• Published 16th Nov 2020
  • 1,053 Views, 20 Comments

Destiny's change - ChiefKitsune

Now let me tell you of one of the greatest Guardians to ever be. Spark was her name and she was neither Human, Exo, or Awoken. Though her light is strong it will be put to the test. A Destiny 2 crossover

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Ch. 2 Home


As the mare and baby dragon held each other, afraid the other would disappear or this is just another dream, as tears silently run down the mare's cheeks while the baby dragon is openly crying. The baby dragon is crying with joy, sadness, and fear as he hugs his mother's neck tightly. His joy from finally getting to hug her and be with her, with a hint of sadness from the year and a half he thought she was dead, and finally a growing amount of fear that this is just a cruel prank.

Meanwhile, the guardian known as Spark held her dragon close, she hadn't remembered everything from her past life but a good portion of it was around those she loved. And she loved no one more than the baby dragon she had hatched in her previous life and raised though looking back on it she realized she was his mother from the very beginning.

Soon enough the baby dragon had cried himself to sleep in the pony's forelegs. Looking up tiredly the purple mare looks at her friends and family with her red eyes and wet muzzle from the crying. As she watched them and gave a nod of thanks for letting her have her moment with Spike, she was wondering what to say now. While the others watched in silence still not sure if this was a cruel dream or if it was actually happening, the mare turns to her head to look at the statue of her past self and read the caption and let out a groan "Oh come on my name has 'Spark' in it!" her outburst startled her friends and family. With a soft white light that strange cube was back and bobbing about as it was making what sounded like laughter. "Hahaha see Spark, you'll never escape it"

With a groan and a slumping of her withers but not enough to dislodge the baby dragon she had moved to sleep between her wings. She Turns to the gathered group and with a sad smile nods to the Library she called home. "Come on let's get him to bed then we can talk." Which the others nodded to and followed behind as she lead the way through town to her home.

Within about fifteen minutes the group arrives at the tree library, and with her magic Spark opens the door and quietly leads them in and motions for them to wait on the group hug until Spike was resting on the couch with a blanket tucked over him. As soon as they were sure that they wouldn't disturb the baby dragon they all pony pilled onto the armored mare.

Author's Note:

Ok I know first chapter in months and it's so short?! But I will tell you this that I am not dead yet and nor are any of my non-canceled stories. Anyway I hope you all can take this chapter and enjoy it while I get the next chapter in the Cosmodrome started.
