• Member Since 5th Apr, 2020
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After centuries of ruling Equestria without a single day off, Princess Celestia is driven to true desperation: selling herself into slavery as a vacation on Earth, the one place she can go without being recognized. Can the sovereign ruler of Equestria adjust to the role of a domestic servant? Can this simpler life give her the peace and relaxation she desires?
More importantly, what happens when she meets her fellow ponies who do not have a way out of their predicament. Can she bring them back? Will they even want to leave?

Chapters (64)
Comments ( 199 )

Ahh, yes. The good old spg story.

Why is it rated for teens?

And how does Twilight feel about all of this?

awf #3 · Apr 8th, 2020 · · 1 · Chapter 2 ·


I significantly edited down the lewd parts for this. No explicit sex in this version. Dunno why, just felt better this way.



It's an interesting question, but unfortunately not one I thought to answer. Could be grounds for a sequel, maybe one where Twilight follows secretly without telling anyone and getting into all sorts of trouble.

More importantly, what happens when she meets her fellow ponies who do not have a way out of their predicament. Can she bring them back? Will they even want to leave?

All mares? If "yes", then awesome.
They don't want to leave? If "yes", then even more awesome.

"Female slave" is a fetish of mine, honestly, especially if it's initially unwilling then turns into willing via brainwashing, Stockholm Syndrome, or similar.


Well, they're not all girls, and not all unwilling to leave, but there's a little of all those things.

What this reminded me of....

Colour me impressed regarding tea with lemon, I had assumed in western countries it's not very popular


It's quite common, at least in my country. Fruit-flavored tea with lemon. During winter honey is used instead of sugar for preference.


An interesting setup, where Equestria is stuck tolerating things it rather wouldn't - but Celestia will at least make use of them. And I wonder if this trip doesn't incorparate aspects of penanace and fact-finding mission, too.

I suspect she has not been informed.

It seems like ponies are curiosities more than anithing - Rawsthorne could clearly afford human servants, but a unicorn is much less mundane. we'll see if this bears up wivh other owners.

wibbly-wobbly spacey-wacey stuff

I did feel some regret for that liquor Celestia got wasted by
It was made to be enjoyed after all(

Well, maybe he wasn't a white stallion, but it was nice.

The fuck does that mean?



I adapted the saying "Prince on a White Horse", i.e.: a very desirable guy. Except for ponies, there's no rider. Does that help?

wtf i left this alone for a little while without putting it in my library, and now theres like 30 chapters


I'll admit it. I wrote this a couple of years ago on 4chan, then edited it on and off during the past year, so I have all of it ready and I'm speed posting. No way I'm writing that fast...
On the plus side, the story is completed - it won't stop somewhere in the middle.

She wants so badly to just let go, but a millennium of micromanaging leaves things running on auto in the back of one's mind when active thought is on not thinking about it. Moods and unforeseen circumstances form cracks and suppressed thoughts slip through. This is all further aggravated by the fact that she has to actively resist any temptation she might have deep down to unlearn all the decorum, formality, and authority because she has every intention of returning to her duties after a time. Thus, despite her desire, she can't fully embrace subservience.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

You'd think a pony who sat at the big big table of politics in her world for so long would realize there's always nuance. Then again it is slavery we're talking about...

Just caught up and let me say I really enjoyed this so far. The tone was a little suspect in the beginning, and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the how and why of the indentured servitude thing but I think the characterization more than makes up for it. I've been blazing through this and its been a delight through and through.

Дайте пиздюлей ребёнку и объясните, что так нельзя и тому подобное. (читаю через гугл переводчик;))

F in the comments for The Great Massacre of Boozlavia?

Damn rich fucks. There's a reason the love of money is said to be the root of all evil. If a single person gets too much influence as a result of their success, it goes to their head. Power corrupts, and these powerful slimeballs start believing themselves to be above humankind in rank. So they do to humans what the most disgusting of humans do to those commonly seen as below humans in station. Whatever the fuck they want. Who's gonna stop them? Human law enforcement? Human activists? 'What can they do against a superhuman like me?' these slimeballs would ask themselves. 'I have the power to make them disappear at the snap of a finger!' they'd say. 'It is only by MY whim, MY charity that these ants at my feet are allowed to scurry about in their meaningless existences!' would come the boast from the greasy, audibly fat, overfed voice of the blob in his chair content to do nothing but sleep, eat, bark orders, and count his fortune.

Sorry, I have a strong hatred for those who became powerful by walking on those around them. Can you tell?

Sometimes progress is achieved through meticulous work and careful planning. Other times it's just a matter of being in the wrong place at the right time.

Drawing from another author here, but 'The Royal Affection Therapist'.

Hnnng! Celestiadorbs!



I didn't intend to portray it as deeply as that - "rich arab" was just the thing that popped into my mind for some reason, doubtless due to some media or something I had seen or heard during the period when I was writing that.
That said, I tend to agree with you on those points. Wealth shouldn't convey that kind of power, yet sadly it does, and even more sadly, some people pursue wealth for this exact reason.


Do you mean this one: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/122626/royal-affection ?
Please point me at the story, though "Royal Affection Therapist" sounds like something that would be a fun read.

Gah! I made a Celestiadorbs comment about the end of last chapter! Should have commented on the dream or something! Because this! This! This is Celestiadorbs incarnate!

Actually what I was drawing from another author was the idea of affection therapy in general. I forget what the story is called, but it's a Human (Anon?) in Equestria story where the Human gets licensed with Twilight's help to put the power of human fingers to use for the comfort of ponies, while also using the sessions to give ponies a free ear to talk to.

Now he was indignant. "Yes! Of course! It's just... I don't usually think too much about colors, okay?"

Oh my god, he can't read!

Why are the feds after Celestia anyway? Is it because of the forged documents?

This hits directly in the uncanny valley

I think I know what's going on with Heavy Hoof

I thought for sure that he was a changeling. Guess i was wrong.

Comment posted by ToobertSawk deleted Apr 25th, 2020

I think it would be a decent idea for you to go back through this and make all the *words* into words using the [i ] and [/i ] symbols, sans spaces of course


Oh, good idea, actually. I wrote this on pure text and used * for emphasis, but I can see how that would be better.
I'll do it one of these days when I don't have a full day of work.

If you copy paste each chapter, and the n plug them into word, you can use the replace feature to replace each * with [.i] and then go through and just add the / to the other i.

I thought "White Knight" myself.

I forgot what Wendy looked like, but I've always thought of her as a Sassy Black woman who don't need no man

Loosing a bit of sleep by reading too much of this... keep it up.

Awww. Now I have to go to bed since there isn't any more to read.


I demand a picture of Celestia giving that child a ride!


There we go! This is the whole thing now.
I also have an epilogue (approx 5k) words, but I still need to edit it before it's ready.

As for the future - I have a few more stories already written, but a few of them ended up in second person, which I don't really like (they were written for 4chan mostly), so I would need to heavily edit or re-write. Some of them are okay, but need a lot of editing. A few of them are kinda dark and I'll think about if I want to edit them, or post them as grim as they are.

The sequel to "Off Duty" is being written right now on 4chan, but it will be some time before it's done and I have time to edit it, so I guess one of the other stories will be ready to post here before that.

Thanks everyone for reading and comments - they are greatly appreciated, both positive ones and criticism. (The former is nicer to see, but the latter is a lot more useful to try and improve my writing.)

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