• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,487 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 8 – Dark Awakening

Chapter 8 – Dark Awakening

The surface of Europa, covered in snow and towering cliffs of ice, proved to be difficult to traverse for the first few waves of Guardians rushing to put an end to Eramis and House Salvation’s schemes. By now though, Drifter and Eris had long acclimated to the shifting ice and billowing snowstorms. The engines of Drifters’ salvaged drop ship whined as they rumbled above the moon’s surface. In the distance was the familiar campsite of their mutual acquaintance and fellow Stasis wielder, The Exo Stranger. Though she had long since revealed her true identity to both them and Cyrell at this point, Elsie Bray.

She stood facing towards the frozen cliff side, no doubt pondering the goings on of the universe and comparing it to her own timelines doomed history. The bone chilling wind caused clumps of snow to gently drift across the surface of the moon and caused Elsies hunter esque cloak to dance in the air.

As they approached, their boots sinking into the soft snow, she slowly turned to face them offering little more than a small nod in greeting. The three stood there for a moment, the only sound being the Europan wind as it blew across the icy plains and through their bones. It had been like this almost every time the trio had gathered together, and both Drufter and Eris had the distinct impression that their companion knew something about each of them, knowledge from a former timeline. What that knowledge was exactly, however, remained a mystery.

Finally Elsie spoke, “I don’t suppose you’ ve come to update me on your progress with Stasis… have you.” She said, her metallic features somehow perfectly showing her own trepidation as easily as if it was still living flesh. Drifter chuckled, she was just as quick to catch in as ever. Another brief silence took hold before anyone dared speak again. The wind had been steadily growing in intensity, it wouldn’t be long before one of Europas’ infamous storms made it nearly impossible to see. Or, of course, freeze them on the spot from the extreme temperature shift.

Finally, Eris and Drifter turned to one another, before the latter coughed into his hand and spoke, “Uh, ‘fraid not. We got a problem…” his words hung in the air for a moment, before Elsie gestured towards the small habitat with her hand. Without a word the group slowly trudged into the abode to discuss their newest setback, and hopefully formulate a solution. As the door closed, the howling wind reached a fever pitch, blanketing the entire area in dense snow and darkness.

The three members of what many Guardians were calling ‘The Dark Vanguard’, stood in the small habitat still, Elsie having taken to silently processing everything she heard while Eris and Drifter waited. The latter had taken to raiding the small fridge that was located near the bed, the man's voracious appetite was seemingly perpetual, never able to be fully sated.

Eris had instead taken to meditating, her closing orb of Hive magic serving as a focus. She knew better than most the dangers of approaching the Dark without due caution, and she refused to allow it to claim her mind. So she chose to fortify herself against its temptations as often as she could, though never alone.

As for Elsie, she had wandered over to one of the tables, covered in trophies taken from Eramis and her fallen Council members. She methodically rubbed her chin, thoughts and memories swirling as she tried to make sense of this strange circumstance. It had never happened in any of the past timelines, of that she was certain. Perhaps it was an attempt by the Darkness to remove the one thing that had so far allowed for this timeline to avoid catastrophe, for now at least? Maybe. But the. Again, it had been both Light and Dark that had spirited him and his ghost away. The more she thought about it, the more concerned she became, it could be that someone else was pulling the strings here.

She turned her head to Eris, asking “Do you suspect foul play in all of this…?” She let the question hang for a moment, waiting for the former lightbearer to respond. Eris thought for a moment, considering the benefits of such a scheme.

“It is possible that Savathun would seek to remove him, he was one of the guardians to slay Oryx and aided me in understanding the Pyramids messages on Io” she paused for a moment, staring into her orb as she recalled all the feats the brave guardian had accomplished alongside her. She thought of the brave raid team who slew the monster Taken King's son. She thought of The Scarlet Keep and all that she had learned about its creation. She turned to Elsie again, as Drifter continued to devour the contents of the fridge. She sneered at him before continuing.

“Cyrell has done much to break the Hive, he aided me in discovering the secrets of the Ascendent Plane, which lead to Crotas destruction. He even was one of the Guardians to slay Oryx, both in our reality and in his Throne World, alongside five other Guardians.” She paused, again. Raising her stolen eyes to meet the artificial optics of Elsie.

“He represents a threat that could undo her schemes if given the chance, and with the Darkness growing displeased with her constant scheming, it was only a matter of time before she began to set… prepare the field. So yes, it’s possible. But little is ever certain in regards to the Witch Queen” Eris looked towards the automatic doors, to the pyramid ship off in the distance. She really couldn’t say if this was all part of one of the Witch Queen's many palms or simply a fluke of paracausality, there were too many variables and not enough constants to be certain.

But what was true, was the importance of Cyrell to their cause. He was respected by the Vanguard and City, hailed a hero alongside many other prominent Guardians. Without him and his support of their use of Stasis, they lost much of their credit and trust.

Drifter slowly stood up from the fridge and walked over to the central table that Elsie and she had been standing around. “Moondust makes a good point, but I think we’re forgetting the big thing here.” He paused as they both turned to him, skepticism clear across both their features. “Look I’m just sayin, Light and Dark get kinda temperamental when they are forced to work at the same time in the same confined space. That’s what happened with the Awoken afterall!” His eyes darted to Eris, searching her for a reaction, though she continued to be as stoic as ever.

Elsie slowly nodded along, while Drifter was rough around the edges, he did know more than his appearance may suggest. Gambit was proof enough of that. “So we need to replicate the events, which means we need a way to concentrate Darkness alongside the Light… like with a Splinter…” Elsie said, the eye of all three darting to each other, as the beginnings of a plan began to form. “I think we all know just who to ask for one as well” she said with a smirk.

Variks grasped his staff as he looked out onto the frozen landscape of Europa. His heart was heavy, mourning the loss of what could have been a new beginning for his people, a place to finally call home after the destruction brought by the Whirlwind. The small relay station that serves as his new home, though it was more like a prison, helped to protect him from the chill, but it did little to provide him with much else. It too was a forgotten relic of the Past, left to decay in the wake of the Darkness invasion and the end of what the humans called the ‘Golden Age’.

He had long come to see just how similar his people and theirs were, both blessed by the Great Machine, both prospering under its Light and Guidance. Both suffering at the claws of its enemy… Perhaps if House Judgement had survived the journey to Sol, they could have reigned in the other Houses. Made peace with the City and be given access to the Great Machine through peace. But then again, the old ways had started to fade from memory long before they arrived here.

As he continued to observe the moon's surface through the glass portal, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, before the automatic doors opened up to reveal three familiar individuals. They were acquaintances of the Guardian, teaching him how to wield Stasis without falling to it like Eramis had. If they were here, no doubt he and the Darkness were involved.

Variks wheezed, his body still suffering from the abuse of Eramis and her ill gotten powers, turning to address the new arrivals. “Welcome friends, Variks is surprised to see you. Perhaps you have need of him again, yes?” He said as the three entered into the room, the doors closing behind them.

Drifter spoke first, walking up to Variks saying “Well that depends on a few things Variks Ol’ buddy” he turned to regard his companions, Elsie retrieving a data pad from a pack to hand to the Eliksni Scrube. Drifter continued, “See we need to get another one of them fancy Splinters, so we can help our mural pal out of a jam. You seemed like the perfect person to ask for a reference” he said, his signature smirk hidden behind his mask, but as apparent as ever.

Variks looked over the device, taking in all the information it held. Seems that the scraggly one was attempting to use both Dark and Light for his tinkering much like Praksis. As he continued to read, the other two began to fill in Variks on the situation, and why they needed another Splinter.

He was hesitant at first, but seeing the Guardian Cyrell was in possible danger, quickly made Variks change his tune. During the House of Wolves fiasco he had worked closely with Cyrell, and came to respect his power as a warrior. Strangely though, he never accepted Variks invitations to the Prison of Elders. He only came to aid on prisoner movements and during… the riot. The riot Variks had instigated and resulted in the death of Cayde-6. It had been an unfortunate byproduct of his own escape, one he knew would need to be made right one day.

Arils looked at the three of them, before tapping his staff on the metallic floor. “Variks can help, Come and see” he said as he led them into a separate room with a large display showing the whole of Riss-Reborn. He gestured to the hologram, his lower arms manipulating it until the group saw a large section within the Dome’s inner chambers. It was connected to the factory that the Vanguard had sabotaged after Eramis fell, and no doubt would be difficult to reach undetected.

“This is where Eramis stored them, only her Council and herself were allowed access to this vault. Variks has heard from his spies that a prominent Captain from House Salvation has attempted to gain access to its contents” Variks said, releasing another wheeze as he felt his sides ache.

The three humans were quick to begin pointing out possible methods for entering the Fallen city, before Variks once again began to speak.

“Variks believes we can make this a mutually beneficial operation” he clattered as they true d to him again, “like you, the disciples of Praksis have also begun using Darkness within their ships. I have heard of a Ketch in the bowels of the Technocrats Iron that is being remade with this cursed technology, and I fear what it could mean for us all'' he chittered again as he showed the large hidden hanger on the map, which was conveniently on the way to their destination.

Elsie looked from the projection to Variks, “You want us to take out this modified ship in return for the map” it was less a question and more a statement. Variks simply grasped his staff and bowed before them, saying.

“Variks knows he has much to answer for, but if we do not stop this fleet, it could prove devastating to any Eliksni attempting to flee from this cursed place. Promise Variks you will prevent this and I will give you the map and access codes. They will make your entry more… subtle, yes?” He said, a series of strange clicks following afterwards. His beady eyes looking to each in rapid succession.

The three looked to one another again, silently discussing the destitute scribes request, before Elsie nodded her head. “It’s a deal”. She reached out her mechanical hand, and grasped it around Variks remaining metal arm. Now that they had a plan, it was only a matter of preparing for the battle ahead.

Elsie turned to her two companions, jerking her head back towards Beyond and their makeshift camp before dying, “I’ve been gathering supplies back at camp, and have a few caches in some of the intact Exo facilities. We can use those to make this little strike easier for ourselves.” She said as they departed from the dilapidated relay station, its metallic doors hissing open before slowly closing with a metallic clunk behind them.

She continued “Plus, this may be just the test to see how your grasp of Stasis is shaping up.” Her glowing eyes seemed to take a strange glint to them. “Let’s see if you're both as quick to learn as our estranged friend”.

Cyrell stood by his jumpship, its engine revealed for all his new acquaintances to see. He was surprised that it looked as good as it did, no giant holes or melted connections, there was even some ambient Light and Dark still in it, if only faintly discernible. Credit where it was due, Drifters tech may look like cobbled garbage but it functioned extremely well. Or at least it did MOST of the time.

Cyrell watched as Selene pointed out the different aspects, both original and those added by Drifter, and explained how they worked to the two royals and their small herd of companions. Twilight looked like a child during the Dawning, her eyes eagerly looking across the mechanical device and feverishly noting each part and its function in a notebook. Her fellow Princess had a bemused look to her, no doubt she was familiar with the more eccentric nature of her purple friend. Cyrell was more than happy to let them talk mechanics since it left him time to rest, leaning against the ship's wing.

He looked up as he saw the orange mare approaching him, it seemed she had taken as much science talk as she could. Cyrell quickly tried to recall what her name was.

‘Uhhh, I think this one is Applejack? She’s the silly one right? How hard is it to remember a brightly colored equines name…’

Failing to feel confident he instead chose to simply nod towards her and act like everything was fine. It was one of the reasons why he liked leaving his helmet on, to keep his embarrassment hidden. Maybe that’s why Lord Shaxx and Saint-14 did the same? He should ask about that when he gets back.

“I don’t know about y’all but I’ve had enough of that science muni jumbo fer now” she drawled, a small smile on her round muzzle. Applejack looked up to Cyrell gazing into the strange helmet as if trying to see his face behind it.

“How’n tarnation do ya see in that dern thang anyhow? Ain’t got nowhere fer you to see out of”
Applejack chuckled as she finished scrutinizing the large strange warriors armor and helmet. She sat next to him, watching her friends continue with their discussion with the odd little contraption that flitted about.

“It’s just a miniaturized camera system” Cyrell said, leaning towards the earth pony beside him, “Fot tiny little things on certain parts of it that feed into a screen on the inside. It allows them to add more armor for better protection on the front, I think” He may not have sounded so sure, but his job was to punch aliens and slay would be gods, not craft helmets. That was more the original Sunbreakers thing anyway.

Applejack just nodded along, her face slowly losing its mirth as she continued to stare ahead. Cyrell tried to follow her gaze, and landed on Drifter's mechanical abomination. Sure it was kind of an eyesore but surely she didn’t care that much for its aesthetic design? He could have sworn that was the pink ones thing… or maybe it was the yellow one?

Applejack continued to narrow her eyes at it, like she was reading some smudged ink on a scroll. Her body even leaned in as of that would aid her inspection of the device. Cyrell thought it was adorable, like a child seeing a Sparrow for the first time. Curiosity with a mix of confusion.

Applejack and Cyrell stayed that way for a while, the two of them silent as the sounds of nature rang throughout the forest. Cyrell marvels at all the cord calls still, he’d have to record some with Selene for Saint to hear, he knew the exo would love it given how few birds remained after the Collapse.

His musings were interrupted as Applejack tapped her hoof against his leg, a full metal clunk sounds with each tap. Cyrell looked down to her, her expression held no mirth or ire, it was neutral at first glance. But when he looked into her large green eyes he felt the severity behind her facial facade.

‘Strange… what’s eating you little one?’

Cyrell simply nodded to her, a silent acknowledgement for her to do whatever she intended. Applejack stared at him for a few more seconds before hitting her head towards the engine, or more specifically the Drifters FTL Drive. Cyrell turned to glance at it, though it looked as it had before, then turned back to her and cocked his head to the side. Applejack looked back at him before whispering in a low voice.

“I ain’t as magically inclined as Twi or Rares, being just a simple Earth Pony. But that don’t mean I don’t feel the leylines in my own way.” She began, turning back towards the group. Cyrell mirrors her as he listened to her continue.

“We can feel it flow through all’o us, every critter and plant and even the earth itself. I can even feel something similar in that there doohickey a’yers…” she paused for a moment. The two of them continued to gaze towards the machine, though Cyrell was beginning to see where this was going. It had only been a matter of time.

“Some of it reminds me of the Elements, in a way” she continued, “but the other… that reminds me of something a whole lot more disturbin”, she continued to stare ahead. Silence reigned once again, as the two stood side by side. Cyrell hadn’t even noticed her get up.

She looked at him, her eyes staring from the periphery, asking “Y’all said ya needed to fill’er up with somethin, an’ sumthin tells me that strange magic is what you meant by that” she turned and glared up at the Titan, her bright green eyes filled with determination and a small ember of anger.

Cyrell nodded again, waiting for her to finish asking her question. He didn’t wait long as Applejack said, “So how do you plan on gettin that dark feelin mumbo jumbo exactly”. It wasn’t a question, really, but a demand. He could see it in her eyes.

Cyrell took a deep breath and held it, before slowly releasing it again. He turned his whole body and knelt to get on the same level as Applejack. He knew they valued things like friendship and honesty, so he would do his best to be as open as he could be.

“I can assure you” Cyrell began, “I intended to use the Darkness only on the monsters in the Everfree. Guardians are meant to protect others and wield the Light…” he trailed off for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts as best he could.

“Sometimes the best way to fight an enemy is to use their weapons against them, that’s why the Darkness us in that machine and it’s why I use it. As a tool to fight against evil, nothing more.”

Applejack continued to glare at him, before quirky saying, “I want you to look me in the eye and say that”.

Cyrell was silent. He stared at her for a minute, his thoughts raving about breathable air and bacteria, before he settled down and composed himself. Not that Applejack could tell since it was all internalized, something all Titans shared. They were called the Wall for a reason after all.

Slowly, he reached up and grasped his helmet. A gentle tug saw the seal break with a hiss as he pulled it off his head. Applejack for the most part was able to reign in her surprise as she saw the humans true face. Small foal like eyes, a little rounded nose with stubby ears on the sides. He was kind of like the primates Fluttershy had shown her in the past, though a bit different.

She looked into the dark brown eyes of Cyrell, peering into what might be his very soul, of what Granny Smith said about the eyes of a pony anyway were true, and did her best to use her intuition to see what was true and what was false.

“You have my word as a Guardian, I will not harm you or anyone else to make it back home”

The two stayed like that for what felt like hours, with only the faint sounds of the wind, nature and their own breathing for company. Applejack searched and searched, looking for any misgiving or falter. She found none.

Slowly her gaze softened, and she nodded to the Titan, before returning to her relaxed position beside him. Cyrell donned his helmet again, and resumed his own relaxed stance again, their companions a small ways off none the wiser. Once they were done examining the device with Selene he would explain to them what he had to Applejack, but for now he would let them ogle the machine.

In the cold hangar of Riis Reborn, a Fallen Baron turned Captain turned Kell examined the fleet of skiffs as they underwent their final inspections. His personal Ketch was cloaked above them, it’s own upgrades completed beforehand. Soon he would go out to show the rest of his people the folly of the Once Great Machines followers, and the power that the Darkness had gifted them. Combining Ether and Darkness into his ships engines would allow it to travel further faster, making the humans and other assorted foes in Sol unable to withstand their might.

The Sol System would soon learn to revere and fear the name Suriks the Light Killer, the new Kell of House Salvation.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done, and the pieces are all starting to fall(en) into place! Things are only going to be more heated next chapter, so look forward to nothing but action in that! Please feel free to ask questions and theorize below, I'd love to see what you think lies ahead. It helps me see how predictable I'm being, haha! With my new job I'll probably save writing for the weekends, so expect things to remain slow update wise.

As always my blog will be the best way to see what my plans are and how progress is going, so check in every now and then for updates!

Until next time.... Eyes up Guardians!