• Published 19th Aug 2019
  • 10,879 Views, 502 Comments

Spits Fire - CommanderApplejack

Ever wonder how Spitfire got her name and what secrets she hides?

  • ...

Old Friend

Spitfire had flown up to what was nearly the top of the Canterhorn, the view from up there giving a fantastic sight of the capital city. She'd retrieved the book on her kind first before heading up this high, browsing through it as she mulled over her thoughts.

He was there... He knew... And he kept my friend from me.

She barely was able to keep herself from breathing a plume of fire and roaring out of rage, the only thing stopping her was that she didn't want to disintegrate the book on her lap. Flipping over to the section that covered magic she started to read the introduction section, trying to make as much of the knowledge her own as possible. The initial sections explained the basic workings of what each part of a matrix was supposed to do, all of it with references deeper down to go further into the depths later on.

Huh, this doesn't seem too hard. A small matrix was drawn in the book that would allow her to hold a flame in her mouth like a torch the same way a unicorn could do with their magic on their horn. Going through the motions Spitfire blew out a flame and as she'd hoped it stayed in her mouth without much effort on her part nor did it seem all to warm to her in any way. Swallowing the fire, she skipped a few sections to see what other kind of pre-made matrixes were drawn into the book.

"What did the Princess say, teleportation right?" Flipping up to the advanced section Spitfire found the start of three-dimensional matrixes that would allow for that particular feat and started reading the processes involved with it. So to do so you shoot a fireball and then fly into it which portals you to where you wanted to come out...

"Spitfire!?" The captain looked up to see Rainbow soaring up to the mountain's top, calling out her name and trying to find her.

"I'm here Rainbow!" she called back, Dash immediately turning and flying up to her.

"I've been looking for you everywhere!" she said as she landed next to the captain. "What happened in that chamber?"

"You haven't heard?" Spitfire asked surprised, she imagined that Blueblood would have informed the princess of what had transpired in the chamber as soon as he got the chance.

"No, after I heard you'd flown off I went to look for you immediately. Dropped Scootaloo off with Twilight." Rainbow wrapped her wing around Spitfire's back and pulled her close, the captain resting her head against her marefriend. "Wanna fill me in?"

"I needed some space..." Spitfire swallowed as she repressed a wave of grief and rage. "There w-was this noble... He was there."

"Where?" rainbow questioned.

"Manehattan... he was the bastard that kept me away from my friend!" her rage boiled over for a moment, a jet of blazing hot fire shooting out into the air, her body shaking from the brief adrenaline boost.

"Well... buck. What are you going to do now?" Rainbow had to lean away slightly to not have her coat set on fire.

"I..." That was something the captain hadn't completely thought through yet but the answer wasn't that hard to get to in the end. "I'm going to need to visit Manehattan, Dash."

"Well, what are you skulking about here then?" Smirking, dash stood up. "What are we waiting for? Manehattan is quite a way away from here!"

"I need to do this alone Rainbow, I need to be able to look him in the eyes and finish this chapter of my life... and besides, you need to make sure Scootaloo's fine."

Rainbow snorted. "No way in Tartarus I'm going to leave you alone Spits, even if you're gonna talk to that guy alone I'll be there in case it doesn't turn out well. I'm sure Twilight won't mind Scootaloo being around at her place for a couple of days."

Spitfire sighed and nuzzled Rainbow. "Thanks."

"No problem babe, now let's go tell Twilight and Scootaloo so we can get on our way." Rainbow kissed Spitfire's cheek and jumped into the air. "Race you down, slowpoke!"

"Oh, you're going down!"

With a small amount of stuff packed Spitfire and Rainbow were soaring through the air towards the City on Equestria's eastern coast, they had taken a break in a hotel on the way and continued after first light in the morning.

"Any idea where to look?" Rainbow asked, "Manehattan isn't exactly the smallest place around you know."

"We'll try the place where I know he lived first, see if his parents still live there. If not we'll see if we can find anything at the town hall," Spitfire answered.

"Sounds great but you forget that you're still kind of a hot topic," Rainbow said, fishing something out of her saddlebag as they landed at the edge of one of the city's suburbs in the snow, producing a beanie and a cloak for the both of them.


"Hey, I didn't have a lot of time to get stuff before we left Canterlot!" Rainbow defended herself as she passed the items on to her marefriend.

"fine, fine, guess I'll have to thank you later for thinking ahead again," Spitfire sighed as she looked at the item and pulled the beany over her hair.

"I can think up a few good rewards," Dash smirked in reply, pulling on her own two pieces of clothing.

"You're the worst," Spitfire smiled, taking the lead as they walked into the suburbs. In a place like Ponyville wearing pieces of clothing might have been out of the norm and noticeable, here in Manehattan it was not as uncommon to see ponies of all sorts wear whatever they wanted. Spitfire became increasingly uncomfortable as she started to recognize the area in which she grew up. Various mansions were dotted the close by area, one of which probably owned by that snob.

"So this is it?" Dash asked as the two of them landed in the right street.

"Yes, it's over there... do you mind me doing this alone?"

Rainbow shook her head. "I'll be right out here if you need me."

"Thanks." Walking down the street Spitfire looked for the right house, coming to a halt in front of its door as she found it. They probably don't even live here anymore. Though I might be able to find out where

She knocked on the door three times.

"I'll get it!" Spitfire heard from the other end before somepony ran to the door, a pegasus filly standing in the opening.

"Hi! Who are yo- gasp EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The door slammed in her face as she heard the excited scream go back into the house.

"Paisley!" another voice came from behind the door as it opened up again, revealing an older pegasus. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what-"

"Hello ma'am, I was looking to see if an old acquaintance of mine still lived here but I see that's not the case." Spitfire had taken off the beanie and was sheepishly smiling as the filly came running back with a poser and a marker, jumping in the same place excitedly.

"You're looking for Crescent," the mare stated, Spitfire immediately tensed up as she heard the name of her old friend.

"Yes," she croaked, the filly's excitement dying down as she too noticed the tension in the air.



"What's going on mom? Why are you looking for dad," the filly asked, now slightly concerned.

Her dad... these are his family! "I used to be friends with your dad," Spitfire told the filly who brightened up a little at hearing that. "But we had a falling out, something I was hoping to set straight." The other mare studied the captain for a bit, trying to see if she was being deceived.

"Anypony else with you?" She finally asked.

"My marefriend is waiting further down the street," Spitfire answered.

"Paisley, go get that mare," the mare told her filly.

"But mooommmm..." she whined but the mare wasn't going to budge.

"I'm sure captain Spitfire will sign your poster in a bit, but first you should go get the mare standing outside in the snow," she told the filly who sighed, placed the poster to the side, and shot past Spitfire to get Rainbow Dash. "Come on in."

"Thank you miss...?"

"Sweet Breeze. I'm Crescent's wife." The mare turned around and walked deeper into her house, Spitfire following her in and taking a seat on the couch as they got to the living room. "He told me about you once... again when the news hit this week."

"What does he think about me?" Spitfire carefully asked, hoping to get some more information on how Crescent's opinion of her was at the moment.

"He's... well... I think it'll be good for him."

Rainbow was led in by the jumping filly who was absolutely having the best day of her life, first having the Captain of the Wonderbolts knock on her front door and then having to pick up another 'Bolt from outside her home. "Yeah, of course I'll sign it!" Rainbow laughed as she followed the filly.

"He should be home soon, do you want anything to drink?" Sweet Breeze asked, standing up to get something for the pair.

"No, thank you," Spitfire politely declined, Sweet Breeze looking over to Rainbow if she wanted anything.

"I'll take any juice you have," Dash answered her, sitting down next to Spitfire and wrapping a wing around the captain's back. Paisley looked like she was about to explode looking at the two of them like that. "Go on kid, ask away," Rainbow smirked.

"Areyouacouple?!" She blabbed out without pause. Spitfire some of her worries melt away due to the excitement of the filly and smiled.

"For a while, but don't go spreading that rumour just yet," the captain winked at her, Paisley squealing and running in circles after that.

"So what's your favourite colour, Rainbow?" Paisley continued after having her initial fangirl moment. "Red? mine is red. Is it Red?"

"I don't play favourites, kid, all of these are equally awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed, running a hoof through her mane.

"Yours?" She asked, Spitfire smirked and looked over to Rainbow.

"I don't know, the colours of the rainbow all seem very attractive to me."

"That's so sweet!" Paisley smiled while Dash cringed slightly from the cheese dripping from that line. "All those stupid newspapers were wrong, you two awesome!"

And with that, the awkwardness returned for Spitfire.

"Well, about that..."

"Here's the juice," Sweet Breeze interrupted, coming back from the kitchen and presenting the cup to Rainbow who took it. She herself took a seat with a cup of steaming tea, placing another cup that had coffee on the table. "Paisley, can you go upstairs so papa and mama can have a talk with Rainbow Dash and the Captain in private."

"Mooommmmm..." the filly whined again, grumbling as her mother gave a look and skulking up the stairs.

"I can keep her busy while you talk?" Rainbow offered, Sweet Breeze nodded after a moment of deliberation.

"The door is hard to miss." Rainbow smirked a little, knowing what that meant, and headed up to entertain the filly. Sweet Breeze looked at the clock and sighed. "He should be here in the next few minutes."

"O-Okay." Spitfire felt her nerves return with an absolute vengeance, thinking over every possible way Crescent would be able to respond. Does he still think I'm a monster? He did allow his kid to have a Wonderbolt poster so that might be good... But what if-

The front door opened and closed.

"I'm home sweetie!" a masculine voice called out, it was much deeper than what Spitfire remembered from childhood.

"I'm in the living room, we've got visitors Crescent!" Sweet Breeze called back, the rather broad, dark blue, unicorn stallion walking into the living room.

"Who do we have the plea-" He froze in place, his blue face going pale from shock, and his body trembling. "S-Spitfire," he whispered.

"H-Hey Crescent," Spitfire replied, having an equal reaction to the stallion and had to work not to break down further. The two of them were frozen in place, neither sure how to proceed.

"Crescent, dear, please take a seat," Sweet Breeze eventually broke the silence and pointed at the cup of coffee for her husband to take. "It should still be quite warm."

The stallion took the cup with shaky magic, sweat dripping from his brow as he refused to take his eyes off of Spitfire. The fear in his eyes made the captain's stomach shrink and churn. "Crescent..."

"D-Don't take them! P-please, leave my g-girl and wife alone! T-They didn't do anything to you!" He exclaimed suddenly, dropping to his knees with the cup of coffee dropping onto the ground and shattering as it slipped from his magical grip. "T-Take me but don't hurt them!"

Spitfire's mouth fell open a little out of astonishment, revealing her fangs a little which did nothing to reassure either the stallion or Sweet Breeze. The latter of those two tensed up as Spitfire got off the couch and walked up to her old friend, fearful of having made a mistake in letting the dragon-pegasus hybrid into her house. Spitfire though just leaned down and hugged the whimpering stallion tightly, starting to cry into his shoulder.

"I'm not here to hurt or take any of you Crescent," she sobbed, tightly squeezing him in an attempt to re-assure him.

"Y-you... wha-" Crescent paused as his teary gaze went and stared off into nothingness, turning to his wife as he got his thoughts together. The mare who'd breathed a sigh of relief gave him a smile and a nod. "He lied..." Crescent whispered.

"He did," Spitfire croaked, letting go of the stallion to look at him. Crescent expression going from the former frightened to one of absolute rage.

"HE LIED!" The stallion roared, looking over towards the hallway with the front door. Though before he could do anything Spitfire had stuck out a hoof to block him, her inherent strength that came from the dragonic side of her more than a match to anything he could do to get past her.

"It's not worth it Crescent... and besides, he's probably still in Canterlot," She told him which took away some of the fire in him.

"H-He stoped me from going back... told everypony you were a d-dangerous lunatic. B-By the time I got the c-courage to check on you you'd already moved out," he managed to say through his sniffing.

"Mom was scared more ponies would find out and that I'd be taken away," Spitfire provided to him, wiping away her tears. "We moved to Cloudsdale where I was picked up by some scouts due to my extraordinary strength in flying at school."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I don't think either of us ended up too badly in the end," Spitfire smiled, giving him a nudge on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess not," Crescent smiled, sitting back on his seat and looking at his wife who gave the two of them a smile too. "You know, when my daughter brought back a Wonderbolt poster with you on it it scared the life out of me."

"She was very excited to see the Captain when she showed up at the front door," Sweet Breeze chuckled.

"Of course she was," Crescent chuckled along with his wife. "I contemplated seeking you out after that you know. I just... couldn't find the courage. Hoped you'd forgotten about me so I could live in peace."

"I never forgot about you, Crescent, and after what I found out about Lord Bristle two days ago... well, I just can't be angry at you," Spitfire sighed.

He nodded and looked at the coffee on the ground. "I should clean this up, I'm sure Paisley is dying to get down here with one of her heroes in her living room."

"Rainbow Dash went up to keep her occupied," Spitfire smirked in reply.

"The mare that can do those sonic rainbooms? I think you just made her year, Spitfire," he smiled, walking over to the kitchen and levitating over a few towels to clean up the coffee. Using one to clean off the tears from his eyes and offering another to Spitfire to do the same.

"I'll go give the two of them a heads up that it's safe to come down," Sweet Breeze said, walking up the stairs to get her daughter and the other Wonderbolt.

"So what are we going to do after today?" Crescent asked, levitating all the shards up and depositing them in a bin.

Spitfire shrugged. "Keep in contact, meet up so every now and then to hang out. You know, regular friend stuff."

"I'd like that... and I'm sure Paisley wouldn't be against it either," He smiled as the sound of hooves rapidly coming downstairs came from the hallway, the little filly bursting into the living room.

"You really can breathe fire?!" she immediately exclaimed, Rainbow entered after her with a grin. Spitfire breathed in and performed the new trick of keeping a flame in her mouth as a torch.

"It's useful for when you want to make s'mores," Rainbow smirked, making Crescent burst out in laughter.

"Haha, Rainbow," Spitfire rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Now. You had a poster that needed signing."

Author's Note:

School is done! I have a whole lot of free time until I get med-eval and a starting date so I'll be working on finishing up a whole bunch of stories. :twilightsmile:

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