• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 2,199 Views, 111 Comments

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!! - Azure129

Discord, Celestia, and Luna have lived in peace for years. But when Twilight's student-Luster Dawn -'reforms' Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the chaos master and pony sisters end up involved just like the old days (as do many others). Chaos, ho!

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Chapter 8: Arrivals and Departures (Part 1)

“Why do we play this game? Every. Single. Time.” Chrysalis glared down at the game board on the floor.

“Because none of us all knew how to play a single game so we picked the first one we could find that we all had to learn.” Tirek crossed his arms. “Really, Chrysalis, Mareopoloy is basically a game of running a society - you were the queen of one, how is it still so upsetting to you?”

“Changelings prefer mind games to games of silly chance based on ridiculous social institutions!” She hissed.

“I still think you two should have just let me teach you chess when I offered months ago back in the caves!” Cozy Glow played with her game bits with a bored look.

“We needed a game for more than two creatures!” Tirek and Chrysalis sighed and yelled back.

“Will you three shut up!” A dark voice boomed.

The trio looked to the owner of the voice: Sombra, in a cell, in their current location in the catacombs under Canterlot castle. His glared at them as he held up the game card he had just drawn. “Having to play these stupid games with you three twice a week is harsh enough punishment, but at least let me think of my next move in peace!”

Cozy Glow rolled her eyes. “What move? Tirek has more money than all three of us, I’ve got properties on every corner, and Chrysalis has all the get out of prison free cards. You’ve got nothing! Just move your piece, lose, and end it already.”

“She’s right,” Chrysalis smirked. “You’ve been conquered!”

Tirek sighed, his look dry. “Just go so we can end the game and the torture will stop for us all.”

Sombra scowled and pouted, shaking. “Never!” He tossed a rock from inside the cave at the game board, upsetting all the pieces, and laughed maniacally.

“You cannot destroy things when they don’t go your way!” Tirek glared at him.

“Sore loser!” Chrysalis hissed.

“You’re never gonna get out of there to be reformed in public if you keep up that attitude,” Cozy Glow chided.

Then there were the sound of hoof steps and Luster Dawn entered their play area. “Sombra…” she shook her head, “Did you destroy the game again?”

“To be fair, he didn’t destroy it until the very end when he was sure he couldn’t win,” Tirek explained, “It’s better than when he would just bury the board in rubble before we even started.”

“Ugh, it’s still worse when he wins.” Chrysalis shook her head. “He starts monologuing! Giving these epic rants about his superior strategic skills! And how we shall all bow down to him! How he is royalty and we should respect him!” Cozy Glow gave her a dry look. Chrysalis, not getting Cozy Glow’s silent point that she herself often made such rants, just tilted her head.

Cozy Glow sighed and flew over to Luster Dawn. “Anyway, just make sure someone keeps playing with him - otherwise he’s just going to go back to not talking to anyone like a loser instead of actually socializing.”

“Oh, he’ll have partners…” Luster Dawn smiled sheepishly then looked to Sombra. “Would you like to meet them?”

Sombra turned his head away, his nose held high. “If it’s Discord, then no!”

“Not quite…” The familiar voice of a certain friendship princess replied.

“Though I am somewhat related to him!” The familiar voice of a certain moon pony added.

Twilight and Luna walked forth from the shadows with smiles.

Sombra’s eyes widened. “No! I absolutely refuse!”

“Why?” Luna grinned. “Does the king of shadows not think he can best the princess of the night in games of chance?”

Sombra scowled. “I will bury you two.” He grinned and picked up another rock. “Possibly literally. Ha!”

“Okay…” Twilight stepped forward sheepishly, “let’s ty to still keep the games friendly.”

Luna laughed and nodded. “Yes, of course.” She turned to Sombra. “Twilight and I shall spend one hour per night playing games with you down here to help with your friendship progress for now. And Luster Dawn will take our place when she returns from her trip. And if you’ll stop throwing things, perhaps you can play with the guards some nights too?”

Sombra huffed. “I’m only throwing things because I can’t crush anything with dark magic because of these stupid rocks down here that cancel out my powers. I’m starting to miss the days of just being stone or Tartarus. Can we go back to that?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, we’re trying a new approach.” She nodded to her student who nodded back to her.

Luster Dawn looked to Sombra again. “We have to go now, Sombra. Do you want to say goodbye?” She gestured to the reformed trio.

Sombra glared at the trio for a moment, then sighed and laid down in his cell. “Just…go but don’t leave me alone with just princesses and students for too long…”

Tirek sighed. “Try to get used to them - they’re not all bad.”

“Yes, and soon perhaps they’ll let you out by the time we returns and we can do something besides foal games,” Chrysalis added.

Cozy Glow scowled and flew up to the bars of his cage. “They all think it’ll take forever to reform you. Show them all up and do it really quick. Make them absolutely embarrassed of how fast you get better about being good.” She grinned.

Sombra just raised an eyebrow at her. “You are a strange little pony.”

“Yeah, but I’m also right. And I’ll be watching you when I get back.” She pointed at her eyes with her hoof then pointed at Sombra as she flew backwards away from him.

Luster Dawn waved. “I’ll see you soon, Sombra. Good luck!” She looked to the two princesses, “Thank you, Princess Twilight, Luna.”

Twilight came forward and gave her a hug. “Have a very safe trip.” She released her student. “Discord is waiting in the chariot out front.”

Luster Dawn nodded then turned to depart.

The trio lingered for a moment. They each gave Twilight and Luna a small wave and then turned and followed after her.

“Hmm…” Sombra huffed from behind them, “so my recreational therapy is done for the day - why are you two still here?”

Twilight and Luna glanced at each other. Twilight smiled at Sombra. “Well, I thought we could get to know each other today.”

“Also, considering the fact that you missed most of our ‘reform get-together’ that happened at our castle with Luster Dawn and those three, I believe we owe you a tea party.” Luna’s horn flashed - a small table with cups and snacks appeared.

Twilight nodded as she and Luna took their seats. “Also tea parties are excellent for reforming creatures - Fluttershy and Discord both reminded me of that.” She poured for all three of them.

Sombra’s look went dry. But he did glance down at the table. “Do you at least have honey for the tea? And are any of those snacks made with crystal berries? I miss crystal berries.”

Luna nodded. “We had some made special with a batch of berries Cadance sent us.” She floated one over to Sombra who took it eagerly.

He finished eating then sighed in satisfaction. “So, those three are really going to be gone for a while, huh?”

“It depends on how long they need,” Twilight replied. “But yes, I think so.” She hesitated. “When he’s back from dropping them off, Discord also offered to come down here and play games with you one night a week or talk. Whenever you’re ready…”

Sombra pouted. “I’ll think about it…” He shrugged, looking away. “And what, am I supposed to believe that one day you’ll really let me out of here and I’ll have some place I want to go for a happily ever after just like Chrysalis and Tirek and Cozy Glow?”

Twilight’s voice was gentle. “One day, I sincerely hope so.”

“I hope so as well,” Luna added.

He sighed. “For now can I at least get some decent furnishings and decoration in here? Maybe a full bath as well. And a mirror please - I have no idea what I look like, and I’m still going for an imposing leader vibe.”

Luna’s look went dry. “This is supposed to be a prison, not a hotel suite…but I suppose we can make some accommodations.”

Twilight nodded. “In light of our new policy of a kinder, more understanding reform process, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Excellent!” He clapped his hooves together. “Now then pass me another scone, and my teacup!”

Both ladies smiled to each other and gave the requested items to Sombra. They had a feeling their future interactions with him were going to be another lesson in patience with a high-maintenance villain. Fortunately, a fair amount of life spent with Discord had prepared them for such a mighty task.

Speaking of Discord…

He was currently sitting in the drivers seat of an open chariot that was harnessed to half a dozen flying pigs. Celestia paced by the chariot, checking the contents in the back. “You remembered the snacks I packed for you, right? And the maps… And the gifts for Scorpan and the sea ponies and for Candace? Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something?”

Discord smiled warmly and stopped her pacing by guiding her head to face him with his tail. “Because you feel like I should be bringing you too since we go off together so much. Everything’s okay though, nothing’s been forgotten. Though I will miss you, darling.” He leaned over the edge of the chariot and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

Celestia blushed and smiled very much. “I know it’s best for you to take them considering your history together. And I want to stay here - I can help Fluttershy while you’re gone and also coordinate with her about your special plans for Luster Dawn and for Luna.” She nuzzled her head alongside his. “But I do feel funny being so far apart, even if it’s just for a few weeks.” She pulled back.

“I’ll take pictures for you.” He winked. “And when when we get back you and I can spend a whole week at my chaos cottage catching up and getting into shenanigans. And thanking these guys for their help.” He gestured to the pigs.

Celestia chuckled. “I’m looking forward to spending a little time here in Canterlot anyway before I head back to the forest. Twilight promised to take Luna and I on tours of the sights and restaurants and the shops - everything’s changed so much over the years.”

“Shop til you drop, Tia - you’ve always dazzled in dresses.”

She giggled. “And maybe I’ll get something sparkly and dark to wear at night too”

His eyes narrowed as his smile grew. “If you’re trying to tempt me to stay, it’s working.”

Her eyes narrowed in return. “Just giving you something to look forward to.”

“Hmm…try not to grow too bored without me, Darling Celestia.”

“Hmm…try to dream about me if you get too lonely, my Discord.”

She leaned up and kissed his ear quickly, and Discord chuckled giddily as his ears flicked.

“Ew, okay, see, this is why we said we wanted only one of you to come with us - you're gross and mushy all the time when you’re both together.” Cozy Glow sighed as she flew over and sat in the chariot with her forelegs crossed.

“Really, it’s just three of weeks - stop acting so love starved.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes and sat next to Cozy Glow.

"Missing each other so much when it's just a simple trip - you’ve both gone soft.” Tirek sat in the back seat by himself, pouting. And yet some of his pout fell into a frown. And when Chrysalis and Cozy Glow noticed they frowned a little too. The three of them were going to be apart far longer than three weeks after this trip.

“I appreciate both of you helping me with the travel arrangements.” Luster Dawn smiled as she took a seat beside Discord. “Thank you, Discord, Celestia.”

“Not a problem,” Discord assured. “Plus Tia and I are planning a road trip soon anyway, so it's good practice." He winked.

“Yes.” Celestia laughed. “And besides, we’re just happy to be part of this wonderful adventure you’re all starting.” She looked to the trio in back. “Take care, all of you. And please visit us here whenever you're ready.” She waved.

Reluctantly, each of the trio gave a wave back to her.

“Give Luna and Argos big hugs from me - I’m going to miss that puppy!” Discord saluted her and blew her a kiss. He grabbed the reigns. “All right, boys, let’s get flying. The first part of this trip is the longest!”

The pigs flapped their wings and the chariot rose off the ground.

“I’ll miss you!” Celestia called out - she smiled thinking about their new little three headed puppy that loved to jump on Discord and kiss him.

“Miss you too, beautiful!” Discord yelled back, making Celestia giggle and blush.

“Oh come on!” Cozy Glow grumbled.

With another flick of the reigns the chariot took off into the sky. Celestia watched it go and sighed. Once it disappeared, she teleported herself inside and walked to the caves below, ready to join her sister and former student.

She walked through the caves, following the sound of voices until she peered around a corner and came upon Sombra’s cell and Twilight and Luna. She was about to join them when she paused for a moment - the three of them were playing a board game. Sombra was grumbling in his usual overly dramatic way. And Twilight and Luna were chatting, sitting close to each other. Luna laughed at something and tapped Twilight’s shoulder, and Twilight smiled sheepishly and blushed. Luna blushed a little too, glancing away. Twilight tapped Luna’s hoof to get a card and they laughed again and moved closer.

Celestia tilted her head at first, her eyes a little wide. Then she considered. Then she smiled softly to herself and decided to give them a little more time together.

Once she was out of the caves again she teleported to the valley in the statue garden where she and Discord had courted so long ago…and where they still visited in secret sometimes, usually after the gala each year, to reminisce and do other fun things until dawn. Being here was a nice way to keep him in mind. She was so proud of him for all of his efforts and now for guiding three former villains to better lives. He had grown so much. Everyone had.

After an hour of lazing in the sun, Celestia figured Twilight and Luna were probably close to done with Sombra and headed back to the castle. She was looking forward to spending some time with her sister and former student even more now, starting with this weekend.

After two days of reverie and dining out and shopping, and staying up nearly all night giggling and relaxing and spending all day having picnics and helping Twilight with the work she had, the three alicorns were all in need of a good rest. Tomorrow Twilight would have to go back to her full time schedule and Luna would split her time between home and staying here to help with Sombra. And Celestia would split her time between home and helping Fluttershy.

But Celestia was having some other thoughts at this point, especially as she had observed how often Luna and Twilight had gotten into animated conversations or sat close to each other or had little moments of shyness over the last two days.

Celestia was already in bed - she and Luna were sharing a room during this trip. Luna smiled as she teleported into the room. “We never got to have so much when we were ruling - it was nice to enjoy such reverie in Canterlot! I’m so happy Twilight could make time to come with us.” She smiled very much as she entered her side of the bed.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded, her eyes hazed a little. “I don’t think she would have missed a fun weekend with you for the world. It’s like you two became best friends and I didn’t realize how close you were until now.”

Luna shrugged, blushing a little. “Yes, well…we… we have an understanding of sorts about each other. We’re like special friends.” She glanced hesitantly at Celestia.

Celestia just smiled more. “I can tell. You know…having you teleport back and forth from our castle to Canterlot until Discord and Luster Dawn return seems like a lot of work. Why don’t you just stay here with Twilight until they come back?”

“I…” Luna’s eyes widened. “But Celestia, I can’t leave you alone to take care of the puppy and to help Fluttershy!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll bring Argos with me and just stay with Fluttershy the entire time. She offered to have me sleep over in the beginning anyway. And this way you and Twilight can have some more personal time together….for whatever you need.” She touched her sister’s hoof, her smile picking up on that side. “And you can tell me more about whatever you need whenever you’re ready…”

Luna blushed very much. She sighed. “She and I have developed a new kind of relationship. But we both approach such matters a little differently than others. We are still feeling our way through this situation. And I’m still trying to make sure that she really…” She sighed, blushing more.

Celestia moved closer. “For what it’s worth, I think you two are already very nice together. And I think she does return your sentiment. Twilight…is a subtle and private pony, like you. You two actually remind me of each other. I was so happy when you became friends when she was younger.”

Luna’s smile grew. She came forward and hugged Celestia. “Thank you, sister.” She pulled back. “I will take these weeks to guide our relationship a bit and see what happens.”

“Please keep me updated.” Celestia’s eyes sparkled. “For once I want to be the sister who is cheering on her sister to court.”

Luna chuckled. “Of course.” She yawned and snuggled into her pillow and closer to Celestia. “Thank you, Celly. Enjoy your time with Fluttershy.”

“You’re welcome, Lulu.” Celestia kissed her forehead. “Enjoy your time with Twilight - always.” Her eyes closed. The two sisters settled in for a cozy night’s sleep.

While the pony sisters had been bonding with Twilight in Canterlot for the weekend, Discord had been traveling with his trio of reformed friends and Twilight's student heading due south over and out of Equestria. Besides saving a lot of magical energy by not teleporting, Luster Dawn and Twilight had decided the long chariot ride would give the group plenty of time to reminisce and think about their destinations and say their temporary goodbyes while they tried to go off on their own paths for a little while.

Discord, of course, knew a sappy display had a slim likelihood of happening. And indeed the first day or so had seen silence followed by whining followed by petty (if amusing) fighting followed by Luster Dawn attempting to lead them in road trip songs followed by Chrysalis turning into random horrific monsters and scaring everyone followed by Tirek chasing her up and over the seats of the chariot to make her stop followed by Cozy Glow using the distraction to try and ride one of the flying pigs followed by Luster Dawn panicking at the chaos, followed by Discord putting everyone in a brief timeout by literally freezing time around them, followed by the Chaos Master deciding that, as far as raising children, the girls had been the most well-behaved bunch he and Celestia could have asked for.

Time out time was over, and now there was mostly silence. Down below them, vast deserts gave way to red, rocky, cracked ground, and above them the sky was a hazy orange and yellow. Discord glanced toward the sun for a moment and grinned - he thought about Tia somehow watching over them. Then he looked to the group in the back, who were all facing away from each other with dull looks.

Luster Dawn noticed and put on a smile. “I think we’re almost there: Tirek’s homeland. Right, Discord?”

Discord nodded. “Oh yes, very close. Lived here for a while when I was a lot younger. I still remember the way.”

Tirek pouted and slouched in his seat.

Luster Dawn frowned.

Discord glanced at them all. “Oh, come on, we should be excited! Tirek, we’re going to see your brother! Good old Scorpan! And he invited you! And not just as his brother but as a representative from Equestria to the big international shindig going on this week! Lots of creatures to meet, great food, good music, bunch of awkward conversations about your checkered past - it’s basically like how my first Gala was for me!” He put a hand to his chin. “Except you won’t also be on a first date with the love of your life during it. But, hey, one huge life complication at a time, right?” He chuckled.

Tirek just sighed and rubbed his temples. “Can we talk about anything else? Please?”

“We could talk about how you at least have a welcoming family and society to go back to…” Chrysalis moaned.

“What she said,” Cozy Glow added in a huff.

“Come on, guys, please don’t fight anymore.” Luster Dawn sighed. “This is our last time together for a while. I know you’re nervous, and that’s okay. I’m going to be right here with you, and so is Discord.”

The trio grumbled but their scowls and pouts did soften.

“Hey, come on,” Discord encouraged. “The sooner you three make good in your new homes, the sooner you can come back to Equestria and visit. I’ll let you see Argos - he’s big enough for visitors now!”

“And that’s another thing - why do we have to leave right when one of Cerberus’s children is going to be sticking around?” Tirek pouted.

“It’s not fair!” Cozy Glow flew up to Discord.

“Why do you two care?” Chrysalis raised an eyebrow.

Tirek turned to her. “When you’re trapped in a magic prison for a long period of time, you get rather attached to the only creature on the outside you can communicate with.”

“You can both play with the puppy and with Cerberus when you visit Equestria next, I promise. And you too if you want, Chrysalis,” Discord assured.

“It’ll be my top priority,” she replied dryly. Then something caught her eye in the distance and her eyes widened. She smiled. “Ah, the palace! Finally, we’ll be staying in accommodations befitting my status! Sometimes I truly forget that you’re a prince, Tirek.”

“Oh don’t call me prince…” Tirek rolled his eyes. “Prince is the title my father gave me. Lord is the title I took for myself.”

“I’ll call you ‘king of everything; if it means a few days in a real bed and with hot food and no more pig smell.” Cozy Glow flew up to see better. She glanced at Tirek who was still looking away and still not looking happy.

Cozy Glow nudged Chrysalis, catching her attention, then turned to Tirek. “If your brother is a jerk to you, do you want Chrysalis and I to beat him up?”

Tirek blinked. He didn’t look over but something about his frown shifted.

Chrysalis tilted her head at first but then a quick look from Cozy Glow clued her in. “Yes,” she nodded, “if he doesn’t give you the proper reception you deserve, should we thrash him? I know we’re not in our evil prime, but I’m sure we could come up with some scheme in a pinch.”

Luster Dawn watched this exchange curiously.

Tirek’s frown shifted again.

Cozy Glow smirked. “He can’t be tougher than Sombra, and I punched Sombra in the nose. I’ll probably only get one good shot against your brother, but I’ll make it count Tirek.”

“I’ll help,” Chrysalis sighed. “I’ll let her stand on my head while she does it so she can reach his height.”

That did it… Tirek’s frown was now a smile.

“I’m not saying I’ll help,” Discord added suddenly, smiling himself, “I’m just saying, I won’t stop anyone.”

Luster Dawn chuckled too now. “And I’ll clean up the mess as best I can.”

Tirek finally chuckled then looked to them all. He seemed more relaxed. “Your concern is appreciated but I’m sure I’ll manage. Scorpan’s not so bad. He’s just… actually he’s like how this one is now.” He pointed at Discord. “Sappy and emotional and helpful. Except he’s much quieter and not chaotic.”

“A version of Discord without the chaos and constant talking.” Chrysalis smiled. “I think I’ll like him.”

“Oh yeah, definite improvement.” Cozy Glow smirked.

“Oh ha ha,” Discord smirked back at them. “You three are lucky you mean so much to this one right here,” he pointed to Luster Dawn, “and you’re lucky she means so much to Twilight, and you’re lucky Celestia and I practically raised Twilight.”

Luster Dawn smiled more. “I’m sure this will be a good reunion for everyone, and the start of a new friendship.”

“Ugh, such a Twilight’s-student thing to say.” And yet Cozy Glow grinned at Luster Dawn as she said the words.

“Chip off the old friendship block.” Discord nodded. The palace was getting closer. He held the reigns higher. “Next stop - Tirek’s old house where we can ask Scorpan to tell embarrassing stories about him while we snoop through all his stuff!” Discord snapped the reigns and the pigs headed directly for the place.

Cozy Glow and Chrysalis both perked up at the plan as Tirek blinked and held out his arms. “Absolutely not!”

Luster Dawn laughed as the chariot descended.

Celestia could have teleported herself and the Argos directly to Fluttershy’s cottage from the Everfree Forest castle, but she chose to walk. The exercise was good for the puppy and gave them a chance to bond and for herself to think. Her sister and Twilight getting closer, the last of Equestria’s major villains reformed and on the way to new lives, a new playmate in their happy home in the form of the puppy, and Luster Dawn ready to leave Twilight’s old Ponyville Castle for a space more her own: so many good changes.

And now Celestia was here to help Fluttershy but also to help Luster Dawn with her change of location as well.

“Argos, whoa, hold on!” All three heads of the little dark grey puppy pulled this way and that on his leash, following butterflies and patches of sunlight and flowers moving in the breeze: though a baby he was nearly the size of a young Twilight. Celestia laughed as he suddenly reminded her of Twilight at a very young age, so curious and full of wonder. “I bet you know where we’re going, don’t you? Yes…we’re very close.”

They came out of the line of trees at the edge of the forest and in sight of Fluttershy’s cottage. The puppy noticed and instantly bounded forward. Celestia held his leash in her magic and tried to keep him steady until the cottage door opened and there stood Fluttershy. Then the puppy could not be contained and broke free of his leash as he raced to meet the familiar pony. Celestia blinked and chased him. “Argos, wait! Fluttershy, look out!” Celestia caught the puppy’s full body in her magic just as he reached Fluttershy, successfully keeping him from knocking her to the ground.

Fluttershy just smiled and moved closer to Argos who licked her with all three of his heads. “It’s a pleasure to see you, Argos. And you too, Celestia. I’m glad you both decided to stay here for the week. And I appreciate your help.”

“And I appreciate your help with Argos.’ Celestia assured as she caught her breath and reached the door. “Training him has been…a challenge. And I thought I could handle any chaos after all my time with Discord.”

Fluttershy petted the puppy who sat down, kicking one of his legs, totally mellow now. “Aww, he’s just full of energy because he’s a little guy. Aren’t you?” She gestured inside. “Come on, he’ll have fun playing out back with all the other animals. And you and I can catch up. I made some tea.”

Celestia followed her inside. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” As the door closed behind them, Celestia smiled more to find the room full of little creatures, especially rabbits, all lounging and chatting and playing. Fluttershy let Argos out the kitchen door to the backyard then came back into the living room with the tea tray. “I wish I could have been there to say goodbye to Discord and everyone. I hope their trip started out okay.” She sat down and poured for them.

“I’m sure it’s going very well,” Celestia assured, raising her teacup to sip. “He told me to say goodbye to you again. When he gets back he wants to have a tea party here with you right away to catch up and fill you in.”

“I’d like that very much. Discord is always so helpful. I couldn’t run this place without him.”

“And helping out here makes him very happy, Fluttershy.” Celestia smiled a little more. “But I hear that perhaps you’ll be getting some extra help soon.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Oh, yes! Did Discord tell you? Zephyr is sending my niece Breezy to live here with me for a little while. Discord suggested I invite her. She just finished school and she’s not sure what to do with herself yet. Zephyr knows what that’s like and he said I’d be the best person to help her like I used to help him. I don’t know if she’ll like working with animals but I hope she’ll make some new friends around here. Breezy is very quiet and private - even more than I've always been.”

Celestia’s gaze warmed. “You absolutely will be the best to help her. And I’m sure she’ll be a big help to you. And I look forward to seeing her - I like to let Discord visit her alone so they can bond. She hasn’t seen me in a few years now.”

Fluttershy blushed smiled more. “Thank you, Celestia… And I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you - Discord writes to her about you all the time.” She glanced around. “I just hope she doesn’t get overwhelmed - there are a lot of animals in the sanctuary. I can barely keep track of them all.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened. “Speaking of that, Discord and I were talking. We’ve been trying to find a certain responsible pony a good place for herself to stay near Ponyville. I’m not sure if she’d want to but if you need any extra help - and maybe a potential new friend for Breezy - she would be perfect. And she’d certainly like a chance to make a new friend too.”

Fluttershy smiled more. “Someone to help with the animals and for Breezy to talk to would be wonderful. I just hope they wouldn’t mind being a little cramped here - I’m short on space these days, especially with all the bunnies.” Another troop of them hopped by.

“Hmm…” Celestia considered the house now which was indeed so full of animals that it was practically part of the sanctuary, “I see your point.” She smiled at Fluttershy again. “If it’s not possible, please don’t worry - this pony will find a place nearby and we’ll have her and Breezy over for tea at the castle one day with you to introduce them.”

“I’m sure Breezy would love that, Celestia, thank you.” Fluttershy nodded. “Can I ask who the pony is?”

“Luster Dawn, actually.” Celestia shrugged. “She’s very determined to move out of Twilight’s old castle and make her own way. I don’t think she like all of the attention from living there.”

“Oh, I can understand that.” Fluttershy’s smile brightened. “Luster Dawn - I don’t know why I didn't think of her before. She would be a perfect friend for Breezy!”

“Speaking of Breezy, her cutie mark is a feather quill over a moon, right?”

“Yes - a black and white feather over a silver moon. She has lots of minor interests like writing and stargazing and studying history, but nothing’s especially called to her yet.”

Celestia’s eyes brightened. “Well, perhaps Discord and Luna and I can assist somehow.” She smiled more to herself. “But for now,” Celestia went on, pouring more tea, “Fluttershy, Tell me everything that’s going on around here and in the sanctuary. I don’t get the chance to keep up as much as Discord.

Fluttershy nodded, and her whole look brightened even more. “Oh, well, we have some new giraffes, and even a phoenix family now, and I even made a safe, enclosed habitat for some stray parasprites I found. Everything’s thriving, and all the animals are happy. It’s a lot to keep up with but it’s the best work I could imagine.”

Celestia nodded and listened attentively. Discord adored Fluttershy, and Celestia had a particular soft spot for the little pony as well. Ever since they’d met, Fluttershy had reminded Celestia of a young Luna - quiet and reserved but passionate once her interests were sparked. Hearing Fluttershy talk about everything she liked was like going back in time to young conversations with her own sister. And she and Discord both agreed that Breezy was a little like Luna too and might get along with her quite well. Luna hadn’t visited Breezy since the young pony had been a little filly, but Discord and Celestia both had a good feeling that a meeting now would have interesting and good results for both ponies.

The two ladies continued their tea and talking.

“I hate parties.” Tirek crossed his arms as he stood in the corner of a rather large ballroom with Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Discord. Around them creatures from all lands mixed and mingled. “And some welcome,” he went on. “My brother can’t even be here for our arrival - we’re shown in by servants and told he’ll see us at this gathering.”

“Come on, Tirek,” Discord nudged him. “We ended up getting here late because of all the fussing and fighting and time outs you three needed on the way. We just missed him and something came up. Besides, a public meeting might be easier - and parties can be fun.” He smirked. “Do I have to tell the story again about how Tia and I practically fell in love at our first party together?”

“I beg you not to,” Chrysalis grumbled. She hid a little more in the shadows. “I don’t care for being here either. I thought we could retire to our rooms while Tirek had his family reunion.”

“Hey, you both promised to do this with me!” Tirek pouted and turned to Cozy Glow and Chrysalis.

“I know, I’m just very tired from traveling and very hungry, and I don’t like the fact that we’ll be leaving without you!” Chrysalis snapped back. Tirek blinked, and his smile fell. Chrysalis blinked and looked away.

Cozy Glow glanced from one of them to the other. “Are you guys, okay?”

They pouted at her.

Discord smiled and flew in the middle of everyone. “It’s just hard to say goodbye to friends. Especially very good friends.”

Cozy Glow rolled her eyes. “Ugh, don’t start a friendship lecture in the middle of everything, Discord.” She pushed him away. Then she turned to Tirek with a slight blush. “I guess I’ll miss you too or whatever. I’m gonna go get some punch.” She quickly flew off across the room.

Discord decided to take his queue. “I’m going to see if I can find Luster Dawn. She went off to see when your brother is coming.” He floated away, leaving the changeling and the centaur alone.

Chrysalis looked down. Tirek glanced at her. "So...you're going to miss being around each other too?”

She blinked. “I…well…I’m just used to… all of us. And you and me…we have a tolerable partnership.”

“Hmm…” Tirek smiled. “Remember back in the caves, after Cozy Glow would go to sleep we’d paint targets of the princess’ faces on boulders and throw sticks at them like darts?”

Chrysalis smiled a little. “Then I’d disguise myself as a pony and swipe us some cider bottles in town and we’d drink them and talk about the good old days and our glorious exploits.”

“Yes, and all our grand evil plans for the future!”

“And how we would soundly thrash Grogar! Then we would complain about all of his irritating qualities - which possibly should have been our first clue that he was Discord.”

They shared a laugh.

Then Chrysalis sighed. “I…still have issues with the magic of friendship. But if I had to name the creatures I consider my friends…that group would include our trio and Luster Dawn and Discord to an extent. And if I had to name my best friend…” She pouted very much. “I consider you my best friend, Tirek.”

Tirek looked at her. “You’re…my best friend too, you know. And I will miss you.”

She glanced at him, eyes wide. Then she scowled and pointed at him with her hoof. “Write to me!”

He held up his hands. “Okay, okay! Write to me too.”

She nodded. “And we both write to Cozy Glow.”

“Well of course - she’s lost without us.”

They shared another quick smile. Chrysalis glanced out at the crowd. “You’ll do fine here. These creatures seem full of much love. And I’m sure your brother is too.”

“Thank you, Chrysalis.” Tirek’s smile softened.

Then they caught sight of Luster Dawn running across the room to them with a smile. They quickly resumed their usual uncomfortable looks to cover up the tender moment.

“Tirek!” Luster Dawn reached them. “Scorpan is almost ready. He’s so sorry he wasn’t here when you arrived but he had a surprise and he had to help them get ready, and…you’ll see!” She glanced around. “Where are…”

Discord appeared. “I was just socializing a bit, looking for you, making sure there weren’t any chaos traps I had laid generations ago that might go off at my presence.”

“And I wanted punch and snacks.” Cozy Glow flew over with a cup and a small half eaten cake in her hoof.

Luster Dawn reached up and hugged Tirek. She pulled back. “Everything’s going to be okay.” Surprised, Tirek only gave her a nod. And then at the sound of fanfare everyone in the room turned to the entrance.

A guard came forward. “Announcing, King Scorpan and Queen Kalliope and family!”

And then Scorpan came forward, looking so much like Tirek remembered him if a little older and wiser. He wore a crown on his head and a familiar necklace over his chest. And with him came a female gargoyle in a purple dress and crown. And then two young girl centaurs and a small boy gargoyle.

Tirek’s jaw fell.

Chrysalis smirked. “Congratulations, Uncle Tirek.”

Cozy Glow sighed. “Finally, other young people - please let them be cool.”

Discord beamed. “Yes! I’m great with kids! Okay, when you’re done catching up, let me play with them!”

“I really think there were some things I should have been told prior to coming here.” Tirek started to step away.

Discord and Luster Dawn got behind him. “No!” Luster Dawn smiled. “Come on, Tirek. Look, he sees you. He’s coming over. Just let him talk. You can meet the other afterwards.”

And indeed Scorpan was approaching.

Luster Dawn and Discord hung back a little. Chrysalis and Cozy Glow stood on either side of Tirek. And Scorpan came to stand before his brother. He smiled and opened his mouth. But then he hesitated and swallowed and shuffled on his feet.

Tirek watched him in a state of shock at first but then words came out of him. “You’re the king and older than the hills just like me, and yet you still get tongue-tied when you’re nervous.”

Scorpan blinked. “I…still need someone to say something to me before I can say something to them sometimes. Kalliope likes it - she usually helps start me off.”

“Well at least someone’s keeping you in line.” Tirek cleared his throat. “When was the wedding?”

“Over twenty years ago. We’ve known each other longer though…” He tugged his beard. “But sometimes when big things happen in life it pushes creatures to move toward something new.”

“A big thing?” Tirek’s look went dry. “Like what, finding out I’d been soundly thrashed in another evil coup attempt and turned to stone?”

Scorpan frowned. “Like deciding that no matter what it took I was going to get you out of there and help you have a better life. Because I wanted you back in mine.”

Tirek’s eyes widened.

There was a very long moment of silence then Cozy Glow cleared her throat and nudged Tirek. “Are you going to introduce us?”

“Yes! I mean…” He shook his head. “This is Cozy Glow and this is Chrysalis. They are…we were prisoners but…now they are my friends.” He swallowed then gestured behind him. “And this is Luster Dawn, who I’m sure you already know. She helped us become friends, and she’s my friend too. And this is Discord… He is…” He hesitated.

“He is our friend when he is not being unbearable,” Chrysalis offered with a smirk.

“What she said,” Cozy Glow added.

“Aw, they only kid me because they care.” Discord looped the three of them with his body and gave Cozy Glow a noogie (she glared at him with her teeth bared before fixing her curls). He landed by Scorpan and gave a quick bow. “King Scorpan, great to finally have the pleasure. Discord, Chaos Master and Emeritus Prince of the Sun here to give you the best family reunion ever!”

Luster Dawn quickly bowed. “Your highness, it’s really a pleasure to be here. You have a beautiful kingdom and such a lovely family. I’m honored to be part of this reception.”

Scorpan smiled. “Happy to have you, Discord. And you’re very welcome here, Luster Dawn. Princess Twilight has told me much about you. I’m in your debt for the service you've done to my brother and his friends.”

She blushed a little, smiling more. “I just wanted to help them. I’m glad we could meet and all be something good for each other.”

Cozy Glow flew up, eyeing Scorpan. “This place does seem pretty good. And you seem okay - like a typical goody-two-shoes ruler. So I think Tirek will be fine here. But if he’s not happy I’ll find out about it and we’ll be coming back for him.”

Chrysalis stepped forward with a sigh. “The child lacks a certain finesse about thinly veiled threats but she does make a point. We appreciate your position as Tirek’s family. You can appreciate ours as rather protective of a member of our little group.”

Luster Dawn put a hoof to her forehead and was about to apologize profusely when Scorpan just laughed. He looked to his brother. “I like your friends, Tirek. They remind me of you when we were younger - ready to defend themselves and others.” He looked to Cozy Glow. “I try to be the best leader I can. I want my brother to be happy too, I promise.” He looked to Chrysalis. “I’m glad to know he has you looking out for him. I appreciate your bond very much.”

Tirek was blushing a little now and looking away.

Discord flew up and quickly rounded up Chrysalis and Cozy Glow along with Luster Dawn. “Why don’t we let the brothers talk? Come on, let’s go play with the kids!” Eyes bright, and despite the clear protests Chrysalis and Cozy Glow were about to make, he snapped them all away to find the Queen and children.

Scorpan watched them go with a grin. “No wonder all of you like each other. You're all very dramatic.” He raised an eyebrow at his brother.

“We’re not dramatic, we’re just firm in our convictions and refuse to be pushed around!” Tirek held his head high.

“Hmm…” Scorpan crossed his arms with a smirk.

Tirek glanced at him again and his look softened as Scorpan’s necklace. “Is that…our…your…pendant?”

Scorpan touched it. “Yes. Of course. I’ve worn it for centuries ever since we parted.” He swallowed. “I heard yours was lost in the battle after your escape.”

“It was turned into a key and then disappeared into a rainbow. Pony magic is odd.” Tirek rubbed his temple.

Scorpan nodded with a chuckle. “Well, here you’ll have a break from pony magic. It’ll just be our magic. It’s not much but…it’s a good kind of power. And you can see our people grow and create and learn and live, and you can be part of helping it happen. You can find a source of your own happiness. And you’ll have a lot of love to help you as part of our family.” He swallowed. “Kalliope wants to see you. And the children would like to meet Uncle Tirek very much. They were visiting Kalliope’s parents and only just got back a couple hours ago - that’s why I couldn’t greet you. I was helping get them ready. I’ve told them about you…”

Tirek’s look hardened. “About how I was imprisoned and then turned to stone.”

“No. I told them about growing up together, and how we were when we were younger, and how talented and clever you are. How I always looked up to you, and how in some ways I still think you could have made a better king than me.”

Tirek blinked a couple of times and he was surprised to find some moisture in the corners of his eyes. “You didn't need to bend the truth so much.”

“I didn’t. You are not the consequences of your actions, Tirek. You are…you. And the you I remember best is the one I told them about. And that's the you I hope they’ll get to know and love like I do.” He moved closer and removed something from inside of his cloak. It was a small simple gold crown with red gems. “We want you to stay for a while, Lord Tirek. I hope you’ll be happy enough here that you’ll choose to, brother.”

“Scorpan?” Tirek tilted his head, flummoxed by the sight. “I…” he took a deep breath then hesitantly reached out for the crown but paused and instead touched his brother's shoulder. “I’m not saying I won't... I'm just saying I need some time to consider everything. And I don't want the crown yet. I just want to work on the…the family thing.” He pulled his hand away.

Scorpan smiled in understanding then darted forward and hugged Tirek tightly.

Scorpan!” Tirek protested, wriggling. “Honestly, we’re not children anymore!”

“But I still love to hug! The kids are huggers too, so prepare for that!” He laughed.

Tirek just sighed and let him continue…and at one point faintly patted him on the back.

Eventually Scorpan released him and tucked away the crown. “Are you ready? For meeting the kids and Kalliope?”

Tirek took a deep breath. “As I’ll ever be, I suppose.” He smirked and nudged Scorpan. “First Discord then you - honestly, what is it with every male I know taking a bride while I’ve been away.”

Scorpan chuckled. “Well, I can’t speak for Discord but…it’s just nice having someone special around to share your time with. Plus Kalliope is wonderful and smart and fierce too…but also so nice.” His eyes hazed.

Tirek sighed and shook his head. “You've been utterly domesticated. Hmm…Discord said perhaps he would gather some creatures together for a ‘guys night’ one day in the future. Could I persuade you to join?”

“As long as we go out after sunset sure! That’s the kids bedtime, and they get a story from me each night.” Scorpan smiled.

“You have not changed at all, brother,” Tirek mused as Scorpan led him away to another part of the ballroom.

There by a buffet table was the Queen and her three children, the two centaur girls squabbling and the little gargoyle boy standing shyly off to the side. His eyes widened as they approached.

Scorpan whispered to Tirek. “The girls are Sora and Rasa. And our youngest is my son Tiber. He's shy…but a very big fan of Uncle Tirek.”

Tirek swallowed and blushed a little as Kalliope turned to him and smiled. “Brother Tirek, we are so happy to receive you into our home! Girls?” The princesses stopped fighting and turned to Tirek. Eyes wide, they smiled and gave polite bows. Kalliope looked to her son. “Tiber?” He was hiding behind her dress a little. Hesitantly he came forward and gave a bow as well, his eyes never leaving Tirek.

Tirek was about to bow back when the children and Queen straightened up and then the Queen came forward and hugged him with as much enthusiasm as Scorpan had. And suddenly the girls were hugging either side of him. Tiber came closer but still just watched in awe. Laughing, Scorpan picked him up and brought him closer for a better view of Tirek.

Tirek looked all around him at these new faces holding him and smiling. He felt that strange wetness at the corners of his eyes again. “I am honored to be in your home as well.”

Kalliope laughed and pulled back as the others released him too. “Tirek, when I said ‘our home’ I meant your home too.”

Tirek smiled. He hesitated but then patted the girls on the head and took Kalliope’s hands and gave them a firm shake. Then he looked to Tiber and gave him a small wave. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you. I'm Tir—I’m Uncle Tirek.” The shy boy watching him in awe reminded him so much of a young Scorpan. He smiled more. “You remind me of your father.”

“Really?" Tiber smiled very much. “Thank you, Uncle Tirek. You seem just like he said you are: brave and strong and nice.”

Tirek swallowed, smiling more. "I try.”

Across the room, Tirek caught sight of Discord grinning at them with his fists shaking in excitement. He sighed. “Sora, Rasa, Tiber - if you could do me a favor… there's a friend of mine across the room who likes children and who would very much like to meet you…and probably to share absurd amounts of sweets with you. Go say hello - and pounce him right down to the ground. If you do, I'll tell you a story tonight.”

The girls beamed and dashed off. Tiber gave his uncle another smile and a wave then followed after them.

Tirek looked to Scorpan and Kalliope. “Perhaps the three of us could walk around the party and just talk a little. I’d like to get to know the Queen my brother persuaded to rule by his side.”

“And I’d like to get to know the person he has admired most for as long as we’ve been together,” Kalliope replied.

Scorpan stepped forward with a smile. Tirek stood on one side and Kalliope hooked her arm with her husband on his other side. Tirek glanced around. “And perhaps you could also tell me where some of these creatures come from. I’m curious - I didn’t think our land would ever connect so much with others.”

“Equestria inspired me,” Scorpan explained as they walked through the room (passing by Discord who had been thoroughly flattened to the ground by the kids but was laughing and loving every minute of it while Luster Dawn and Chrysalis and Cozy Glow kept each other occupied). “They opened their borders so everyone can share in each other’s company and magic and experiences. And now we do the same. We’ve learned so much. I have to show you the school! Kalliope runs it!"

“Yes.” Kalliope nodded modestly. “But Scorpan founded it. Once he has a project to be passionate about he always sees it through for the sake of others. And he teaches as well when he can - lessons in the power of friendship.”

Tirek sighed and shook his head. “I suppose I’m never quite going to escape the influence of ponies in my life. But it’ll be refreshing to be here and have the influence of some other creatures too. Oh!”


Tirek had been absorbed in looking at his brother and the queen, and another guest at the party had been distracted by the sight of Discord creating little bits of chaos for the royal children to play with, which resulted in Tirek bumping into - and stepping on the hoof of - a certain Kirin Queen who happened to be in attendance tonight.

When Tirek turned to see who he had crashed into, he blinked to see a large flicker of magic flame that quickly revealed a pony-like creature black at the center with blue and red fire around the edges. Tirek scowled and stepped in front of Scorpan and Kalliope. “Get back - I can handle this.” He powered up his horns.

“Wait, Tirek!” Scorpan stepped forward and held up a hand. “It’s okay, really - look!” He pointed to the creature.

Kalliope was already at her side. “We’re sorry, Queen Rain Shine.” She smiled, her voice gentle. “Are you all right?”

Tirek watched as the creature settled down and took a deep breath. There was another burst of magic flame. And then the creature turned into a pony like creature with a fluffy mane of hair and a slender tail. She had deep brown eyes set against her cream colored coat and teal hair. And from her head grew a distinct red horn. He voice was surprisingly calm and tender. “My apologies as well for the sudden display.” She bowed her head.

Tirek blinked and quickly stepped forward. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you all right?”

“Yes, of course, think nothing of it.” She raised her head and smiled, and it was nice. King, Queen… and who is your guest?”

“My brother - Lord Tirek,” Scorpan smiled.

“Ah yes, your brother from Equestria. I too have met with the influence of ponies. There methods have proved…interesting. How have you found your time among them?”

“I, uh…” Tirek rubbed the back of his neck, “I…had a lot of much needed experiences. Heh…”

“Hmm…I can say the same.” She nodded.

Kalliope smiled. “Rain Shine will be singing later tonight. She has the loveliest voice.”

Rain Shine glanced down humbly. “I’m honored. The Kirin value song so much, we appreciate the chance to share it with others.”

Tirek smiled a little. “I’m looking forward to hearing it. I haven’t been to a concert in…er, ever.”

“Thank you for your encouragement, Tirek. I hope you will enjoy the show.” Rain Shine smiled a little more. Her tone was happy but gentle: Tirek thought her singing voice, in that case, must indeed be lovely.

“And enjoy yourself at the party,” Kalliope offered with a bow. Scorpan bowed as well. Tirek blinked and quickly bowed too. Rain Shine did the same in return and then departed.

Tirek watched her go. “How did she—“

Scorpan explained. “Kirin get a little flustered and turn to Nirik when startled or upset.”

“What a strange power?” Tirek kept watching her, his head tilted. “She seemed so enraged and now she seems utterly calm and happy.”

“She regulates her emotions in her own way,” Kalliope assured, smiling a little more at Tirek. “Would you like to ask her to dance perhaps and learn more about her?”

“No!” Tirek quickly turned away from Rain Shine. “Heh, let’s just keep walking and talking.” He noticed Scorpan giving him a curious smile out of the corner of his eye. Tirek huffed and looked forward. “Tell me about Gran Gran. How is she? Will she see me soon?”

“I’ve already set up tea for us with her tomorrow,” Scorpan assured. Tirek smiled a little again.

The party went on for some time with Tirek getting to know the children and Kalliope, and Scorpan’s family getting to know Tirek’s friends. And eventually Tirek took some time alone just to observe things. He especially liked to watch Scorpan and Kalliope dance. They looked nice together and happy. The children would dance together too, and that was especially fun to watch. And then at one point Rain Shine sang, and he very much enjoyed watching that sight. Soon she was mingling in the crowd again, only appearing in flashes of cream and teal and that tall horn of hers. He had an uncanny compulsion to talk to her.

It was getting late. His friends would stay the night but they would be leaving early in the morning. Already Cozy Glow was asleep on Luster Dawn’s back and Discord was yawning. Some of the guests were still here though, including Rain Shine, who he could see better now that the dance floor had cleared a little.

Chrysalis came to sit beside him. He noticed a pensive look on her face. Then she sighed. “If you were curious, I believe what you’re experiencing right now are the stirrings of romantic love. A ‘crush’ is the common term. She is experiencing no prior romantic feelings for any other creature. You were already introduced - you should ask her to dance.”

Tirek just sat there with his jaw open.

Chrysalis shrugged. “I’m tired and getting bored, so I thought I’d let you know my observation if you might find it helpful. Consider it a friendly gesture.”

He sighed deeply and put his head in his hand. “Chrysalis, I am really not looking to…”

“Oh, it’s not a marriage proposal it’s just a dance!” She rolled her eyes. “Just do it and get it out of your system. Trust me, it’ll be good for you.” She stretched and sighed. Then she added in a mumble, “If I were in your position, that’s what I would do.”

Tirek sat there for a moment with a dry look. Then he took a deep breath. “Don’t tell Cozy Glow about this. If anything comes of it, I’ll let her know.”

“Relax - she thinks romance is torture and I have no intention of punishing her on the rest of this trip.”

With a determined look, Tirek went across the room and spoke to Rain Shine. She was a creature of few words, but he found her easy to talk to. And when he asked her to dance she said yes. And he had a good time. And he was happy he had come here. He finally completely felt like this was the right place for him.

When the party was over and everyone had been shown to their rooms, and Tirek got to tell his nieces and nephew a story from his childhood alongside Scorpan, he forgot about any of the fears he’d had about returning to this place.

The next morning there were some tender goodbyes and then the party set out for its next stop: bringing Cozy Glow to the Crystal Empire.

Luna had spent the better part of the week so far enjoying time with Twilight. In the mornings Twilight would attend to her work, then Luna would rise and they would have a late lunch, then Twilight would hold a brief court which Luna observed with interest, then they would relax together for private dinners while reading books or mapping constellations or taking walks through the grounds or flights into the sky. And they would play games with Sombra each evening too. And each night Luna slept by Twilight’s side in her bed. It was all pleasant and made Luna happy. But she still felt as though she needed to be clearer to Twilight about what she wanted going forward. Celestia had given her this opportunity to ‘seize the day’ as it were. And yet still Luna hesitated because the idea of any change or strain on her relationship with Twilight was too distressing to bear without a serious consideration of the consequences.

Luna mused over these thoughts as she sat beside Twilight in the catacombs below the castle in front of Sombra’s cell - and how distracted she was probably explained why she was coming in last in this round of Mareopoly.

“Luna, it’s your turn.”

Luna blinked at the gentle prompt from a smiling Twilight. She smiled in return and nodded. “Oh, yes…” She took a card and frowned. “Go to Tartarus, do not collect two hundred bits.”

“Oh the sweet irony.” Sombra smirked. “Away with you to your cell then, princess.”

“You do understand it’s just a game and you’re still the one actually in prison, right?” Luna asked dryly.

“I’ll take my moments of sweet satisfaction where I can get them.”

Twilight chuckled and Luna couldn’t help smiling a little and blushing too.

The clocktower outside the castle chimed 10pm. Twilight blinked. “Is it already that late? I promised Spike I’d check in with him about his duties for the day. It looks like we only have a few turns left though.” She stood. “I’ll just be gone for a few minutes. Sombra, take as much time with your turn as you’d like.” She glanced at Luna. “Do you mind, Luna?”

Luna shook her head. “Nay, I know the weight of the crown. Attend to what you need, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded and trotted away.

Luna watched her go. She sighed and turned back to Sombra. “Are you ready to draw your card?”

He was just eyeing her though. Luna tilted her head. Sombra laughed and shook his head. “If you fancy the friendship princess, you really should just do something about it. Not that watching you two subtly dance around each other isn’t entertaining, but I’d like the story to move forward please if we’re going to keep spending evenings together.”

Luna blushed and glared at him. “How dare you make such rude and presumptuous comments! The nature of my relationship with Twilight is none of your concern.”

“Suit yourself.” He drew his card, examining it. “But a word of advice - your tactic of being painfully obvious will not work on that straightforward creature. For example, back before our first battle, it was painfully obvious to me that you took a shine to me.”

“You are an arrogant cur, and we are not having this conversation.”

“I notice when I’m noticed,” Sombra simply replied with his head held high. “Twilight’s too busy noticing what everyone else needs though. Just be direct, make a show of it, give me something interesting around here to occupy my time.”

“Stop talking.” Luna brought a hoof to her forehead, mortified.

“I’m sure she likes you too in her own way.”

Luna blinked and perked up for a moment. But then she looked away. “Of course she does - we are dear friends. We have established that fact already to each other.” She pouted. “I do not require your advice in this matter. Stay out of it. And for the record, when I was younger I was only blinded by your prowess for the briefest of times. I was confused…and beginning to be under the influence of dark magic…and…why am I telling you these things? Take your turn!”

Sombra chuckled. “Very well. Just don’t let your turn with the princess pass you by.”

“And no little quips like that!”

“So testy! We never would have worked out - we’re both too much of a dramatic hoof-full. Besides, mares aren’t really my type, though they do provide excellent conversation.”

The sound of Twilight returning could be heard. Luna’s eyes widened and she took the end of Sombra’s cloak, stuffed it into his mouth and quickly sat down with the most normal smile she could manage just as Twilight rejoined them. Twilight smiled. “Spike has a handle on everything. He’s such a wonderful assistant. This ruling Equestria thing really is a two creature job.” She raised an eyebrow. “Uh, Sombra, are you okay?”

Sombra spit out the cape and frowned.

“He is fine!” Luna announced. “Play your turn, Sombra.” She looked into his eyes with a steely gaze.

Sombra just sighed. “Whatever… move my piece three spaces and I’ll buy a stable on the property.”

Twilight did so. “Oh, wow, Sombra - I think you won! Luna and I can’t pass through this half of the board without owing you everything!”

“Hooray, yes, let us go to bed!” Luna stood up.

Sombra smirked at her.

She blushed and quickly gathered the game board. “Come, Twilight!”

Twilight stood up. “Goodnight, Sombra.”

“Goodnight, ladies…” He winked at Luna.

Luna decided Tartarus or stone were too good for him and that she wanted nothing more than to banish him to her moon. She quickly led Twilight upstairs as his chuckling followed them.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! The next installment of this story ended up running long, so I’m splitting it up into two chapters - the second part will be up next week. :trollestia: The adventures are almost done! But first I'm determined to do ALL the shipping lol. No one is safe :heart:

Thank you all for reading and for reviewing if you can! I hope you liked Tirek’s little wrap up. Next time we see Cozy and Chrysalis’s wrap up, Breezy arrives, and Luna talks to Twilight <3

I hope you’re all having a happy, safe, and good new year!
