• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 32 - Spirit.


It’s currently 10:13 am on the Ark as the sun continues to shine down with its' warmth. This information is available via a certain tribe’s implants. Distant objects lower themselves within beams of light from the skies as each one comes in six different colorations: white, green, blue, purple, yellow, and red.

The Tribe of Harmony is currently in celebration as their current objective laid unconscious before them on a beach. Said beach is located just outside of Sanctuary as the spray of the sea offers a cool touch to creatures whose forms it collides with.

However, there’s also a noticeable change to the tribe’s attire. Gone was the Cloth Armor they once wore as it’s now replaced by a new set of gear: Hide Armor, designed fashionably for the ponies, with Spike getting his own apparel to match his anatomy.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight stood proudly over the downed Pterosaur while Pinkie Pie and Spike seemed to be retrieving something from Vanellope’s inventory. Gaining access to the Raptor’s implant with their own as a blue hue of light escapes their implants. Albeit Pinkie Pie practically bumped against the Raptor with her flank due to her implant’s current location. An awkward yet hilarious scenario to behold when it comes to the ponies.

As for Rarity, she sat nearby on a Wooden Chair she had crafted and conjured forth from her inventory. She dramatically laid upon the chair, her left forehoof pressing against her head while repeatedly saying:

“The horror! Oh, the horror!”

“Oh boy… poor Rarity,” Spike comments, looking over his right shoulder and towards the dramatic unicorn. “Way to go, Pinkie. You just had to bring up those Leeches again, huh? You know how she gets when you remind her of those things, although I doubt she’ll ever forget them...”

“I said I was sorry,” Pinkie responds while looking back towards her cutie mark before shooting her gaze to the drake, “I kind of forgot that she was sucked dry by vampiric wormy worms!” She emphasizes by sitting on her flanks and bringing her forehooves to her face as if to imitate fangs.

Unfortunately, having overheard the pink mare’s words, Rarity cries out from the short distance:

“Oh, it was just awful, darlings!”

“Aaaand you set her off again,” Spike comments with a deadpan expression. He sighs, “I’ll go calm her down, but go ahead and bring the meat over to Fluttershy and the others.”

Over by the unconscious Pteranodon, Twilight beams a smile before taking on a proud posture.

“We executed that plan perfectly!”

Applejack smirks, “So we aren’t gonna mention how the other Ptera we tried to tame fell into the ocean?”

Although feeling bad for the Ptera’s fate, Fluttershy giggles as Twilight’s eyes widen before clearing her throat with a forehoof covering her muzzle.

“We, uh, aren’t going to talk about that. Besides, it flew away from us while taking on torpor, and unlike Rainbow Dash, neither Fluttershy nor myself could catch up to it to force it back to land,” Twilight smirks, “Then again, somepony missed it when she tried to throw her Bola at it.”

Applejack’s eyes narrow as her muzzle scrunches up, “That wasn’t mah best throw, Ah’right?” She sits on her flank and crosses her forehooves, “We aren’t gonna talk about that, and don’t y’all dare tell Rainbow about it! Seriously, ah’ll never hear the end of it.”

The three tribe mates stare at each other for a brief moment before bursting into joint laughter.

Sand is being kicked up nearby as the encroaching form of Pinkie Pie approaches the trio.

“I’ve got the meat, everypony!” She exclaims happily with a raised forehoof. The pink mare conjures forth the meat stored within her inventory, and passes it to Fluttershy, “Here you go, Fluttershy.”

“Thank you, Pinkie,” The pegasus responds, taking the meat into her right forelimb before starting the taming process with the downed flyer.

Rarity could still be heard nearby, with Spike trying to calm her down, as Vanellope started to take what best could be described as a sand-bath. The Raptor lowered itself to the ground before shuffling like a sitting bird, causing the sand to bathe her feathers and make contact with her skin.

Strange, considering the ocean was right there, but the tribe wrote it off as a Raptor thing.


The tribe members, excluding Rainbow Dash and their mechanical ally, are now sitting in a circle around the still unconscious Ptera. Each of them placed a wooden chair down in a circular formation, surrounding the pterosaur, while Fluttershy continued to tend to the flyer, its’ head rising now and then to feed on the meat she offered it before lowering back down to the sand.

Vanellope slumbered next to their location, although a small engrave was left in the sand where she had taken her bath.

“Thank you for grabbing more Narcoberries, Applejack,” Fluttershy comments. "Although I do feel bad about making him eat these to stay unconscious."

“No problem, partner,” The cowmare responds on her seat, positioned between Twilight’s and Rarity’s. “‘Cordin’ to Helena, ah’ can harvest pretty darn good when it comes to this stuff, but ah’ also get some kind of bonus to farmin’. Heh, no sr’prise there. Hay, Pinkie Pie can also harvest like ah’ can, but she can’t farm as good.”

Pinkie Pie, rocking her chair side to side while positioned across from the former trio, raises a forehoof before stating:

“True, but Helena said I can get us rocks, flint, and stone! All that work on the Rock Farm really pays off here!”

“And I can get us crystals and metal, darlings,” Rarity chimed in. “Although I haven’t gotten the chance to test it. Oh! And the quality of things that I craft is quite exquisite. Helena even said that my armors are more durable, and our weapons pack more oomph.”

“My claws let me collect fiber and thatch much more effectively,” Spike said. “However…” He hesitates.

“Spikey Wikey?” Rarity questions with concern as the rest of the tribe look at the drake with worry. “What’s got you so worried?”

“I… I,” Spike sighs, “Forget about it,” He looks away, “Just know that I can help us get fiber and thatch quickly.”

Seeing that something is clearly bothering the dragon, Applejack tries to change the subject, although Twilight still keeps her worried gaze on the draconian.

“So, uh, what about you, Twi?” The cowmare questions.

The alicorn’s ears perk up, “Oh, what?” She responds, her gaze pulled away from the dragon.

“Did Helena say anything about what you can do here?” Fluttershy questions, catching onto the cowmare’s intentions. “I can tame creatures much more effectively by affecting their Taming Efficiency. Even my stare has an effect here, although Helena warned me that there are creatures that might resist it,” She hides behind her mane and whispers:

“Like the Demon King…”

Twilight side-glances towards Spike, the draconian’s gaze still averted from before, as the lavender mare takes a breath before responding:

“Helena hasn’t told me anything as of yet. I think she’s still trying to determine what Rainbow Dash and I can do.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened as she noticed something in the distance. Vanellope was drawn out of her slumber and turned her gaze in the same direction. Due to their current seating arrangement, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity had their backs turned against whatever peeked their tribe mate’s interests.

“What’s going on?” Twilight questions. “Is there something behind us?”

Both Applejack and Rarity tense up, hesitant to turn around and tempted to call forth their weaponry.

With a pointed claw towards the direction behind them, Spike answers:

“N-not something, but s-someone.”

Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack hurriedly turn their heads, and what they see shocks them to their core. Eyes widen, mouths and muzzles drop as they take in the form of a large white equine with a small mammalian on its’ shoulder—a monkey.

The equine is a white unicorn stallion from what the group could make out. His powerful and muscular frame draws him closer and closer, kicking up sand with every mighty step. The tribe is amazed by his height as even Princess Celestia, the tallest alicorn they had ever known, would have to tilt her head upwards to meet this unicorn’s gaze. However, the sun monarch’s elongated horn would reach the upper portions of the equine’s head.

As for the small grey mammal on the unicorn’s shoulder, it begins to hop happily in place. But it noticeably seemed to keep its’ gaze on Vanellope.

“Woah, nelly,” Applejack comments, fanning herself with her hat. However, she keeps her shocked features.

“My word,” Rarity states as she fans herself with a forehoof. “What a stallion~

Spike, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie continue to stare on dumbfounded, but Fluttershy rapidly makes her way towards the equine by taking to the sky. The yellow pegasus became singularly interested in the small ape that sat upon the unicorn’s shoulder.

Approaching the duo, Fluttershy adores the ape while saying:

“A Mesopithecus! Ooh, you’re so cute. I’m Fluttershy, do you have a n-” Her eyes widen in absolute horror, much to the confusion of the monkey. Due to her excitement, she hadn’t comprehended what she’s just done.

Getting a grip on reality, she slowly lowers herself to the sandy beach and cowers before the unicorn, her frightened eyes fixated on his giant frame.

“H-h-h-hello, s-s-sir,” She struggled.

The unicorn chuckles before lowering himself to the ground, causing the pegasus to ‘Eep’ in response. The stallion tries his best to make himself seem less intimidating, although he still dwarfs the pegasus even while seated.

“It’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy,” He says, his voice silky toned and lowered. “My name is Spirit, UNI-CRN Biological Unit #002. My creator, Megan Williams, has told me all about you and your friends over there.”

Fluttershy peeks out from behind her mane, albeit her form still quivers in fear, “M-Megan W-W-Williams?”

Spirit nods before bumping the Mesopithecus on his shoulder with his muzzle, “And this little trouble maker is Skitters.”

The monkey slaps the unicorn’s head, causing him to chuckle in response.

“Holy buck…” Comments a familiar, raspy voice. “Who in the hay are you?”

Both Fluttershy and Spirit turn to the source of the voice and are greeted by the forms of HLN-A and Rainbow Dash. Both of whom are stunned by the unicorn’s presence.

A moment of stunned silence ensues. Then, Spirit looks towards Skitters.

“I don’t suppose you’ll help me in this… awkward situation?”

Skitters shakes his head. A definite no.


“Heh. Thanks, traitor.”

Author's Note:

Spirit compared to Celestia and Fluttershy. Although the unicorn isn't that wide here, it's also fairly accurate.

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