• Published 23rd Sep 2019
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The Purple Twilight Shades - Kentavritsa

Twilight is moving into a dorm-room with Rarity, as she is stating a new class at the University. The real adventure, starts with the discovery of a complimentary book. Little does she realize, the depth of the adventures lying before her.

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An Early, Rare Read: 8 – Part 1

I am standing beside our bed, on Twilight's side; looking at her, as she looks a bit weak. I reach for her, as she is reaching for me; helping her up, out of the bed. She is clearly leaning against my shoulder, as I am leading her out of the room.

As I reach the door, I extend the palm of my right hand; pressing the hand against the plaque, spreading my fingers wide. When the door finally slides up, I step over the threshold with her still leaning against me. The door quietly close behind me, while I continue towards the next door.

I open each door in turn, stepping over the threshold with her leaning against me, for support.

Now I am helping her, up the flight of stairs to the secret garden; here I had promised her, I will prepare and serve tea, for the both of us.

As we reach the summit of the stairs, I guide her towards the table; helping her sit down comfortably, on her cushion. I sit down on my white cushion, with the three Diamonds; facing her, looking at her as she is facing me.

“There, just relax, Dear!” I offer.

She leans forwards, supporting herself by resting her arms on the table; but says nothing, maybe there is nothing that needs to be said?

I look down; observing the indoors boots I wear, on my equine hooves. I focus on the task at hand; taking but a moment, before I once more raise to my hooves. I step over and extract the cups and teapot, bringing them to the table with me. With a pot full of water, I am getting right to it. Filling it with the tea-leaves; before I heat up the water, to the boiling point. Now I permit the leaves to soak, in order to infuse the water with the tea. A minute later, I extract the leaves and put them aside.

“Almost done!” I offer, as I pour tea into her cup, before I fill my own cup as well.

“Thank you; Rarity!” she exclaims.

“You are quite welcome, Dear!” I respond.

As the tea is cooling down, to manageable levels; she is lighting up her horn. Now we lift our cups up, to our lips; slowly sipping the tea, before placing the cup back onto the table.

“Ah, delicious!” she responds.

“Thank you, Dear!” I respond;”it is my favourite blend, you know” I continue.

“I could very much imagine!” she responds, as she is sipping on her tea.

I observe her, as she is slowly regaining her strength; as she is enjoying the tea, relaxing in her seat. Since she is slowly coming back, I am relieved, able to relax.

“Tea always brings me right back; though I need a good tea, of course!” I offer.

She is quietly enjoying the tea, as I continue to observe her. I can clearly see, the energy returning to her; as she continues to sip on the tea. I just need to pour her another cup of tea, once in a while. Likewise, I pour myself a refill, as the cup is emptied. An empty cup, is no good.

“I can see that, and it is indeed very good tea!” she responds, graciously.

She is such a good company, to me; a sophisticated Unicorn, I can relate to. Not a brutish Pegasus, or Earth-Pony. Of course; Twilight is exceptional, even amongst Unicorns. I have to admit. There is something special, about her.

Besides, she is enjoying my company, as well!” I ponder.

“Some more tea, Dear?” I inquire; just as she is taking the last sip, emptying her cup.

“Yes, please!” she responds.

I fill the cup, for her; enjoying it, being the gracious hostess for her. How could I not? It is the style of the Lady I like to be. I am living up to it.

“Thank you, Rarity!” she offers, while I am filling her cup.

Naturally, I am filling my own cup, while I am at it. I love the tea, just as much as she is; just as I enjoy sharing the moment, with her right now. Pouring a cup of tea for her, and myself; is the easiest way to share a moment, and I intend to love every drop and instant of this with her.

Another sip, and another moment; together, that is.

After two cups of steaming hot tea, she is once more herself again. How much she is affected, by what she had been reading; I have no idea, but if she wants to enjoy it with me, who am I to complain?

I am offering her the third cup, filling her up; sharing the tea, with her. Just as her I am enjoying the cup, and the moment. We are watching the roses, as the sun is shining down upon them, from on high.

“That was a great night, thanks to you Rarity!” she points out.

“Since you are doing better, I think I should look into something!” I explain.

“Would you mind, if I am tagging along?” she inquires.

“By all means, I love your company!” I respond.

I pick up the cups, and she carries the pot, as we are cleaning up after the little picnic. Once everything is ready, for us to have the next one; we turn towards the stairs down to the lower level of the garden. I follow the path, then down the flight of stairs.

Once down, I am opening the door, with her a step behind; the door quietly closes, just behind her.

“Such a lovely garden, we have up there!” I point out.

“Yes, we certainly do; and I love sharing it with you, every time!” she points out.

I open the door, to the walk-in closet; behind our closet in the bed-room. She follows me. Once inside, the door closes behind her. Now I open the door, into the private studio; where I can design and craft wears, as I please.

“Would you like to try these boots on?” I inquire.

“Yes, please; since it is your design, I would love to!” she responds.

I pick up a pair of metallic electric blue silicon boots, designed for her; placing them onto the floor before her, ready for her to step right into them. She looks down, observing her mark; inside the boots, looking curiously at me. A moment later, she is putting them on. The boots contract around her hooves with a distinct, sucking squeak, leaving her with the impression of silicon-coated hooves.

While she is distracted by her boots, I place my own boots on the floor; stepping right into them. The effect is the same as she had experienced, of course. The only difference, between the otherwise identical boots; is that mine has my three diamonds, in the place of her star with diminutive companion stars.

“Curious!” she merely exclaims.

“You like the boots?” I inquire.

“Yes, I love these boots; you put such effort into crafting for me!” she responds.

“I have another surprise for you, if you would like trying them on!” I offer; “But I think we should try an experiment, just for the fun of it!” I respond.

With that, I am presenting her with a pair of glistering, black silicon panties. It is just her size, but she needs to try them out for herself; in order to preserve the fun, and surprise I had in mind for her.

She eagerly accept the panties, so I lead her out of the wardrobe; through the living-room, and back to our bed-room. I open her wardrobe, then extract her largest tube; quietly closing the wardrobe, before I insert the tube from behind.

For the sake of the experiment, I open my own wardrobe; pick up my counter-part, inserting it into my rear orifice.

“Now, if you would slip the panties on; with me, in just a moment!” I suggest.

“Okay!” she responds.

I stand before her, facing her; as we are standing at the foot-end of our bed, finally stepping into my panties. I observer, as she is pulling her very own panties up; and gives her panties a few tentative tugs. As she is letting go of her panties, she has a perfect fit. Our panties now appearing, as if painted on; covering up the inserted tube, preventing us from extracting it by ourselves.

“Please, mirror my moves!” I explain.

“Okay!” she responds.

As I am moving, to lift my right hoof, so does she. She makes a curious look, as her hoof simply refuses to lift from the floor, as if it had been fused to the floor. Of course, my right hoof doesn't budge, either.

I move to lift my left hoof, with exactly the same result; as she is trying to mirror my move, she is stuck with exactly the same result.

“Oh?” she inquires, not quite sure as to what to make out of the result.

“As I had expected, I suspect we are stuck!” I explain.

“How, why?” she inquires.

“The tube is too large, for your hooves to let go; then again, so is mine!” I propose.

“Are you suggesting, the suction is related to the size of the inserted tube or plug?” she inquires.

“The larger tub, or plug you insert; the more dilated your orifice would be, and the harder it is for us to lift our hooves off of the smooth floor, in here!” I explain.

“Oh!” she giggles; “And you chose a rather large tube, for us?” she points out.

“Yes, I did indeed!” I respond, matter of fact; “I guess you could say that!” I add, almost as an afterthought.

“I noticed that, but it is comfortable; considering the past few days, you know!” she responds, still giggling.

“That is why we are here; based on your recent experiences, you enjoyed so much!” I offer.

“Last week, I doubt I would have feared this tube; and would not have enjoyed it, at all!” she responds.

“Last week, we would not have been here; now we are, and I am enjoying this with you!” I put forth.

Now I am placing my hands on my hips, signing for the scan; watching her mirroring my pose, accepting the scan for herself. I reach forwards, towards her; before I am stretching my arms towards the sides. As I watch her mirroring my pose; I bend my arms behind my back, grabbing my elbows. I also bend my arms further back, placing my hands on my shoulder-blades, mimicking the wing-pose of a bird.

For the sake of fun, I continue; making a few more poses, just for the fun of it. Twilight is still mirroring my moves. I and up, placing my hands back on my hips; signaling that the scan is complete.

“That was fun, I just had never expected you to lead this exercise for me!” she exclaims.

“No, I guess you had not expected this?” I inquire.

“No, not really!” she responds.

“Every-pony does something you don't expect, every now and then!” I point out; “If we had not been stuck onto the floor, you could have found my little gift for you!” I add, matter of fact.

“You made a gift, for me?” she responds; “I guess I will see it, when you feel it is right, to hand it over?” she puts forth.

“Yes, exactly; it is in my studio, on the table!” I point out.

“Oh!” she mouths, giggling.

“You could place her, on your night-stand; then you can take her with you home as a memory of this moment, and play with her when you feel like it!” I explain.

“Her?” she inquires.

“Yes, her; I will explain, once we step into the studio!” I explain.

“Thank you, Rarity!”she responds.

“You are quite welcome, my Dear!” I point out.

For demonstrative purposes; I permit my hands to explore the surface of the panties I had just put on. I do enjoy the smooth surface of the black silicon I had crafted these panties out of. Incidentally, she is still mirroring my movements, thus explores her own panties, right along with me.

“These panties are deliciously smooth; almost as if I had been nude all along!” she points out; “But alas, where is the border between my flesh and the panties?” she inquires; “I can't seem to find it, right now!” she then concludes, somewhat worried.

“Thank you, Dear!” I respond; “That, is intentional! You know!” I answer.

“Then, what is the purpose of these panties, and how do I take them off?” she inquires.

“Well, you don't; and that is part of the purpose of them, leaving your hips sealed up, tightly!” I explain; “But alas, since we are together; we can help one-another out, with this!” I explain.

“Are you telling me, we are left at the mercy of one-another?” she inquire.

“Exactly!” I point out.

“Since I assume, you chose these tubes for us, on purpose and for a reason; was it your intention, to use this moment for something more than just us having an intimate moment together?” she inquires.

“Quite correct, my Dear; the reason is, for the scan that permitted me to design the gift!” I explain.

“So the gift will be a perfect likeness, of us?” she inquires.

“Exactly; this way you can see you, or me! Not a mere replica, intended to look like us!” I point out.

“Scary, but curious; at the same time, I guess I will just have to wait and see, when you present me with the gift, then!” she suggests.

“When you put it that way; I guess it is a bit scary, too!” I admit; “At least; I will not make you wait, that much longer!” I promise.

Curious, but I guess it is a bit scary; having my hooves stuck onto the floor and the panties as my skin!” Rarity realizes.

I demonstratively make an attempt, tugging at my right and left hoof, respectively. Right, left; right, left; right, left. While I know my hooves will not get off of the floor, it is still fun to make the point; as an exercise, in humorous futility.

She giggles, at my futility; as she is finding herself mirroring my exercise, even when she knows the outcome.

This is my book; and its logic is independent, of the logic in her book!” Rarity realizes, giggling to herself about the realization.

I guess I have had enough fun, it is time; we pull the plug, on this little game!” I ponder.

I reach forth, placing my hands on her hips; caressing her, as I am slipping my fingers in under her panties. Conveniently, I feel her hands on my hips; as she is slipping her hands in, under my panties as well.

Knowing she had grasped my intent, I slide my fingers in towards the tube embedded into her rump, spreading her orifice wide open. From there, I slip my fingers in and tease her by caressing the inside of her tube; before I grab the tube and slowly extract it from inside her panties. I leave the panties on, on purpose; just for the fun of it.

As the tube had been extracted, I repeat the exercise, lifting my right and left hoof, respectively.

“Whoa! Curious!” she exclaims, as she realizes her hooves now are free.

“I guess, I could as well present you; with your gift, now?” I offer.

She just nods, and I lead her back into my studio. She scans the room, curious, as to what I had had in mind.

On a table in the corner to the right, she finds what she had been looking for. Two statutes; in the image of her and me, respectively. She instantly freezes up, as she sees the intended gift.

“These, these, these; look like us, and in great detail!” she points out.

“Of course; it wouldn't do, if they did not resemble us! You think?” I point out, in response.

“Now you can have me with you, anywhere you go; if we are separated, after class!” I offer.

These statutes are white and purple, coated with silicon reminiscent of the school policy. Though we are still wearing the stockings and gloves.

“I guess, this would be a great memento; reminding me of our friendship, and everything fun we will have gone through, when we graduate from this school!” she exclaims.

“If you want, you could make her dance and play music; unless you are in the mood for a conversation, in which case she will be responding to what you say!” I explain.

“Like a music-box, with a ballerina-figurine? The base does look the part!” she responds; “Are you saying, these will work; like a telephone hot-line between the two of us?” she inquires.

“Yes, exactly; and now, she will dance exactly like you or me, respectively!” I respond; “Is that so bad? The tele-phone hot-line sounds excellent, to me!” I respond.

“So you are basically combining ; a ballerina music-box, with a tele-phone hot-line between the two of us?” she inquires; “And all this, in an individually sculpted likeness of the two of us?” she continues; “I guess that proves beyond doubt, that you deserve to share this room with me!” she concludes.

“That is the general idea, of it!” I explain; “Thank you, Dear!” I continue; “We can test these later; but I think we should conclude the previous experiment, first! Don't you think?” I conclude.

“Makes sense, because I picture myself sharing the room with you, for several years!” she responds, elaborating on her plans; “Okay, what did you have in mind?” she inquires; “The smallest tubes, under the panties?” she ponders.

“I am looking forwards to several years of study and practice here; sharing room with you, and exploring our opportunities together!” I confirm; “The smallest tube seems the obvious choice, for the next step!” I explain; “But then I suggest, we wear the panties under the uniform; making it more intimate, and private for the two of us!” I conclude.

“The smallest tube, seems right, to me; you have proven, that the tube gives enough suction to hold you in place!” she offers; “Depending on the result; we could try one size larger tube, step-by-step!” she continues; “Wearing these under the uniform would make it literally invisible to everyone, while we still know it is there!” she offers.

“If we walk out, to the bed-room; we can explore these possibilities, and more!” I point out, leading the way.

She quietly follows me out of my studio; as I am continuing, towards our shared bed-room. Once there, we open the wardrobes, putting the large tubes back, selecting the smallest once for the next step.

The smallest tube is a mere inch, not much; but it is still enough, for a first step.

“Since we are alone, in the intimate privacy of our bed-room; maybe this is the perfect time, for us to strip out of these black panties?” I suggest.

“Sounds reasonable!” she merely responds; “Should we do it together; or should you help me first, or should I help you out first?” she inquires.

“While it should be quite possible; for us to do it together, I still think it is better if I helped you out first!” I explain.

“Okay! Of course!” she responds; “That would work, just as well as either of the given options!” she continues.

I once more place my hands on her hips, caressing her; as I am slipping my fingers in under the black silicon coating her almost all the way up to her hips. As my fingers slip in under the rim of her panties, I grab a firm grip, before I am starting to pull the panties down.

“If you would step out of the panties, now; please!” I offer, watching her stepping right out of her panties.

“Okay, my turn!” she responds.

I enjoy her hands on my hips, as she is caressing me in her search for the rim of my panties. A moment later, she is finding it; slipping her fingers in and taking a firm grip; before she is starting to slide my panties down. Inch by inch, she pulls my panties down; over my knees and my ankles.

“There, step out of the panties now, please!” she echoes.

I step out of the panties, just as she had told me to. With that, she places the black silicon panties onto the bed on my side. I had placed hers on the other side of the bed, so we can have them at our finger-tips, when we choose to put them on, once more.

“You want me to insert it from behind, or facing you?” I inquire.

“I think I prefer the more intimate, over the sneaking it in from behind!” she points out.

“I am all with you there, I just had to ask you; in order to make sure, over assuming something that could prove to be incorrect!” I respond.

“Of course; never assume anything, unless you have good reason to believe you know!” she points out.

“I will just pick up your one-inch tube, before I can insert it, for you!” I offer, before I am picking it up for her.

“Then I will pick up your one-inch tube, once you have successfully inserted mine!” she responds.

“Of course!” I confirm; as I reach in between her legs, before I insert her tube into her anal cavity.

“Oh!” she exclaims, as the tube is sliding in; “Oh, oh!” she continues, as it plops and thus is riveted firmly into place.

“Time for you, to step over to my wardrobe; pick up my tube of choice, then come back in order to insert it for me!” I offer.

“Oh, but of course!” she responds, as she is about to turn towards the task at hand.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop! Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard from her hooves, squeaking with considerable emphasis.

“Curious; this is indeed a considerable suction, but no more than I can compensate for as I walk over to your wardrobe!” she exclaims, in obvious fascination.

“Excellent, excellent!” I respond; “Interesting, quite interesting indeed, my Dear!” I conclude.

“Exactly!” she responds; as she is grabbing the desired tube, for me.

With my tube in hand, she soon returns to face me. From there, she is reaching in between my legs; inserting the tube into my anal cavity, just as intended.

I feel the tube slipping in; before it is plopping with a distinct pinch, as it is riveting itself into me. Had I tried, I know I could not have extracted it; it is supposed to be extracted by my companion: Twilight Sparle, my friend. Of course, her situation is identical, just mirroring my situation; since I am the only one who can extract it for her.

As I lift my right and left hoof, respectively in order; I feel the effect, of the increased suction enforced by the plug inserted into me, now dilating my rear orifice.

“You want, to try out the next step too?” I inquire; “Should we try the direct or indirect insertion?” I then add.

“The two-inch tube, without anything under!” she responds; “Yes, exactly!” she then confirms.

“Then I will extract your tube, first; then you extract mind, so we can swap tubes and run the next experiment!” I point out.

“Exactly!” she responds; nodding vigorously, as she is assuming the position that makes the extraction easy and comfortable.

“Here goes!” I point out; before I am reaching in between her legs, grabbing her tube and extract it for her.

“Thank you, Rare!” she responds.

I assume the pose; intended for it to be comfortable for me, and easy for her to extract my tube.

“Here goes!” she echoes; as she is reaching in between my legs, then promptly grabs the tube and extracts it for me.

“Thank you, Dear!” I respond; “Time for the swap, before we can perform the next experiment as intended!” I point out.

“Exactly!” she exclaims.

I return to my wardrobe, putting the first tube back into place; before I choose the second one. With the two-inch tube in hand, I return from my wardrobe; knowing she had already performed her swap, just as I did mine.

“At least, I can slip my uniform-panties off by myself, and you can slip out of yours, without any help!” I offer.

“As exciting as that could have been, you are quite correct!” she responds; “This should save us a moment; we can have more fun with, later!” she then adds.

I simply slip out of my panties, watching her mirroring my moves; then I kick them up and leave them on the bed, beside my tube.

“Okay, here goes!” I point out; “The next step of our experiment!” I explain, announcing the intent.

“Ready, when you are; insert the tube, when you are ready!” she declares.

“Okay!” I respond; picking up her two-inch tube in my right hand, before I am reaching in between her legs and insert the tube into her anal cavity, just as intended.

“Feeling good!” she announces; as she is picking up my two-inch tube, reaches in between my legs and insert the tube, into my anal cavity.

“Oh, oh!” I exclaim; as the tube is entering my rear orifice; “Ooh, ooh!” I continue; as I feel the distinct pinch from the tube riveting itself into me, as it plops.

“Here comes the fun part!” she points out.

I lift my right hoof, then puts it back down. Now I am lifting my left hoof, before I am putting that down too.

“Interesting!” she exclaims; “The suction seems to double with the tube-swap!” she concludes.

“I feel wide open, now with the second tube; it is much more distinct and pronounced, with the larger two.inch tube, that it had been with the smaller one-inch tube!” I point out.

“Yes, the effect certainly is considerably more pronounced now!” she responds.

“Dare to try on the black panties over the tube?” I inquire.

“So long as I know you can help me, taking it off!” she responds.

With that, I pick up her panties and slip them right on, as she is eagerly stepping into them. I give her a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain that perfect fit.

“I guess it is my turn, if you care to assist me!” I point out.

“Certainly, Rare!” she responds.

She is picking up the panties; I am stepping into them and she is pulling them all the way up. Only affording then a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain the perfect fit, for me.

“So deliciously smooth and slippery!” she exclaims; as she is exploring the feel of her newly put on, black silicon-panties.

“Excellent, excellent!” I exclaim; “Then it is time to conclude this!” I point out.

As I pick up my white silicon-panties, she mirrors my move; then I step into the panties and pull them all the way up, thus completing the uniform once more.

“Curious, I can once more see and feel my orchid and rump!” she exclaims.

“Then these panties are indeed our private, intimate little secret, my Dear!” I exclaim, in obvious excitement.

“Indeed, they certainly are!” she muses, in shared excitement.

“Just be careful, the suction is quite substantial now!” I point out.

“I wonder; exactly how good is the suction, right now!” she puts forth.

“Only one way, to find out; I suggest we explore this, outside of our bed-room, though!” I offer.

With that, I turn to walk out of the room, she follows me just a step behind.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” we hear the squeaking noises, from our hooves; as we file out of the bed-room.

“This feels like quite the exercise, just to walk around in the room!” she points out.

“Yes, I guess that was an unexpected side-effect; but we could make good use of this, if we handle it correctly!” I respond; “It could be plenty of fun!” I then add.

“So long as you maintain one hoof on the would-be floor, you should be safe!” she suggests.

“Sounds reasonable, to me!” I respond.

I watch her placing her right hoof onto the wall, then her left. She is lifting her right hoof with some effort, placing it before her left hoof. The suction is clearly holding. She continues, walking all the way up to the ceiling. Now she is putting her right hoof on the ceiling, before she continues with her left hoof.

She continues to walk a few more steps, before she turns around and walks back to the wall. From there, she walks down to the floor and back to me.

“This does call out for some celebration; I am eager to enjoy a cup of tea with you, Rare!” she exclaims.

“A cup of tea would be nice!” I respond.

She continues to walk out, opening one door after the other on her way. I am following her a step behind, barely noticing the door sliding shut a mere inch behind my back.

As she is leading me up the flight of stairs, we once more emerge in the secret garden. She walks on the path of the Alpha quadrant, to the stairs up to the top. I follow her.

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Author's Note:




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