• Published 17th Sep 2019
  • 4,762 Views, 185 Comments

Did We Make A Difference? - DougtheLoremaster

My Little Pony is over. Gen 4. The Show has ended. As they stand together before the gate into what awaits them next, Twilight asks "Did we matter? Did we make a difference?" The answer is not what she expected.

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Tank Drill

That’s pretty cool you mares use Youtube. I love technology myself. My name is Tank, Tank Drill- I mean. And I am a huge fan of the show as well.

Twilight Sparkle cocked her head, having heard the new voice, a curious expression on her face. “What is ‘technology’?

I have always loved that curious nature of yours, Twilight. Technology is what the people of my realm use as a blanket term to describe electronics, such as the computer you used to search Youtube, vehicles to move around and ways to communicate. Advances in society for things to become more convenient are also included in this blanket terminology.

Twilight spoke her thoughts as she pieced together the information she had been given. “Electronics...Computer...Oh! You mean the magically infused devices we use. Like the camera or Vinyl’s DJ Setup?”

Yes. Yes just like that. In our realm, those devices don’t use magic but harness electricity. Oh will you listen to me; time is short, and I’m getting off track? I came here to tell you how I became a fan of yours. That is if you want to hear it.

A slight blush appeared on the face of the lavender Alicorn. “Oh my, I- mean, of course, I just- Do continue. Tell us all about it!

I was 17 years of age at the time; a hopelessly confused teen. The world was a mystery. I had been given everything by my parents, having grown up a military brat. My full head of red hair was thinning, and my weight continuously fluctuated with my metabolism. My shoe size was 17.

“Pardon me, Dah-ling, but what an odd detail to mention. Why specify your shoe size?”

I’m not sure, Rarity, I guess it’s because I was always given compliments or 'wowed' and surprised expressions about my shoe size. I was the family member with the biggest feet.

The alabaster-furred Unicorn placed a hoof under her chin in thought for a moment before speaking. “Are your sure it was the size and not the shoes themselves, Dah-ling. Fashion is after all eye-catching.”

“Ahem- This discussion of your shoe size is fascinating mine is an 4, but perhaps we can get back on topic. I believe you were telling us about your first experience with the fandom?”

Oh yes, sorry Starlight, it was 2012 and thinking about it, I was watching a Youtube Channel known as Death Battle when I saw a Smiling pink pony thumbnail on my YouTube Recommendations sidebar. The thumbnail led to a video that was named Smile HD; featuring Pinkie Pie. So I gave it a click and man it was a doozy.

Twilight seemed to understand and nodded her head to the explanation. AppleJack however wasn’t as tech savvy as Pinkie or Twilight and asked. “What’s a channel? Like what Ah use ta water mah crops?”

Pinkie whispered back. “No. The usernames located under the video go to the users channel page by clicking it. Those are the channel names.”

Starlight’s voice echoed within the subspace as she called out to the others. “Everypony shush! This is exciting. So what happened next Tank?”

Much to my horrid surprise of the video, it opened up the YouTube 'Vault' to other fan made videos. More videos of My Little Pony fans began to appear within my recommendations. I was captivated by them. I even dragged my brother, who's no longer active within the fandom; to become a brony with the same video. We both are goofy individuals and give certain things a 'shot' in the dark. A good example was Cinderella III... It was a good movie and we had time to waste. So, we gave Season One a shot… Then Season Two... Then, together, we caught up to Season three... We couldn’t stop and were drawn in. We loved your world and the lives you led.

Rarity chimed in this time with. “What’s this ‘Cinderella III’ you mentioned, Dahling?”

Well actually it’s-


Pinkie Pie was suddenly wearing a traffic cops uniform and holding up a shiny red STOP sign. “That isn’t something we need to discuss.”

Alright, fair enough.

Pinkie casually removed her sash and tossed away the STOP sign; both disappearing without a trace. None of the other ponies seemed to question it and after a moment of awkward silence, Tank began speaking once more.

Where was I? Oh, that’s right, how you changed my life.

There was a pause as though the speaker was thinking. Twilight found herself wondering what it was that was going through Tank Drill’s mind. What memories or events could she have, amongst the others, possibly influenced in this curious individual’s lifetime? She didn’t have to wait for too long before Tank shared his memories with her, with them.

In many ways, you opened up my shell, like Twilight to make more friends weather physically or digitally. It brought me into a writing hobby that was shut off due to how... Cringe as it was. I refined it and posted my first story after a few years of watching the show. My brother and I went to Conventions together and found several Brony's dotted around. I was brave enough to go to the Brony Convention in St. Louis called the Crystal Fair. It was a small convention, but it had heart... Pun intended.

Pinkie Pie gave a snort of appreciation at the bad pun, while her friends gave a loud groan. Twilight however, smiled; her eyes glowing with the light of joy that such a recollection brings. “These conventions seem like truly magical places for your kind, Tank.”

Due to financial issues, I could only go to places that were nearby. I didn't really mind that at the time, I only wanted to go to conventions and the Crystal Fair was a great place for me to start. Meeting other people who have the same interests as you is amazing and makes the convention or any Pony convention comfortable. Not all of them are comfortable for being there, but the majority are. One of the things I love to do is collect art from small vendors in the Artist's section. If they offer it, I'll commission them on the spot. A good example is that I commission a comic artist to make a front cover of Sunburst giving Starlight some crystal chocolates for Heart's and Hooves day. Anyway, I'm rambling again. I love speaking on tangents here and there; I hope you don't mind.

As Starlight’s face took on a purely Berry Red tone, Fluttershy gave a slight giggle and responded in her gentle way. “Not at all, I’m enjoying this hehe *Ahem* immensely.”

Twilight grinned. “I would love to hear more about how Starlight-”


Starlight’s face was shrouded in her hooves from embarrassment. “Please stop.”

I would love to tell you more but work is calling. I do however have one final message for you all. Rainbow Dash never give up on your dreams whether it would be the Wonderbolts or in flying in general. Applejack, love your family with all your heart...bzzzt…zzzhsph

Looking over at Pinkie, Twilight asked anxiously. “Pinkie what’s going on? Why all the static?”

Fluttershy, don't stop being cute with Discord and Angel bunny...zzzpt bzzt…

Fluttershy was smiling at the compliment as the strange static noise persisted. Pinkie shouted back. “I think the connection’s becoming unstable!”

Rarity, keep on loving fashion, but know what your customer wants in advance before giving them...shhhzbt zzzpt…

Rarity’s eyes went wide as she practically screamed. “Before giving them what, Dah-ling?”

Placing a hoof on her forehead Rarity passed out into Twilight’s hooves. She moaned dramatically. “Oh, of all the worst possible things!”

Pinkie... Just never stop being you; you're a light that gives everyone happiness...ssszt bzzzpt…

Pinkie Pie took a moment to stop fiddling with a strange device in her hooves. “Will do Tank, I’ll let Cheese know you said Hi!”

Immediately after saying this, Pinkie went back to fiddling with what looked like a TV remote. “I’m on it Twilight!”

Starlight, your a wonderful Principal of the School of Friendship and I'm sure...spzzt...Trixie and Sunburst...bzzzt...you can lead a generation in the right direction.

“Pinkie! The static’s getting louder!”

“Working on it!”

Starlight raised a hoof to the sky as Twilight and Pinkie argued about the collapsing connection to the real world. “Here, here!”

Finally Twilight, the whole reason why I'm here in the first place. Seeing you grow into who you are today gives me courage to move forward. I'll never stop reading, writing, making art, talking, working, driving, anything thanks to you...bzzt...szzt.

Twilight stopped trying to take the remote from Pinkie and grinned. “Aw thanks, I could never have gotten this far without my friends. I’m sure you’ll achieve great works with yours as well, one day...Pinkie stop pressing buttons!”

“Got it!”

With a cry of triumph, Twilight pressed a purple button on the remote and suddenly the static faded as Tank gave them a final, final thought. One they would never forget.

With how I was introduced to the show, you all helped me through life with its ups and downs. Without this show I would've been a super introverted guy who barely interacts with the outside world. Today, I'm still introverted, but with mixtures of an extrovert within. I'd say you all made a difference in my life as a whole. Never stop being who you are, and I'm sure you'll lead Equestria to greatness. Most of all, I love you all from the bottom of my heart.