• Published 30th May 2020
  • 973 Views, 42 Comments

Hoodwinked: The Pony Edition - Lighttone GryphonStar

You know the story or Little Red Riding Hood, now see it like you never had before, with ponies.

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Sombra's POV (2/5): Chained Event

My most recent mission involved taking down this sadistic rumored pedo gang found in Manehatten. I'm a villain even a monster but children are completely off the sexual menu, though stealing one for mortal sacrifice or dark ascension is perfectly fine.

I arrived in Manehatten days ago and quickly murdered-- I mean disposed of each of them in an orderly fashion. Though, it would have been easier if a certain mare stuck as a filly wasn't constantly driving them her way and away from my gruesome traps.

I had to take a break. We had been running all day before reaching a quiet bar for some cider. I took my seat and watched in amusement while Cozy Glow tried to convince the front that she was old enough to drink. Its not her fault she was trapped in stone for over eighteen years. Half the time I considered getting those two drunk would only make things worse for Cozy Glow but she claimed she could take it.

"Hurry up, our target can't be far behind!" I prattled on.

"Don't rush us!" The thicker voice barked as they reached our table. The bartender followed behind, with a baby stool on his hooves.

"Okay?" I waited longer as the bartender picked her up and placed them in place.

"I'll have your drinks ready soon..." The bartender flinched back and forth between me and Cozy Glow, blushing heavily at her.

"You can go, handsome," Cozy Glow winked, making me turn away in annoyance. The bartender ran away as fast as he could.

"So what happened this time?" I questioned.

"Chrysalis grabbed his-- Please don't make me remember that?!" Cozy Glow screamed with her normal voice while grabbing out some disinfectant and cleaned her hoof harshly. "So disgusting! Oh, he asked for it!!" a lustful voice laughed through the disgust.

"So was he one of them?" I asked.

"Did that stallion look like he was enjoying it?" The deeper voice barked. "He would have if you let me finish!" The lustful voice growled. "When it's my body, there is no finishing anyone!!"

"Speaking of you... you three? Any chance of finding the filly?"

"She is very elusive," a deeper voice spoke from Cozy Glow's mouth. "We would have had her if it hadn't of been for that other filly?"

"What other filly? Luna didn't mention another filly?!"

"Yes, a filly covered in cheese..." The deep voice stopped. "She wasn't covered in cheese, she was covered in hair." The lustful voice vanished just as quickly. "No, her name was based around cheese."

"So this filly stopped you from finding Babs Seed or knows where Babs Seed is?" Truthfully I had no idea what my question was as I often got lost with the three voices arguing. I never understood why Princess Luna stuck me with, possibly some sort of punishment. I never should have broken up with that alicorn--


"Wait, wait!!" The captain bold interrupted Sombra's tale. "Since when you are and Luna a thing."

"Really, I'm not sure how that's important to the story in the first place," Luster Dawn commented. "We need to get back on track."

"Exactly," Blueblood agreed. "Please continue."


Fine, our drinks arrived and the bartender shyly laughed asking if everything was to our liking. This would be something he would quickly regret as Cozy Clow grabbed him without warning and into a deep kiss, leaving the entire bar shocked and me hiding my face in shame.

Seeing Cozy Glow gag along with the bartender, I took the stallion in my magic and banged his head into the table, quickly knocking him out. "I think he'll forget."

"And I think we are in trouble!" the deeper voice proclaimed as Cozy Glow swiftly pulled out a near-empty bottle of mouth wash and drained it into her mouth, cleaning as best she could before spiting. "Stop doing that?!" Her proper voice screamed and swung down the hard cider. Oh come on, he didn't even give us any tongue action!"

"Either way, Tirek is right." I was stopped as the bartender dropped out of my dwindling magic. "Damn it."

"Oh, is that still happening, maybe I can help--" The lustful voice was silenced by Cozy Glow slamming her mouth with a gag ball.

"Thank you for not finishing that line, though I don't even want to know where you got that from." I agreed while scanning the room. Cozy Glow sweated heavily and waved her head back and forth, clearly trying to fight more words from the other two. At the same time, several ponies were rising to meet us with obvious rage at the sudden assault and attack.

Luckily, our target arrived in our sights. Unluckily, she was at the other bar across the street. Well, unlucky for the patrons of this bar.


"This led to a massive bar fight. After which we escaped and followed Babseed onto the airship." Sombra came to a calming stop, finishing the second chunk of his story. He waited patiently for them to ask anything more in return.

"So, you got into a bar fight, because a certain voice couldn't contain their lust," Blueblood turned his sight to Cozy Glow. She was staring intently at the detective's rear with a slight drool, her hooves dug deep into the chair. This made him readjust the back of his seat away from her gaze bringing a relaxed sigh from the filly. Only for her sight to drift elsewhere.

"Captain, come stand by me please." Luster dawn was just as quick, making such all stallions were far from Cozy Glow's reach. Braeburn coughed and realized the obvious too, ordering his female soldiers to stand the way of any male with the filly's gaze.

"Okay, now that's settled, how did you miss the airship?" Blueblood was quick to poke a massive hole in Sombra's story.

"You're right," Sombra grumbled. "But how?"

"Simply, if you were already on the ground during the crashing, there was no way you could have been on board."

"Wait!" Babs Seed interrupted. "You are saying he wasn't responsible for the crashing!"

"Exactly, in fact, due to his problematic magic," Blueblood's voice raised to increase the notability of his proclamation. "I am certain, he has committed no evil at all since being free!"

The whole room went silent to this unexpected twist. Yet deep within, their thoughts were buzzing with confusion and disbelief. All their eyes fall on Sombra for answers. Some hoped Blueblood was wrong, whether out of fear of the great evil king or assumption that he was still just as evil as always and could never reform.

The only one thinking somewhat in line with Blueblood's theory was Luster Dawn who stared at Sombra in confusion too, but also wanted an affirmation to it all. Standing up she walked over to Sombra and pierced him with wider eyes and moved her mouth wordless, fear mixing with doubt.

Sombra turned to her gaze and slowly dropped his head in defeat. "Yes, I am powerless."

Luster Dawn undid the locks holding him in place. "Please continue."


Author's Note:

Wow, this one went on longer than I thought. I was tempted more than once to split this up but found the cutaway in the center too short for a whole ending cap piece so this is what I was left with. This will easily be the longest chapter in Sombra's POV.

Sort of dipping into the drama hidden within the comedy of this story. I hope you enjoyed this take on Sombra. We have so much more to explore.