• Published 22nd Jul 2020
  • 4,793 Views, 123 Comments

Spike's Family Journey - frenettek314

*An AU extended ending to Season 8 - "Father Knows Beast"* When Spike goes and tells each of the Mane 6 what happened with Sludge, he discovers he may have already had a family after all.

  • ...

Rarity: "Here's Spikey-Wikey!"

Spike, fresh on his journey from the comfort that was Twilight's castle took the time to decide which of the five ponies he should tackle first. Truth be told, he didn't want any of them to go first because that was implying he was starting a very emotional quest for himself - finally figuring out what each of his supposed friends meant to him. He was already dreading the idea of opening himself up and possibly releasing some of his frustrations onto them.

"What if they get upset? What if they don't like me? What if they..." Spike started hyperventilating, his thoughts already overwhelming him like a swarm of angry bees; but then a calm presence echoed in his head:

"I know you can do this!"


Twilight, the one who had suggested this mission in the first place, she believed that he and the others could work out any sort of problem between them. She believed they could help him. She believed they loved him.

She believed in him.

With newfound resolve, Spike figured out where he was going first as he started heading towards a very familiar boutique.

Many who knew the drake long enough to understand the dynamic between dragon and unicorn would question why he would've chosen her first out of all the other ponies on his objective, especially considering they figured she would be the hardest for him to conquer.

While they would have a point, seeing as Spike found himself closest to Rarity (not easing his nervousness at all), he found himself thinking that she would be the easiest one to talk to out of all of them; it would just be the conversation itself that was difficult as he really didn't want to ruin the relationship between them at all.

But if he got the most difficult out of the way first, the rest would be a breeze he figured, hoping for some sort of "ripping off a band-aid" confidence boost.

In the honest opinion of the resident dragon, Rarity was the most beautiful being he had ever witnessed. Perhaps it was just the sweet, innocent puppy love that Spike harbored for the unicorn all these years, but the dragon could swear he was staring into the eyes of an angel. True, while his infatuations for the mare slowly subsided with time, his feelings for her were still there; he knew she was out of his reach and the day she finally does, he would be the first one to cheer her on - but he still loved her with much of his beating heart. It ached him to know that she would eventually find someone else, but he still considered her one of his best friends and she always would be until the day he was no longer a part of this world.

Rarity herself, the Element of Generosity lived up to her name as she often gave more than she could ever receive. Often taking more clothing requests than she should honestly handle at some points, the baby dragon wondered how she even managed to survive - especially on top of her vibrant social life, her management of three very successful fashion shops, and most importantly, her dedication to her friends. She was truly one of the most giving ponies he had ever met and while others may consider her a bit of a 'drama queen' at points, her good qualities certainly overrode any negatives.

Spike was always willing to help Rarity no matter what, regardless of any other feelings he may have pined for her. To do the beautiful unicorn any sort of favor was always a welcome idea to Spike as he had admittedly spent more than a few nights over at her boutique to finish any late-night orders she found herself in. If he wasn't with Twilight or on his own somewhere in town, chances were he was at the boutique, waiting claw and foot for the fashionista who had captured him so.

But as Spike began to inch ever closer to the entrance of the boutique, one potent question appeared in his mind.

"Why do I do this?"

Again, Spike was always willing to help Rarity with whatever she needed, but Spike also found it difficult to think of many examples where that service was returned. She let him stay at the boutique during their late night hours, but he never would've thought the unicorn would kick him out after midnight. She fed him a few gems whenever they went gem-hunting, but he was always the one who did the digging, so it was more out of politeness than anything. As Spike recapped various expeditions, errands, and demands he would go out of his way to do for her, he realized the same couldn't be said.

Other than the Dragonlands quests, or the time a deaf Rarity got captured by a giant Roc bird, she more so used him to her advantage than anything else. When were the other times where he could've been invited in on the fun or when she could've been there for him? He wasn't really included in the gang's gala plans, He was uninvited to Twilight's birthday party in Canterlot that she had hosted, He was all alone during the Equestria Games events, but perhaps the worst thing that Rarity had done... she used him as a pin cushion. A literal pin cushion. When she had discovered that his scales were resistant to the pains of her sewing needles, rather than setting them down anywhere else, she inserted them into his back - barely able to move from the number of them she had.

Spike would seemingly go to the ends of the earth for Rarity and yet outside the few times she actually helped him, he was just a pin cushion. A push over. Something she expected would leisurely follow her at every whim. In fact at some points, it seemed like...

Spike abruptly paused and gasped as a realization came to his mind. She wasn't using his attraction to take advantage of him...was she?

Spike quickly shook his head to push away the thought. He wasn't going to assume said accusation right away. He wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt - and besides he wouldn't want to push such a heavy topic like that right out of the gate. Even if Twilight said he should communicate his thoughts and frustrations, he didn't want to scare the unicorn off right away; he really wanted to make sure their friendship stayed intact.

But even if a friendship stays 'intact', what if he wanted it to be better?

As Spike began thinking about how he wanted to open up his approach concerning the mission, he realized he hit the front door of the Carousel Boutique with his noggin, but it was too late.

With a loud THUD, Spike immediately recoiled backwards onto his back at the sudden pain that had hit his head.

Apparently though, he would no longer have to knock as a curious white unicorn with a fabulous purple mane opened the door, looking around for her guest before she found him still on the ground, clutching his head in pain.

"Ah, Spikey-Wikey. So nice of you to drop by." she ironically said obliviously.

"Off to a great start..." the dragon internally muttered, being offered a helping hoof before being led inside.

After a few frantic minutes of making sure the poor drake's head was alright, the prim and proper unicorn allowed herself a moment of relief before she sat down on one of her many comfortable couches, directly across from another hosting the dragon in question.

As Spike glanced around the common room of Rarity's boutique, he always marveled at how it was structured. Compared to Rarity's work rooms and closets which contained what she herself called "organized chaos", the common room was always spotless; an elegant table with only the finest table cloth sat in the middle while a few couches sat around it. Portraits and other framed photos of Rarity and her family decorated the walls of the room, giving it a sophisticated and yet personal vibe, almost like something you would see out of a museum painting.

Rarity's voice however managed to snap Spike out of his own admiration as she began to take notice of the backpack around the dragon's frame.

"So Spike, I can't help but notice the bag you've got proclaimed on the back. You do know those will be in season in a few more months right?" the unicorn asked, wondering if the dragon was attempting to make an odd, yet bold fashion choice.

Spike took notice of the bag himself and knew at that moment that he could no longer escape from this situation. Regrettably, he sighed.

"No, that's not it... you see, i'm sort of on a journey." he weakly replied, rubbing his claws together in anxiousness.

This got Rarity's interest, much like how a detective novel would.

"A journey, you say. Whatever for darling? Is this something you and your father are doing?" she asked with a cute tilt to the head.

While Spike himself would normally comment on the cuteness of said tilting gesture, he was unable to as any confidence he had left quickly vanished upon the mentioning of the supposed parental figure.

"Right, they don't know. Not looking forward to doing this a bunch of times." he thought, as his exterior was unable to produce any words; his eyes were suddenly fascinated with the floor tiling as he couldn't manage to look at the troubled pony in front of him.

After a few moments of rather awkward silence between the two, Rarity looked at Spike with overwhelming concern, slowly reaching over to put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Spikey?" she quietly muttered, not used to seeing the dragon so quiet around her.

"He lied" he suddenly muttered, abruptly stopping the white hoof from coming into contact as she quickly pulled away, freezing up faster than a dress in a blizzard snowstorm.

"I beg your pardon?" she breathily aired, not even realizing she said anything until the drake elaborated.

"He was never my father. I found out that he only pretended to be just so he could stay at the castle." he emotionlessly answered, finally glancing up at the unicorn with an utter look of defeat.

Rarity froze as she felt a stabbing pain in my heart. This cute little baby dragon she absolutely adored was taken advantage of by means of parental questioning. She couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of pain Spike was in right now.

"Oh, Spikey-Wikey." she softly whispered, slowly getting out of her seat and approaching the dragon with a soft hug, tears peaking out of the corners of her eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

Spike hesitated for a second, contemplating whether he should accept the hug or not before he ultimately accepted it with all his being.

"It's ok... I'll be..." he paused, thinking of how to continue "I will be fine eventually." he concluded with a smooth layer of optimism in his tone.

As the hug had naturally ended, Spike decided it was time to explain the rest of the story.

"That's why I'm on this journey, I guess. Twilight wanted me to tell each of the girls what happened with Sludge and for some reason... bond I guess?" he finished quizzically, not sure what to really expect from that part of the plan.

At this, Rarity's ears perked up as she gazed at Spike with a layer of warmth.

"Oh, Spike! That's a wonderful idea, darling! I'm sure seeing the others for a while will help you deal with some of the pain you're feeling."

"Even if part of the pain involves them?" he internally sighed before addressing the unicorn, a hint of optimism still with him.

"Really, you think so?"

"Absolutely darling!" she drawled before a brilliant idea dawned on her. "In fact, I have an idea that will cheer you right up" she marveled in glee as she went right up and nuzzled Spike's soft cheek.

Spike's optimism grew ten-fold as he finally felt more confident with Twilight's mission. "R---really?" he asked, eyes glistening in awe and excitement.

"Absolutely! Follow me!" Rarity proudly proclaimed, Spike cheerfully following behind her as the two ventured up the stairs of the boutique.

"This is going to be great!"

"This is the worst..." Spike miserably muttered as he felt the prick of a sewing needle clinging to the fabric on his arm.

"Just hold still, darling. I've got to make sure these measurements are perfect." she mindlessly answered, perfectly unaware of the dragon's growing dread.

Turns out Rarity's brilliant idea on spending time with Spike was by helping her fill her new shipment of orders.

"Of course it's work with Rarity when I'm around. It's always work."

Spike hollowly smiled as he endured the hours of labor and assistance Rarity requested of him. Sure, this was the exact opposite of what he needed right now, but he figured if he toughed this out long enough, they could finally do something else.

"At least one of us is happy right now." he sighed, trying to prevent himself from actually spouting his distaste.

As Rarity continued her threading and measurements on the modeled outfit, she decided to make small-talk as to not fill the room with an eerie silence.

"Ah, this is nice isn't it Spike?"

"Yep. Sure is..." Spike smiled as he clenched his teeth, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"I know that it hurts now darling, but trust me when I say you're better off without Sludge. Besides you have others like me around."

"Yeah, wouldn't want me to miss out on being your source of labor." Spike bitterly thought. Suddenly, his earlier assumption that the unicorn was taking advantage of him seemed like it held a kernel of truth to it.

"And I know you'll have a fun time with the others as well!" she smiled with a small snicker of glee.

Spike's smile flashed genuinely for a second. At least that's a positive thing to think about. What could the others...

"You could buck apples with Applejack, help Pinkie with the bakery and Fluttershy with the animals. You may even help Rainbow..." she rattled on, though Spike was no longer paying attention as his smile visibly fell into a look of agitation.

"Work. It's always work with her. Does she think I live and breathe to serve others?" he groaned in his head.

"Now calm down, Spike. I'm sure Rarity doesn't mean to..." he tried to reasonably calm himself before the voice of a unicorn caught his attention.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, Spikey-Wikey" she innocently cooed. "I can't even imagine a creature taking advantage of such a sweet little dragon like you..."

"That's it!"

"Like you?" Spike harshly growled in a low utterance, all the air in the room suddenly froze as he could feel several pins drop onto the floor.

To say Rarity was shocked would've been an understatement; upon hearing the dragon's rather pointed question, the unicorn suddenly lost all control of her magic, various pins and needles clattering to the ground as she herself found her brain froze in concern. She turned to look at the dragon in utter bafflement.

"I'm sorry?" she whispered, not wanting to believe her Spikey-Wikey would say such a thing.

Spike felt himself hit with a pang of guilt as he realized what he had just vocalized; but suddenly, that hesitation turned into resolve as he realized he couldn't hold in these thoughts anymore. Twilight was right. He needed to let them out, and no matter what happened next, it would be for the better for them to happen now than later.

Spike gave a deep sigh in frustration, calming himself before he faced the unicorn, his eyes sharply narrowed.

"You say you wouldn't imagine anyone taking advantage of me, but just think about yourself here. Everytime I come over here, I find myself being wrapped up in some favor to please you! Whether it be gem collecting, modelling, whatever, it always comes back to benefiting you. I do it to be a good, supportive friend but I'm finally sick of it! You think I like working all the time?!"

Rarity stuttered, unable to speak coherently as her eyes started to water.

"Bu... you... you always..." she stuttered helplessly.

Thankfully, Spike seemed to pick up on what she was trying to get at.

"Yes, I myself volunteered a lot of times, you're right. But after awhile, I did it less out of trying to be nice and more being worried about trying to please you and thinking what would happen if I suddenly stopped." he paused, before his eyes steeled even more, turning into a harsher glare.

"But that doesn't excuse the fact that I know you knew I had a crush on you. You never stopped to consider I was just doing this to please you. In fact, I think it made everything worse because you've used your looks to get me to do you a favor on multiple occasions!"

By now, Rarity was full on crying as she looked at Spike with immediate regret.

"Spike..." she silently worded out.

"And what about me, huh? Besides the two Dragonlands trips, when have you been there for me?! Heck, you even threw Twilight a birthday party in Canterlot and didn't even think of inviting me! You think about others all the time but when it comes to me, it's all the sudden 'Oh what can Spike do for me today?!'" he exclaimed, eyes clenched shut in hurt.

"Spike... I didn't mean to..." Rarity tried to start, but was cut off one last time.

The dragon suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the unicorn with grim defeat oozing out of him.

"I'm done. I'm sorry, but I couldn't keep that in any longer. I just... you say that I shouldn't have family that uses me, but I'm not sure if I want you included either. It's just too much now. I'm done!" he sniffled as he began exiting the throne room, passing by the mare who simply turned over her shoulder in shock, before finding his backpack downstairs on the couch where he had left it.

As he placed the backpack on and began to leave, a raspy voice called out to him from behind.

"Spike! Please wait!"

Before the dragon had the chance to turn around and address the voice, he suddenly found himself forced into the tightest most suffocating hug he ever had been a part of. At first, he thought Pinkie had sneaked behind him and braced him, yet as he saw traces of a white coat he knew who it was.

"Spike, sweetie..." Rarity choked out, holding back tears as she rubbed her hooves on the dragon's scaly back. "I'm so sorry... I-I never realized that you felt this way. I-I didn't know... but I should've... I-I just..." she sobbed, before another idea came into fruition, hoping this one would make up for all her previous ones.

"Spike..." she began after taking a moment to calm down, releasing Spike and placing him directly in front of her. "...there's something I want you to see..."

Spike just sighed, not too keen on this idea. "Rarity, I don't..." but was shushed by a white delicate hoof blocking his lips.

"Please just trust me on this one. After that, if you never want to speak to me again, I'll understand."

Rarity was playing a high-stakes game now. A game Spike knew she wouldn't play if she wasn't fully confident in it. With that in mind, Spike reluctantly followed her back upstairs, but this time in a different room. Her bedroom.

The dragon had never been invited to Rarity's personal quarters before. Normally, the pony would comment on "never peeking into a lady's room" or some form of chivalry like that, but for her to want him in there grabbed his attention. Whenever Spike was over on one of his many visits overnight, he'd find himself on one of the couches in the common room - not that he was complaining - nothing like a fainting couch to lull him to sleep - but still this was a rare circumstance.

Once Rarity opened the door to her room, inviting the dragon in, she quickly trotted over to a big foamy mattress - her bed, before motioning for him to look above it with a hoof, gesturing to something hanging on the wall. Spike squinted in puzzlement for a brief second at the wall before he silently gasped, his mouth left gaping as he found what looked to be a ruby heart framed on the wall. And not just any ruby heart...

"R--rarity. Th-this isn't... is it..." Spike stammered, gazing up at the majestic gem currently displayed before Rarity continued in a tone etched with warmth and fondness.

"It is. It's the fire ruby you gave me right before your birthday." she commented heavenly, clearly taken back by the memories surrounding it with an aura of peace and longing.

"You...you kept it?" Spike asked, his eyes peeled to the shape in awe as he felt his body stiffen in place.

"Indeed I did. It is one of my most precious keepsakes after all. Someone very special in my life gave it to me." she responded, turning to him with an all-knowing smile caved on her face.

Spike's eyes began to water in appreciation at the sentiment.

"Maybe she does care; but that still doesn't explain..."

"Look underneath." her voice cut out his inner musings.

"Huh?" he questioned back in bewilderment, finally looking at the unicorn with one eyebrow raised.

Rarity, however glued her attention back to the wall, her smile still on her face but this time he could see tears slowly falling down her cheek as she seemed utterly captivated by something.

"Look underneath the heart. The plaque underneath." she pointed out, waiting for Spike to figure it out on his own.

With great caution, Spike slowly walked closer to the bed, before glancing up at the wall again to get a better look at the gem and it's hidden message underneath.

Spike. My Little Brother Forever. etched in beautiful calligraphy.

Spike's heart completely stopped as he frantically found himself reading and re-reading the quote, seemingly mesmerized by it's mere existence as tears rapidly began to fall from his cheeks.

"B----brother?" Spike stammered out weakly, worried that he was dreaming.

Rarity, tears fresh on her face too, simply nodded as she walked over and stroked Spike's shoulder with a hoof.


Spike couldn't take it anymore as he instinctively tackled Rarity and embraced her lower body, gripping himself tightly before letting out a multitude of high-pitched sobs, burying himself in the soft fur of the unicorn who had done this to him.

Rarity simply hugged him back and left the room fill with only sobs for what seemed like hours before he had finally stopped, indicating to her it was her time to speak.

"Spike. You are one of the most generous beings I know. You've always been there for me and I appreciate everything you do. I consider you a brother to me, but in truth, I have failed you as a big sister. I should've been there more in the past for you - all those adventures we did, all those times with the girls..."

Spike silently gazed up at her, showing that he was listening before she prodded on.

"But I didn't realize that and I'm sorry. In fact, I have a bigger confession to make."

"All this time, I kept inviting you and asking you to do favors and errands with me because I thought they made you happy. I remember when the very idea of you helping me gave you the biggest smile imaginable, so I always thought that the times you spent making dresses and digging gems with me... I thought they were things you wanted to do. I had no idea you felt like you were obligated to do them to get my attention."

"Rarity..." Spike whispered, but Rarity continued.

"But that was wrong of me to never think or ask you what you wanted. I want you to know that you should never have to feel like you owe me just to spend time with me. I should've made a more conscious effort towards your feelings and I hope that you can forgive me. From now on, I want us to be more open with each other like a family should."

Spike couldn't stop crying at this point, even if he wanted to. Finally, he found his voice.

"Rarity, this is my fault too. If I had told you how I was feeling in the first place..." but was forcibly cut off by the familiar white hoof from earlier.

"Now Spike, I will have none of that! We both could've communicated better, yes, but it wasn't your fault! You've been doing everything for me whereas I have yet to even attempt and return the favor."

Then, Rarity leaned down and softly whispered, "Spike, I love you. You're my baby brother. And I want to protect you from here on out. I want us to be better together because we both deserve to be happy. What do you say we spend some time doing some actual family bonding, hmm?"

Spike couldn't help but smile fondly in return as he gripped Rarity's neck in agreement.

"Wouldn't have it any other way... sis."

Over the course of the next three days, Spike had decided to stay with Rarity and catch up with his brand new big sister he never thought he had - and boy would he be the first to tell you they were probably some of the best days he ever experienced.

They had played rousing games of one-on-one buckball (even despite Rarity's usual cynicism to sports and the process of getting her coat dirty). They had gone one day to explore the bustling streets of Manehatten and gone on to see the show he had missed out on previously. They had walks in the park, a wide variety of board games, a surprisingly intense pillow fight and so much more. Spike got to choose most of these activities himself and he had loved every second of it, spending time with the unicorn who couldn't have been in a greater state of bliss herself.

Finally, on the evening of the third day, Spike had decided it was time to set out and find another one of the girls he was destined to find on his quest. Rarity gave him a sharp hug (along with a few gems in case he got hungry) as he was ready to venture out once more.

"Are you sure you'll be fine finishing those orders? I'm sorry you had to..."

"Darling! For the last time, I took that break myself and I am perfectly capable of getting myself back on track. Besides, there are some things more important than work wouldn't you say?" she questioned with a well-meaning smirk.

Spike couldn't help but chuckle heartily as he addressed back.

"I guess you're right, sis."

Rarity warmly smiled back at the dragon's newfound title for her, which she took in great stride.

"Off to find more family?"

"Hopefully." Spike faithfully answered back, now seemingly much more comfortable and willing to take part in this mission before he had stumbled into the boutique a couple days earlier.

"I know you will. Good luck Spike." she whispered as she lovingly embraced him one more time, before seeing him off.

Spike began walking into the cool, crisp sunset - ready to start a new chapter no matter what happened next; because he knew he always had a ruby heart inside him that would shine forever on.

"My Spikey-Wikey." a voice was heard in the distance, before proceeding to go back inside, the call of her job arising once again.

Author's Note:

Spike's first step in his quest is over - and what a step it was!

Truth be told, I always have difficulty writing Rarity. I love seeing her over-the-top dramatics, but other times I find it difficult to characterize her (either when she's 'too snooty' or 'overly fashionable'). But I think I was able to focus on the Spike/Rarity dynamic quite well.

Hoping you guys like this chapter and I hope to have another one up soon.

Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, etc.

