• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 11,133 Views, 1,881 Comments

The One True King - JDPrime22

Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end? For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

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Chapter 17 – A Winged Fury

Chapter 17

“Are we not also born of fire? Why should we fear the King of the Skies? Alas, our people have surrendered. Alas, our fear has made us prey to the Dragon God!”

Unknown, lost dragon text

The Dragon Lands

It did not take long for T.I.T.A.N. to get up and running again.

With a newfound vigor—and with the support of every nation in the Hall of Unity—T.I.T.A.N. found the boost it needed to shake off the dust and prep for the oncoming storm. Letters were sent and official calls were made back in every home nation of the many creatures that attended the grand assembly that fateful day. Whatever secret agents were left out in the field or in retirement were brought back by order of their respective governments. For the crisis ahead, they needed every available T.I.T.A.N. agent left in the world, and the knowledge they had to properly face the terror head-on.

There were few special agents around the globe that came out of hiding, reporting to their rulers with the same designation: The T.I.T.A.N. Outpost Frostbite was breached and Titanus Ghidorah was released. As if things couldn’t appear any dire, they quickly received updates that Outpost Cinder was now under threat. More than just special agents were called in. Everyone was called in.

And so, everyone came.

In the late afternoon skies, with the sun burning its deep, orange glare upon the world, the Radiance led the charge of the nations. With the reinforced T.I.T.A.N. armada, dozens upon dozens of airships dotted the skies. Both large and small, with countless creatures flying alongside each ship, the fleet of the skies was incalculable.

Each airship was guarded by a squadron of T.I.T.A.N. Solar Bolts. Developed by the Griffon Kingdom’s sector of T.I.T.A.N., the planes were not the largest nor the strongest, but they were certainly fast. Each aircraft was a golden hue, a large propeller on their rears with a set of gatling guns on each wing. Small, agile, and seating just one griffon or pony each, the Solar Bolts patrolled the skies and zoomed across the clouds with immense speeds. They made the airships—and even the dragons—slow by comparison.

The world’s nations brought together their own military forces to coalesce with T.I.T.A.N., troops and soldiers and armored guards arriving by air and by sea. The naval ships of the Hippogriffs and Equestrians joined the wooden fleets of the yaks, moose, and Kirin, each ship touching the rocky shore and piling out their armies. Storming the beaches in a number that massed the hundreds, each respective species marched not to invade the country, but to reinforce it. To secure it.

Battalions of armored trebuchets and even tanks rolled across the rocks and stone, the more advanced machines of war supplied helpfully by T.I.T.A.N. The organization’s agents stood beside the armies’ generals, communicating and discussing the best defensive perimeter to secure. With their knowledge on the hidden outpost, on the creature resting inside, the generals obeyed every word the agents had to say. Their destination was already known, but to get there, to know how to defend it, that was a battle in and of itself.

With the grounds below picking up storms of dust from the hooves and tracks of the armies, the skies above were a roaring blur of titanic machines, balloons armed to the teeth with cannons and other forms of firepower, countless aircraft darting across the heavens, and numerous creatures capable of flight. They had just flown into the airspace of the Dragon Lands, entering into the heart of the Dragon’s Lair, where the volcano stood in unnerving silence.

Even from the bridge of the Radiance, everyone inside could see Sombra’s crystals infecting the oncoming earth and mountainside.

At first, it was subtle, a few cracks in the rock that unveiled a dark gem weeding its way out to the surface. Then, they became more prominent, forming smaller to medium-sized clusters in the various valleys and trenches surrounding the mountains. The infection then spread to its highest rate, numerous crystals capturing several hundred yards across the mountainside and all around the base and tip of the volcano. They jutted out from many angles, their shadows a stark contrast to the burning afternoon skies.

Gazing to the tallest peak and the largest volcano in all the Dragon’s Lair, Ember grimaced at the dreadful sight. She stood as but one of the few dragons present inside the Radiance, her guards acting as her protectors while equines surrounded every other angle in the bridge. She did not expect much for her return home—the fleet of nations was definitely not how she imagined the rest of her day to go—but seeing the same crystals again did not brighten her attitude.

In fact, they only dampened it once Ember realized that the crystals seem to have grown since her departure to the Hall of Unity.

Stepping forward alongside her fellow ponies, Luna and the many more behind and beside her all stared out the front windshield to the blinding afternoon skies. They all stared at the volcano, at the countless crystals pockmarking the mountain, and Luna asked, “When did they first sprout?”

With her right claw gripping onto the Bloodstone Scepter, Ember crossed her arms and sighed. “About a month ago. Not too long after Twilight’s coronation.”

Her eyes trailed the flapping wings outside the Radiance, the echoing roars trembling the airship and giving a small sense of ease upon the Dragon Lord. Her fellow dragons soared the skies and secured the clouds for the T.I.T.A.N. fleet. Just as she ordered.

“Ember,” Twilight said, interrupting Ember’s thoughts and earning the dragon’s attention. She spun her head to the Alicorn on her right, the princess asking, “Why didn’t you tell us about this infection sooner?”

“We never thought anything of it,” Ember replied quickly, pausing only to lift her eyes to the many other equines behind Twilight and Spike, the many ready to hear her explanation. Celestia and Luna included. “The Dragon Lands are already filled with crystals digging their way out of the earth. In case you didn’t know, that’s our main source of food. The fact that they were coming out of the volcano didn’t seem like that much of a shock, either. Thought they were just formed out of the volcanic rock.”

Pinkie suddenly bounded forward, asking after a loud gasp, “Did you try to eat them?”

Ember kind of chuckled at that question. “That was originally the plan… and then a few dragons realized through trial and error… broken teeth… that the crystals couldn’t be bitten into, let alone eaten. We tried removing them, heating them up, but nothing happened. After a while, we let them be… but then they started growing.”

Her eyes returned to the front windshield. Her expression hardened. Her stare narrowed on the dark crystals enveloping the volcano.

“They started expanding…”

The Council of Friendship slowly turned and stared where Ember had. Everypony did.

“A couple days ago, I took a group of dragons into the old T.I.T.A.N. outpost in the volcano… and there they were. Just… infecting everything. We were trying to figure out how to best deal with this infection when Twilight made the emergency declaration.”

Twilight broke her gaze away from the windshield, returning that comforting stare onto the Dragon Lord. Ember sighed, dropping her eyes to the floor. “Then I saw the same crystals in those pictures you showed us… And now knowing they’re from Sombra…”

While everypony still struggled to digest that harsh reality, somepony in particular kept the conversation alive with some no-nonsense questions. Namely, it was Rainbow Dash who asked, “Okay, wait, so when did Sombra even have the time to plant these crystals in the Dragon Lands? Last I checked he was only ever in the Crystal Empire, Ponyville, and Canterlot when we kicked his butt.”

Cadance seemed to struggle over that fact as well, the Alicorn patting her chin in deep thought and suggesting, “It had to have been after he was resurrected by Discord. By then, he could have gone anywhere he wanted, done anything he wanted. Who knows what he was doing before he attacked the Crystal Empire?”

“And before he took over Canterlot…” Twilight mumbled.

There seemed to be a small congregation returning to the center map, each pony taking their place and lifting their heads to one another. The Council were crowded together, with Celestia and Luna on one end while Ember and her guards occupied the opposite end. Shining Armor, Cadance, and Bon Bon all took the side opposite to the Council, each of them offering their own theories and ideas. They all stared at at the map of Equus, of Outpost Cinder circled in bright red while Outpost Frostbite remained crossed out.

“So… what you’re saying… is that Sombra could have planted these crystals anywhere else in the world since his return?” Bon Bon questioned to anypony, leaving it out in the open as her eyes scanned the ponies and dragons surrounding the table. “… And he chose a T.I.T.A.N. outpost?”

An unnerving stillness filled the buckling and roaring airship, as if the constant flow of T.I.T.A.N. agents and pilots bustling throughout the bridge were numb to their eyes and ears. In that moment, collecting Bon Bon’s statement and recollecting their past knowledge, what they were digging into seemed deeper than any of them ever knew. What seemed like a simple revenge plan by Sombra to release Ghidorah upon his first defeat had transformed into something else entirely.

Something bigger. Something worse. And nopony felt they could ever really reach the depths of Sombra’s insane endgame.

Not even Celestia or Luna had anything to say to that. Bon Bon scoffed and stared out the front windshield, at the approaching volcano. “First Frostbite, now Cinder. Ghidorah, now… this. This isn’t a coincidence. Sombra was planning something big. He ensured that if, somehow, he was to fail, the world would suffer with him.”

“His final act of revenge…” Celestia finally admitted.

“It’s only getting bigger,” Shining added, stamping his hoof on the map over Outpost Cinder, then jutted that same hoof out the window and to the volcano. “Who’s to say he stopped here?”

“No one,” Luna answered, facing the unicorn with a proud declaration. “Which is why we stop this here and now.”

“And just how do we plan to do that?” Rarity asked, a slight panic emerging on her tongue.

Thankfully for everyone involved, the former Princess of the Sun finally stepped up. She made her presence known and shimmered under the spotlight, the rays of the afternoon sun glimmering against her flowing mane. She met that glare of the evening star with one of her own, a steadfast and strengthening tone flowing from her voice.

Celestia declared, “After we secure a defensive perimeter around the volcano, I will take Shining Armor and the Alicorns into the outpost. With Twilight with us, our combined magic will surely be enough to eradicate this infestation before it has the chance to erupt.”

After facing the eruption at Outpost Frostbite, dealing with the fallout of Ghidorah’s release, and crippled by the weight they had now placed on the world, this upcoming crisis was one Celestia did not intend to lose. They were careless before, or perhaps too careful. They didn’t deal with the crystals when the threat was laid open right in front of their eyes. And Celestia put it upon herself that she would not make that mistake again.

“Wait!” Applejack interrupted. “What if those crystals go an’ explode on y’all jus’ by sensin’ ya?! What if it’s the same situation like in the Frozen North?!”

Hearing and breathing in the drawl of their farm pony friend, the Council and the rulers old and new all fell into a state of uneasy silence. They still did not fully understand Sombra’s dark magic, and what they did know didn’t spell anything comforting. Celestia and Luna were always willing to risk their lives no matter what others thought of it, and Cadance and Shining Armor would gladly take the same risk if it meant for the betterment of their people. As for the Council, losing them and Twilight was almost too horrible to imagine.

Celestia, too, felt that putting Twilight’s life on the line was risky. However, they wouldn’t be able to make any headway without her. Their magic alone—even with help from Cadance and Shining Armor—wasn’t enough to break the crystals in the Frozen North. They didn’t know if the crystals in the Dragon’s Lair were the same or not. They didn’t have time to run scientific tests and find out. They needed to end this chaos now.

Besides, Twilight was the one who suggested the idea to Celestia in the first place. She was the one who stepped up to Celestia and openly offered her a plan of action, as well as her assistance.

But that did not mean they ignored the risks. Twilight’s safety and her life were in danger, not to mention Shining Armor’s, Cadance’s, as well as Celestia and Luna’s. One wrong move, one fatal step in the wrong direction, and it could be deadly. It could be devastating. With their friends hopelessly watching, unable to do a thing to stop it.

But Twilight did not share her friends’ feelings. Not entirely. Not in the way they believed she would have. She was nervous for her well-being, yes, and absolutely terrified by the prospects laid before her. But she was even more terrified of doing nothing while the world suffered. If even the dragons could not destroy the crystals, who else had the power to do so? What else could they do to prevent the same fate of Frostbite from befalling Cinder?

They only had one chance to find out. Twilight believed that.

She still believed they had a chance to end this before it spurred out of control.

“It’s my idea. I know the risks, and I’m willing to take them. That’s the duty of the ruler of Equestria… looking out for her little ponies and seeking the best possible outcome. Besides… we’ve faced tighter situations than this. We’ll keep each other safe,” Twilight openly declared.

She met her former teacher’s eyes, the young princess offering a strengthening smile and a nod. “We can do this.”

Sensing that confidence was enough to reinvigorate Celestia's own. Celestia smiled back, grateful to have somepony like Twilight beside her. A student and an ally. A princess and a friend. Luna stepped forward and asked, “Does anypony have any objections?”

The rest of the Council tried to speak up, but seeing the comforting expression grace Twilight’s face, assuring them that their friend would be safe, they eventually gave in and offered their quick goodbyes and good lucks. While the Council proceeded to gather in a strong group hug, Celestia turned to her special agent. Bon Bon met her halfway.

“Bon Bon, you have command of the Radiance in our absence,” she told her.

The special agent saluted, affirming with a stern, “Yes, ma’am.”

Though they didn’t want it to end, the group hug broke away at last and Twilight was off to the docking bay. Celestia and Luna led her, with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance trailing the duo. With the doors closed and the bridge feeling far too silent, the Council of Friendship quickly crowded around the front windshield to watch the next daring events unfold. Ember was soon to join them, with Bon Bon eventually caving in and standing in the background, watching, listening, waiting for anything to happen.

Winds rushed by each airship even as the colossal fleet came to a halt. Winged creatures flew about and circled the mighty volcano, the source of the dark crystal infestation and the focus of T.I.T.A.N.’s efforts. Solar Bolts created a circular patrol around the volcano, the dozens of squadrons glinting in the sunlight and creating clear streaks across the skies. The armies of the world came together at last, the dozens of battalions marching forward to create several defensive lines surrounding the volcano. Across the earth, they actively avoided the crystals scattered on the ground, noting the danger in case things went south.

By order of their generals and T.I.T.A.N.’s agents, they set up their tanks, cannons, ballistae, and trebuchets. Massive arrow bolts with razor-sharp ends were loaded in and ready to fire within each ballista, intent on keeping the creature grounded. Each trebuchet was armed with large cannon balls prepped to explode and release a net, all of them leaning back and ready for the lever to launch them forward. The cannons were a special case, each one loaded with a magically-conducted cannon ball that would explode on impact, showering whatever Titan threatened to emerge with sedative potions.

The T.I.T.A.N. tanks held no such cannons. They were the last means of defense if all other methods of capture failed. Their rounds were meant for only one thing: killing.

Witnessing the armies assemble was a grand sight, but it was not what the Council were focused on. It was not what was ordered to each and every airship and nation and army to wait for. Soon enough, they all waited in stilled apprehension and turned their focus onto the lead airship. Onto the Radiance.

And from it, Celestia and Luna embarked onto the outpost’s entrance. The world was far too silent as the four Alicorns flew off towards the volcano, bringing with them Prince Shining Armor in their magical aura. With their combined magic, they blew apart the crystals surrounding the peak, the mountainside, and blocking the entrance into the outpost, ensuring to the masses that it was possible. They could do it. They could destroy the infestation from within as they did outside. The armies whooped and hollered, hooves, claws, talons, and paws raised into the air.

A breath of relief and several smiles filled the bridge of the Radiance. Smiles that could only last so long with that overbearing cloud of dread slowly billowing over their heads.

With a cheer following them, the five ponies made their way to the mountainside tunnel, the entrance to Outpost Cinder cleared by their magic. Celestia and Luna were the first inside, the massive steel door unlocking like a vault and gesturing them into the facility’s darkness. Cadance levitated Shining safely inside with Twilight fluttering in beside her.

The door closed behind them, and all was quiet.

Distant volcanoes spewed their smoke into the air, the sun slowly dipping further on the horizon. In that following silence, the armies shuffled about anxiously around the volcano, ponies and griffons and dragons gripping their weapons shakily while their eyes gazed longingly, almost fearfully to the peak of the mountain. Cannons sat with their barrels pointed to that peak. Particles of ash painted the glinting arrows upon the ballistae.

That cloud of dread started to grow larger the more tense the situation was becoming. Each member of the Council of Friendship was displaying their anxiety in unique ways. Rainbow hovered above her friends, biting her lip while she kept her large, distressed eyes to the volcano. Pinkie tapped her hind leg furiously on the metal floor, chewing on the tips of her hooves. Rarity trembled while Applejack quaked, the farm pony doing her best to keep on a brave face. She gulped. Spike pressed his claws to the windshield, whispering words of support to Twilight and comfort to himself. Fluttershy cowered and hid behind her mane, her vision barely able to catch a glimpse of the mountain. Almost as if she didn’t want to watch. Almost like she knew what was about to happen and couldn’t bear to see it.

Mere seconds had passed, and yet it felt like hours. Hours of silence. Hours of the natural world moving on without them. Hours of waiting in apprehension for something, anything to happen. The subtle tremble of the earth. The blast of a dark crystal. The emergence of the Princess of Friendship declaring to all that the infestation was properly dealt with. It could have been anything.

It should have been anything else…

Because just before a minute could have come and gone, the peak exploded.

It was a blast that simultaneously blinded everycreature momentarily and knocked the wind out of them. Out of every single life too close to the vicinity of the eruption. All across the volcano, the mountainside, and the surrounding areas, the crystals shattered into an explosion of dark magic. The armies shielded themselves from the nearby crystals, even with such distance between them and the gems. They were knocked over from the shock waves that followed, the pulse of energy from the volcano itself sending a singular shock wave all across the skies.

The Radiance trembled from it, other airships knocked backwards and trying desperately to maintain their flight pattern. Dozens of Solar Bolts nearly broke formation, but they recovered and zeroed in on the eruption. Dragons and other flying creatures were almost knocked out of the sky, but they quickly recovered and turned their horrified eyes to the volcano, to the outpost.

To what was left of it.

And the Council of Friendship stood there in a shared sense of horror. At first, they were silent to it, their ears numb to the eruption and their bodies tingling from the shock wave that washed over them and consumed them. And nearly killed them. It should have very well killed them, just seeing the flaming and disastrous peak of the volcano erupting into a burning inferno filling their hearts with that cloud of dread. It had become a reality. Their fears were made real.

It had happened. The worst possible scenario had happened.

Screaming and crying for their friend Twilight Sparkle, slamming their hooves and claws on the windshield, the Council’s pain could be felt by all, for all witnessed the eruption. They all saw Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining, and Twilight enter into the outpost’s hold. They knew the risks and they faced them courageously. That terrifying reality still tried to seep its way into everypony’s heads, that reality that told them the rulers both old and present were gone.

Bon Bon didn’t believe that. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She faced the devastating, unknown fate of the prince and princesses with the most battered and mortified expression of all, but still glimmering with the light of hope. Because that was their fate: unknown. Bon Bon still held onto the hope that they made it out. That they hopefully, by some slim chance, survived.

Because she believed in the princess’ word. She believed they were safe.

Then, the volcano erupted a second time.

A second blast followed the first, with the original being crafted, unnatural, staged in a sense for the dark magic to react and retaliate against the prince and princesses’ efforts. The second blast was from the natural depths of the volcano, stirred and awakened by the chaotic forces unfolding above it. With that seal broken, with the T.I.T.A.N. facility destroyed, nothing could stop the eruption from spewing forth upon the world, into the air, and burning it all.

The eruption of fire and smoke, of melting-hot magma and flying volcanic rock created a whirlwind of chaos and power. Nearby creatures flew away from the oncoming smoke cloud and the ravaging chunks of mountain and magma shooting off across the sky. With trails of fire blasting off from the flaming, melting peak, the ocean of lava in the heart of the volcano thrashed and warred against the eruption. In the end, the eruption won.

The living fire and molten rock rose up with its talons leading, slamming against the side of the mountain to slowly, wearily lift itself up. It cried out in a way that did not resemble that of a volcano. It cried out in distress, in pain, in awakening torment with a guttural shriek resembling only that of a monster.

A Titan.

Countless armies watched on in awestruck terror. The occupants of the Radiance fell into a deep, dark silence upon seeing the rising horns, the emerging beak, and hearing the low, trembling growls of the creature even from so far away.

And even from so far away, they witnessed Rodan awaken in full bloody, flaming glory. They saw his eyes flare open with a familiar infectious mist of Sombra’s dark magic coating them.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

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