• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen April 28th

Arreis Of Avalon


This story is a sequel to Absentia

After the events in the Factory, and the countless years in Canterlot Mental Hospital, Rainbow Dash is finally ready.

It's time to set them free.

Sequel to Absentia. Prior knowledge is required.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Man the feels are strong with this one.

And you're welcome for that burst :rainbowkiss:

Good luck with those ninjas

this was a great story.

though one thing still puzzles me, how has the negative sentiment towards the Pegasuses gone?

how’s Fluttershy doing lately because of this sentiment? how did she react to the news that the rainbow factory is a place where children go to die and Rainbow Dash managed it?

The sentiment is rough, definitely. The pegasi have a lot to do to in order to rebuild their outward persona. It's a lot of racism now, judging the entire race as one of "those" pegasi. Fluttershy was in shock for numerous days and had to rely a lot on her friendships with others when she heard about Rainbow Dash. I think Discord really helped her, because he was around when those archaic laws were put into place, and he naturally mistrusts people, so this wasn't totally unbelievable. Once she recovered from the initial shock, Fluttershy actually became one of the most outspoken pegasi against the Flock mentality in the world. She got a lot of flack from other ponies for being a pegasus, but her friends stood by her, no matter what. She also helped council some pegasi who needed help because they lost their children and couldn't even say they did.

will the sentiment vanish in her lifetime?

Not fully, no, but it does get better during her lifetime. She lives long, and she does get to see a lot of the backlash fade as people realize it's less of a "all pegasi are racist" and more of a "this select group of pegasi are racist". By the time she dies, it's sort of like the same commentary on white people we have today. Sure, not ALL white people are racist, but the KKK does exist, and many white people benefit strongly from privilege. Sure, not ALL pegasi are part of the Flock, but the Flock does exist, and many pegasi still benefit within their own community from those with the Flock mentality.

By the time Flutters dies, the majority of other ponies have come to understand (or at least process) the tragedy, and we've had a new generation of kids who know of this part of history as that - history. I would say it's looked upon as a black mark, and some people distrust pegasi still blatantly, but that the path to harmony is clearly coming on the horizon.

that's good :twilightsmile:

one more thing though, now that Dash is physically and mentally “out of commission” what happened to the element of loyalty? Did someone else weild it?

I'll be honest, I don't know if the show has done anything with this concept, but what I believe is that the Elements are meant to be passed down from person to person. I believe the Element of Loyalty takes a long time to be passed down, because Rainbow Dash was still loyal - just to the wrong ideal. Up until her death, she is loyal to a fault, and so I believe the Element of Loyalty remains with her until that point.

After her death, however, I believe all of the Elements begin looking for new hosts. I'm not positive who those hosts are, but they're found eventually. I believe the other Mane 6 do have more say in the matter than Rainbow Dash did, but in the end, it's up to the Elements themselves.

That's just my headcanon though!

This was also very good. Right in the feels.

Though, if Absentia isn’t Scootaloo, where has she been? Who/what was Absentia? Lastly, why exactly did the nightmares stop? It got the sense from the Epilogue that in haunting/tormenting Rainbow, Absentia made her relive every death, and considering we’re talking almost 1,000 years of organized murder, that’s a practically limitless source of torment.

Thanks for your comment! To explain a little about what you asked:
Absentia WAS Scootaloo, or at least, Absentia took on the form of Scootaloo. Absentia is all of the children who have ever died in the machine that could not find rest. Scootaloo's rage, however, was stronger than most, and she took over for the most part; Absentia, as a creature, form when the children cannot find rest, and Scootaloo was the latest Absentia to form. In this fiction, Scootaloo has spent so long being Absentia that she no longer remembers being Scootaloo. Therefore, she goes only by the name Absentia.
As for your question about nightmares, they never really stop - it's just that Rainbow Dash's Spectra ran out. The Absentia can only survive if given Spectra. Without Spectra, the Absentia falls dormant and eventually fades away. Rainbow Dash could feel her Spectra running out due to being possessed by Absentia (or rather, BEING Absentia) and, unfortunately, due to the Absentia being bound to her Soul and Spectra both, it meant that the body would pass away in a similar manner to those found in the factory (hearts gone and chest caved in where the Spectra had been contained). I have a theory that Rainbow's hair also loses color when she dies in this case, as her rainbow mane comes, in part, from her abnormally high amounts of Spectra.
Hope you don't mind the ramble haha!

Thank you for your reply. I'm still a little confused. At the end of Absentia we're told Rainbow Dash suffers through the untold number of deaths at the hands of the Pegasus Device and the CWC for the rest of her life. Which turns out to be not as long as you might initially think, but even if Dash outlived everyone but Twilight she'd probably still be working her way through everypony's suffering the first time-that is, assuming nopony's death repeats and its in chronological order, she has yet to reach Scootaloo or whoever was the last pony to die in the Pegasus Device. However, in this we get the sense that Dash, while still remorseful and regretful far beyond words, and tired, she's...content? I don't get the sense that she's given up per se, but she's most certainly ready for death, and is far more concerned with Absentia/Scootaloo's emotional well-being leading up to her death than her own. I also don't get the sense that she's still having nightmares or suffering. That, or she's gotten absurdly, ridiculously good at ignoring/working through the pain and guilt. In addition, Absentia, while not exactly friendly and a far cry from being a sister in all but blood, doesn't seem hostile towards Dash. Which, even if Scootaloo isn't anymore, there's still a literal eon of angry, dead foals out for blood and would relentlessly torment Dash with a disturbing amount of glee.

The ending of Absentia indicates that Rainbow Dash has to suffer through all of the pain and suffering all the children went through. However, numerous children made their peace with what happened. Numerous children either passed on on their own, or else became Absentia at one point in time to be handled by the teams sent in for extraction. Not only that, but I see this fiction as being anywhere between 50-70 years in the future. Evening it out to 60, that would be 21900 consecutive days of torture for Rainbow Dash while in the mental asylum. Keeping in mind that that is equal to 31536000 minutes, and that certain children likely double up their torture, and also that crying and wailing at all times of life probably becomes fairly normal, I feel that Rainbow would eventually chill out.
As for Rainbow Dash being content, I feel like content isn't the right word. She isn't content, but she knows there's nothing else she can do. It's not like she can anything about this situation any longer. I think she has given up, but giving up in this sense means making peace with crying, wailing children screaming at you every second of the day. And, regardless of everything, Rainbow Dash is still the element of loyalty. She's loyal to a fault, and in this case, Scootaloo/Absentia matters more to her. She feels that she deserves this torture, but Scootaloo doesn't.
And, regarding Scootaloo, In this ending scene, Scootaloo is far more herself. She might still be ALL of Absentia, but she is also Scootaloo, and at some fundamental level, a child who misses the person who practically raised her. In this "world" that Dash is currently in while dreaming, Scootaloo presents as Absentia, but also not, as all the other children of Absentia are around the dream world themselves.
I know that's probably very confusing 😅 There's a lot in this fiction, and a whole lot of symbolism, but all in all, I hope it was enjoyable. To be honest, I almost didn't write this fiction the way I did. The original plan was to have Absentia consume Rainbow fully, and that Scootaloo never forgave her. But that ending just... didn't sound appealing. It didn't feel like it fit the characters. So I wanted it to be more open ended - maybe not forgiveness, but moving on regardless. :)

No I at least mostly followed that. I figured it was set much sooner than that, which threw everything else off.

And ya, I’m happy you didn’t go with that ending. Admittedly, I’ve never been a fan of downer endings, but I agree in that it wouldn’t fit.

Ow! Yet another solid 9/10 story here.

Thanks for your comments on both stories :D Glad you enjoyed them!

You're welcome.

I read the original story and imagine my joy when I discovered it had a sequel! I'm not usually a Creepypasta/Grimdark fan of any kind, but the Rainbow Factory is an exception. So I'm trying to read any and all fanfics based on it. This story though did what most sequels and spin-offs don't, though. This actually feels like it could be part of the franchise, and most importantly, it finally gave me a good explanation of what happened to Scootaloo in the Rainbow factory. I've read the original series and all the other fan sequels, and I think this story gives it the best conclusion. The lore of both this story and the prequel that you wrote about the Absentia and everything falls in line perfectly with the song Pegasus Device that in my mind, your story has just become cannon.

Thanks for writing something like this!

Hey, thanks!! I'm really glad you enjoyed. It's comments like yours that make me want to get back into this fandom :)

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