• Published 4th Nov 2019
  • 10,459 Views, 647 Comments

Little Changes - tom117z

When a Rainbow Dash from another world crash lands near the Badlands Hive, Princess Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, works to find a way to send her home.

  • ...

29 - Epilogue

The hive was unusually quiet today.

Usually, it would be rife with activity, particularly the atrium. There was always something to be seen, something to be done, by both the underground structure’s majority changeling inhabitants as well as those non-changelings who had since come to call it home. But on this day, and every year without fail, the tone would become far more… sombre throughout its halls and great expanses. Even the ponies, odd hippogriffs, and the other species knew to leave their multi-coloured chitinous friends alone when this date came around.

After all, this wasn’t the Badlands Hive, but the Equestrian Hive. And on this very day, their Queen would remember the loss of their former home decades prior.

And they would remember the loss of Queen Chrysalis.

Twilight Sparkle sighed as that dour thought drifted through her brain, leaning against a balcony overlooking the two great statues of the original Avia and Chrysalis, her grandmother and mother respectively. They help up the great shield and perception filter above, just as the former had done for so long before the Crudelis’ foolish reign of terror.

Before the influence of Immortalis brought pain to everything the Queen of the Hive held dear.

A lavender hoof found its way to the scar on the Changeling Queen’s chest. It was as it ever was, and yet it felt all the wider as subsequent blows had come her way. Time had muted its pain, but it never truly left her. Especially after recent incidents, fresh blows that too would need time to seal shut.

But with this, Twilight had started to ponder on far older questions…

Her narrow pupils drifted over to the base of the two statues, fixating on an equivalent spot to where, so long ago, she’d witnessed a pegasus from another place be subdued rather unfortunately via her mother’s magic.

She had always wondered what became of Rainbow Dash. Had her Twilight regained her memories? Did they have their happily ever after? Did her own scars heal? Or did new wounds rush in to replace the old?

And, of course, a promise. A promise of reunion she had never been able to keep. Initial efforts were lain to waste when they were buried under the remains of the Badlands hive, and her subsequent ascension as Queen keeping her from such a lengthy and experimental project. And then, as the sting of her scar faded with Immortalis’ defeat in Canterlot, so too did the project fade from both priority and memory.

But now with the sting’s return, her thoughts strayed across the universal divide once more. And on this day of all days, the distraction was most welcome.

The Queen turned from the nearly barren atrium, retreating further down the corridor she’d initially emerged from. Her trip wasn’t a long one, and she saw few souls aside from two guards who respectfully bowed at their Queen’s passing and a single pony who looked rather like a deer in headlights at being confronted by royalty.

That reaction was enough to entice a giggle from the mare, though she moved swiftly onwards until she found herself back in the royal district and strode straight into a small side room not so far from her private chambers.

A click welcomed her as the door swung wide, the Changeling Queen slipping in as she was confronted by a large vanity mirror with a discarded sheet laying nearby. She studied herself in its polished surface for a moment, nostalgia pinging in her heart as she recalled a time when she was far shorter than she now found herself.

And there was no better example of this than the second changeling in the room, a younger royal humming happily to herself as she browsed a massive pile of research papers that filled Twilight’s scholarly heart with pride and joy.

“Okay, who was the one eager to get this project going again?” Twilight asked Princess Avia, her daughter, named suitably after her great grandmother.

“Yes!” the Princess chirped. “Interdimensional travel!? I mean, I know Sunset still talks to you from the human world but, come on, I never thought we’d make a portal ourselves! AND you never even told me about this other Rainbow Dash! How am I meant to study if I don’t know there’s something study-able!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at her daughter’s rambling, the young mare never even looking up at her mother as she did so.

‘Ah, was I ever so young?’ she thought to herself. “Well then, daughter, do enlighten me.”

“Well, I was thinking the omega accentuation mana crystal could be adjusted by point-two degrees for extra alignment for the dimensional scan, for one.”

“Oh? What about the variance issue? I do recall your previous adjustment blowing out the last crystal.”

“Psh, science requires sacrifice!”

Twilight gave her daughter a deadpan look. “They aren’t exactly cheap, Avia.”

“Can you really put a price on science?” she further insisted.

Twilight rolled her eyes, but recalling such enthusiasm when she was Avia’s age, decided not to press the issue.

But if she did blow out another crystal, it was definitely coming out of her allowance.

The younger lavender changeling finally looked up from her scrolls, levitating up various arcane tools as well as a… power drill?

“Daughter, please tell me you’re not using that on a fragile mirror?”

“Hey, better to keep extra tools on hoof in case they become useful.”

If she broke the mirror, that would ‘also’ be coming out of her allowance. Just as soon as she’d found the guy who invented it in the past couple of decades and strangled him.

Ouch. Her Chrysalis was showing…

Twilight shook her head to rid herself of any feelings of annoyance, she instead calmly took hold of every last one of the tools and placed them aside. Avia’s subsequent pout only served to amuse the Queen, giving out a chuckle at her child’s expense.

“I am glad you have found this project to be so exhilarating, but try to exercise some patience. I have waited this long, I can wait a little longer.”

“But aren’t you curious about what’s happened over there since you saw her last?” Avia asked her mother curiously, taking hold of a nearby letter and presenting it to Twilight. “I’ve been talking with Uncle Spike, and he says you two got quite close.”

“Oh? What has he been saying exactly?”

Twilight took the letter, her eyes focusing in on the dragon’s dictated words with ample curiosity.


Yeah, it was touch and go for a while. Twilight and the other Rainbow Dash had a little misunderstanding, but they talked and hugged it out and they were cool again. You know, I did question her sexuality that day, but luckily for your Dad, it was just a phase, right?

Don’t tell her I said that for the love of Celestia, she has somewhat taken after her mother since those days.

I mean it,
Uncle Spike

“Oh, that little traitor,” Twilight fumed as Avia flushed sheepishly. “Hrmg, I’ll have to talk with him later. But for your information, we bonded over shared baggage. That was all.”

Avia stifled a laugh behind a hoof. “Y-yeah, I figured. Heh… Though, can I ask you something?”

“You know you always can, what do you want to know?”

“I was wondering, well…” Avia hesitated for a moment, seeming to wonder whether the following question was worth prying into, or if it would be too sensitive. “He hasn’t told me about what happened when you sent her back. I mean, I’ve gathered that it was a little sudden. But was that really it? You never saw her again?”

Twilight’s smile fell, her eyes becoming distant as she glanced towards the silent mirror.

“No. We never did.”

It didn’t feel like a normal teleportation spell. And for good reason, given that she was teleporting through a hole the size of the tip of a quill. But it was enough, the smallest connection to the other world for her to lock on to and transfer them over.

It was over in an instant, their forms compressed into magical streams and passed through the gap in the blink of an eye, but the Princess of the Badlands Hive felt her horn burn from the strain and struggle of fitting through that gap while the cosmos itself protested her actions. Even with the Elements of Harmony and all the power backing them up, that rift was not going to remain open for more than a few seconds.

There was not going to be time for a goodbye, so she realised. No true conclusion to their friendship, no well-wishes or congratulations, not time to apologise for using magic on the mare with a severe phobia towards it.

This was it. This single moment, frozen in time as her subconscious processed all these things in but a second. All they had done together these past days, their final understanding mere hours earlier, their newfound bond founded upon shared pain and their strength to continue in spite of it…

It all ended here.

Twilight’s heart ached, her eyes blurring as she glanced at her friend and gave her a smile. It was all she could do. To tell her it was going to be okay, that they had succeeded, that she would be with her own friends and love again.

And she hoped that, in the absence of words and time, it would be enough.

“...Goodbye, Rainbow.”

The pegasus’ eyes widened in shock. “Wait, wha-”

Twilight lit her horn and in a single burst of magic, even as her reserves bled dry, she forced herself back to her own world where she collapsed onto a cloud in an exhausted heap.

“Twilight! WAIT!”


The world suddenly became dark, the light of the Elements of Harmony, the magic of her friends and family, and that of the rift itself, all ceased in a moment.

A silence fell over the Equestrian countryside, the sun rising high into the sky as a new dawn came out to greet them. Yet its warmth felt muted on the mare’s black chitin, Twilight sitting up and observing the empty sky that was once a bridge between two worlds.

“...I’m sorry.”

“You should not be,” Princess Luna announced, looking over at Twilight with stern sympathy. “You did as you intended, it is done. Rainbow Dash is home, and for that, we can all rest easy.”

“Yeah! We promised a friend and we never break promises to friends because that would SUCK!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bounced across a couple of clouds and landed next to the dejected changeling. “I mean, that IS good, right?”

Twilight nodded, managing a small smile. “Yes, it is. And I’m glad, but…”

“Yeah…” Rainbow muttered. “I’m going to miss me too.”

“Self-serving, much?” Applejack jabbed jokingly.

“Laugh it up, cowpony.”

“Do you think they will all be okay?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

“I do believe so,” Luna replied. “I expect much celebration for the Princess of the Skies’ return. No less from Laughter, one would expect.”

“You know it!” Laughter herself chirped in confirmation.

“Then… Now what?” Rainbow asked around.

“I think… I think it’s time we returned home ourselves,” Rarity said, also making her way over to Twilight and patting her gently on the back. “I believe a good rest is in order. Spend a little while with us in Ponyville, darling. I think we’re due for a spa date.”

Twilight gave her a grateful nod. “Yeah, I think I will. Thanks, Rarity.”

“Hey, we’re here for ya, Twilight,” Rainbow affirmed. “So let’s celebrate for Rainbow, yeah?”

“You betcha!” Pinkie declared. “Friend hugs!”

And then, in practised swiftness, the changeling’s friends all gathered around and held her in a comforting embrace. She accepted wholeheartedly, taking the moment to let her sadness at losing a friend bleed away into just feeling grateful that the rest of them were all still with her…

“Chrysalis,” Luna addressed the Queen in the meantime. “Are your guards able to return us?”

“I do believe so,” she confirmed, silently telling them to prepare the carriage for departure back to Canterlot. “Though I do believe they have earned a reprieve once this is done.”

“Agreed. They performed admirably,” Luna noted, glancing from them back to the Element Bearers. “My little ponies, let us prepare to depart this place. And… let us leave mother and daughter alone for a moment, I do believe there is a discussion to be had.”

“Well perceived,” Chrysalis said in turn.

“Alright, ponies, let’s give the Princess her space,” Applejack corralled the others to pry themselves from the mare. “Ya good, sugarcube?”

“I’m fine, Applejack. Really.”

“Are you sure?” Spike stepped forward, poking his head past the bearers while giving the changeling a worriedly doubtful look. “You can talk to me if not, right?”

Twilight smiled, nuzzling the dragon affectionately. “Of course, Spike. I always know that. But go on, I’ll treat you to a few gems when we get back to Ponyville. And maybe that new Power Ponies you’ve been wanting.”

His eyes lit up with child-like glee. “Really?”

“Really,” she confirmed, nudging him forward. “Now go on and get yourself ready. It’s going to be a long ride back.”

“Yeah, tell me about it…” he confirmed. “I could use the nap… Oh, and can I get an extra gem for that trick with the book you pulled before?”

She looked amused at that. “This once. But don’t push it.”

“Sweet! Thanks, Twilight!”

With that, the mare’s friends made to depart with Princess Luna’s help, all heading back down towards the two carriages until only the Queen and Princess were left atop the layer of clouds.

Chrysalis approached her daughter, looking down at her with a level expression for a moment before she knelt and gave her a sympathetic smile.

“You remain hurt. Hurt because she is no longer here with us,” she noted, placing a wing around her child in motherly comfort. “You cannot hide that from me.”

Twilight sniffed. “Yeah, I figured… I just… I thought I’d at least get to say an actual goodbye. But that? That was just so… sudden. And right after…”

“Nothing about this last week has been a simple matter. But your determination saw her home, and I know she will always hold you dear for that. Interloper though she may be, her loyalty will reach beyond the concept of different worlds and the barriers dividing them. Find solace in one another’s presence, even though it is not immediately at your side, it will always be with you.”

“I… I suppose you would know, wouldn’t you?”

Chrysalis nodded. “There is not a single day where I do not wish upon my own mother’s wisdom. And, in her own way, she provides it still. The only difference here is that you both still live.”

“You think so?”

“I do. It is as sure as, when my time in this wretched world is done, I will not leave you for a second. My strength shall always be your own, daughter.”

“I… I will remember that…” Twilight sighed. “But I still have a promise to keep. If I can connect our worlds, I’ll find a way to do it. I don’t give up so easily.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Yes, our kind is tenacious to the last, you have never been so different.”

“I suppose I’m more changeling than I thought then, huh?”

“And yet still infuriatingly pony,” Chrysalis jabbed. “Oh, and for the record, if you did love her and don’t want to admit it, I’ll figure it out anyway.”

“You’re horrible.”

“Our kind is also good at that.”

“Pfft. Good thing I am infuriatingly pony, then,” Twilight retorted, standing up alongside her mother and looking down towards the carriages where the others gathered. “But no. She has her Twilight, and that is all that matters. But I’m sure I’ll find some stallion someday you can tease me to no end about.”

“I’ll hold you to that, child of mine.”

“Right. Come on, let’s head back. I know Pinkie’s dying to celebrate.”

“Oh, wonderful. Excuse me if I don’t express my joy at the prospect,” Chrysalis remarked in distaste before a thought seemed to cross her mind as she gently nudged her daughter as she made to depart. “Hold a moment, there is one other matter.”

“Oh? What’s wrong?”

“I… I do believe the feathered moron forgot something,” Chrysalis stated, holding out a hairband she’d been keeping around her hoof.

Twilight’s eye widened as she locked onto the item, taking it sheepishly into her magical aura. “This… Why do you have this? I mean… I noticed the hair, but…”

“She gave it to me when chasing after you. In the chaos, it must have slipped her brain ever so foolishly.”

“It’s not like you remembered.”

“Bah, that is beside the point,” she defended. “But… It is yours now to do with as your wish, this endeavour shall remain your responsibility. Do with it as you will. A memento, perhaps. Or…”

“Or… I can give it back to her when we see each other again,” Twilight decided with a fire in her eyes. “And we will. I promise, Rainbow Dash. I’ll see you again…”

And there it was. Sitting inside a battered box of a simple wooden design, a hairband sat snugly within as it was examined by a pensive Twilight Sparkle and an amazed Avia.

“You… still have it? What happened to it?”

“It’s one of my old personal items we recovered from the ruins of the Badlands Hive,” the Queen explained. “It was battered, as you can see, but the box protected its contents well enough. I don’t know if she still wears hairbands, or if we’ll even end up in the same time frame when we get this portal of ours working, but I made a promise to see it home. Both to Rainbow Dash… and to your grandmother.”

“Huh… I never realised…” Avia muttered, gently closing the box so the band remained protected for the time being. “You really think we can do it?”

“You’re doubting us now?”

“Well, no, but… I suppose I never really got how much this meant to you until now. I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be. After all that has happened to us, you have no reason to be,” she gently informed her child. “And truthfully? Starswirl was a genius, so there’s no telling if we can actually recreate his work. If he was still around he’d be an amazing help, but as it is…”

Avia smiled up at her mother, placing her hoof atop of her’s. “Well, I’m no Starswirl, but I won’t rest. There’s at least a city’s worth of books I can still read to figure this out.”

“I’m sure there are. But for now, you need a break.”

“Aw, but-!”

“No buts. I’m still your mother, and I’m putting my hoof down,” she retorted decisively. “Go find your father, I’m sure he’s wondering why his only child hasn’t seen him all day.”

“Oh, fine. But that goes for you too!”

“I’ll follow. Now skedaddle! I have to write a reply to a certain dragon…”

“Oh boy…” Avia let out a breath, feeling slightly responsible for her uncle’s incoming fate. “Well, good luck with that! Love you, Mum.”

“And I you, daughter.”

Avia nodded to her, turning and leaving her work behind for the time being as the Queen of the Equestrian Hive watched her heir go. She shook her head, understanding a little better what it was like to be in Chrysalis’ shoes back in the day.

But that was then…

And this was now. This mirror, Twilight now looking into its depths once more as the face of her friend from so far away stared back at her in her mind’s eye.

They would meet again, she knew that in her heart.

And with that knowledge, her scar burned just that little bit less...

Author's Note:

And so our tale comes to an end, but the series shall continue on both sides of the multiverse. Queen Twilight and Princess Avia still face a threat from a New Kingdom, and the darkness of Midnight stalks Princess Rainbow and the love of her life...

And then, perhaps at the close of both paths, they shall meet once more...

Comments ( 54 )

So what I'm hearing is that once the current stories in both series wrap up, this might get a sequel?....


All my yes.

A fun little crossover. Thank you both for putting it together.

The first time I saw this, I was actually surprised that 2 of my favorite story series had collabed. After following this through to the end, I can definitely say that this was a friggin masterpiece.

Well done to both Tom and Skij for pulling this off, and I'm definitely looking forward to the possible sequel this'll spwan!

Great chapter and great story!

“Self-serving, much?” Applejack jabbed jokingly.

I know it sounded wrong. But why I kinda agree with her anyway?

I think this was a good crossover. I look forward to more updates of the main storyline but this was a fun sidestory.

If she broke the mirror, that would ‘also’ be coming out of her allowance. Just as soon as she’d found the guy who invented it in the past couple of decades and strangled him.

Ouch. Her Chrysalis was showing…

That is hilarious! Like mother like daughter indeed.

oh yeah, that alicorn prince still has to be corrupted into a nightmare and some more death flags need to be set up.

this was an amazing ride i enjoyed it now i need to go finish avia and catch up with the new kingdom and then read skijaramas stories some time in the future you both did an amazing job and it was a great adventure

This was a wonderful story

atleast we got one more romp with this chryssy, even if I couldn't stick with the change series this was a fun trip. still wish this chryssy ended up in Change Dash's world. they could use her.

This story made me start reading Little Flashes series and i am forever thankful for that.

:rainbowkiss:"So, now who's the Interlop--"
"Another word, and I shall tear out your heart and eat it in front of you."
"Love ya too, Bugmom!":rainbowlaugh:

This story was amazing to read through, and once the other main stories have finished, I can't wait to see these Twi and Dash meet up again. :heart:

A pity she's dead, though that reveal will be a scene in and of itself, considering the cause and the myriad of things since.

Oh, no doubt. Was just noting the idea of her getting sent off to the Little universe would be amusing. I miss her so much.:raritycry:

Nice work on both chapters

Great story! I kind of wish you had them reunite.

... I am happy.

I might just have to give the other stories in this series a read. Which one’s the start for the Changeling side of things?


Twilight Sparkle is not who she says she is, she doesn't really know WHAT she is...
tom117z · 148k words  ·  3,179  151 · 48k views

Right here.

Hey there! Sorry if this is a common thing to ask, but I haven’t read either of the stories this is based on. After reading the first few chapters of this though I’m getting the impression I should go back and read them first before staring this one. Which is fine! Both of the series seem really interesting and I’m super excited about reading them! :pinkiehappy:

My question is though where does this fic fit in in relation to them both? I notice both of the original stories have multiple sequels to them. Does it just take place after the first book from each side? Or should I try to read all of the sequels from both sides first?

For Change, it takes place between act 1 and 2 of the first story, however the epilogue of Changes does hold some spoilers for plot elements post-act 1. So if you want to read in true chronological order, you'd read the epilogue after completing the original Change in full.

For the Flashes series, it takes place during the early chapters of 'Little Memories'.

So, any chance of you and Skijarama having a reunion for your Twilight and his Rainbow at the ends of Changes and Little Glimpses?

Sadly I've fallen behind on both story lines so I'm not sure if either or both of you have already covered that in your stories and I just haven't read far enough yet.

It's possible. We have ideas. But if we decide to do it, it's gonna be a long ways out.

leaking liquid pride hear.
this is a awesome story.


Congrats on finishing this.

Nice! Thank you for the response! I’ll be sure to get to reading them both :twilightsmile:


And I also need to find more stories like this well thanks for the entertainment

A) I did not know it was a Simpsons quote.
B) I don't care about that show; hasn't been funny in years, if not over a decade, and Itchy & Scratchy and the Halloween Specials are far too gory and horror-y (horrible?) for my liking.

So I apologise for not realising it was taken from a Matt Groening show.

There was no intended Simpsons reference to be had. It's a pretty common phrase.

If it was that phrase followed by a strangling, then it would have been a reference.

Just finished reading it! I must say I really enjoyed the story as well as as both of the series that it introduced me too :twilightsmile: Thanks to the both of you for making them all!

This was an awesome read

But where is this story in relation to the Little Flashes series?

Can you write the sequel (if you are doing it) after the two current books are finnished (Little Keys and Change: The New Kingdom)?

IF we write a sequel, it will have to be after both series are fully complete, and I have two more stories to get through in Little Flashes after I wrap up Keys.

Tbh, the event of this isekai expirience could actually change both Changes and Little Memories timelines, giving both Twilights and Princess Rainbow some insight and incetive. Less likely Midnight to appear if Rainbow would apply it, although there is now also a non-instinctive, premeditated reason for Princess Rainbow to commit that ultimate sacrifice after the talk with her own counterpart. Change Twilight could also behave differently after this.

Like those rifts, crossover would cause ripples through both worlds.

Tbh, one of attractive elements about Changes for me was the ruthlessly kind Chrysalis, a unique character in some way. Twilight gonna be Twilight and that character passed away.

Between act 1 and 2 of the first story.

First I have to say hello and apologize for not having dared to say hello before.

secondly I found the Chnage series the first time on youtube when I was looking for distraction and thought it was great and I thought I could stop by because I was done with the first two and was very disappointed that it was already over

and when I got here I realized that there is more, and I was happy to

and now i m heir

But it was Me DIo! With 501!

It was fun! Great story, not sure what happened that we disappeared for so long but hey, that read-it-later list won't read itself!

Love the blend of both writer’s universes, but I would definitely like a sequel if practical, due to the output of stories both authors output. Keep up the good work, only please don’t burn out on account of the many stories that you both are currently writing.

Those stories are very far down my list so I might just skip to this one for now since this story takes place and the Change universe anyway

This story just never quite clicked for me. I'm not sure why.

Well, this story is fairly deep into two separate series by two separate authors. Are you familiar with the other Change and Little Flashes entries? You'd probably need one or the other to have more than toe deep investment in what's going on. :twilightsheepish:

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