• Published 7th Feb 2020
  • 646 Views, 25 Comments

The Final Wish - xd77

Celestia's dying wish comes true.

  • ...

Tears of Sorrow

The guards had managed to find the location of the police precinct that Kyle worked at and manged to convince him to come with them. Now here was Kyle with the two guards in his police uniform, and was very upset because he was busy working on a report of an armed robbery that took place earlier that day. The good news was they did catch the suspect, but the reason he was upset was that this robber was wanted for several other armed robberies and he was going to have this guy get a lengthy prison sentence when the two guards came into his office and told him that Nathan needed him for Celestia's problem.

Anyway here was Kyle, a bit upset, in his police uniform with his taser in one holster and gun in the other. He was on the train with the guards heading over to Canterlot where his transformed friend would say he would meet him at. Once they reached the station that led into the city, Kyle got off and followed the other guards, and right in front of them stood Princess Twilight and Nathan with relief he was finally here.

"Hello Princess Twilight." he said.

"Good to see you coming Kyle, it has been a while." she said, Kyle then turned his attention to his best friend.

"Nathan, you better have a good reason for dragging me here." he growled.

"Ah' do, and it's very important."

"Yeah, just like you said it was important to skydive on your wedding?"

"That was a year ago, this is totally different."

"Okay Nate, I'll bite, what is happening here?" Kyle said feeling a bit more trustworthy.

"Kyle, I'm afraid we have a big problem." said Twilight.

"What is it?"

"Well, we think Celestia is suffering a really bad condition, and we need you to check it out for yourself." said Nathan.

Kyle thought all of this for a moment, "Where is she located?"

"The Retirement Community Center of Equestria." said Twilight.

"Okay, I'll go with you, just escort me to the room she's in, and I'll see what it is." said Kyle.

"Very well, shall we?" asked Twilight as they departed from the train station's dock into the futuristic streets of Canterlot. As Nathan walked beside his best friend, Twilight walked in front of them, that's when Kyle quickly noticed that Zodiac was not by their side because he was the co-captain.

"Where's Zodi, isn't he supposed to be with you all?"

"We sent him home from his duties." said Nathan, very worried, "He's taking this rather too hard."

"Well, Celestia is his mother you know." said Kyle, "she's practically the only parent he's had."

"Well, he also has Luna too." said Twilight.

"Princess Twilight, that's beside the point."


The three had made it to the R.C.C. and walked into the entrance, when they entered, they were greeted with faces of shock and concern from elderly ponies who had never seen Kyle in their life. They were also a bit scared over the fact that he had on his utility belt which contained the taser and gun, luckily, he gave them a warm welcome.

"It's all right you all, I will not harm you, I am a police officer here for a call." he said, the elderly ponies soon realized that he was one of the friends of Nathan and quickly resumed their daily routines. Once that was quickly taken care of, Twilight, Nate, and Kyle then walked over to the reception desk, and Twilight was the one to ask.

"Excuse me, what room is Celestia in?" she asked.

"Room E-12, fifth on the right." answered the reception taker.

"That's odd, last week she was in E4. Why did they move her?" asked Nathan.

"That's a riddle to be solved later." said Twilight as they managed to find room E-12, they made a surprising discovery.........

"Zodi, what are you doing here?!" asked Nathan.

"We thought you'd be at home sulking." said Twilight.

Zodi scoffed, "Nah, I'd much rather 'sulk' here with my mother than do it alone."

"Come on, you've been like this for three days!" said Twilight.

"Enough!" snapped Kyle, "You all needed me here to see what was wrong, so let me check it out."

Zodi, Twilight, and Nathan stepped aside and let Kyle walk up to Celestia, she was staring at the ceiling with wide eyes and her mouth open, Kyle hovered over Celestia with a smile, then put his hand on her wrinkled hoof.

"Hi Celestia, do you remember me?" he asked.

"You look really handsome Theodore." she said with a smile, Kyle was now confused as well.

"No, it's me, Kyle Welder, I am one of Nathan's human friends."

"Oh good, you're here to rescue me from Tirek." she said, making Kyle quickly realize what was happening, so he turned back to the pony cast.

"What's going on with her?" asked Luna, who was sitting on a chair.

"I have experienced this before with another person when I was doing a community outreach at another retirement home, he did the same things she's doing."

"What is it?!" Zodiac demanded.

"Celestia is showing symptoms of a condition known as Alzheimer's disease. It's a progressive disease that causes the cells in her brain to degenerate and dissolve, and it eventually leads to destroying memory and thus she gets confused, and she can't remember what she is, where she is, or even who we are." said Kyle with a disappointment.

"Is there a cure?" asked Zodiac.

Kyle hung his head low in sadness, then gave a chilling face to them, "No, I'm afraid there is no cure, it's only gonna get worse."

Kyle then put his right hand on Zodi's shoulder, "Zodi, I'm sorry, but your mother is on the brig of death, she's not going to last much longer with this."

Zodiac could not hold back the tears that were forming in his eyes, so he hugged his aunt, then went over and hugged Twilight whom he would not let go of, but Twilight understood and kept her best guard at her side.

"Well, we're gonna give her a dyin' wish that she told me she wanted moons ago."

"What's that?" asked Zodi as he wiped tears off his face.

"She told me that when it was time for her to depart for the heavens, she wanted me to say a verse from the Bible. Luckily, Ah' know just the one." said Nathan with a loving smile.