• Published 6th Feb 2020
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Caught and Punished - ThePinkedWonder

Alternate take on Season 5 premier: here, Starlight gets caught instead of getting away.

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Chapter 26: The long-awaited return

*Sam’s POV, first-person*

“Whoa! You want to finally see your folks again?” I asked. The vibrations from the train grew stronger for just a second. It was like Starlight’s words surprised the train too.

Starlight nodded her head. “Yep.”

“I’m happy for you, but what brought this on?” Twilight asked. I thought she’d be smiling, but she instead wore a confused frown. Guess she, like me, was too blown away to smile after the news.

In fact, we all were. Rainbow, who had been in a seat from behind, even stared down from above Starlight’s seat.

“Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart...they looked so happy as a family. I was already thinking of going, but now I’m nearly there.” Starlight fidgeted her hooves, wearing a...longing frown it seemed. “Just once, I want to feel what Flurry will have with her parents with my own.”

“I see.” I leaned to Starlight and gave her mane a quick rub. “Well, I will definitely be with you when you face them.”

As I expected, all of the others assured that they would tag along.

After they said they’d come, Starlight smiled, a very peaceful and particularly cute one. “You guys are too good to me. But, do you really don’t mi--”

Rarity, resting on a seat by a window opposite the one Starlight and I were by, and with her head turned to us, raised her hoof. “No, no, darling. This is what friends are for, remember? You are not requesting us for mere random things or to travel across Equestria every day.”

“But, I am glad you won't be going to your folks for a while, because I could use a rest.” Rainbow let out a good, satisfied yawn, nearly making me yawn. “Stopping blizzards from destroying cities will tire you out.”

Applejack stretched her forelegs and lay further in her seat. “Ah’m gonna have to agree, Rainbow. It’s a good thing there won't be any chores for me when we get back.”

“Still, once you are ready, know that we will stand by your side, Starlight,” Twilight assured, now with an extra-friendly smile. “As Rarity said, don’t worry that you are asking for too much, especially not from me.”

“Thanks. After this, I don’t think I will need this kind of help again anytime soon,” Starlight said with a little smile as she peeked out the window. Part of the Crystal Empire was still visible.

I was looking forward to Starlight reconciling with her parents. It would also let her fully heal from her past. However, I still wanted to give those two ponies a piece of my mind for how they treated her.

Once the Friendship Express returned to Ponyville’s train station, Starlight, the gang, and I all broke off and headed back to our homes. We all were still worn down from the “events” in the Crystal Empire, and I couldn’t wait to get to my bed. At this point, the moon was out.

I figured it would happen, but Starlight was walking a tad slower than usual. I didn’t even ask why: it was obvious she was thinking about her parents. At least she didn’t look depressed or even too worried, but just preoccupied. But, once we got to the house, I thought of an idea.

The next morning, Starlight and I had finished eating breakfast and were in the living room. The Dragon Pit board was on the table and, like the very first time we played, Starlight was lying on the couch; I was in my father’s chair on the side of the table opposite her. I used to have one vase of roses, but now I have three of them, all near the living room’s window.

“I can see why you loved this game so much. It really is fun...even if you and Twilight win the most.”

Starlight covered her mouth as she giggled. “I told you it’s the best board game ever before we finally got to play! Whenever Sunburst comes to visit, we should ask him to play with us. I'll make sure to tell him to watch his horn.”

“Please tell him that last part if he plays. I’d rather not have a magical pony wreck the living room in victory a third time,” I said in a playful voice. I really was serious, but I wanted to say it playfully, so Starlight wouldn’t feel bad.

She blushed and smiled sheepishly. “Yeahhhh...again, sorry about that, and I’m sure Twilight is.”

“It’s okay. You and Twilight didn’t do any real damage.” I looked toward the CD player, sitting on a new stand I bought last month, and gasped. I forgot about my idea. “Oh, one second.” I stood up to walk to the CD player and cut it on. A certain CD was already in there, ready for this moment.

Starlight cocked her head confusingly, but she still gently swayed her body from side to side. Even at this point, she almost always swayed her head or body when she listened to her favorite songs. “Why did you turn on the CD player all of a sudden? Not that I mind: that’s my favorite song.”

“And is the first one you listened to.” I walked back to my father’s chair and sat down. “It was to help inspire you during your fresh start back then, remember? Now, it’s to help you have a fresh start with your parents.”

“Oh, that’s right.” She straightened her neck and stopped her swaying. “I can’t believe you remembered.”

“Usually my memory’s not that good, but I still remember how happy and calm you looked when you heard it. It was the first time I saw you look so peaceful.”

“I guess your memory’s better than mine.”

“Maybe.” I picked up the die on the table. “Now, let’s get back to playing Dragon Pit. I’m on pace to win this time.”

“Hee hee, we’ll see. And…” Starlight again looked down, making imaginary circles on the couch with a hoof.

“‘And’ what?”

She stopped with the circle-making and lifted her head to me again. If I didn’t know what she was about to say already, her serious and determined frown would have told me. “I want to go see my parents in a couple of weeks. Will that be okay?”

I rubbed my chin. It was odd how Starlight asked that, like she wanted my permission. Was she worried I might not want to go? After a couple of seconds, I smiled and answered, “Of course it’ll be okay! Later, we can let our friends know, so they’ll be ready to come too. Maybe we can ask Sunburst to come along, so you’ll have even more support.”

“Thanks.” Her frown softened into a peaceful smile. “You all are the best friends I could ever ask for. I’m still not sure if I deserve you all.”

“Of course you do! You really worked hard to atone and become a great pony! Calling you a ‘great friend’ would be an understatement.” I gave a wink.

“Thanks, BF.”

I guess some level of insecurity will always remain with Starlight, but even if it never leaves her, she had come miles from how she used to be. My friend had changed so much, and I even had a question for myself.

How much had I changed since the two of us met? It didn’t feel like I changed that much. Should I be worried?

Two weeks later, it was finally time.

With Spike, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and even Sunburst with us, Starlight and I were back on the Friendship Express. As usual, Starlight and I were beside each other, although this time I was by the window. Twilight and Spike sat in the seats in front of us. At the moment, we were all quiet. I suggested for us to ask Sunset Shimmer to come, but Starlight didn’t want to drag her along too.

For some reason, it felt like I should look better, so I was wearing my better clothes, a snazzy blue shirt and black pants. Thinking about it, I should have worn them when I went to the Crystal Empire, given I was visiting a princess.

I’ve only been on a train once in my human world, so being back on one just two weeks later felt a bit strange, but in a good way. However, thinking about how we would, at last, meet Starlight’s parents soon, I was rubbing my hands and tapping one of my feet. Couldn’t wait to finally meet them.

“So...nice day, isn’t it?” Twilight asked in a cheerful, yet uneasy voice.

“Yep, it is,” I answered, glancing at Starlight. Her head was down, which it was ever since we got on the train.

Sunburst asked, “Uh, how about two weeks ago? We almost became a bunch of snowponies...or in the case of two of us, snowdragon and snowhuman.”

“Snowhuman” was a new one. Though, in Sunburst’s defense, ponies wouldn’t have a reason to even consider it might be called “snowman” in my world, not “snowhumans.”

“Yes, yes, indeed,” Rarity said with a nervous giggle. “Uh, we know to never scream too loud near the Crystal Heart now.”

“Or scream period when near that thing,” Applejack commented.

“It’s okay,” Starlight said while raising her head. She was smiling, to both my surprise and relief.

“Is what okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“I know you all are trying to get me to relax, but I’m fine...ish.”

“Oh. It was that obvious, huh?” Twilight asked with a sheepish smile.

Starlight nodded. “Yeah. Asking ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’ gave it away.” She giggled. “It’s become our go-to question to lighten moods.”

“Wow. We do ask that a lot when all of us are nervous, don’t we?” Fluttershy asked.

“Guess that means we need some new mood-busting questions,” Rainbow said, still looking from above the seat behind Starlight.

Pinkie started hopping in her seat. “Ooh! Maybe we could ask, ‘What will you have for dinner?’ or ‘How is old stallion Jenkins doing?’”

Rarity tilted her head to the side. “Um, who is ‘old stallion Jenkins’?”

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. “Beats me. It just felt like he’s somepony others might talk about.”

Twilight told me to not question when Pinkie is being “Pinkie Pie”, so I didn’t. I instead just thought about where we would soon be.

“Hee hee. Well, this did make me feel a little calmer. If things get too bad with my parents, maybe we can talk about that ‘Jenkins’ guy.”

“We can if it happens,” Rarity said, “but I’m sure it won’t come to that.”

Spike commented, “Plus, I bet your parents really did care about you, but maybe just...didn’t show it well.”

“I hope so.” Starlight shook her head. It was like she was shaking it to herself, not us. “I really did, no, do, love them. Otherwise, I would never want to see them again.”

Rainbow slid off the top of Starlight’s seat to sit in her own seat again. Or at least I thought she was back in hers, since I couldn’t see her.

“If it would help you feel any better, I'm nervous too,” Sunburst said in a low voice. “I’m...not looking forward to possibly running into my mom.”

“Why?” Twilight turned her head toward Sunburst. “Are you...oh, right. You told us Sire’s Hollow is your hometown too, and how your mom is a...tad controlling.”

“Yes. Normally, I wouldn’t go.” Sunburst’s eyes formed a little scowl. In a more serious voice, he added, “But, after how I left Starlight behind, I’m coming. If it means having to put up with my mom again for a while, so be it. I owe it to the first friend I ever had.”

Starlight smiled and rubbed her hooves. This could go better than any of us imagined if she could stay this relaxed.

“Um, Sam?” Fluttershy asked with a...concerned frown? “Is there something wrong? You seem a little tense too.”

“Oh, uh, I am?” I stopped tapping my foot, which I wasn’t even aware that I was still doing. I did a horrible job hiding my bubbling anger.

“Don’t tell me you are nervous too?” Applejack asked, now looking directly at me from her seat.

I shook my head and waved my hands side to side. “N-No, it’s not that I’m nervous. I was just...tapping my feet for fun.”

Applejack kept her eyes on me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was seeing right through me, even if she wasn’t showing it.

“You sure?” Starlight asked, now staring at me as well. Unlike Applejack, I was fairly certain Starlight wasn’t (too) suspicious, even if she knew me better than anypony.

“Yeah, I--” It suddenly felt like the train started traveling sideways, then upside down, then sideways again. I leaned my head down and laid my hands on my forehead. It wasn’t helping much, but it was better than nothing.

“Sam? Are you alright?!” Starlight reached her hoof to my arm.

“Is it another of those dizzy spells?!” Twilight asked in an alarmed voice. Maybe she was leaning toward me, but with my head down, I couldn’t tell.

After maybe ten seconds, everything stopped “spinning”, but Starlight kept her hoof on my arm. I lifted my head and moved my hands off my head. It wasn’t the first time that happened, but it still wasn’t fun. “Whew. It’s gone now.”

“Maybe ya should have hung back in Ponyville with how those dizzy fits are poppin’ up more often, or at least went to a doctor first.”

“I never liked going to doctors, and no way was I staying home.” I turned my head toward Starlight. “Starlight’s my best friend, so if she needs me for anything, I’m going to be there for her.”

“Well, try not to push yourself too hard,” Sunburst advised. “Best friends or not, Starlight wouldn’t want you to black out on her account.”

“No, I would not.” She lifted her hoof off me. “I’d rather face my parents by myself than see you pass out. Though, it would be much easier with you there.”

“I promise to take it easy, so I don’t bring up another dizzy spell.”

We kept talking as the train continued to travel to Sire’s Hollow. I didn’t have any more of those lightheaded moments as we did.

Once the train pulled up in the train station near Sire’s Hollow, we hopped off, and walked to and through the gate to Starlight's and Sunburst’s hometown.

It wasn’t the kind of town with huge buildings like the Crystal Empire is, so Sire’s Hollow felt much more like Ponyville. It had houses, and the larger buildings seemed to be businesses, like Ponyville’s Jewelry stores or antique shops. There was also a fruit stand and, in another part of the town, a water fountain.

“Uh...here we are,” I said. At this point, I was trying to keep not just Starlight calm, but myself. “Where do we go? Where are they?”

Fluttershy asked, “Starlight, since it has been so long, do you still remember where to go?”

“I remember.” Starlight turned her head toward Twilight. “You already made sure they still live there, right, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. I looked into it soon after you said you were ready to see them. They still live at 234 Lunar Drive.”

“Okay. Well…*sigh*...time to finally see my mom and dad again after all these years. I just hope they will be happy to see me...especially my mom.” Starlight’s ears drooped and she let out a sigh. She had told me that her relationship was the worst with her mom, and she was even a little scared of her as a filly -- and looked like she still was.

“Of course they will!” Pinkie assured with a big grin. “You’re like their long-lost daughter coming back from years of exile, so they’ll be so so so happy to have you back! I would be if you were my daughter and you came to me out of the blue!”

With how Pinkie sometimes says the wrong things when trying to cheer you up, I was worried she was about to do it again. Luckily, she was on her “A” game.

Starlight gave a small smile. “Thanks, Pinkie. I needed that.”

We all walked through the town. Like at the Crystal Empire, I got stares, but they weren’t too numerous. Odds are, with this being Starlight’s hometown, news about her deeds -- her good ones -- and thus me was already known by the ponies out here. Even so, I forced myself to DO NOT call anypony cute, not even Starlight, unless we were alone.

After around ten minutes, we came across Starlight’s former home. It was a beige house, a little smaller than mine, with a red roof. Overall, your run-of-the-mill house; it wasn't unusual, like Sunburst's house that was (to me) mushroom-shaped.

I looked down at Starlight, but she gulped and crept towards the door before I could even ask if she was ready. Obviously, she didn't need to hear that we were there for her. The unicorn already knew it.

Sam, stay calm when you see her parents. Making a scene won’t help.

Author's Note:

The gang better keep an eye on Sam. He is ticked at Starlight's parents!

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