• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,382 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 9: Life is Like a Video Game

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with the story File Name: Captain G by DisplacedWriter. This crossover takes place in the future of his story, which is still ongoing. I recommend checking it out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this crossover.

Jasmine's POV

I had teleported back to the Crystal Empire and smiled before shapeshifting into my unicorn form, which was my pegasus form but with a horn instead of wings, while making it a crystallized version that was slightly taller than Celestia. Of course I was a mare since I was currently female. I could be any gender, but I preferred sticking to the gender that I was reincarnated into because it felt weird otherwise.

I walked into the castle throne room and smiled when I saw Amore sitting on the throne with a bunch of knights around her, that immediately prepared to attack me if necessary. I smirked before rolling my eyes.

“Well this is a happy reunion Clara. I come back and I’m immediately threatened.” I said with a smirk before I shapeshifted into my human form, causing everypony in the room to look shocked before they bowed. “Please don't. I told you how I feel about bowing. Also expect a visit from Celestia and Luna, the diarchs of Equestria, at some point. If I am here when they arrive I will be in the form that you just saw and I will be known as your mother or father, the retired ruler of the Crystal Empire Split Duality. If I am not here for any reason whatsoever, then inform them that I am out on an errand and will be gone for a bit.” I said before changing into my unicorn form and walking towards one of the larger bedrooms.

I walked into the room before laying down on my bed and sighing. “I am not going to like this meeting. I wish I had something to do right now.” I said in a bored tone as I stared at the ceiling.

I decided to listen to some music and reached into my pocket universe before pulling out my phone and going to my mp3 player app to see what music I had.

[Incoming Video Call]

A message popped up on my phone, although for some reason it was in eight bit color, like my phone downgraded just to show this screen.

“Wait what.” I said as I looked at the screen with curiosity. It was too early for anypony to have a phone and impossible for someone to have my number, so I was extremely curious about the call. I didn't want to freak out whoever it was so I shapeshifted into my human form before moving my messy, waist length, dark brown hair out of my face so that whoever was calling could see my face.

I pressed the button to accept the call and smiled happily while waiting for the other person’s face to show up on the screen.

What came up on the screen was a man that looked to be in his thirties wearing purple tinted square glasses. Much like the message, the video’s quality was only in eight bits of colors, yet oddly detailed where I could make up the man’s face.

“Hello, testing, am I coming through clearly?” The man asked.

“Yep. Loud and clear, though I have to say that this is one of the weirdest calls that I have ever received aside from the one I received from The Doctor. That had been a very interesting adventure.” I said as some of my hair fell in front of my left eye, which was blood red with the white of it being black.

“Alright, good.” The man said as he held up some kind of ivory locket. “And this is yours, right? I just want to make sure the powerglove got the correct universe code.” The man said.

“Yep yep! Though my token might’ve said that my name was Jason Monroe. It was somewhat wrong since I’m currently in my female form.” I said before moving my hair out of my face again. “The name's Jasmine Monroe. Nice to meet ya!” I said happily with a big smile on my face.

“Female… form?” The man asked in minor confusion, he soon shook his head. “Shouldn’t be the strangest things considering where I am.” the man said.

“Speaking of which, where are you right now? You know what better question, what's your name?” I asked while getting off of my bed and stretching.

“Angel Land, or the game of Kid Icarus if you’re familiar with that game from the NES Era. As for my name, I’m Ryan, also known as Captain G around Epixeria.” Ryan explained as he moved over to the window to open it. The moment he did, a jiggle started to play as Angel Land was shown. It was very similar to Cloudales, but more Romen-style. A lot of the pegasus that flew around wore Togas with their wing span being a little wider than the ones I’ve seen. I blinked a few times when I saw some odd creatures that definitely didn’t belong there.

“Looks interesting. I’m guessing that you need my help since you called me? The only other reason that I can think of is that someone wanted to get lucky~!” I said in a much more seductive tone.

Ryan let out a strained cough. “W-what!? No.” he said with a frown. For some reason, his mouth made an eight bit sound effect. “That’s not it.”

“Are you sure?” I asked while giving him a great view of my chest, which was only covered by my open black coat and the bandages that I used to bind my chest. Internally I was holding back my laughter and trying to keep a straight face.

Ryan let out a gentle annoyed groan, however the slight blush in his cheeks told me plenty. “Yes, I’m sure I didn’t go through all this trouble just for that.” Ryan said as he put the locket down, which vanished in a mist of red, blue, and green pixels. “I called to see if you knew the names of any video games I could visit. It’s an experience I’ve been running since a Glados Displaced known as Ana upgraded my powerglove to allow me to enter worlds by traveling into the far future of Epixeria.” Ryan explained as he took off his purple tint glasses to rub at his pixelated grey eyes. Now that the camera was moved back, I was able to see that his hair was a little long, although trimmed so it wouldn’t be in his eyes and ears.

I grinned when I heard him ask me about video games. “I might have a few, though the first one that comes to mind is Devil May Cry 3 from the Devil May Cry series. One of the most over the top games to ever be made that will keep making Capcom money for a long time.” I said as I thought about my guns, which I had styled after Dante’s pistols Ebony and Ivory.

[New World Found]

“There we go, it registered the code by you mentioning the name. Code 43711.” Ryan said as he was glancing down at something. “And located the other existing timelines of the series.”

“You feel like inviting me over there? I’ve always wanted to be in Devil May Cry 3, specifically because of the weapons. I’m a bit of a weapons enthusiast and those weapons are badass since a lot of them are made from demons.” I said while reaching into my pocket universe and pulling out a thirteen feet long Ōdachi before putting it over my shoulder with just my right hand.

“Yea, I can do that, I just need to register you in my powerglove so when you arrive, you’re not getting fried by a million volts of electricity since this world doesn’t do well with anything made of flesh instead of data.” Ryan explained as I heard a series of sounds coming from my phone.

[Player 2 Detected]

“Just a small reminder. It’s going to be more pony shaped rather than humanoid.” Ryan explained to me.

“Eh, that's to be expected. I am in the My Little Pony section of the multiverse after all. Either way it's still better than that gender bent universe I found. That was so weird to see.” I said while shuddering a little before putting away my Ōdachi so I wouldn't lose it.

Ryan blinked at the mention of a genderbent world, but decided to ignore what I said about it. “As in that one from nineteen ninety-eight?” Ryan asked with a raised eyebrow as he glanced outside. “...Good thing those ponies don’t look as kiddy as the one I mentioned.

“Nah. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They're completely different continuity because of the same characters having different backstories in the original than in the new one.” I said before running my hand through my hair as I waited to be pulled into another universe.

[Conversion Complete. Transfering now]

“This will feel a little weird or freaky to you.” Ryan warned as my phone took on a glow. My body started to take itself apart piece by piece as they turned into blue, red, and green pixels much like that of an old television screen. Suddenly, I was flying through some sort of void that reminded me of Chrono Trigger, except instead it was a bunch of moving purple and green grids. Looking down, I noticed that my body was flickering back and forth between eight bit colors, a strange 3D model of myself, back to normal, and somewhere in between. I felt tingling all over my body, very much like the feeling of your foot falling asleep.

Eventually, my body finally settled on a different appearance, making me look like I had came from a playstation two game. Looking to my right, I saw new pixels forming from the void, soon forming Ryan. Despite telling me his title was Captain G, he looked rather plain, like he was ready for a casual day at an arcade with that white shirt and blue jeans. Upon looking at his side, I noticed a strange high tech gauntlet that covered most of his arm with an array of numbers. A touch pad, an A, B, Start, and Select buttons. In the middle was a green screen that was showing a tall list of ones and zeros. From the way he look reminded me someone who would come from the year 2001.

“We’ll be arriving soon, but before we do, there’s a few things I need to warn you about. This world will follow the logic of video game mechanics. You can feel pain from being attack, but there will be no visible wounds or actual injuries, second, the characters will be alot more lively, not controlled by some AI, they are living and breathing much like you and I. third, If you die in this world, you will be ejected back to your world, but if we both die, we will return to the last save point.” Ryan explained as he glanced at his powerglove, causing the green screen to project a hologram, revealing that we had a minute until arrival. “Anything you take from that world will change when you return to your world, however it will still retain some of its original function, like a fire flower. It will change to look more of a flower, but it will still give you the power to throw fireballs.” Ryan explained as he lowered his powerglove to look at me. Seeing this happen was very retro-like.

“Well then I can only hope that I’ll be able to snag Cerberus, Agni and Rudra, and Kalina Ann so that I’ll have some cool new weapons to test out during my next adventure.” I said with a big grin on my face as I thought about the possibilities and the different weapons.

“You’ll be doing most of the guiding as I haven’t played any games after the nintendo 64, mostly because the earth I originally came from didn’t have any of those games.” Ryan explained as we got to the end of the void. All around us was a city, although it looked like it was abandoned. Ryan kneeled down from the edge of the building to look around down below. “What happened here?” Ryan asked as he looked at his powerglove to see a mini map with most of the covers hidden.

“Demons. Welcome to the world of Devil May Cry, though I suggest you watch your back.” I said before quickly taking out Lumos and shooting a Hell Pride that was behind Ryan in the head, causing it to fall down dead and disintegrate into sand. As soon as it died, five more Hell Prides showed up as well as a Hell Wrath and Hell Lust. “Looks like this party’s getting crazy!” I said before pulling out Umbra.

“Game on!” Ryan said as he touched a few commands on his powerglove’s screen.

[Fire Flower: Activated]

His powerglove spoke, letting out a Mario Bros NES sound as his clothing flashed, changing his white short purple and his blue jeans white. Green flames rose in his hands, soon forming into balls of fire, he began tossing out green fireballs that would bounce along the ground, softly exploding on impact on the Hell Wrath, causing it to swell up to burst.

My eyes widened as I saw the Hell Wrath swell up. “Oh shit.” I said as the Hell Wrath exploded, sending me flying off of the building and into a smaller building that didn't have a sign. I stood up before brushing the dust off of my coat and jumping down, landing on my knees. I looked up and saw the barrel of a pistol pointed in my face.

“Well isn't this a surprise. You here for the party?” A masculine voice asked, causing me to look up at the earth pony stallion that was currently holding a black pistol, that had the word Ebony on its side, to my face. He had a tan coat of fur and a white mane and tail. His eyes were blue, though were partially covered by his bangs. He had on a long red coat that was open in the front, showing his chest and a silver amulet that had a red gem in the center. I could see a large sword on his back and a white pistol, that had the word Ivory on its side, on his left side.

I smirked before standing up straight and picking up Umbra and Lumos. “You could say that. Mainly I came looking for some cool weapons and I thought that giant tower might have some in it. You got a problem with that?” I asked as I pointed Umbra over his shoulder and he pointed over my shoulder with Ebony as we both quickly fired, killing two Hell Prides.

“Not at all.” He said with a grin before standing on his hind legs and taking Ivory off of his side.

My smirk never left my face as the two of us fired our guns back and forth until there wasn't a single demon anywhere near us. We both put our guns away before I realized that I had left Ryan on the roof of that building.

Suddenly from high up, Ryan landed nearby with angelic wings on his back. “I need to thank Lady Celestia again for allowing me to keep the Pegasus Wings.” Ryan said to himself as he got up, the wings vanishing in a mist of blue, red, and green pixels. As Ryan got close, he took a look at his powerglove’s hologram, showing his health as half low. “I gotta admit, the enemies here have a more wild combat compared to what I’m used too.” Ryan said.

“Well it’s good to see that you're alright. I could heal ya up a bit, if ya want.” I offered while smiling as my right hand started to glow a bright white, because of the angelic energy that coursed through it. I noticed the tan stallion leaning against a wall as he waited for us to finish talking.

“That’d be nice, I’ll be able to keep my chalice a little longer.” Ryan said as he pushed a few items, causing his clothes to return to normal.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his chest causing his body to be surrounded in a glowing white aura, before slowly dissipating. “There ya go. You should be mostly healed now. Now let's go talk to our friend over there.” I said before walking over to the tan stallion and smiling. “So, you got a name?” I asked, knowing full well what his name would be.

“I’ll give ya mine if you give me yours.” He said with a smirk as he twirled Ivory around in his hoof.

“The name's Jasmine, now care to give me yours sweetie?” I asked in a seductive tone while giving him a very seductive look.

“The name's Dante.” The stallion said as he put away Ivory and stopped leaning against the wall. “Enough chit chat, let's get going. After all we wouldn't want to miss the party.”