• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 27,578 Views, 528 Comments

Damn it, Twilight, I love you! - Sam Cole

Rarity tries to tell Twilight of her feelings, hi-jinks ensue

  • ...

Geek Chic Dating

Hey everyone, Sam Cole here. Thank you all for the props and support for the first chapter of Damn it, Twilight, I Love You! While working on this new chapter, I was hit up by fellow Brony, AndrewClocksinPK, who's work was just included on the Faithful and Strong Charity Album (very cool stuff by the way,) telling me I had inspired him to create a custom Rarelight song. Well, I am happy to post that song here today, for your listening entertainment, and encourage you all to get out there and create, whatever, where ever. Now, enjoy the second chapter. Peace out, Sam.

Geek Chic Dating.

Twilight and Rarity, a match made in heaven it seemed. They both loved the finer things, they both loved the elegance and grace of their talents, and most importantly, they loved each other. Most welcomed them readily, with warm smiles and nothing but praise. But that was not the case everywhere, as one, Miss Rarity, found out standing before their greatest challenge yet, Princess Celestia. The two mares sat at the small table with her in her home, the castle of Canterlot, having a very lovely afternoon tea. The regal princess had insisted on Twilight and Rarity coming out as soon as they could, delighted to talk about Twilight’s relationship.

“So Rarity, you and Twilight are dating I hear,” Celestia teased as she raised her teacup to her lips, chuckling slightly.

“Princess,” Twilight chided, “You heard that from me. Don’t act so coy.”

“Yes of course my ever faithful pupil. Twilight, be a dear and fetch me my reading glasses if you would?” Celestia asked, her smile warm and caring, like a mother’s.

“Of course,” Twilight beamed, kissing Rarity on the cheek before sauntering out to find those elusive spectacles.

With Twilight gone, Celestia turned to Rarity, fire in her eyes, ice treading on her every syllable, “Rarity, I love Twilight as if she was my own. I care for her as much as her own dear mother. And I promise you, you little fillyfooler, if you hurt her, I’ll end you. If she ever cries because of you, if she ever even hints at being unhappy in your relationship, I’ll do to you things no pony could endure. I’ll make Luna’s sabbatical on the moon seem like a cake walk. Try me, filly.”

“Wha....” Rarity stammered.

“I’ll make you Blue Blood’s personal maid for a year. Two if you try doing anything ‘funny’ with my student. I warn you Rarity, I am not to be trifled with.”

“B-B-B-Blue Blood....” Rarity stammered. If her coat was not white before, it would have been now. Rarity began nervously playing with her mane, muttering to herself about the arrogant plot hole that was the prince. Twilight pranced back in, the glasses held within her magical grasp. That lavender mare did wonders for the white unicorn. If Twilight was here, she could face anything.

“Ah, thank you Twilight!” Celestia sang as she took the glasses, all warm and friendly again. “Let me see, oh, here we go. Rarity, what exactly drew you to my pupil?” Celestia said reading Twilight’s letter, “It never made mention here, and I was just wondering.”

“Oh, thats a wonderful question Princess,” Twilight chimed. How does she manage to be cute being a teachers pet? Rarity thought, trying to collect herself.

So with a large breath, Rarity set out on her story. “Please, a proper lady would never. But I do love to tell a good story,” Rarity smiled. “As it was, I was talking with Fluttershy at the spa, trading gossip and the like. I made a comment in passing about how Twilight looked fabulous that morning on my way to the spa,” Rarity said, sipping her tea. If there was one thing she knew from high society, it was how to act brave in front of an important pony. And right now, there was none more important that Twilight Sparkle.

“I looked that good? Really?” Twilight asked, playing with her mane now.

“Of course darling, you were having tea with Cheerilee, and I must admit, right when I saw you, I wished it was me you were dining with. But I didn’t realize that till I found myself still thinking of you, two hours later, and how magnificent you looked. Fluttershy probably pieced it together, but she never said anything. Somehow, all day after that moment, every conversation I tried to have worked it’s way back around to you, Twilight.”

“Aww, Rarity. Thats so sweet!” Twilight smiled. Rarity smiled as well, and giggled. “Um, Rarity?” Twilight finally said.

“Yes darling?”

“Your story?”

“Oh, oh my yes. So where was I... Ah yes, So after that eventful day, I went home and tried to figure out what had made me think of you non stop. I found I had pictures of us all, but the ones I kept closest were the ones where I stood next to you, or of the two of us alone. Like that one time you got me on that blasted roller coaster.”

“Awe, But I love those...” Twilight pouted. Rarity couldn’t help but smile again.

“And I love you darling. I would brave a thousand of those infernal contraptions for you, mi amour. So as I was saying, I found I had, for some time apparently, been ranking my friends. Nothing odd about that really, everypony has friends that, no matter how great, are just closer than others-” Rarity explained.

“Really? You mean I don’t have to feel guilty about liking you more than somepony else?” Twilight asked.

“Of course my student. You are free to choose which friends mean the most to you, who makes you the happiest, and who truly cares for you, to spend your time with,” Celestia explained.

“Oh. Well, I found that pony now,” Twilight giggled. Rarity wanted to be irate about the constant interruptions, but damn it all, Twilight was just perfect.

With a chuckle, the white unicorn continued, “But I found that I favored you so much more than I realized, Twilight.”

“Oh, how so?” Twilight and Celestia asked, though their tones differed. Twilight was more confused, while Celestia was a bit more inquisitive.

“Yes. I had the picture of us at your birthday party next to my bed, and it was the first thing I saw everyday. I never even thought about it, but I had been waking up to your smile for 5 months, Twilight. I had subconsciously decided that I wanted you to be the first image in my mind everyday.”

“What a wonderful tale. May I?” Celestia asked, seeing where this led. Rarity nodded, hoping that it would help things between them now. “I Hope,” Celestia shot at the white mare, “That you felt confused, and did a large amount of soul searching. I would hate if you had decided to just pursue Twilight off of that notion alone.”

“Oh trust me your highness, I did a lot of self discovery. I found that the only times I was truly happy was with Twilight. I found that I had never been happy when dating a colt. But mainly, I found that the longer I tried to tell myself I didn’t love Twilight, that it was wrong of me, the more I fell for her. I finally decided that I loved Twilight, and wanted to try things with her. But that was the trouble. I could not get through. Finally, I just said buck it all, and kissed her.” As soon as the words escaped her lips, Rarity knew she had made a mistake.

“You did what?” Celestia snorted.


“Yep. She did. I was in shock, it was my first kiss, and I had never even thought before right then about what qualities I was looking for in a romantic partner. But that kiss, it was, oh Princess, even I can’t find the words to describe it. I would have to say euphoria, which Rarity mistook as shocked rejection. She ran away, thinking she had hurt me. I found her crying in her bedroom, to worry sickened to even speak. All the better for me though,” Twilight answered with a her attempt at a sly smile. But her joyous tendencies dashed that attempt.

“Oh?” Celestia asked.

“Mmhmm. I had a script from Fluttershy that worked better if Rarity was quiet. It was pretty easy to say the lines, and let Rarity know I was not only okay, but really liked what had happened. We kissed again,” Twilight giggled, “Then went back to the party to tell everypony, though they already knew of Rarity’s feelings,” Twilight confessed.

“Well that’s a rather cute story. Oh Twilight, would you be a dear and fetch another pot of tea?” Celestia said looking Rarity dead in the eyes.

“Of course!” Twilight replied, oblivious to the daggers her teacher was staring at her marefriend. Damn It, Twilight! Rarity thought as the lavender mare retreated back indoors.

“You,” Celestia snarled. For the kind ruler that all loved and praised, the Princess was actually quite terrifying. “You kissed her? Without her permission?”

“I-I’m sorry?”

“I hope you designed a maid costume you foal, because-”

“I’m back!” Twilight sang carrying the pot of tea.

“Splendid,” Celestia smiled. She changes moods faster than Pinkie Pie! Rarity thought. So the teacher and student happily enjoyed their visit, while Rarity did everything in her power to keep from shaking with fear. And Rarity was all too ready to leave, while Twilight insisted on drawing out the practice.

“Goodbye Princess, it was wonderful to see you today,” Twilight smiled, hugging her friend and mentor.

“Have a pleasant journey Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia smiled, then waved Rarity over. Pulling the white mare in close, Celestia hissed, “One word. If she says one word, you’ll spend every waking moment with Blue Blood for the rest of your petty life, seamstress.” Letting go of Rarity, Celestia stood tall and smiled warmly at the mares, “Bye bye now, my little ponies.”

As the heavy door closed, two immortal mares burst out in uncontrollable laughter. One, Princess Luna, fell out of her hiding spot just behind the table, where she had been the entire time.

“Hahahahahaha, oh my goodness, it hurts to laugh!” Luna cried, tears rolling down her cheeks from her hearty laughter.

“Did- Did you see, hahahahaha, I can’t believe how well that worked!” Celestia cried, rolling around, fighting for air.

“She fell for it!” Both mares cried together, laughing that much harder. They laughed and laughed, till the door slammed back open, and Rarity stepped back in, a nervous Twilight looking over her shoulder.

“Ha! I knew it! I knew it had to be a joke!” Rarity cried in victory.

“How?” Both mares asked, dumbfounded.

“You were not exactly quiet just now, my dear Princesses. I take it Twilight and I are fine then?” Rarity asked, to a embarrassed nod, “Molto bene. Addio principesse,” Rarity grinned, waving at the now dumbfounded rulers.

“What was that all about?” Twilight whispered as the two walked away again.

“Just a joke between sisters,” Rarity informed as their hoofsteps rang out down the hall.

“I still got it,” Celestia finally managed as Luna burst into giggles again. “Shut up! It was hard keeping a straight face through that!”

Twilight and Rarity, back within the comforts of Ponyville, made their way to Fluttershy’s cottage. They had left their pets, Owlowisious and Opalescence, with the care taker. Reaching her cottage, the two mares made a discovery ponies had known for eons, birds and cats hate each other.

“Oh, no, please Opal, don’t- Owlowis- Oh my... Some pony?” Fluttershy squeaked as the two pets thrashed about. Normally, there was not a creature alive Fluttershy couldn’t tame, from bees to the guard dog of Tartarus itself, Cerberus. But Owlowisious was a very intelligent animal, even by Twilight’s standards. And Opal was, well, she was mostly evil.

“Opal! Stop attacking Owlowisious!” Rarity cried. Her cat shot her a glance, one filled with venom and hate. “Please?” Rarity added meekly.

“Owlowisious, come here please,” Twilight said, happy to receive the nocturnal friend on her back. “Thank you.”

“Twilight, I am so sorry. Opal is too, aren’t you, Opal?” Rarity cooed to her cat. The white monster hissed and spat. “Umm...She’s sorry.”

“Don’t worry Rarity, I never liked your cat anyways,” Twilight smiled.

“What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Twilight corrected, seeing she had overstepped the joke’s bounds.

“Well, we need to get them to like each other. We can’t very well date if our pets are constantly trying to kill each other,” Rarity sighed. “I love my pretty little kitty,” Rarity cooed, nuzzling the cat. She had meant to continue the thought, but Opal took the chance to slash Rarity on the nose, making the white mare wince in pain. “On second thought, Fluttershy, could you trim her claws once a week?” Rarity asked holding her nose in pain. Twilight laughed and kissed Rarity’s snout gently, making Fluttershy giggle happily.

“Yeah, I can do that for you Rarity. If it’s just Opal, I have no problems. But she and Owlowisious just don’t get along. It doesn’t help that Owlowisious tends to egg her on,” Fluttershy said rolling her gaze to the intellectual owl.

“Hoo,” He replied.



“You, Owlow- Oh, very clever,” Fluttershy conceded. She had just been outsmarted by an owl. But with this one, that was normal.

So gathering their pets, they left, agreeing to do lunch this week with Fluttershy, and headed to their homes. To avoid the conflict, Owlowisious flew on ahead, and Opal was placed in a carrier, much to the cat’s anger. The walk through town took a little longer than normal, as neither mare was in much hurry right now. Twilight looked to the sky, and let out a large sigh, one of content. And Rarity knew this, she felt the same way. But all too soon, the pair was at the boutique, just talking, with no real goal in mind.

“I’m sorry about your nose,” Twilight said. A few ponies looked on questioningly, their relationship still the talk of the town. No pony was hostile towards them really, but mainly because no pony really cared. Well, some did, but they were few and far between, usually just an old pony stuck in their ways.

“Mmph. It hurts Twinkle,” Rarity said dancing around in mock pain.

“How do you know my foalhood nickname?” Twilight gasped, but her smile betrayed her true emotions.

“Oh, I know ponies,” Rarity smirked.

Twilight giggled, shaking her head, “I love this liberation, this - this dating thing as a whole.”

“As do I, my love. As do I.”

“Dinner tonight at Cafe Alfalfa?”

“I look forward to it,” Rarity whispered in her ear. Twilight felt giddy hearing that, though she really didn’t know why. So Rarity went to work for a few hours, while Twilight went home to study. She had a new subject that in so far, she had not been able to read up about. One trip into the library’s d through da section should clear that up.

“Dates, no that’s the fruit. Dating? Ugh, that’s carbon dating!” Twilight cried in anger. “Spike!”

“What’s up Twilight?” The dragon asked poking his head into the room. “I’m kind of busy down here.”

“Where do we keep the books on dating?” Twilight asked, not looking away from the shelves.

“Right in front of you...” Spike said unsure. “If you mean romantic dating, those are over in the self help section.”

“Thank you Spike,” Twilight smiled as the dragon slipped away again. An observant mare would have questioned why he was wearing safety goggles, but Twilight was in study mode. She would fail to notice a bomb going off unless it touched her books. So Twilight set about the self help section, and found the perfect book.

“The Concept of Modern Dating,” Twilight read, breaking into a large smile. “It’s perfect!” Twilight took the book up to her bed and began reading, every so often stopping to jot down a few notes. By the time she was done, Twilight had a plan for tonights dinner, a very special plan.

Twilight and Rarity took up their seats in the warm night air, opting for a table with a view of the stars. The moon was beautiful tonight, smiling it’s silver rays upon them, letting all the ponies bask in its night time wonders. But one lavender mare could care less, she had a plan for tonight, and nothing was going to stop this plan.

“Rarity, we’re in love, correct?” Twilight asked, looking into her marefriend’s eyes.

“That is for you to decide, darling. But yes, I love you,” Rarity giggled and smiled. “Why do you ask?”

“I wanted to know,” Twilight smiled. Rarity stared at her for a second, then cracked, her polite socialite laugh gracing the air.

“And do you love me?” Rarity asked, though she had a fair guess at the answer.

“Very much,” Twilight smiled. Just as Rarity had guessed. “In fact, I was wondering if you were ready to move our relationship to the next logical phase?”

Rarity would have choked had she been drinking, but thankfully, she was spared that embarrassment. “Twilight?” Rarity asked sharply, but steadied as she continued, “Whatever do you mean?”

“Well, I believe that our relationship is stable, and capable of forward progression to the next level.”

“What?” Rarity asked. She understood the words, just not the arrangement.

“We should become more intimate Rarity, as couples do once they feel they have reached that stage of their relationship.”

“I thought you were talking about that,” Rarity sighed, then laughed a bit. “Okay, what do-”

“Excellent! Here,” Twilight said floating over a scroll. “ I made this for you.” Made? Rarity thought, Who in their right mind makes a scroll for somepony?

But when Rarity opened it, she was left speechless, staring open mouthed down at the parchment that bore only a large circle. “Darling, what is this exactly?”

“Well the guide said the circle represented unending love, and that one such symbol should be given at times like this. It had suggested moving in first, but seeing as both of our homes also serve as our business, not to mention your parents live with you when they stay in town, I thought better of it. Though it did suggest a ring... Oh no, was I supposed to get a ring?” Twilight asked, as Rarity began to see.

“A ring?” Rarity asked, afraid of what Twilight meant.

“Oh, Rarity, please, will you marry me?”

Rarity chuckled, though her mind screamed for a way to talk this situation down, “Darling, I would love to, someday. But-”

"Oh no, was it something I said? Something I did?” Twilight asked, almost leaping across the table to hold Rarity’s hoof.

“Darling, I love you. So I will say this a kindly as I can. You are moving too fast my love.”

“Too fast?”

“Yes. So first, give me the book that told you this,” Rarity chuckled, keeping the mood polite.

“I don’t have it here wi-” Twilight tried to lie, but Rarity’s soft look stopped her, and she produced the book form it’s magical hiding spot. “Here.” Twilight pouted.

“Thank you darling. Now, I love you, but that does not mean I want to jump straight to the end. I want a chance to sit back and enjoy the ride, so to speak. Doesn’t that sound like a better plan, love?”

“I guess, but I feel ready for more than just the words that we’re dating. I want more,” Twilight fussed.

“I guess you have never had a relationship before, have you,” Rarity pondered, then thought about Twilight’s history. Being part of the royal family as she was, it wasn’t actually much of a surprise, her brother a captain, her teacher the Princess, it was a tad intimidating. “Well then darling, we have started doing more. But I guess we can step it up again, seeing how fast our courting went. How about tonight, I stay at your place?” Rarity asked.

“A sleepover? Rarity, I want quality time with you.”

Rarity had to fight the insanely strong urge to smack herself in the face. Twilight was being obviously cute again, and the act of dealing with her would be the death of Rarity yet. “No darling, not a sleep over, a night of just you and I. I’ll make tea, we can cuddle up in some blankets, and read a good book together, til we both fall asleep. How does that sound?”

“That sounds wonderful,” Twilight blushed. Rarity had no idea that she had just described Twilight’s perfect date if she had ever been asked before, assuming Twilight had ever cared before. Twilight looked again to the white mare that said such lovely things to her, talking with such sweet tones and kindness.

Twilight would say she loved Rarity all day, any day, but right now, she felt closer than ever to the mare, like the one sitting across from her was truly the only pony that cared for her in the whole world. And Twilight was alright with that. Was this love? Had Twilight just been saying empty words for all this time, using them without knowing the meaning till right now?

“Wonderful my love, but first, let’s eat. I’m famished,” Rarity joked, as the waiter came around take their orders.

“Oh, may I?” Twilight asked. “She will have the rosemary and sage salad.”

“Ah, You know my favorite dish darling,” Rarity smiled.

“Well, we have been friends for years,” Twilight smiled.

“In that case, Twilight will have a creamsicle dish,” Rarity replied.

Rarity, that’s not my usual,” Twilight corrected as the waiter walked away. “What’s a creamsicle anyways?”

“Fruit and ice cream treat, amour. And I know, but I also know what you will like if you try it,” Rarity smiled, “Like dating me. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“I trust you Rarity,” Twilight smiled. “You haven’t guided me wrong yet.”

“And I never will.”

“How can you say that? You can’t see the future, only Pinkie can do that, and that’s at random.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Darling, please. It’s called romance. Try it, it doesn’t hurt.”

“Oh- oh that was romantic, oh I-” Twilight began, but Rarity held up a hoof.

“Now, now darling. No need to get so worked up. We’re dating already, so just enjoy it for what it is. I enjoy expressing my love, but know that you are a bit reserved in that way, so I-” Rarity began but Twilight just got up, walked over, and kissed her.

“I read that in a book today, it said that was romantic. And that’s how I feel with you,” Twilight blushed.

“What else was in that book?” Rarity giggled, “Please keep reading that one.” Their food arrived, and distraction was made, the two pulling their seats next to each other and sharing their food. Twilight loved the creamsicle dish, and made a game out of guessing which section of the three flavors Rarity would feed her at random. All in all, several couples nearby where peeved, these two making such a show none of them could match.

“Twinkle, tea’s ready!” Rarity called as Twilight finished setting up the blankets and book. A fire gently cracked, it’s shifting light among the only in the darkened room.

“Perfect,” Twilight said admiring her work. A scraping sound, the sound of wood against wood let be known that they had a visitor, and this late too. Twilight peeked around the doorway and spied Spike carrying a warm flask into the kitchen. Twilight squealed and danced for joy. Spike is taking an interest into chemistry! Yes yes yes yes yes yes. Twilight sang mentally.

“Hey Twilight!” Sweetie Belle chimed in her singsong voice, scarring Twilight half to death.

“Of course. Spike was inside, he wouldn’t use the door,” Twilight muttered, calming herself. “What’s up Sweetie Belle?”

“I was just a bit lonely. Is it alright if I stay with you two for a bit?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh Sweetie,” Twilight said, remembering that no matter how much she and Rarity loved each other, their families loved them too, and would want to stay a part of their lives for a long time. Twilight smiled, “Of course. Rarity! Sweetie Belle’s here.”

“Oh?” Rarity said popping her head out of the kitchen. “Is everything alright?”

Spike could be heard muttering to himself, but was mostly ignored. Rarity thought that orange fluid in the flask was Twilight’s in all truth. Unbenounced to her, Spike poured a touch into three teacups, and placed one on the tray. He reached for the second, but found it gone already, along with the third he had mixed, though why he did that was unknown. So in a rush he put a cup of normal tea on the tray, hoping there was a good explanation for this.

“I was just lonely,” Sweetie said, her eyes pleading let me stay.

Rarity melted under the puppy dog eyes of her sister. “Oh Sweetie, of course you can stay. Come here real fast, I need help with the tea.”

“Yeppie! Tea time,” Sweetie sang, bouncing into the kitchen.

“Rarity? I feel like some wine too. Would you mind opening a bottle?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. Sweetie, please take Twilight her tea,” Rarity smiled while she gathered the wine glasses and the bottle.

“Okay. Mmm, this smells really good,” Sweetie said under her breath. She stole a side long glance each way, then took a sip from a tea cup. It tasted heavily of oranges, camomile, and honey. It was very nice. Then she picked up the tray and carried it into the living room.

“Thank you Sweetie,” Twilight said floating her cup up to her. “Mmm, camomile honey, my favorite,” Twilight purred, wiggling into the blankets.

“Huh, mine tasted like oranges too,” Sweetie said taking a second taste to be sure. It was definitely oranges, and maybe a touch of lemon now. Sweetie dropped the cup, as her gaze fixed on a small purple dragon that was poking his head into the room, trying to steal a glance. “Spike,” Sweetie said breathlessly.

“Uh oh,” Spike said backing up, and running as Sweetie chased him from the room. Twilight giggled, thinking how special foalhood was for everypony. Soon Rarity walked in, two glasses of red wine in tow, as she settled in for the night next to her love.

“My tea...” Rarity pouted, looking at the spilled cup. “Darn it. I’ll have to get a second cup now.”

“Don’t worry Rare. I think you and I can do just fine with my cup and the wine.”

“Darling, are you trying to get me drunk?” Rarity joked.

“Maybe,” Twilight giggled, nuzzling the white mare. The book was opened, the fire and blankets more than warm enough, and they had each other. Neither mare would remember when they fell asleep, but they did know it was the best night ever.

"Oh boy Dashie! This’ll be swell!" Pinkie giggled.

"Hehehe, you know it Pinks. With this little addition, they'll be all over each other," Rainbow laughed quietly. The two had talked Spike into the scheme by promising him a load of gems and the chance to help his two favorite mares. In the end, his motives were more pure than theirs. So the two pranksters waited outside the window, listening for the sounds of hilarity.

"Rainbow, you little matchmaker!" Pinkie teased.

"What? Twilight would never be willing to go all the way without some encouragement," Rainbow chuckled. The two friends sat quietly, listening for any sounds of success. Rainbow was so anxious, she could taste it.

"Arg, come on already. Make with the cloppy clop!"

"Here, try this, it's really good," Pinkie said passing a cup of tea to Rainbow, taking a sip of her own.

"Mmm, this is really good. You know, it'd be nice to meet that special somepony, wouldn't it?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah... They would have to be brave though, and really loyal," Pinkie said breathlessly, playing with Rainbow's mane a bit.

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind somepony that could always brighten my day, make me feel special for doing nothing at all," Rainbow sighed, leaning into her friend some.

"Rough with that hidden soft spot," Pinkie mindlessly commented, lifting Rainbow's snout to hers. Both mares smiled deeply at each other, til Rainbow thought of one important detail. Namely, she was straight 5 minutes ago.

"Pinkie, where did you get this tea?" Rainbow asked.

"From inside," Pinkie let slip past her lips as she tried to close in for the kiss.

"You mean the tea Rarity was making?" Rainbow said, playfully batting Pinkie away.

"Yeah, it was."

Rainbow dropped the smile, and spoke dead evenly, "The tea I had our friend Spike slip a love potion into?"

"Oh. OH!"

"Mmph...Oh buck it!" Rainbow moaned, caving into the new overwhelming feelings she had for her pink friend. The potion would wear off in the morning, but it promised one wild night til then.

“Sweetie Belle! Stop!” Spike struggled against the white filly, as she feathered any spot she could with kisses. Spike had lead her to the basement, trying to seal himself away before it came to this, but alas, he was not fast enough.

“Shut up and kiss me dragon boy!” Sweetie cried, nibbling on Spikes ear fins. Had the conditions been different, Spike might have enjoyed this, if it had been Rarity a week ago. But he was over his crush, more or less. Sometimes more of the less, but his loyalty to Twilight was greater than his own desires. But the things going on right now scared Spike, worse than Zombie Ponies From the Badlands 5.

“Sweets, you drank a love potion I made,” Spike rallied, wishing that he could fly. But fate was cruel sometimes, or it just prefered Sweetie Belle. “Sweets, please!”

Sweetie just chuckled, biting his ear a little harder. “Spike. Don’t play hard to get.”

Spike looked around. He knew he would have to answer for this in the morning, but right now, there was no choice. He inhaled deep, and huffed in her face. Sweetie wretched, letting go and falling back unconscious.

“Thank Celestia I don’t brush my teeth,” Spike panted. He slid down the wall, head held in his claws as he imagined the talk he would get in the morning. “Buck me running.”

“Good morning sleepy head,” Twilight smiled at Rarity as she finally rejoined the world of the conscious.

“Good morning indeed, my love,” Rarity smiled, looking up to the lavender mare. Twilight looked different in the mornings, with such a messy mane, it was cute... Wait a second.

“Oh darling, I must be hideous, I forgot my curlers last night,” Rarity fussed, playing with her mane.

“Oh stop it, you look good.”

“Thank you darling. But I do need to wash up. Want to come with me?” Rarity asked rising out of their makeshift bed.

“To the shower? For what?” Twilight asked perplexed.

Rarity really wanted to explain the two different meanings here, but settled on the easy one. “No darling, to my place. I need my tooth brush and hair products.”

“Oh. Sure, let me just check on Spike. He and Sweetie were really quiet last night,” Twilight said stretching, then heading down to the basement. Rarity started to head to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, but a yell stopped her in her tracks.

“SPIKE! The Hay Happened Down Here!”

"Twilight, I can explain-”

“Upstairs! Now!” With a shuffle and a lot more noise than needed, the dragon appeared, followed closely by Sweetie being carried by Twilight.

“Sweetie Belle?!” Rarity gasped, running to her sister.

“She’s fine, just knocked out. Spike, why is that?” Twilight demanded rounding on the purple dragon.

“I- I’m so- Please, don’t hate me,” Spike pleaded as he dropped his gaze, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I made a love potion last night, that Sweetie drank.”

“Why would you give Sweetie a love potion?” Twilight demanded.

“It wasn’t meant for her,” Spike sobbed, looking up to Rarity.

“Spike? How could you!?” Rarity snapped. Though she hated to see the dragon cry, right now, maybe for the rest of time, Rarity did not care.

“It wasn’t my idea!”

“Oh?” Both mares asked hotly.

“Rainbow Dash and Pinkie paid me off, said it was a prank. I didn’t think it might be something bad until Sweetie...”

“Why would Pinkie and Rainbow want us to drink a love potion?” Twilight asked, bewildered.

“I’ll explain that one later my love. Rainbow’s idea of playing matchmaker if I had to guess,” Rarity spoke. She was much calmer, knowing Spike had a moment of youthful ignorance instead of a fit of betrayal. “Well, buck. Twilight, I need to stay here with Sweetie Belle. Would you mind running to market for me and getting some smelling salts?”

“Not at all Rarity,” Twilight smiled. It had been such a nice morning, and with any luck, they could still salvage it.

Twilight stood in the crowded market place, trying to track down the remedy she needed, when a friendly voice called out to her.

“Hey Twi!” Applejack called, ushering the lavender mare to her stall. “What’s up sugarcube? The datin life all you never thought of?” Applejack teased.

“You have no idea. I just fought with Spike about it. Rainbow talked him into helping her with a prank on us. And things were so nice this morning with Rarity there..”

“Sorry ta hear that. How’s Rares treatin ya, by the way?”

“Oh things with Rarity are wonderful!” Twilight chirped, happy to change topic to a more pleasant field. “Last night was really special. We slept together.”

“Well that’s- y’all did what now?” Applejack began, but then caught on to a grievous error.

“Yep. It was amazing, right there on the library floor too. I think Rarity meant for us to go to the bed, But I was too into the-” Twilight began.

“Yer home. Now. We need ta have a talk with Miss Rarity.” Applejack snorted.

“Rarity ya plot! Get down here!” Applejack yelled stepping into the library.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked, running downstairs, just as the orange mare came snout to snout with her.

“Yer a disgrace, takin advantage of Twilight like that! You know she ain't never had that before, and you just force it on her so soon after yer little love game!”


“Ah can’t believe ya!”

“Applejack? What the hay do you think happened?” Twilight asked from behind.

“Ya said y’all slept together last night!” Applejack shot back.

“We did. Right there,” Twilight motioned to the stack of blankets on her floor, the empty wine glasses and the book that still lay open.

“Ya mean y’all just slept in the same spot with each other...” Applejack blushed, turning to Rarity. “Ummm... Ah’m sorry Rares. Ah jumped to conclusions.”

“No worries. Apology accepted.”

“Is it always like this?” Applejack asked.

“You have no idea,” Rarity sighed, but in a happy sort of way.

“Well, try and keep her from spoutin such nonsense, sug. It’ll ruin ya if y’all ain’t careful.”

“I will Applejack. Thank you by the way.”

“Fer what?” Applejack asked, confused.

“Your concern for Twilight. It’s touching to know her friends care for her so much,” Rarity smiled.

“I was concerned...” Spike pouted from the corner Rarity had told him to sit in. “Rainbow said it would make you closer.”

“In more ways than one, but you’re still grounded mister,” Rarity chided. “Till you learn that love is not something you can force with potions or spells, no offence to your sister, Twilight.”

“I’m sure she would agree,” Twilight smiled.

“So then what did ya do, Rares?” Applejack teased.

“That’s different, Twilight was being difficult.”

“I was not!” Twilight rallied.

“You failed to get the hint from a Pinkie-gram...” both mares commented. Twilight blushed, remembering the fateful song.

Pinkie watched the clouds as she waited for the signal, then, the rainbow trail began its chore.

“Hey Twilight! Hey Twilight!” Pinkie sang, bouncing from the window to in front of Twilight, and began her song

“I have a little message for you, from a mare that thinks you’re swell.

She wants to get to know you, really really well.

Her beauty rare, her love is pure,

all she wants is your love as her cure.

She really wants to date you,

love you and kiss you too.

So please, give Rarity a chance,

because all it takes is just one dance!” Pinkie sang, bouncing around more. A very destructive bounce that matched her enthusiasm.

Twilight though, heard none of it, as she watched in horror as the pink blur knocked down all of her books and scientific equipment. She watched as Rainbow Dash wrote ‘Twilight, I love you, Rarity’ with the clouds. The nerve of that mare, picking on her for her close friendship to the white unicorn.

Pinkie, go calm down. I need to be alone for a bit.” Twilight growled.


“I love you like a sister Pinkie, but if you ever wreck my library again, I’ll turn you into a newt.”

“Yeah...” Twilight finally said, blushing.

“How in the hay did y’all mess that up Twi?” Applejack asked.

“How was I supposed to know Rarity loved me?” Twilight sheepishly asked.

“Well, have I ever burst inta yer library to shout ‘I love ya?’”

“Well, no...”

“Then I would say that’s a pretty good sign she loves ya sugarcube.”

“I thought so at least,” Rarity giggled. She didn’t want to gang up on Twilight, but somepony needed to say it.

“Hey girls?” Spike asked from his corner, the sounds of struggle gracing their ears. They turned to see Sweetie Belle, trying like mad to kiss the dragon again. “Help!”

“Sweetie!” Rarity chided, pulling the filly off magically, “What in the hay has gotten into you? That love potion wore out hours ago!”

Sweetie struggled, up till she heard that, “It did?”

“Yes. You should have realized that as soon as you woke up,” Rarity sighed.

“Um... I guess I just a drop left in me or something... oh look a moose!” Sweetie cried, creating a distraction to make a hasty escape.

“What was that about?” Spike asked, looking worse the wear. “You know what, forget it. We have a problem.”

“Oh, besides Rainbow Dash talking you into really bad ideas?” Rarity asked in her most condescending tone.

“I’m like 15! Cut me some slack. And no, I made three cups last night-”

“Why would you do that Spike?” Twilight groaned.

“I was supposed to make two cups, but I made a little too much. I just didn’t want to waste it,” Spike confessed.

“And that’s why this was a bad idea. So where are the other two cups of tea?” Twilight asked.

“Love potion y’all say...” Applejack mused.

“Yes darling, do you know something?”

“Follow me ya two, Spike, stay here. This is a grown up thing,” Applejack said.

Standing beneath one of Applejack’s many apple trees, the trio was graced to the sight of Pinkie and Rainbow snoozing, cuddled up nice and tight. And stinking of musk and other subtle pheromones only Twilight knew the names of, though she had no idea why those would be here. None of the experiences of exercise went with romantic inclination, did they?

“Ah found em at sun up, both looking so dog tired Ah let em sleep,” Applejack laughed. “Ah thought all mah friends was comin out, but now...”

“Serves them right,” Rarity smiled, then she nudged Rainbow awake. “Good morning sleepy head. Have fun last night?”

“Rares? Hey girl, hows my uniform coming along?” Rainbow asked.

“As soon as one comes in. What happened?”

“Pinkie happened,” Rainbow smiled.

“Are you two dating as well?” Twilight smiled. “Thats wonderful! I can compare notes on our differing relationship experiences to better understand the concept of homosexual equine relations!”

Rarity laughed, “Twilight, it’s rather uncouth to just say things like that. And I don’t think you’re ready for their notes just yet.”

“Why not?” Twilight and Rainbow asked, again with differing tones.

“Because, Rainbow darling, I can tell what you did last night. Naughty naughty,” Rarity teased. Rainbow flushed, and began to stammer.

“Rainbow!” Twilight chided.

“Darling, I love you. But you have no idea what I’m talking about,” Rarity smiled.

After a minute of blushing and looking at her hooves, Twilight admitted, “I thought maybe you meant they had committed a social taboo...”

“Oh they did, but even I must admit, it must have been so much fun,” Rarity giggled. Pinkie roused, and did something no pony expected, as she slapped Rainbow Dash.

“Hmmph. Rainbow, I am not that kind of mare! I get it if you are, but I will not go another round this morning. Love potion or not!”

“Me? You’re the one that jumped my bones last night, party animal!”

“Well that damn potion was your idea!”

“You stole it and drank it!”

“You knew before we started!”

“You knew too!”

“Girls,” Applejack snorted, “Ah don’t care what y’all did last night. Get off my darn farm if y’all wanna fight bout it!”

“Sorry Applejack,” The pair apologized.

“It’s okay girls. Now excuse me, Ah have work to be done,” Applejack said, bowing to her departing friends. “And no fightin!”

“Rarity, you’re hiding something from me,” Twilight fussed as the door to the boutique closed behind them.


“What were Rainbow Dash and Pinkie doing that no pony wants to tell me?”

“Oh, that. Twilight, I don’t think now is the time to have this discussion.”

“Then when will it be Rarity? I hate being in the dark about something like this,” Twilight said, moving close to Rarity.

“Darling, I-” Rarity began, but faltered looking into those lavender eyes.

“I think I’m ready to hear about it. I’m an adult in an adult relationship after all,” Twilight whispered.

“Yes, I agree darling, but my sister who is eavesdropping right now is not,” Rarity smiled.

“Oh Come On!” Sweetie cried from the adjoining room.

“Hello Sweetie,” Rarity teased, “I wanted to chat with you actually.”

“Oh, am I in trouble?” Sweetie asked poking her head into the room.

“You fooled Spike, but not me. You have a little crush, don’t you?” Rarity smiled, a most devious smile indeed.

“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Sweetie stammered, before stomping out of the room to her own.

“Ah, foals. I remember my first crush,” Rarity mused.

“Me t-” Twilight began, but Rarity rolled her eyes at the mare, stopping her. “It’s you,” Twilight muttered, defeated. She really wanted to feel even in this relationship, but all she was was the back of the class, where it was hardest to hear and see the chalkboard.

“Yes darling, I know. And I don’t think I need to sit here and reminisce about old stories. My current situation is sooo much better,” Rarity laughed, grabbing Twilight and spilling onto the loveseat, Twilight atop the white fashionista. “Mmm, I like this.”

“Rarity?” Twilight shakily asked, looking deep into her lover's eyes.

“Yes, my darling?”

“I-I don’t know what's going on here, but I really like it...”

“As do I. We can move as fast or as slow as you want, darling. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy, my love.”

“Can we...?” Twilight asked, though she didn’t know how to finish the sentence.

“Yes.” Rarity said breathlessly. Oh, how could I have doubted this mare. She’s learning so fast, maybe she is ready for more.

“Good, you’re hurting my leg. It’s trapped under you,” Twilight whined, shifting around. Moment, gone. Damn it Twilight! Oh, who am I kidding? Twilight, don’t ever change, you adorable little dork. That’s why I love you so. The bell chimed, and Rarity groaned, knowing she had to get up and work. She was still messy, for the love of Luna.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique,” Rarity sang, hoping they were lost.

“Hello Rarity, and Twilight too,” Mr. Cake smiled. So much for them being lost. “My wife and I would like to place an order Miss Rarity.”

“Oh? Is this for a special occasion?” Rarity asked, walking the stallion over to her drafting table.

“Oh yes. Cup and I have been selected for the finals in the Canterlot bake off this year,” Mr. Cake said, barely containing his nervousness. “This is so big for us, and I just want us to look our best, you know?”

“Oh I understand darling. Will you be needing the full ensemble or just some snazzy aprons?” Rarity asked, her charcoal poised and ready.

“Oh just the aprons will work. We will still have to bake in them, and I don’t want to ruin your hard work like that,” Mr. Cake supplied.

“Of course. Something like this then?” Rarity said, drafting out a rough sketch of an apron with sapphires along the trim, two large pockets on the front, and a very nice silk neck band.

“Oh that looks amazing Rarity. But I don’t think I could afford that...”

“Oh don’t worry about it Mr. Cake, it’s the least I can do for you both after all of your help with Twilight,” Rarity said, waving away his protest with a hoof. “I insist.”

“Oh, thank you so much Rarity,” Mr. Cake smiled.

“Not a problem. I always repay a favor,” Rarity smiled. Little did she know how the walls had ears.

“Hey Everypony!” The shout pierced the air, letting it be known Lyra had heard them, “Rarity’s paying back favors, right now! If you helped her win Twilight, she owes ya!” Buck you Lyra. Buck you right in the flank!

“How the hay did she hear us?” Twilight asked.

“I haven’t the slightest clue,” Rarity said through gritted teeth. Lyra loved gossip, she probably would have heard them from Canterlot.

“Rarity, how many ponies did you ask for help again?” Twilight asked, looking out the window.

“Everypony in town...” Rarity mumbled, her walls shaking as the crowd tried to enter all at once.

“So...” Mayor Mare said, looking about, “About that favor...”

Rarity did her best to smile. Not only was everypony in town seeing her with a messy mane, but she was having to keep saying yes to all of these requests. If I ever get my hooves on Lyra, Rarity thought, I’ll destroy her. I’ll rip her to pieces. I’ll-

“Rarity?” The mayor asked.

“Sorry, it’s been a busy day so far,” Rarity dismissed.

“I bet. Would you be able to begin decorating the town hall for my re election campaign party?”

“Of course mayor. You have my vote already,” Rarity smiled.

“Thank you. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble. This is just to thank the ponies for letting me lead.”

“Of course,” Rarity smiled as the mayor left and the next pony plopped down at the desk. Thank Celestia Twilight was able to organize these leeches into a semblance of order.

“Uniform. Now.” Rainbow demanded.

“When it gets in, Rainbow.” Rarity retorted.

“I’m getting my flank chewed for that little stunt I pulled. I messed up the daily planner apparently. So I need my pay off.”

“I can’t make them come in.” Rainbow snorted, and Rarity sighed. “I’ve already made a new suit for Spitfire, she should be next to swap hers out. Just please-”

“I’m getting Spitfire’s!” Rainbow cried excitedly. “Oh my gosh, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, Thank You!” Rainbow cried hugging Rarity.

“No problem, darling. Now please stop, you’re filthy,” Rarity squirmed.

“Embrace the dirt,” Rainbow said not letting go. “Be one with it.”

“Ah, no!” Rarity laughed. Her friends were alright sometimes. But they were still jerks too, taking advantage of her generosity like this.

The crowd wound around and through, as Rarity and Twilight saw literally everypony in town, til two ponies surprised them both.

“Um... Hi, Rarity, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, blushing madly already. Pinkie smiled next to her, but remained quiet. That was probably the most shocking part, actually.

“Hello you two, why are you waiting in line? You could have come in at anytime,” Rarity wondered.

“I didn't want to be rude to all the ponies waiting politely,” Fluttershy offered.

“And I had to keep Fluttershy company,” Pinkie finally said.

“I- No, nevermind. That’s just the way you are Fluttershy Darling. So let me guess, you both want to call in a favor?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy nodded furiously, smiling. Pinkie just nodded. After a minute, “What’s the favor?”

“Oh, right. Um, I really wanted to interview you and Twilight, for research,” Fluttershy said.

“Really?!” Twilight beamed, smiling ear to ear. “How so? Are you interested in the socio economic impact of same sex couplings too? Can we trade note? Please?” Twilight begged, leaping across the desk to hug Fluttershy.

“Um, actually, I’m writing a book...” Fluttershy offered, “A romance novel.”

“Really? Since when?” Rarity asked.

“I’ve been writing about 3 years now, I needed a way to make some more bits. I have 4 books already, and this is my first try at a romance novel,” Fluttershy blushed.

“Well I would love to be the inspiration for a character in one of your novels. Right Twilight?”

“Oh yes. That- that’s good too, yeah...” Twilight said blushing.

“Oh thank you girls. I was meaning to ask you all at lunch tomorrow, but I feared with all these incoming requests you wouldn’t want to if I waited too long,” Fluttershy explained.

“Of course darling. And we can hash out the details then. So Pinkie, what would you like?” Rarity chimed, turning her gaze to her pink friend of joy.

“Simple. That stuff with Dashie this morning? Forget it. Please?”

"Oh, shoot, that was prime gossip,” Rarity pouted.

“Rarity.” Twilight rolled her eyes, “Sometimes, I swear. Yes, of course Pinkie, though I still don’t entirely understand what I saw...”

“Good. Keep it that way,” Pinkie smiled.

“So you two are not...?” Rarity pried.

“Nope. Not in the slightest.”


“Rarity, you promised.” Twilight chided, understanding the body language more than the context.

“I said no such thing yet, my love, but yes. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” Rarity said, complete with dainty little actions.

“Good. Hey, we should do dinner tonight girls, my treat!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“That sounds wonderful, thank you.” Both mares said together. As their friends left for the next ponies to enter, Rarity looked to them, and sighed. “No. Not you two.”

“Hi Pumpkin!” Magnum smiled. It was that kind of day.