• Member Since 26th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Found the show in late 2015, and fell in love with it. I also like D&D (3 and 3.5), Fansty novel and movie, Sci-Fi movies. MarbleMac is Best Ship and Flashlight is a fair second


This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Academia Ardens

Filthy Rich has opened an amusement park on the far side of Magiville from The Everfree Forest and has hired the mistress of attention Vignette Valencia to help get it on the map. Unbeknownst to all Vignette is not who she seems, and uses this to 1) claim the Elements of Harmony for her own and 2) break our Heroines by shattering one of the critical bonds among the 6, Applejack and Rarity

A My Little Mages Retelling of Rollercoaster of Friendship and Mean 6

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 31 )

This has become very interesting. I love more Chrysalis and this is a very interesting path you are going down on. Loving it so far

Not to sound rude or anything, but what's up with the sexy pictures for the equestria girls retellings? I know it's not important, but it is strange.

Best images for my AU because Didj hasn't made My Little Mages art that was a better fit

Well, I'm guessing that Chryssy is playing the long game in this version of events.

Okay, let's see where this story goes. :ajsmug:

Also, no offense, but the SoarinJack ship still kinda weirds me out a bit. :applejackunsure:

Whew. Significantly less cringey-ly shippy than the source material. :twilightsmile:

Oh darling,:raritystarry:, thank you

So any thoughts on the rest of the chapter?

How long has Dash been Flash's wingperson? I also see you elected to adapt out the rollercoaster scene.

More or less when they shared their nicknames. As for the Rollercoaster scene: while funny and works for the human Dash, it was a little OOC for the Rainbow of the main series

Me reading the shippy FlashLight parts: AWWWWW! :rainbowkiss:

Me reading the parts with the evil clones and Chrysalis: This makes way more sense than what we got in the source material.

Me at the end: Please tell me that you're not going to do a repeat of the random white room scene. I kinda want the girls' rescue/escape to actually take effort. Wait, is that part with the escape room going to be important? :applejackunsure:

Hi there. I was waiting until the story was finished before I commented, but thanks very much for doing this. I loved how good a job you did combining the two stories in a way that made BOTH stories make more sense. Thank you immensely for liking the idea enough to do it and great job on the exchanges, characterizations, action, general wrap-up and future story set-up.

feel free to share your thoughts on each of the chapters, in full.

Well, it was still better thought out than the random white room. :ajsmug:

Okay, I wanted to write about this in a blog post, but I've been pretty short on time. Here it goes; I think I should probably warn you that Rainbow Dash annoyed me SO MUCH during that special. And I thought we turned up Dash's ego and stupidity for your version of Rainbow Rocks. :ajbemused: Oh good gravy, assuming that Dash is going to get a similar treatment for your version of Spring Breakdown, I'm already feeling a headache coming on. :facehoof:

I actually haven't sat down and watched the special in its entirety, yet :twilightsheepish:

... and... that's all that stood out to you?
Nothing else caught your eye?

Let's see. :applejackunsure: There's the reference to "Friendship Through the Ages," sweet boy going into "understanding boyfriend" mode, sweet boy about to do something cool only to get hit with the poorly timed door bust gag, and sweet boy playing a role in Chryssy's defeat. Oooooh, I almost forgot the callback to the psychic link the girls share. I haven't seen that in a while. :twilightsmile: So, which one of those are you referring to? :applejackunsure:

Um... the second... (sorry thrid) time in my works Flash transfered his boon to one of the Mane 6, last time it was Rainbow and her bow... (no that was the first time, the last time was when he threw his buckler to RD), this time it was giving AJ his sword... no euphemism intended.

Well, I already knew that Flash was supportive, so I fail to see why I need to make a big deal of it whenever it shows up. :applejackunsure:

It's not he's supportive that I wanted to call your attention to, it was what his support entailed in this that I wanted to call attention to and how it related to who he supported and perhaps call attention to certain similarities and differences to the other time(s) he supported others in a similar way.

I don't play or know squat about DnD. I have no idea what any of that is supposed to mean. All I'm understanding is that Flash gave an Ashleigh Ball character a supercharged weapon to fight off a bad guy. :raritycry:

It's okay Sugarcube. I wasn't trying to connect to D&D, what I was trying to call attention to is more around the lines of the similarities and differences of AJ and RD, of Loyalty and Honesty, and in part Flash's own relationship with RD and AJ and by extesion the rest of Twilight's friends. I was trying to have you think more on a thematic level.

Vignette laughed as she stepped to the side, “Rarity, Rarity, Rarity, I told you not to use the "B" word.” she said as shook her head a couple of times. “I'm your friend,” the woman wanted to correct the enchantress on their relationship, "who just gets to boss you around!” she finished as if she was trying to tell a joke. There was a solid second of silence before everyone but Applejack, who just remained silent, then gave a nervous laugh.


that was really bad.

Back between the enchantress and the paladin, Applejack had just had enough of her friend's obtuseness. She tried to calm herself with a few breaths through her nostrils, but if it did anything, it only bellowed the fire just under the skin. “You're so blind, you can't even see she's usin' you!” The paladin almost shouted back. “You only like her because she's always blowin' smoke up your chimney!” the paladin continued as she pointed out the one-sidedness of the perceived relationship between Vignette and Rarity. “But that's what she does to everyone!” she pointed out how fickle Vignette is and how meaningless her flattery of Rarity is. “YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!” she shouted as she tried to convey the point. However just as she heard those words she paused in horror of her words. Everyone else was left in utter shock about what the paladin said. Applejack then looked away from Rarity and started to walk away. “I should...go,” she said in a weak and apologetic voice.

OUCH! I thought Applejack was going to take the blow, not Rarity.

Rarity frowned and leaned in to challenge the paladin, “Nothing's bigger than this parade, Applejack!” She retorted with mounting ire.

So the parade is more important than her friendship with her friends?

Everyone’s attention turned to the jester “First,” she then pointed to Twilight before she started to laugh, not that she found a joke itself funny, but how bad the joke was, “tomgirl, her?” she asked as she continued to laugh at what she believed to be a joke. She then pointed to herself, “and me, a college student?” she then covered her mouth and snickered. Once she finished her laugh. “That was so bad it was funny.” She then sighed and returned her true focus to Vignette. After a solid second of silence, then it dawned on her, “Oh wait. You’re serious?” she asked. Vignette nodded. Pinkie couldn’t help but chuckle, “Let me laugh harder.”

I see what you did there

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