• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 761 Views, 73 Comments

Aspects of Parenthood - xd77

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

  • ...

Part 10

It was now the ninth month, which would be the completion of a woman's pregnancy, so the twins would be due any day now. However, it was coming sooner than predicted, without a single warning horn to blow, and it all started out just like any typical morning. Apple Bloom and Nate had just had their baby shower, the baby's room was set, the crib was built, and everything was ready. But today was just like any other day, but not a typical one, today was Cinnamon Swirl's 6th birthday and it was an adventurous one for her. This year, her birthday was not a regular one, instead it was themed out to be a Power Ponies birthday party because she was a huge fan of them. Her house was decorated to look like Maretropolis, and the first one to help was none other than Twilight, who was out of her regalia and dressed like Masked Matterhorn. The exact way she was when she and the others got zapped into that comic book moons ago. Only she had the same costume made for her and fit to where her main could flow, but still be comfortable. What was better, Queen Chrysalis had been invited too because the Maretropolis replicas were carved out of rocks and plants from the Changeling Kingdom.

"Okay my little ponies, are we ready to start Cinnamon's 6th birthday party?" Twilight asked to the small group of fillies and colts who had on Maretropolis police robes Rarity made.

"YEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all screamed in excitement.

"Wait a minute, this is a Power Ponies Maretropolis citizens party." said Twilight, "The citizens of Maretropolis never say 'yeah', they say 'Power Ponies Power Up'."

"How do you know they say 'Power Ponies Power Up'?" asked Frostbite as he took a bite of a sliced daffodil sandwich.

"Because, I'm the Masked Matterhorn." Twilight answered waling over to an opening, "I see and hear everything they do. Now, if we all say 'Power Ponies Power Up', I bet we can get the rest of my crew to show up."

Twilight then gave a signal to the fillies and colts.........."POWER PONIES POWER UP!!!!!!!!!!"

And in a flash, the rest of the group came out of the opening. Rainbow Dash was Zapp, Pinkie Pie was Filli Second, Rarity was Radience, Fluttershy was Saddle Rager and Applejack was Mistress Mare-vulous, they were all dressed the same way they were when they got sucked into that comic book.

"Hi there kids, I'm Zapp and this is Saddle Rager, Fili Second, Radience, ans Mistress Mare-vuloius, we're the Power Ponies!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash making the kids excited.

"And now to meet the PP's only half-minded sidekick, HUMDRUM!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Pinkie and out came Spike dressed as Humdrum. Only it was with an attention wanting attitude, that he walked out dancing in a Congo like motion.

"Boom shakala, boom shalaka, boom shakala, boom shalaka, BOOM!!!!!!!" he said entering full view, Frostbite then walked up to him.

"What kind of sidekick are you?" he asked taking another bite of his sandwich. He then accidentally dropped a chip off his plate and onto the floor.

"I'm an inspecting sidekick." said Spike, "Please don't be spilling food around me."

As the kids enjoyed the party, Chrysalis then walked up to Spike with a smile of achievement. She was really proud of being a big help for the first time to the ponies, after all, she had officially been made Queen of the changelings once again. But wanted to make it up to them for all she had done, and helping with this party was just the beginning.

"You know Chrysalis, this is amazing, the fillies and colts really love all the props you and Thorax made out of stones from your kingdom." said Spike

"Thanks Spike, it is an honor to actually do a good deed." said Chrysalis in her new reformed body, that's when Spike walked back up to the opening.

"All right kids, let's give a big warm welcome to Maretropolis's mayor Cinnamon Swirl!" he said.

"POWER PONIES POWER UP!!!!!!!!" yelled the crowd of kids, and on cue, Cinnamon Swirl came out dressed like the mayor of the fictional comic city and beside her was her dog dressed like a guard dog.

"This is Scout, my loyal guard dog." she said.

"That's not a guard dog, that's a golden retriever." said Frostbite.

"You got a bad attitude."

Spike quickly took notice that something was missing, something that was supposed to be here by now. So he walked up to Twilight.

"Twilight, we're missing somepony, how can we be the Power Ponies without our arch enemy the Mane-iac?"

In another room, out of a dressing station came Nathan dressed like the evil Mane-iac. He had on a green long wig that had been cut and shaped to look like her jungle vine mane, same with his tail. He also wore the same exact suit that matched the one she wore in the comic, but he was looking rather embarrassed since he was dressed in what was supposed to be a female lead.

He walked up to a closed door that his wife was in, she was going to play a citizen of Maretropolis whom Nathan was to act in playing a part. The part was he was supposed to have her trapped in his mane, and the kids role was to help the mayor and the Power Ponies tackle him and defeat him. One he was defeated, Cinnamon would then declare victory and then would blow out the candles on her cake, then Twilight would split it and the kids would enjoy it.

"Ah' wouldn't do this for anypony but Cinnamon." he exclaimed, he then banged on the door.


"There is no hairspray in here, just a dryer!" said Apple Bloom from behind the door, she then opened it and revealed a shocking expression.

"Nate, Ah' think it's time." she said.

"You're darn tootin' it's time, get your costume on, we've got a part to play fer...."

"No, Ah' think it's time to have the twins!"

Nathan froze in disbelief, "Naw!"


"Get outta here!"

"It's true!"


"Nathan, Ah'm serious, while you were getting dressed, Ah' felt a contraction in mah' uterus!"

"It can't be, this was not supposed to happen until next week, Ah'm not ready yet!"

"Well ready or not here they....COOOOOMEEE!!!!!" she screamed due to another contraction, Nathan was now shocked.

"Oh no!" he said, he quickly grabbed her and bolted for the bedroom door.

Back downstairs, the kids were waiting for the cake because they could not eat it until they defeated the Mane-iac. They were soon surprised by the sudden sound of hoofsteps coming down, looking up, they saw Nathan carrying Apple Bloom who was now in labor and screaming in agony!


"What?!" Twilight asked in shock.


"Got it!" said Twilight as she quickly left the house, still in her Masked Matterhorn costume, to the hospital for a carriage ambulance.


"But what about my......"

"Cinnamon, Ah'm sorry sweetie, but we're gonna have to cut your party short!" said Apple Bloom in a raspy voice.

"I understand." said Cinnamon, she quickly joined in on helping the crew get Apple Bloom to the door. Once they were outside, a medical carriage had landed just in time and Nathan quickly helped Apple Bloom get on board and soon, they were all off to Canterlot Hospital!

Author's Note:

Apple Bloom has finally gone into labor!