• Published 21st Jun 2019
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G-Academy - RedlinRanger

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Making friends:

it been over 1 year after the events of the kaiju battle of vancouver when godzilla and his kaiju allies with the help of the sunset and her friends were able to stop the sirens threat once and for all, since then there have been no kaiju activity lately as the military can have a break for once, in tokyo liz is trying to get a job as a psychic, don't be wrong she loves her job as a news reporter just like her aunt yukari,then again she could work with g-force just like her mother,however her father would probably will not like that at all. When did enter the shop it did say help wanted so she checks in the register as there was a bell to call for someone, she taps it as the old blind lady who kinda looks like a witch great her with a handshake.

"So your here for a job"

Liz was surprised by the old lady to know why she here in the first place.

your sign said your hiring so I wondering if there still opening before it gets full"

The old lady gave her a card that said be here next week at 12 PM,"Sweet" she nodded in enjoyment as she then begins heading back to her house to tell her parent the good news.

"Hey Liz"

She stops as a voice yell out as it was her friend Yuri Tachibana a reporter just like her who is only know for it horror-found footage documentary, she is also known to be a heavy drinker whenever she feels like getting a bottle of wine out of her bag.

"Oh hey yuri, what up"

"I hear that you were in Vancouver reporting the action on what happens there"

"Let me guess you want to get a shot at on some monster action as well do you"

she glanced to her orange hair friend as she gave a questionable look like she didn't want to here, she knows in her heart she is her best friend but the problem is she is very over compulsive when it comes to a giant monster that can cause destruction to the city like the one she at. Knowing this will probably end up as a long conversation so she better tell her she needs to head back to the house before dinner.

"Look yuri, Id love to talk but I gotta head back so I'll talk to you later"

"Ok bye Liz"

"And please don't get drunk"

Liz explained as she begins to walk back where she was heading at before getting enter up by Yuri and that was at her house, Liz and her family live in her great-grandfather home that is the home of Dr. Kyohei Yamane, the place has been remodeling and painted but it still the same as it was when the good doctor was here.

"Mom dad I'm home"

Lizz cal as she put her bag on the floor by the entering and then took her shoes off and place them in the shoe dresser, she walks in the kitchen as she sees her mother miss Miki saegusa, she well known as a integrated member of G-Force with a variety of acquired technical skills, she is also reveals to have psychic abilities which she used to track kaiju energy, even Godzilla. However, her power is waning off as her old age was kicking up. However, just like her, Lizz is gifted as she also has psychic abilities.

Unlike her mom, she doesn't work for G-force as she believes that their action could be a danger to the people more than the monster's.

"Hey sweetie you're just in time, please pass this down to the table"

She said as she handed her a plate of Omurice (Omelette Rice),Lizz happy place the dish on the table as her father Kenichi Yamane who is the son of Shinkichi Yamane the prime minister of Japan and the Adoptive son of the well known famous Kyohei Yamane, Shinkichi was adoptive by Doctor Yamane after the first Godzilla attack his village over 60 years ago. He also has a daughter name Yukari Yamane who was the News reporter and interview and she is the reason why Lizz want to be a news reporter even being in one of her report on some stories she works on.

Lizz then sat on the coffin mattress and begin to eat but not until they have to pray first.

Before Liz and her family started eating, Lizz ask her mom were is Ichiro as,her mother reply explaining that he at his friends house to help him on a school projects, after that they then begin to dig in for there meal, Lizz, however, had something on her mine, her mother notice this and begin to speak.

"What the wrong sweetie"

"nothing just was thinking about something"

"Is it that your having trouble finding a job"

"No is not that, but since you ask I did find this cool place not far from here and I'm gonna be starting there next Friday "

She shows her parent the card of the place, Her mother took notice of this and glance at her daughter once more.

"Uh sweetie are you sure about this"

"Yes I am, besides working on news reports I want to work in a place to show my psychic abilities, just like you when you were my age"

"Lizzie my used my abilities to help people, not to get pay for some random tricks, I don't think this is not a good idea"

"But mom-"

"Listen to your mother"

Her father interrupts

"Believe me you don't want to have a discussion about this, Plus we also have something to tell"

"Tell me what"

She asks

"Since we still your guardian even after you pass the age of 18, we decided to enlist you in a special place that you might like"

Her mother handed her a note, Lizz read it as it was an enrolling of the most well-known college called "G-academy"

"What, you sign me into a college before telling me "

"We try telling you but you never answer our called when you were on your honeymoon with Kairu"

"But still, I can't do that, I have a job, and this one has to go or else I'm fired"

Her mother then looks at her once more as she tries not to get mad, after all, she is not known to be an angry lady when people try getting their way and in this case, she used a clever tactic that works every time.

"Sweetie, I just want you to fit in and make friend beside just doing the news once in a while and I understand it your job, but you can't just waste your life just show your psychic power so people can pay you, Plus as a bonus If you do this I'll share some classified that I snuck from my work related on Godzilla so you can use it for your book your working on "

"Really, you mean it "

Lizz was, in fact, working on a story of the origin of Godzilla but no information on him has ever been a leak, and this was the opportunity to finally get some information on the king of the monster"

"Of cruise Lizz, how about it"

"Yes I'll do"

Her mother cheers for her in happiness as she gives her a big hug, Lizz thought this was not going be an idea what the worst that can happen..

"Oh I can't believe my best friend is going to the same place as I'm going this is the best day ever"

As Yuri is giving her friend Lizz a big hug, Lizz face is in shock as she can't believe her friend is going to the same place as she is going.

"Are you Fucking kidding me"

She taught Lizz to ask her friend to let her go as she couldn't breathe as yuri hug is squeezing her lungs.

"I'm sorry Lizz, is just I'm so happy for you, this is one of the best academies in Japan"

"But I thought you want to make your own show whatever happens with that?"

"I was going get my own show but they fire me and replace my crew on a different show, the worse he was a pervert anyways as I slap him for trying to touch me the reason why he fires me in the first place"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

Lizz replied back putting a hand on her shoulder, both girls then notice to see the academy as the train they took finally arrive at the G-academy train station, not far from there location is the G-Force HQ, who are still repairing Mechagodzilla 2 and Kiryu, both have been taken series damage during the battle of Vancouver over a year ago.

Since then kaiju sighting has become more resents again as it been years as kaiju sightings have been quite from 2000 all ways until 2014 when a kaiju battle took place in San Francisco.

G-force was formed back in the early 70s after operation skull, their job is to protect the public civilians from the danger of a kaiju attack. Since then new weapons design to counter back these monster, with new chemical weapons, Mech units and now project JJ, Which is a new mecha unit that is control By An Artificial Integration.

Even Building Flying fortress design to be a type of battleship that can be a move to the air like a very big airship, only three are made, there the goten,gotengo and the astragon, the oldest of the flying fortress that has been in commission since the 1960s.

"Oh my god, this place is AMAZING!"

Yuri screams with excitement at the sight of the headquarters cause her to react like a young fangirl walking into Disneyland. lizz manage to keep her friend in check as she grabs her hand for trying not to leave her side, big mistake as she traded with Yuri as she started running like a madman or in this cast a mad women on wheels until bumping into one of the bystanders that were in the ways causing the three to all fall together.

Lizz manages to get up first to notice as Yuri was laying on the person that was in the way.

"Oh my god, miss are you ok"

She said as she moves yuri aside as she reaches a hand for her, she puzzles but luckily grab Lizz hand as she got back up, she sweeps off some dirt off her skirt.

"I'm am very sorry, my friend can't control herself when it comes to this topic she goes crazy on this kinda stuff "

The girl just look down as she put one hand on her left arm as she was trying to say something, but Lizz couldn't make out what she was saying, Lizz try to walk close to her to get a better answer from her but she walks away from Lizz as she didn't want to be right near her, Lizz realizing she was shy, she then tell walk back a little to give her some space and also telling her something.

"Don't be scared I'm not gonna hurt you or anything, I just want to make some friends for once, allow me to explained my name,.. my name is Lizz sasgusa"

"Saegusa?, As in the daughter of Miki Saegusa"

"Uh..Yeah why you ask"

She happy explained she is also a member in her mother School for Gifted Youngsters and Io was enlisted to the school by her father to try to learn how to control her abilities, Realizing this liz then explained she also very gifted as well and the two started having a conversation about their psychic powers until yuri enter up them as she pointed out someone in the distance asking her who that girl.

"Oh her?, that Akane Yashiro "

Yuri then begin to walk over were akane is at, as she was about to say hi she walk over her as she did not want to talk to her or even say hello, when akane past near liz and io they can feel something is bothering her they don't know it until a man then talk to them on why akane is looking off, the person name Tokumitsu Yuhara explained that when the mutos attack san francisco and one of them took a nuclear device, she was sent with a team to retrieve the warhead back before it exploded and destroyed the city.

When they bring the warhead to a boat the female Muto following them, she was the only one to survive the attack and it affect her as she suffers PTSD from that even, so that is why she is taking part in the academy so she can help her disorder and also make friendships that can be there for her and not isolated herself from everyone.

Realizing this Liz then tell Tokumitsu that she'll promise to make friend with her and maybe have a talk with her when she can, tokusatsu shook Liz hand thanking her for looking into this.

The next scene is where we cut with Liz, Yuri and io at the academy's main hall, where all of the other new students are waiting for the headmaster to give a speech to the new students of the academy, the headmaster who is G-Force Commander Takaki Aso steps onto the stage and gives his welcoming speech which, though short, is rather blunt. He reminds the new students that they have come to G-Academy to apply their talents and seek knowledge and that when they graduate, they would devote their time to protecting the world. He also notes that they lack experience and that they need to take the initiative to seek knowledge at the academy show they'll be prepared for any kaiju threat.

After the speech Takaki instructs the students to take their thing in there assign rooms, Liz notices Akane so her and her friends then begin to follow were Akane is at, Liz calls out to Akane, she turns to see that girl again wondering why they'll follow her.

"What do you Want?!"

"I was seeing if you're looking for someone to join you in finding a room for all four of use"

"And why would I do that"

"Well the headmaster did say that all Students need to be paired up in four and since Tokumitsu is very worried about her"

Akane turn her head down realizing Tokumitsu must have told them about her past she then walks over to Liz direction looking a little aggravated by the answer from her, She tell Liz that she'll let them go with her to her door room that has enough room for all four of them, but for one condition, to not ask her about her issues or else she'll leave the group.

Liz happily apple and shook her hand on this agreement and dust the four girls were now a group and begin to unpack their thing in their new room, took over a few hours for the girls to set their stuff up, after they were done packing they then begin to get ready to go to bed and get ready for tomorrow.

"Hey Liz"

"Yeah Io"

"You still awake"

"A little bit, why you ask"

Io explained to Liz that she has been dreaming about seeing a giant red dragon that giving her a gift that was an ancient Drago's Amulet, she does remember what the dragon said to her after she asked why gif this amulet to her in the first place, the dragon reply to her that he trust her and when the time comes she'll know what to do with it. After waking up from her dream she realize that the amulet from her dream was on her neck as it wasn't a dream but rather something else, Liz was in gasp, she ask io if she has the amulet with, she does but she doesn't want to have it out since it possible that the military security would take the Amulet to study and she would not be able to get it back as the government very strict with outside memes that are not made from this planet.

Liz assured her that nothing bad will happen to the Amulet and that everything is going be just fine. Io thank her for believing that nothing bad is gonna happen to the amulet, Io then tells her good night and have a nice rest, Liz then begin to lay back down and begin to sleep.

"Sigh' Ahold now beginning"

She said as she dozes to sleep.

Meanwhile in the outer rim of the milky way, in the black void in space as the floating remain of the dazzling gems from the final battle that mothra threw it from space and head to stop incoming astroid heading throse earth, however the sien gems had some piece of godzilla blood and tissue was mix in the siren gemstone as it impact on a star that was about to collided with a nearby black hole, A huge explosion that form into a supernova however the gemstone with godzilla dna started to absorb the radiation and the supernova it self at the gemstone transformed into a space monster that look a lot like godzilla, the space monster lead out a loud powerful roar that elco throw out the galaxy, Not far on a moon like planet as gamera was at here's the loud sound and begin to fly to that area.

The Space monster take a moment to check out it new body as it like what he has become but however it question who he really is as it started to remember thing in the past, Blue sky field with life, Earth he must go to earth he then transform in his flying form to make his way those earth but not confronted by gamera, Realizing that he trying to enterfing him from heading to earth the space monster has no choice but to destroy anyone that try to get in his way, even by killing them.

The two monster then fly each other as they to begin to do battle with one with the other.

End of Chapter 1