspicions are correct.


It's been a long time in the making has it not :pinkiehappy:

Too long, really. I’ve been working on this one--off and on--since last May.

I'm glad to see Sam again!



And I have read, and it is fun.


I have to say, Sam doing hard manual labor without shoes? She's braver than I am.

She does occasionally mention wearing them, although not often since they’re falling apart. I think that for the most part, ponies would pay attention to what’s on the ground, since frogs are at least somewhat tender, and from what we’ve seen in the show, they tend to go more for grassy roads/paths rather than pavement.

It's nice to see she's finally fitting in, more and more. Ponies really are a xenophobic bunch on the whole. It's good that Cheerilee is trying to change that, and that she's made friends with Rose.

Yeah, and I think that’s something that writers don’t explore enough. Like, they’re generally not oughtright hostile, but they seem to often hold non-ponies in low regard until they get to know them, and spend a lot of time fleeing/avoiding non-ponies, thereby never getting to know them.

Also, it's kind of too bad that the only way she's able to be accepted is by pushing herself to be like a pony in ways that are really uncomfortable. Realistic, but still unfortunate. The analogy that kept going through my head was pony/human nudity taboos being like people who won't accept religious head coverings. Not quite the same, but it's the same neighborhood.

It’s kind of a mixed bag. I mean, there’s the old chestnut “when in Rome, act like the Romans.” She’s a different species, in a different land, which is of course going to have its own set of problems, and she should probably do the most that she’s comfortable with in order to fit in.

I get where you’re coming from, and I think that’s not a bad analogy on the face of it. I think that there’d be a spectrum of fitting in with societal customs. Not obeying some would get you shunned/arrested outright (for example, if it’s okay in your home culture to just murder someone you don’t like), whereas other ones like not wearing a head covering could just be the kind of thing that makes people wonder why you don’t respect God, but they won’t toss you in jail for it.

And all of this varies with how free the society is, too . . . probably the more open and less xenophobic they are, the more they’d accept somebody different.

Your writing Sam and Rose is really great friendshipping. Even if other ponies/possibly Rose thinks it might be more than that. I'm enjoying watching everything progress. Slice of life is great.


When she mentioned how the world looks superficially similar but different the closer you looked I knew exactly what she meant. It's a thing even in foreign countries, let alone alien planets. You don't know how much you know about what trees and birds and bugs you expect to see until it's suddenly all wrong, there's almost an uncanny valley effect.

That was my experience in Australia. From a distance, all the trees looked like any other trees, but then as I got closer and started to see individual trees, they weren’t at all the same as the ones in America. And there were parrots flying around, and of course kangaroos, too.


Aah, the frustrating charms of the narrow-minded. I wonder what Lily would think about 'purchasing' computer software and not actually get to own it yourself.

I don’t think she’d like the idea of a computer at all, never mind computer software. She’s really not too keen on anything that isn’t a flower or a close friend.

Also, are you the villain in Sam's story? With the war in 1812?

Lol, no, even though there is that dashing image of me on Cygnus’ video.


I just burned through the previous stories and am hanging out for more


Yeah, definitely Molasses.



Well now. This was a fun series to catch up on.

I’m liking Sams interactions and struggles and look forward towards more.

Thank you! :heart:


"Fluttershy crept up to Sam and whispered..."



Where's the nudity in this?
Is it only in the Naked Truth group because of the statement about bathing?

If you’d read any of the prequels, or wait until there’s more than one chapter posted on this, you’ll see why it’s in the group.


I haven't even read this story yet, and I already favorited it. Your Sam and Rose stories are the best! They're what led me to you, and you quickly became my favorite author on this site.

Thanks! :heart:

Although not explicitly stated in this story, Sam never wears more than her shorts and panties. So there's that.

And she often wears less, depending on where she is and what she’s doing.


She’s really not too keen on anything that isn’t a flower or a close friend.

I hope that doesn't mean that she'll try and keep Rose from becoming a closer friend with Sam. I mean, if that's where drama is I'm sure you'd be able to do something with it, but empathy-wise I hope everyone gets along.

So glad to see more of this series! I'm glad Sam's school presentation went so well, and that she's setting in more.

if I learned Equestria was real, I'd be wondering whether humans actually were related to minotaurs - if my imagination didn't jump further to something like in Destinies where Equestrian pony DNA somehow looks just like human DNA.

And I wasn't expecting Sam to be Canadian! I suppose that's in part a good thing - a constitutional monarchy would probably be easier for the ponies to understand than a representative republic.

No need to be condescending. It's not like I gave it a downvote.
If I had any interest in reading it, you have just removed it.


No need to be condescending. It's not like I gave it a downvote.

I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to be. You asked a question (where’s the nudity?) and I answered that if you’d read the prequels, or if you waited until more chapters were posted, you’d see why it was in the group. The only other thing I suppose I could have said without ‘being condescending’ is that Sam currently isn’t wearing a shirt (she rarely does), but there’s no way you could have known that from just this chapter.

It was just an odd statement to be made when this is the fifth story in a series, and there’s only one chapter of it posted yet. I could re-hash all those details in every one of the Sam and Rose stories, but to readers who have read any of the earlier ones, I think they’d be annoyed at me telling the same thing they already know a second, third, fourth, and fifth time.

If I had any interest in reading it, you have just removed it.

I only skimmed over it.

Genuinely curious, do you just skim stories and then if you’re satisfied with the little bits you’ve pick up along the way, then go back and re-read the whole thing?


I hope that doesn't mean that she'll try and keep Rose from becoming a closer friend with Sam. I mean, if that's where drama is I'm sure you'd be able to do something with it, but empathy-wise I hope everyone gets along.

Realistically, though, isn’t that a thing that friends sometimes do? When relationships change for whatever reason, maybe Rose isn’t home as much any more, and Lily misses that and wants those times back. Not that it isn’t a s:yay:tty thing to do, but it’s not really out of the bounds of possibility. And even if she isn’t overtly confrontational, she still might be cold towards Sam.


So glad to see more of this series! I'm glad Sam's school presentation went so well, and that she's setting in more.

Takes a bit of time, but she’s getting more used to her new home, and becoming more outgoing. At least a little bit, anyway. And the ponies are getting more used to her.

if I learned Equestria was real, I'd be wondering whether humans actually were related to minotaurs - if my imagination didn't jump further to something like in Destinies where Equestrian pony DNA somehow looks just like human DNA.

My headcanon is that it looks very much like actual horse DNA.

And I wasn't expecting Sam to be Canadian! I suppose that's in part a good thing - a constitutional monarchy would probably be easier for the ponies to understand than a representative republic.

She’s never really said too much about that, but she has mentioned it (or at least implied it) in previous stories, and it’s also come up in the comments. She’s from Vancouver, BC.

This is an on-case basis where I might have read if it had what I was looking for.
It was put into the Naked Truth group. The description says nothing about nudity, and there's apparently no tag for nudity on Fimfiction. I ctrl+f'd several key words one would see in a fic that has nudity. None of them turned up positive. I hardly absorbed anything from the story in doing this, except that most of it took place in a classroom by the looks of things.
Therefore, it didn't appear to have what I was looking for, so I asked outright to see if I was mistaken.


This is an on-case basis where I might have read if it had what I was looking for.

The stories follow along with Sam as she tries to fit into Equestrian society. She’s already given up on shirts, because they’re too expensive to wear all the time, and some of her friends have told her that she’ll fit in better if she doesn’t wear pants since a lot of ponies think she’s stuck up, so she’s slowly working up her courage to go around town fully nude during the day, but hasn’t quite reached that point yet. So if that’s what you’re looking for, you’ll probably like the series. If you’re looking for something else, you probably won’t like it.

It was put into the Naked Truth group. The description says nothing about nudity, and there's apparently no tag for nudity on Fimfiction. I ctrl+f'd several key words one would see in a fic that has nudity. None of them turned up positive. I hardly absorbed anything from the story in doing this, except that most of it took place in a classroom by the looks of things.

Yes, there is no FimFic tag for nudity, and depending on what, exactly is (or is not) described, it might need the mature tag and/or the sex tag. I’ve run into that before, with other stories of mine.

Depending on what you were looking for while ctrl+f’ing, you might or might not pick up on what Sam’s wearing and when.

Therefore, it didn't appear to have what I was looking for, so I asked outright to see if I was mistaken.

Gotcha. Well, I gave a summary of where the story arc was at this point, and I guess if that looks like something you’re interested in, then follow along as new chapters get posted. If it isn’t, thanks for at least giving it a quick look.

Exactly. So, you know, I say that I hope that they get along the same way I want actual people to get along, but if you have ideas for drama there, I also hope they don't get along, for a time at least :scootangel:

9512730 My own headcanon hasn't gotten to that level of detail, because I'm not sure how much of Equestrian creatures' biology is genetic versus some more magical substratum. Do they even have DNA? Is ponies' and cows' sapience, and rabbits' and turtles' near-sapience, coded for in DNA or does it come from some magical field on top of them? Canon doesn't give us many clues since the magical mirror out of Equestria totally rearranges their body structure, and their science probably hasn't quite advanced to the point of knowing themselves. If we can assume rabbits and other small animals are the same in Equestria as on Earth, something is going on beyond what their genes code for. But, I'm not sure that's a safe assumption.

Lily flinched. “Inside your ear? Why would you do that? Wouldn't that hurt?”
“I guess it must. I don't know. Humans don't get them inside their ears, we get them somewhere else so that everybody can see them. Something that's meaningful to us.”

Actually (at least as cattle are concerned) they don't feel much pain in the ear unless it's near the base. The only reason they make a fuss is from being manhandled.

It ain't exactly mud, darlin'.

I laughed too much at that episode in the first go-around.

I'm a bit skeptical about Pony racism: it's a trope the writers pull out when they need a conflict (Zecora, Chancellor Neighsay) and then toss away when they don't. There's no real fuss when Gilda or Gabby show up, and Griffons are a lot less Pony-like than Zebras, while a lot of Ponies show up to watch Iron Will's presentation in spite of not knowing what he is aside from "Talking monster." (And later go on a blimp cruise run by him, for that matter ). But it's open to interpretation, and I'm fine with your presentation.

(Personally, I find myself amused by the insta-headcanon that Ponies find the fact she's a bipedal hairless (mostly) ape rather less weird than her desire to wear clothes all the time).

I don't want to criticize your OC's intelligence, but it seems rather obvious to point out that we simply move easier and faster on two legs than four; human arms and legs aren't jointed correctly or have the right relative lengths to easily get around quadrupedally.


My own headcanon hasn't gotten to that level of detail, because I'm not sure how much of Equestrian creatures' biology is genetic versus some more magical substratum. Do they even have DNA?

To me, the scene where Mr. Cake was trying to explain how he and Mrs. Cake produced a unicorn and a pegasus offspring suggests that they have some kind of DNA or other way of passing on traits from one generation to the next, and that they’d likely have some dominant and recessive genes. Other people have done far more work on that from a biological end than I have, but I believe have explained it as being possible with classical genetics.

Is ponies' and cows' sapience, and rabbits' and turtles' near-sapience, coded for in DNA or does it come from some magical field on top of them?

Probably a bit of both. I would expect that they have more nuanced brains than the ones that earth cows, rabbits, turtles, etc. have, and also very likely other body structures as well--for example, I doubt it’s possible to make an earth horse talk, no matter how much intelligence you magically give it; I don’t think it has the appropriate structures in its mouth and throat.

Canon doesn't give us many clues since the magical mirror out of Equestria totally rearranges their body structure, and their science probably hasn't quite advanced to the point of knowing themselves. If we can assume rabbits and other small animals are the same in Equestria as on Earth, something is going on beyond what their genes code for. But, I'm not sure that's a safe assumption.

I don’t think that their science--biology, mostly--is as advanced as ours, but I also think that on the flipside they can do things that we cannot with magic, which probably make up for it, at least in terms of results. It’s hard to say, really. On Earth, there are certain things that need to be invented before other things can be invented, whereas with magic, it’s possible to do a bunch of that all out of order.

I personally don’t think that they’re to the level yet where they know much if anything about DNA by direct non-magical observation, but they might have some very good ideas about what it can do from magical experimentation.


Actually (at least as cattle are concerned) they don't feel much pain in the ear unless it's near the base. The only reason they make a fuss is from being manhandled.

Huh, that’s interesting to know. I wonder if IRL horse ears are more or less sensitive than that?

I laughed too much at that episode in the first go-around.

As did I.

I was also amazed that Rarity’s VA could do her faking a country accent with hints of her sophisticated accent . . . that’s some real skill there.


The ponies would need someway of recording genetic information, but it need not be Deoxyribonucleic Acid:

In the laboratory, while trying to figure out abiogenesis and exobiology (we still have much work to do in both fields), we came up with many different ways chemically to encode information.

Alternative Biochemistries

That said, life on Ungulata (the Planet of the Hoofed), most lifeforms seem to be like those of Earth, often uplifted and chimeras. I suppose that Discord got bored and created these lifeforms from terrestrial life. Sam has consumed lifeforms on Ungulata for years, so they are nontoxic and nourishing for her. The ponies may have DNA, but it is not necessarily so.

. “Some humans want to have something like a cutie mark, though, so they get what's called a tattoo. You can put them wherever you want, and some people have lots of them.”

Schools in Canada have private entrances for teachers?

*Alondro wonders how he'd fit in with the flower ponies*

Creepy stalker smile, "Hello Lily. Lilies are a favorite flower of mine. They decorate the corpse so beautifully, don't you think?"

Lily screams and passes out.

Alondro decides he'd fit in perfectly! :pinkiecrazy:

Sam has consumed lifeforms on Ungulata for years, so they are nontoxic and nourishing for her.

That's a very good point, 9513849 ! Now that I consider it further, we do have another data point here: Sam herself came to Equestria, and as far as she can tell her body wasn't changed like Twilight's was in the mirror portal. So, earth life can survive in Equestria. More than that, since she's survived off Equestrian food, Equestrian plants must have the same sort of amino acids and micronutrients as Earth plants! And since Equestrian animals also survive off them, they must have the same sort of amino acids

In theory, those amino acids could be coded for in a totally different way than Earth creatures' DNA codes for them... but since Equestrian plants and animals look the same and have the same amino acids as their Earth counterparts, I suspect they too have the same sort of DNA.

(At least within this continuity and any similar HiE continuities.)

On the other hand, as 9513639 points out, Equestrian ponies and cows and sheep clearly have some new organs as well as (almost certainly) larger brains than their Earth counterparts. Maybe they have different genes coding for those different organs? Or maybe they're generated by magic and their genes are the same... and if that's the case, then an Equestrian pony who gave birth on Earth would see her foal grow up to be just like earth ponies. Silver Glow doesn't know how narrowly she escaped.

Well, when I was in high school teacher did not have a private entrance, but student were expected to get in by one of two doors, while teacher could pick any of the school doors since they had keys.
But I do know some school have indeed an entrance for the staff. Usually near a parking.

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