• Published 5th Oct 2020
  • 1,089 Views, 24 Comments

Alexis 10 - Chaos Nightmare

You never think about what you have, till it's all taken from you.

  • ...

Ultimate form and the elements

Hours passed as we wandered through the forest, following a path which we hoped would lead us towards these Elements of Harmony. After 4 roadblocks including falling cliffs, A manticore, Tree demons, and a sea serpent in the middle of a forest. We found a broken bridge that led to a castle. “This is it.” I said.

“Are you sure?” Rainbow dash asked.

“Well considering this is the only castle we’ve found this has to be it.” I said as I looked down the pit. “Er... can one of the flyers go across and fix the bridge?” I asked.

“I’ll do it.” Rainbow said.

“Thank you darling.” Both me and Rarity both said.

As Rainbow Dash flew down into the canyon, fog rolled in unnaturally fast. I shouted at Rainbow Dash to tell us if everything was alright but as moments passed I began to worry, this could be another trap from Nightmare Moon. “Rainbow!” I shouted before she came from the other side with the bridge fixed.

“You really shouldn’t have worried about me, I wasn’t about to fall for Nightmare Moon's tricks.” Rainbow said, smiling and patting me on the back.

“Right sorry.” I apologized before we all crossed the bridge into the Castle. “Let's hope we can find these elements soon.” I said

I was knocked into a wall by Nightmare Moon's blast while the other five were unconscious by her onslaught. Things were not going so well. “Did you honestly think that you could succeed with only five bearers?”

“But Celestia said-” I muttered.

“She told you to gather five of the six elements. She must have been desperate.” Nightmare Moon mocked.

I laid on the ground trying to think of an answer, I didn’t have Alien X so I couldn’t just rewrite reality. Then a thought came into my head ‘Celestia wanted Twilight to come to Ponyville at first. She must be the key’ I slowly rose up from the ground and took a big huff before saying “I might have found a way to beat you”

“Oh, and what bluff are you going to do now? Turn into that dragon form and attempt to crush me or some other form perhaps?” she mocked.

“No,” I said with a smile as I transformed into a unicorn. “See I kinda left out a key feature of the Ultimatrix when I was explaining it, it has an evolution feature.” I then activated the Ultimate function transforming my unicorn form into a being made almost made of magic.

“What is this?” Nightmare Moon asked in fear. “What are you?”

I looked at my hand, it was see-thru for the most part with only a basic bone structure being inside me. “I am the result of ten thousand years of war, disease, famine, and death put on a Unicorn.” I put my hand in front of my face and closed it. “I am an Ultimate Unicorn I am Ultimate Midnight Slayer!” I announced.

“Impossible!” She blurted out before I teleported behind her and crushed her with a telekinetic grasp. “GRAH!” she steamed out in pain, “I am an Alicorn no mere Unicorn could defeat me!”

I would have smiled if I could as I spoke “I’m no mere Unicorn.” I then turned to the five unconscious ponies. “Heal” I said as either flowed from me and into them.

“Mmmm What happened?” Applejack asked before Fluttershy screamed in fear.

“WHAT IS THAT!” Pinkie screamed in fear as well.

“I think It's Alexis...” Rarity said, confused before asking “Though what kind of creature is she?”

I teleported in front of them “I’ll explain this later, for now, be prepared.” I said before lifting them off the ground “Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Magic.” I began to chant.

“NO, you can’t seriously attempt the Elements purifying spell without them, You’re insane!” Nightmare Moon shouted backing away.

“Oh am I?” I asked “I have all six of the bearers, all I need is-” as I was speaking a bright light came into the room and surrounded the six of us. “-Bingo.” Everything then went dark as the last thing I remember was a rainbow shooting out of us towards Nightmare Moon.

‘Where am I?’ I asked confused as I was in another dark void. ‘I’m I in another coma?” I asked, scared.

‘No’ a voice spoke as six bright lights flashed before turning into one big light. ‘I am the tree of Harmony and you are not suppose to be here’

‘I’m sorry?’ I asked confused.

You are an intruder, one who is not supposed to be here, and the actions you have made here today have ruined the destiny of the one who was.’

‘Are you going to remove me to fix it?’ I asked, scared.

‘No, I am simply here to warn you, the destiny you have stolen will lead them on a darker path. This can no longer be undone. Many lives will be lost because of you.’

‘How was I supposed to know and how can I make things right?’

‘You altered this world and you will keep altering it, you cannot fix your mistake as you were merely a pawn in fate's plans’ The light said before it went Bright and the words ‘Awaken’ flashed in my mind.

I awoke to the sun shining into the room, ‘Did we do it?’ I asked myself as I saw a bright light entered the room. “You guys alright?” I asked slowly getting up.

“You’ve done it Alexis you found a way to free me-” Celestia said as she turned from a bright light to herself. She paused when she had a good look at me “What are you wearing?” she asked as a tiara fell off from my head. I glanced at it and noticed that it was a tacky tiara with the Omnitrix symbol.

“I don’t know, I think it's the element of Magic.” I theorized.

“I know but why, no HOW do you have it?!” Celestia asked, confused.

“I think you have a more important thing over there.” I said pointing towards the unconscious Alicorn.

“Luna!” Celestia said before running towards the Alicorn. “Luna, please be okay, I’m sorry.” she said, holding her sister “Sorry for ignoring you, sorry for causing you to become Nightmare Moon, sorry for banishing you to the moon. Please just be okay” She cried.

Luna started to cough as she said “Oh cut the waterworks. You’re not the drama queen of the family.”

“Luna.” Celestia said happily, crying.

“Thanks for the apologies but can you take me to an apothecary or whatever, my wings are broken.” Luna said

“Sorry about that” I apologized as Celestia looked at me even more confused as I said, “I’ll explain in town.”

“Yeah, we probably should get out of the creepy forest quickly.” Rainbow said.

“Give me a second.” Celestia said as in a flash of light we were in the throne room of Canterlot. “I’ll need to talk to all of you but first.” she snapped her fingers and a scroll appeared in her hand. “I’ll send you to my personal doctor Luna.”

Author's Note:

Just to explain my madness on the Ultimate Equestrian forms here is some of the Equestrian ultimate.

Unicorn= Mana Elemental (a being made of Mana and bone with an impossibly large pool of magic to use)

Pegasus= Storm Elemental (A being made of wind, clouds, and lightning)

Earth Pony = Nature Elemental (a Golem of stone, gems, plants, and earth)

Alicorn= A fusion of the three ultimate forms (A being made of stone and wind with a magic core as its true form.)