• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,859 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 8: Gotta Knock a Little Harder

The sun rose the next morning just like always. Twilight was as punctual as ever and the day was going to be a gorgeous one with a pleasant breeze and the few stray clouds would either be pushed along or corralled by pegasi weather teams. In an unassuming hall not far from the guest's wing of Canterlot Castle, four ponies, a dragon, and a griffon stood outside a multi-sealed door trading glances and shrugs. No creature knew what to say on the matter or who should do the honors. It was the brawny, purple dragon who finally sighed and spoke up.

“Okay,” Spike began, “so who wants to knock and find out if she’s even in there?”

“Night watch reported she did come back last night and no patrols logged that she was roaming the halls. So, unless she teleported in such a way it didn't overpower the interdiction crystals, she’s in there. And on that subject, I personally chewed out the guard who set all this in motion,” said Tempest matter-of-factly.

Twilight shifted a bit, grinding a hoof guard into the stone, a hurt frown creasing her features for a moment. “I must have insulted her somehow. Maybe it was too soon… I… didn’t mean to upset her, I just…”

Luna placed a hoof on Twilight and pulled her in for a hug. “You did nothing wrong, Twilight. Sunset is an adult mare and more than capable of being responsible for her own actions. However, considering her response it may be prudent to consult a doctor on Sunset's mental state.”

“Regardless, we must move to the next item on your itinerary, court will be expected to begin soon. I will pass along any relevant updates regarding Miss Shimmer, but we must hurry along, Your Highness.” Twilight nodded to Isabella, sparing one last glance at the wooden door before following her assistant.

Luna let out a jaw splitting yawn. “I too must move on. I will check on my sister then I must rest for this evening. Perhaps Sunset will be feeling less hostile tonight and we can continue our previous magic lessons. There is still much I wish to show her.”

Tempest and Spike exchanged glances. Spike nodded with his head at the door.

“Ohhhh no. Not happening, dragon boy. Last time I woke her up she nearly set me on fire. Besides, I have paperwork to do and garrison drills to run. It is after all any day now, correct?”

Spike smiled and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “According to Twilight and the doctors, either today or tomorrow.” Spike sighed, looking at the door as if the wooden barrier had committed some great offense. “Sure, why not? I guess I don’t have anything else to do until then. Better go get the coffee first.”

Twenty minutes later Spike had returned and was pounding on the wooden door bearing Sunset’s cutie mark. He used more force than he strictly had to, feeling the defense wards flex under the impact. He had to hope she had not sound proofed the room as well or else some destruction of property was going to be in order. An amused grin split his draconic face. "Heh, wouldn't be the first time."

Sunset rolled off her couch at the sound of pounding on her door. For nearly two seconds she held a piercing bolt spell ready to fire. After regaining her bearings, Sunset grounded her energy and let the spell fade and dissipate, mentally assuring herself it was not the owner of a sleazy motel in the Mediterranean pounding on the door whose employees were ripping people off by saying customers had not paid. That had been a little too exciting of a weekend.

“Ugggh,” Sunset grumbled, rubbing the crust from her eyes as she three leg stumbled her way to the door to unlock her security wards. She opened the door and was about to growl at the disturbance when Spike shoved a coffee cup forward.

“I know you hate mornings, but I brought coffee,” he wrinkled his nose and grimaced, “Sweet Celestia, you smell like the bathroom of a tavern.”

Sunset took the coffee, taking a deep inhalation of the life giving aroma. “Thanks, I love you too.”

“I’m married.”

“I was talking to the coffee.” Sunset moved back to her couch and sat down, drinking deeply from her favorite beverage. “So, what brings you by so early?”

Spike ignored the smell of alcohol and body odor and moved to the other couch so he could look at Sunset and the room in general. The room looked mostly in order, a few items spread out, but no signs of destruction. Sunset herself had no obvious signs of self harm, thankfully, but her mane was a mess, her fur matted in several places, many of her feathers were in need of preening, and her eyes had deep, dark circles under them. He doubted her fatigue and poor upkeep of appearance were caused by one night of drinking alone. It went without saying that the last thirty moons had been unkind to Sunset or more accurately, she had been unkind to herself.

Might as well jump right into it. “A few things, actually. First, and I think I speak for all of us on this one, we are all very sorry about what happened to your wife.” Sunset turned away from Spike, trying to hide her face with the coffee cup. “Secondly, I got volunteered to make sure you were all right. Everypony else thought you might try to set them on fire.”


Spike waited to see if she would say more, but when it was clear she would not he growled, a bit of smoke whisps trailing from his lips and out his nose. That got her attention.

“You should know, you really hurt Twilight’s feeling last night. She heard you were coming and cleared her evening schedule just for you. Had a spread of your favorite foods set out and even had a freshly churned tub of chocolate and strawberry ice cream ordered up and held in frozen stasis for you. It was a lot of prep and work on her part, more than she’s done for friends in a while... and you left her hanging."

Spike let out a sigh to calm his own emotions. "I know you are hurting, we all do. No one is telling you to rush to get over it or trying to pressure you, well, I suppose the guard was a bit out of line last night, but Twilight is more than just the ruler of Equestria, she’s your friend, and MY sister. You knew she invited you, you could have a least stopped by and said hello. You just don’t ditch your friends and family like that, it’s rude, and disrespectful. So please, give me more than just a grunt and ‘ah’ as an explanation.”

Sunset set the empty cup down. “You’re right.” Spike arched a brow ridge. He had been expecting a comeback or snarky response. Capitulation was not a typical Sunset Shimmer response. That spoke volumes in of itself. “I’m sorry to you and especially to Twilight. I…” Sunset sniffed and rubbed her nose. “I don’t deserve special dinners or personal attention from the princess. I’m just… I should not have come back at all if I’m just going to be a horrible friend and make everypony else miserable. That was wrong of me.”

“Well, she’s busy now, like always, but I would suggest apologizing to her as soon as you can. She’ll forgive you, she’s Twilight, that goes without saying, but do me a personal favor and don’t hurt my sister again. Otherwise, you and I are going to have a longer, not so civil talk, outside.”

Sunset was not sure if he was being serious, but it was best not to insult his brotherly honor with pointing out all the flaws to that threat. Instead, Sunset just nodded.

“Good. Anyhow, I’m glad you’re back and look forward to what comes next. Though, if you want some friendly advice, what comes next for you should be a hot bath and maybe take some time to get out of this room, let the cleaning staff air it out a bit. Then, and as an official friendship ambassador I would NEVER suggest it, but I just happen to know Twilight is hosting a dinner tonight for the different school superintendents board members. No way would I ever suggest crashing that snooze party in a way that is both fun and apologetic to her.” Spike stood, wink, and let himself out.

“It was hard to tell from this angle, but I think that was a dragon.”

Sunset let out a small laugh. “Yes, Raven, that was a dragon. A really good one.” Sunset raised a foreleg and sniffed, grimacing. “Ugh, I really do need to get my shit together.”

“I have been telling you that for more than two years. Apparently, I should have been a dragon not a PAAL.”


Sunset remembered from her early history lessons that the plateau upon the Canterhorn where Canterlot had been founded had once been a mining and stone quarry. Ponies had carved numerous tunnels into the mountains in search of precious gems and other stones. Once most of the rarest pieces had been extracted the mine fell out of favor until Celestia had decided to build her new capital atop the mountain.

The books claimed that it was so that she could view her blossoming kingdom from a high elevation and more centralized location. Even if that were true, Sunset was also aware that the new capital had been needed after Luna’s banishment and the Castle of the Two Sisters had been heavily damaged and abandoned.

Canterlot Castle was soon founded and rose stone by stone. Unicorns applied their magic powers to help shape the architecture, earth ponies used their strength and knowledge of the land to give it a strong foundation even while standing so close to the edge of the mountain plateau, and pegasi made sure that all the structures worked with the elements so that wind and rain would quickly pass through without damage or distress.

Over the many centuries that followed the city of Canterlot had grown up under the castle and evolved from a dirt road village to a majestic, shining beacon of hope, knowledge, and of course, political power. However, unlike Manehatten or Vanhoover or other larger cities that continued to grow and modernize as times changed, Canterlot had maintained much of its historical architecture and was often like walking through history itself.

Sunset, now freshened up and presentable, was enjoying the beautiful day by walking along and taking in the sights and smells of the place of her birth. Little had changed in the last thirty moons. In fact little had changed in the last few centuries if she really thought about it, but every now and then Sunset spotted a pony using the new smaller, portable SunLight crystals to talk to someone on the other end. She had also seen the larger, home crystals for sale in more than one shop window. It was heartening to see the experiment had been a success and was benefiting ponies everywhere just as she had hoped.

A brief curiosity passed through Sunset as she wondered if Twilight had set a bank account aside for her to receive a portion of payment from the sale of the crystals or whether it just all went into the national treasury since she had not been around to dictate such things. Ultimately, it was irrelevant considering if she needed money all she had to do was ask Twilight or Celestia and they would likely hoof over whatever she felt she needed. Still, it was something to look into later in nothing else than to satisfy her curiosity.

Sunset’s casual wandering eventually brought her back around to the Royal Guard garrison compound. It was probably just a coincidence, but still a curious one that the barracks and guard training grounds were located just on the far side of the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns campus. Technically, the compound was also considered part of the Royal Palace complex and had restricted access except when allowing tour groups for potential recruits to visit. Getting through security shouldn't be a problem. Even though she was larger and taller than most mares, Sunset was unsurprised when the guards stopped her at the gate and asked of her purpose.

Sunset lifted the side of her cloak to reveal her wings and said. “I need to speak with Lieutenant Commander Gauge of the thestral Night Guards.”

The two guards at the gate conversed for a bit before nodding to the third guard who had a pike drawn across the entry way. “If he’s not resting in the thestral barracks he may be out on the training grounds running drills, Your Highness.”

Sunset ignored the title and nodded politely. “Thank you.”

Logic would have dictated that the night guards would either still be asleep or just waking up given that it was now about three in the afternoon. Still, Sunset chose to check the training grounds first on a hunch. One did not become the commanding officer of an entire division by oversleeping… usually. Sunset had read once that the old Griffon Army used to have an officer rank just for the loudest belcher. So best over sleeper was not beyond the realm of possibility.

As she strolled, a few of the guards working the physical training course took notice of Sunset, a few others passed hushed whispers, and an entire platoon of fresh recruits turned their heads as they trotted by earning them an earful from the accompanying drill sergeant. Apparently, she was making waves and possibly not in a good way. Sunset was sure Tempest would gripe at her later for distracting her soldiers. Was it really her fault that all the ponies took notice of her swaying alicorn hips even under a cloak? Of course when Sunset thought about it for a moment that use to happen even before the wings. Can still turn heads even after all this time. Yay, ego boost.

Sunset was about to give up and head to the thestral barracks when she spotted the bat pony she was looking for with a few other day and night guards standing around a sparring circle. Judging by the way he was circling the ring he was likely analyzing the two combatants like an art critic would circle a sculpture to critique.

“Keep your spear head off the ground, Sky Chaser!”

“Yes, LC!”

Gauge circled behind them again. “Next time he leaves himself open like that I want you to jam and thrust, Harpsicord.”

The bat pony mare nodded. “Understood, LC.”

Sunset found a spot nearby that was out of the way, but not hiding in the shadows either. Gauge briefly locked eyes with her before returning focus to his subordinates. The shale colored stallion moved to strike with the blunted spear, but the thestral smacked it down and away, sliding across the beaten soil to shoulder check her opponent. Sky Chaser tried to recover, but found his legs tangled up in her spear shaft and tripped. The bat pony took to the air briefly and held the weapon to the stallion’s throat.

“Congratulations, Sky Chaser, you’re dead,” said Gauge with a sardonic grin. “Clear the circle, troops, while I talk to our guest.” The soldiers saluted and moved to the perimeter to practice or whisper speculations.

Sunset stepped forward to join Gauge in the circle. “She’s pretty good, fast. I barely saw that move she pulled with the staff and I've got eyes like a hawk.”

Gauge nodded approvingly. “Naturally, I’m supposed to be impartial in these cross garrison drills, but I do take a little bit of pride in seeing my own charges triumph over Solar Guards. Competition helps both sets of guards and working closely with one another reduces the misconceptions and animosity that often crop up when a pony first meets a thestral. While we don’t face the blatant distrust and discrimination our predecessors’ faced when Mistress Luna returned from the moon, we still often find ourselves looked down upon by other ponies for being what we are. Especially by Canterlot unicorns from the social elite.

“It’s hard on them sometimes, my fellow thestrals, but we choose this life and do so proudly. For us, this is an honor to serve in any capacity. Still, the Night Guard is not for everypony so I focus heavily on physical conditioning and discipline and if any creature gives my troops any lip, they can meet us in the circle to work out their troubles. Enough on that. I doubt you came down here to listen to me talk about that old issue. So, what did bring you here, Lady Sunset?”

Sunset closed her eyes and bowed her head in shame. Even if the thestral had spoken out of turn she did in a great disservice with her own reaction to the situation. “I wanted to apologize to you personally for my behavior yesterday. You were just trying to do your job and I… you know what, it doesn’t matter what my excuse was. I blew you off and worse, I blew off Princess Twilight. I’m sorry if I caused you to be reprimanded.”

Gauge nodded. “You were hurting, any fool could see that. I was torn between doing my duty to the princess and trying to be your friend. I failed at both. So, we both have something to apologize for in that respect.”

“Good, I’m glad we got that squared. I’m going to be in Canterlot for… a long time now. I didn’t want things to be sour between us. You've always been good to me and I honestly don't have many friends here. Anyhow, that's what I came to say so I'll let you get back to it.” Sunset started to walk away when Gauge cleared his throat.

“Oh, things are not square, Lady Sunset.” The goldenrod alicorn looked back at the thestral, a sly smirk on his face showing off one of his fangs. “Apologies as friends have been given and accepted, but as a professional guard you stained my honor and your own with your behavior. If you are truly sorry for your actions you will answer this slight in the ring.”

Sunset turned completely around back to the bat pony, her wings beginning to peek out from under her cloak as they reacted to her ire. “Are you seriously suggesting you want to fight an alicorn, lieutenant commander?”

“Just a friendly spar in the circle with rules, of course. A time tested method of settling disputes between soldiers. As I understand it was also a favorite past time among feuding nobility at one time. That’s a different story, however. You’re not afraid of a friendly match, are you, my lady?”

Sunset’s horn began to glow and a longsword materialized before her, she stabbed the weapon into the ground where the blade ignited in ghostly red flame. “In case you were unaware I’ve been through a few fights.”

Gauge nodded and held up his hooves. “I had no doubt considering our earlier conversations and while your weapon of choice is very impressive, please consider we are talking about an honor duel. I was thinking something a bit less permanently scarring.” The bat pony trotted over to a weapons rack and tossed Sunset a quarterstaff.

Sunset released her sword summon and it disappeared. She levitated her cloak over to a nearby armor stand to keep it off the ground before taking ahold of the staff in her magic. “Okay, I’ll play. The rules?”

“Basic spar circle rules: keep it clean, no strikes between the legs or intentionally going for crippling injuries. You stay inside the circle, but since we both have wings you can fly as well, just no higher than three flights. Also,” Gauge pointed with his staff, “no magic.”

Sunset took the staff in her hooves, fumbling with it for a moment, earning a few snickers from the guards who had been nearby. Once glance their direction by their second in command quickly brought them to silence. “Well, that’s going to level things for sure. I’m going to be rusty with hooves only.”

“You have your wings, which like our pegasi ancestors of old Pegasopolis learned long ago, can also be used for balance and holding objects in combat. Earth ponies perfected the art of the combat sparring circle and we embrace all those ancient traditions. We in the guard that lack horns find that most unicorns rely too heavily on their spells to get them out of trouble. A horn should be a tool not a crutch. I want to see what you can do without yours.”

Sunset smirked, giving her weapon a few test swings. “Believe it or not I’m more use to fighting without magic now. My only disadvantage is my body was a different shape in the other world. The mirror changed me to look like the local species, which are biped creatures like minotaurs. It’s… hard to describe. I’ll have to show you pictures sometime.”

“I look forward to it.” Gauge took his position on the opposite side of the circle. “Ready?”

“Ding,” Sunset said, imitating a bell.

The two ponies approached slowly, circling one another. Gauge moved first trying to stab the staff at one of Sunset’s hooves, she jumped back and swatted at the dirt as he pulled the weapon back. Next, Gauge poked the staff forward at her flank, but Sunset side stepped again, keeping her staff close this time. She knew he was just testing her defense and reaction speed, but didn’t want to get drawn off guard. It was a good test strategy in addition to giving Sunset a chance to adjust to holding the weapon with her hoof or wings.

Sunset gasped as he jumped and lunged, swinging the staff down in a powerful over head strike. She quickly twisted and met his weapon with her own. The vibration rattled through her forelegs all the way to her shoulders. Once the forward momentum was halted, Sunset shoved her opponent back and stepped away to shake out the sensation from her forelegs. Gauge just smiled and reset himself.

“Not bad, you have good reaction speed. You have a strange holding technique, but I can tell you know what you’re doing even if you are as you said, rusty.”

“When I was a filly as Celestia’s personal student she insisted I train with the guards on various types of weapons. It was a long time ago, but I’ve got a good memory.” Sunset’s eyes darted away a moment as she noticed their little match had started to attract even more of the nearby guards who had been training or working out. Gauge noticed her distraction and took one fake step then a side step and finally a thrust. Sunset gasped and moved, but had stumbled over her own legs, Gauge’s staff striking her painfully across her cutie mark. It only stung for a second, but he had not waited to fall back, instead pushed his momentum to swing again. Sunset rolled and spun, deflecting his follow up strike and attempting to sweep his hooves, but the thestral jumped and flapped out of range. The growing spectators hooted and hollered.

“Keep your eyes on me,” Gauge chastised like he had the recruits earlier. “When you are in this circle there is no one and nothing else that matters. Focus only on your opponent. Read my body language, find the gaps in my defense if you can and attack. Otherwise, this is going to get very painful for you.”

“Pain is the great teacher.”

“General Firefly. One of my personal favorite quotes.”

Sunset smirked and spun her staff around her neck before bounding up to the thestral and stomping on the ground just to the left of him. Gauge stepped back and moved to strike Sunset again, but she parried and spun on her left front hoof to bring her larger mass around to body check Gauge. The thestral stumbled, but manage to keep his hooves under him, sliding back to put distance between them. The spectators hooted and cheered again.

“A quality move, using your size advantage.”

Sunset feigned offense. “Did you just call me fat?”

Gauge was not fooled or distracted, choosing instead to laugh. “I happen to like mares with round and well toned plots.”

“Oh, I see, just my ass is fat. Guess I better lay off the cake or I might end up with a backside the size of my mom's.”

Gauge smiled and spun, aiming his weapon for Sunset’s wing arm and ribs. Sunset answered in kind and the two traded several staff to staff strikes, both parrying and looking for an opening. The spar circle was now almost completely surrounded by ponies with a few pegasi hovering just out of range for a better view.

“Wooo, you got this, LC!”

“Come on! Kick her royal flank!”

“Damn, she’s got some good moves. I thought only Luna and Flurry Heart knew how to fight.”

“Good moves and looking good doing it. Damn, she’s hot. Wooooo!”

“Is anypony taking bets? Why did we not start a pool?”

Sunset ignored all the comments as they blurred together. Her staff was currently locked with Gauge’s as they fought for leverage and a chance to land a blow. Gauge spread his bat wings and flapped throwing Sunset off balance. She rolled back, avoiding the downward strike and then flapped her own wings. The two combatants gauged one another a few feet off the ground and charged again. Three more quick strikes that were equally fast and barely blocked. Gauge, using his superior speed, slipped under Sunset’s defense and began to try and push her out of the circle for a disqualification.

Sunset spun in mid air to stay inside the circle and then let loose a powerful battle cry. She brought the staff down hard against Gauge’s who raised his staff to defend, but instead ended up with two broken pieces. The thestral stumbled from the impact and Sunset quickly kicked him to finally knock Gauge back to the ground. He looked back up to find the end of a staff in his face.

Gauge smiled and held up a hoof. “I yield. Well fought.”

The crowd broke out in a mix of cheers, jeers, and groans. The noise died instantly at the sound of a single cutting voice.

“Alright, you lazy goats! Shows over!” yelled Captain Tempest Fury. “Get your plots back to your stations! B and C squads get to take two laps around the entire campus for lack of discipline! Move out!” There were a few groans that were quickly squashed by company sergeants as the guards went back to their duties. Tempest lifted Gauge in her telekinetic magic, getting him back to his hooves.

“Not bad,” said Tempest, giving Sunset a rare smile. “First time I’ve actually seen you spar and you did it without magic. You have earned a minuscule amount of my respect for not being helpless.”

Sunset retrieved her cloak, but folded it up instead of putting it on and soiling it with her fresh sweat. “Thanks. I haven’t had to fight someone who actually knew what they were doing in a long time.”

Tempest arched an eyebrow. “Some… one?”

Sunset shrugged. “Eh, I know what I said.”

“I for one am glad she knows how to defend herself. Makes our job easier. And before you ask, no, I was not going easy on her, Ma’am,” Gauge said with a smile to his captain, moving to stand next to her.

“Don’t come sauntering over to me with those bedroom eyes, mister. You just got your plot handed to you by the rookie. I think you should consider resigning and taking a job cleaning the bathrooms at a buckball stadium.” Gauge just shrugged, continuing to smile with his pearly white fangs on full display. “Go on, get showered and rested up for your shift tonight. I need you and your guard sharp.”

“On your order.” Gauge saluted and turned away. Sunset took a moment to admire the thestral’s powerful and shapely backside when she noticed out of the corner of her eye Captain Fury was doing the same thing. A huge, mischievous grin spread across Sunset’s face.

“Ohhhh, I saw that.”

Fury quickly frowned. “You saw nothing.”

“Oh, come on, don’t be like that!”

“We are not having this conversation. It,” Tempest screwed up her features for a moment before letting out a calming breath. “it would only complicate things. And besides, if I were interested in another solider, they would have to be of equal or higher rank than me. I refuse to settle for less.”

“Well that’s just silly, you’re the highest ranking officer in the guard. The only ones that outrank you are the princesses.”

A sad expression briefly crossed the vermillion unicorn face before discipline brought her emotions back into check. “Like I said, complicated.”

Sunset sighed. Clearly, she would have to talk to Tempest about this later, but out here in the guard gossip capital there was no addressing it. While never being the scuttlebutt gossip queen that Rarity had been, Sunset didn’t mind socking away a little dirty laundry or useful information on other ponies for later. Call it an old bad habit from her queen bee days. Bad habits, how they died, and all that. Besides, I have something else I need to do.

“Hey, Tempest, when is that dinner meeting the princess is hosting supposed to start?”

“A little over an hour from now, why?”

Sunset nodded and smiled. “Because I have one more friend I need to apologize to before the day is out.”

Tempest nodded in understanding. “Good, but before you do that, do me and honestly yourself a favor first, go visit your mother. She’s worried about you.”


“Come in,” said Celestia, using her magic to open the door to her residence from where she was sitting in her favorite lounge chair. When she saw Sunset standing at the door she set the book down she had been reading.

“Hi, Mom.”

Celestia stood and slowly walked over to her daughter and put a hoof to her lips before Sunset could say anything else. She then pulled Sunset close and wrapped both wing around her, holding her tightly. “I have thought for more than two years of what I could say to comfort you. I’m sorry just feels completely inadequate. And yet, it is the most sincere response. I’m very sorry, little sun.”

Sunset, sniffed, fighting down her emotions. Will this ever stop hurting? “There is nothing else to say. She’s gone. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but time caught up to her just like it did our girls and all our friends. It… it hurts so damn much. I… I don’t remember a lot from the first year because I was drunk through most of it. That’s why I didn’t write much. I’m better now, but still, sometimes, I don’t know how I get up in the morning. Or if I even should.”

Celestia nodded, leading her daughter to the sitting area. She poured herself a refill of tea and a second cup for Sunset. “When I lost your father to the darkness that consumed him it broke my heart. I did not think anything would hurt worse than losing Luna and you, but afterwards? It was very close. I watched the greatest unicorn I ever had the pleasure of knowing and sharing a part of myself with be transformed into a monster all so he could save his world… save me and my little ponies. And it was for not. He destroyed his world anyhow. I was not there when he died like you were, but a part of me died inside when those glowing red eyes looked upon me, completely devoid of warmth and love.”

“How… how did you go on? How did you get up the next day to raise the sun after the light in your own life was snuffed out?”

Celestia sipped the tea and considered how best to answer. It was something she had thought about numerous times over the decades, but had never commit the feelings to words even to Luna. “I know this may sound callous, but by the time I lost Sombra I was already quite accustomed to death and mourning. I had lost many friends and advisors. I lost my sister for a thousand years and then I lost you. I loved your father, desperately, but I had grown accustom to living without him. I knew how to go on. I focused on my duties and the living and that gave me the strength needed to raise the sun the next day.”

Sunset scowled at her tea, the brown liquid suddenly bitter and tasteless. “Time. What you are saying is in time I will grow numb to all the losses in my life, grow callous, colder.”

“No, that is the wrong approach. They still hurt, will always hurt and you do yourself a great disservice by trying to keep others at a distance just to avoid the pain in your heart. That is no way to live. I can even to this day name every personal advisor I have ever had serving me day in and day out since my first after Luna and I were crowned rulers by the three tribes. Never forget those we care for, little sun, but it is unhealthy to dwell as well. I explained this to you many years ago when you asked me how to prepare for the loss of your daughters. I gave a similar to speech to Twilight in regards to her own family, but somedays I fear she did not learn that lesson either.”

“Right,” Sunset set her half empty tea cup down. “Thank you, Mom. I’m glad you are well.”

“I was far more worried about you than myself.”

Sunset nodded, understanding completely. She stood and stretched. “Well, I will come by and visit again tomorrow, but I think I’m going to go crash a party. According to a reliable source the board superintendents are a real snooze fest to host.”

Celestia smiled genuinely. “I am certain she will appreciate the distraction and any child of mine should always make an impression when entering a room.”


Canterlot Castle had three dining halls. The smallest was a private hall for the royal family and a few guests. It was actually used the most frequent and was closeest to the kitchen. The second was a moderate sized hall with a double door balcony access that looked over the maze and statue garden. This one was on the second floor, was the one used for larger gatherings, but not massive banquets. It was well appointed and had great lighting and acoustics for speaking or entertaining. The largest was the royal banquet hall that was used for massive gatherings such as the Winter Ball and Grand Galloping Gala. It was far too big for most unless you had to entertain large groups or yaks and needed disposable things for them to smash.

Sunset had found Twilight in the secondary dining hall and snuck a peek over a guard’s shoulder to see the most forced smile on Twilight’s face she had ever seen. It was probably a good thing no one had taught the princess how to play poker because her body language was practically screaming for help. Judging by the service trollies that were wheeling into the hall they had just finished the main course and were now serving cleansing drinks before the dessert course would begin. The conversations had died, if they had ever been alive to begin with.

From what Sunset had gathered from Celestia before leaving, the superintendents board were a group of greedy old ponies who spent the entire dinner trying to cleverly snub one another while also trying to convince the princess why their school or districts needed special compensation or funding. Celestia had helped Twilight a few times because she had difficulty denying any educational institution funding even if they were not entirely forthcoming with what the extra funds were needed for. Yet another dose of politics Sunset detested, but for Twilight, she would jump back into the game.

Once the guards opened the door again to allow the service trollies to enter to clear the previous course Sunset made her move. She levitated her acoustic guitar behind her as she strolled into the hall as if she had every right and reason to be there. Twilight had not noticed Sunset at first, her eyes partially glazed over from an earlier conversation about the benefits of recycled paper mash versus onion skin leaf. Sunset moved to the right of the long table and set up on a riser near the balcony. The princess blinked as the attention was shifted away from the table. She did a double take at the goldenrod alicorn who had just folded her black cloak and was now shifting a guitar into position to play.

“Sunset? When did you…” five red telekinetic fingers manifested at the ends of each of her forehooves when her horn lit up and the strings came to life as she touched them. It was a sweet, subtle melody that had no lyrics. Just red fingers dancing over the six strings while the mare on stage sat on her haunches with her eyes closed. No one interrupted and the song concluded a few minutes later. Several of the gathered ponies clapped their hooves together, murmuring their approval.

“I had no idea we would be having a musical guest.”

“Oh, um, surprise?” said Twilight with a smile that was too wide.

“I was a last minute addition,” Sunset added, meeting Twilight’s eyes for a moment, winking and smiling. The princess smiled back. “Sit back and relax, dessert will be served soon and music is food for the soul. On that note, I hope some of you came to boast, brag, or request funds for your schools’ music departments.” The telekinetic fingers returned and Sunset began to play a faster, more playful tempo.

Author's Note:

I don't really have much to say on this.

My former roommate and one of my best friends just lost his mother to an unexpected medical complication. Not Covid, at least not directly as far as we know.

Just remember to tell the people you care about how much they mean to you every chance you get. Always.

Comments always welcome.