• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 4,955 Views, 189 Comments

Back to Normal, No - Revanius

Desperate not to be alone Sunset does something she never wanted to do, lie

  • ...

Chapter 12

Applebloom felt sick to her stomach, not from something she ate and she wasn't sick, it was the guilt inside her that made her feel like she was going to throw up. With each passing day, the desire to come clean got stronger and stronger and only her loyalty to her two closest friends was keeping her from telling the truth. But that too was starting to fade, she knew that if someone so much as bumped into Sunset over Anon-A-Miss she wouldn't keep quiet any longer.

Thinking back on how it all started Applebloom knew it had been stupid of them to think it would work out as they planned, it just seemed so right at the time. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had been tired of being left out by their big sisters' plans, all of them revolving around Sunset Shimmer. It had been so frustrating, especially so close to the holidays so they came up with a plan to get the attention back, if only for a few days.

They really had never meant to get so out of hand, though Applebloom knew now that did not make what they did any more excusable. Spread some embarrassing gossip around their sisters' friend group and pin it on Sunset, they get mad at Sunset and leave her alone for a few days until they made up, and during that time they'd get some time to themselves. They had almost called it off and come clean when they saw their sisters publicly accuse Sunset and abandon her, but then they thought to spread it around the school making it even bigger and get their sisters' attention even longer. Then on Christmas Anon-A-Miss would make a big apology post and Sunset and the others would be friends again.

Even the other students had gotten in on it, sending in embarrassing and funny gossip and pictures, that was all it was supposed to be. A few embarrassing stories, funny pictures, and a few secret couples revealed it had not seemed like they were doing anything really wrong, then the bad secrets started coming in, the kind of stuff that could really hurt people. When they had first received them they had tried not to post them, but the senders kept threatening to hurt Sunset if they didn't post the secrets.

Once again with the benefit of looking back, Applebloom knew they should have come clean and gone to their sisters, or the principal, but they didn't. They were scared, Applebloom was still scared for what would come when the truth eventually did come out, as she knew it would. She hoped someday Applejack could someday forgive her for what she did, but she was more concerned with whether she would even be able to call herself an Apple after everything.

Slamming her locker door shut she started her lonely trudge to the cafeteria where she would keep her distance from her friends while trying to eat with the massive knot in her stomach. She wondered if this was what Sunset Shimmer had felt after the formal and when Anon-A-Miss ruined her friendships, if that was true then it was just one more thing for Applebloom to be guilty about.

"Applebloom!" She heard someone shout behind her, turning around her eyes widening she just managed to sidestep Sweetie Belle before she could crash into her. Sweetie grabbed her by the shoulders pulling Applebloom close, the eyes just centimeters from each other. "We need to talk."


Sunset winced as Nurse Redheart finished her examination of Sunset's stomach and face, placing an ice bag on the black eye. "Just keep that there and it should help with the swelling." Nurse Redheart instructed.

"Thank you Nurse Redheart," Sunset said.

"Now... You said you ran into a door and Miss Griffin here stumbled over you correct?" Nurse Redheart asked pulling out a clipboard. Gilda, who was standing to the side, averted her eyes.

"Oh yeah," Sunset lied giving a nervous laugh, her good eye twitching as she did. "Just wasn't looking where I was going. Gilda was nice enough to help me so it's fine."

"Hmmm must have been some door to give you an eye like that. But if you say that is what happened the alright, just apply an ice pack to that eye every few hours for a day or two till the swelling goes down. Now you can stay here till lunch ends if you want or you can leave. I have to drop this report off at the office. Try not to run into any more doors." She said leaving the two.

"You know," Gilda said once they were alone. "I'm not one to say you should snitch on someone myself but Dust was pissed and won't let this go."

"I get that but I have my reasons for not telling Nurse Redheart, they might not be good reasons, but they are reasons," Sunset said reclining back on the recovery couch, dabbing the ice pack on her eye.

"Care to say them?"

"Not till Trixie gets here," Sunset responded. Two bangs rang out in the room, one being the door, the other a smoke bomb hitting the ground covering the nurse's office in smoke. When the smoke cleared Trixie was in the room gripping Sunset's shoulders.

"What happened? Who did this? Are you hurt?" Trixie fired out one question after the other her eyes looking Sunset over before narrowing in on the black eye. "And how did you get this?"

Before Sunset could answer any of the questions Gilda coughed out clearing away some of the remaining smoke. Trixie's eyes widened when she saw Gilda, releasing Sunset's shoulders and moving behind the recovery couch. "Gilda! I didn't see you there."

"Hey Blue Star, remember that conversation we had about your smoke bombs?" Gilda asked waving the air in front of her.

"That the next time one blew up in your face, you make me eat one," Trixie said cowering a bit more.

"Oh, right I did say that," Gilda said rubbing her neck. "Well forget that part, just try not to do it again, and sorry for the scare last year."

"Okay," Trixie said not moving for her spot.

"Anyway," Sunset said getting their attention. "You wanted to know what happened right?"

"Yeah," Trixie said.

"Well you see-" Sunset started cutting herself off when the office door opened again and Nurse Redheart entered with some papers.

"Don't mind me girls I'll just be at my desk if you need me." She said sitting down across the room from them.

"Okay, maybe we can wait till later to explain," Sunset said the other two looked like they were going to complain and she continued. "Some of what I have to say I don't want anyone else to hear. Can you both just wait till after class?"

"Sure," Gilda said with a shrug. "As long as I get an explanation."

"If you say so Sunset." Trixie agreed.

"Thanks girls."


"Uhh, why are we here?" Applebloom asked as Sweetie Belle closed the door to the janitor's closet. Sweetie Belle slammed her head against the door surprising the young farmer.

"I'm sorry Applebloom," Sweetie Belle mumbled still facing the door. "I should have sided with you from the beginning. Maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Oh, well thanks Sweetie but Ah don't see why we needed to come here fer you to say dat," Applebloom said, Sweetie Belle banged her head against the door again. "Sweetie Belle? Is something wrong?"

"I saw Sunset a few minutes ago walking down the hallway with Gilda. Gilda was helping her walk and Sunset seemed to have a small limp, and when she turned around... she had a black eye and boot prints on her chest." Sweetie Belle explained. "She tried to say it was just an accident with a door but I don't believe it, someone attacked her Applebloom, someone attacked her and it's our fault."

Applebloom didn't respond immediately, caught between a mixture of shock that Sunset was attacked so soon and happiness that Sweetie Belle finally turned. "Thanks fer tellin' me Sweetie Belle. Now Ah need to go tell Principal Celestia the truth."

She tried to get past Sweetie Belle but her friend did not move. "Wait Applebloom." She said, " we can't tell the principals yet."

"What do ya mean? Ya know Sunset's gonna keep bein' hurt unless we come clean." Applebloom protested, Sweetie Belle turned to face her.

"But if we do nothing will change except the target will now be us, we don't know who attacked Sunset and she didn't seem like she was going to tell. If we come clean now whoever did it will come after us."

"Let 'em Ah know Ah deserve to face whoever did it. So let me pass." The farm girl said grabbing Sweetie Belle's shoulders, trying to move her out of the way.

"Just wait, please let me explain." Sweetie Belle said refusing to move. Applebloom stopped releasing her grip taking a step back. "Thank you. Now, what I meant was we can't tell her yet because we don't know who attacked Sunset and we can't prove it either. Maybe if we wait a little longer we can find out and get some proof, then when we tell the principal whoever did it won't be able to come after us."

"But what 'bout Sunset!" Applebloom shouted, Sweetie Belle covered her ears as it rang out in the small closet. "We framed her, tore apart her friendship, then let her get attacked. We can't, no Ah can't let her take anymore Sweetie Belle, Ah don't care if they come after me. Heck Ah'd welcome it, as long as she finally is left alone. So move!"

Sweetie Belle shook a little but moved to the side, Applebloom opening the door, before Applebloom left Sweetie Belle said. "What about going to Sunset first."

"Pardon?" Applebloom said confused.

"We tell Sunset the truth first then we go to the principal."

"Why would ya want to dat exactly?"

"I want to know what she would want us to do, we've been making decisions on assumption for her. Maybe we should include her in the decision-making. Besides she has a right to know the truth directly from us."

Applebloom looked at Sweetie Belle, eyes narrowed. "Alright, we'll go to her first. But if Sunset tells us to go to Principal Celestia we go okay."



Applejack was not having the best day back from break, she had hopped with Anon-A-Miss down things would go back to the way they were at the start of December. Instead, it felt like nothing had changed, scratch that something had changed, Sunset was avoiding the Rainbooms and this time it really was their own fault. Looking back on the New Year's party she cursed herself for agreeing that the demon might be back and the way they had handled talking with Sunset. She had seen the fear in Sunset that night, true fear and panic and it was their fault. Now their estranged friend was avoiding them and they couldn't talk to her without going against her again.

Sighing she crumped the empty soda can, tossing it away in the nearby trashcan. She leaned back on the steps of the main entrance while Rainbow Dash paced back and forth muttering to herself. The two had agreed to hang out after school and try and put aside their problems for the afternoon, instead Rainbow muttered her complaints while Applejack contemplated all their problems again and again.

"That's it I'm going to go find her." Rainbow Dash declared.

"Rainbow ya can't just go marchin' up to her and start demandin' things."

"Well how else are we gonna get through to her?"

"It's only been a couple days. Give her time."

Rainbow groaned turning away with a huff. Applejack went back to mulling over New Year's again while also trying to think on how to best to handle Sunset when she did decided to talk to them. "Hey Applejack, why is Sunset walking to the field with Gilda?" Rainbow asked after awhile.

"Huh?" Applejack looked up, Rainbow Dash pointing to across the school where Sunset was heading towards the football field, Trixie and Gilda trailing just behind her. "No idea, didn't know those two were friends."

"Yeah... Hey we should follow them." Rainbow suddenly said.

"What! Why would we do dat!?" Applejack questioned.

"What if Gilda is connected to Anon-A-Miss someway, what if she's the demon that's been messing with Sunset and forcing her to create Anon-A-Miss." Rainbow explained.

"Now dat's just ridiculous, there's no way Gilda could've forced Sunset to do all dat."

"How can you be sure, what if she is and she's going to force Sunset to do something else now. Shouldn't we follow just to be sure."

Applejack sighed. "Yer going to follow them no matter what aren't ya?" Applejack asked, Rainbow Dash nodded and the farmer stood. "Fine, Ah'll come if only to make sure ya don't do something crazy."

Author's Note:

This part came out considerably different than the original plan was for it, originally Sweetie Belle did convince Applebloom to wait till they found out who attacked Sunset and they would do their own thing while Sunset's group did theirs. But then I thought Applebloom has given in to the others throughout the book and waited thought she should show some resolve here. Even though in the end, she did agree to go tell Sunset first I think it still works. This chapter was also on the shorter side since it was originally part of the previous chapter.

Comments ( 19 )

Nice Chapter. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Sweetie Belle, you’ve reached the point where you’re gonna crash and burn no matter how and when the truth comes out. Stop trying to delay the inevitable.

The guilt is really eating away at Applebloom now, and now Sweetie Belle can't take it either but she's still trying to save her own skin, while Applebloom has resigned herself to her potential fate.

Yeah! As Spongebob’s House in the episode “Procrastination” said (in this case):
“CMC, why? Why are you making Sunset suffer, CMC? WHY CAN’T YOU THREE JUST CONFESS YOU’RE ANON-A-MISS?!?! STOP WASTING TIME!!!!!

CSC #5 · Apr 1st, 2021 · · ·

Aaaand things are gonna get worse. Girls.....just admit what you did.

I like this. Please continue with it and CMC if you don’t come clean now, da consequences are only gonna be harsher and ya sisters are only gonna be angrier

Ohhh are they finally know how much they fudge up!? Yes please every chapter i read in this fic my heart aches for Sunset🥺

Ah, the return of a classic in the making. I'm definitely looking forward to the climax of this one.

please finish this story. It is pretty good and shows that that emotional blackmail can hurt just as much as any other kind and to get real proof before telling the world someone is guilty.

I will, promise! Got the Glee distraction out of my mind and I want to get some more writing in soon!

without suicidal sunset, anon story is basically boring school drama. like this.
it does not get dislike only because my great and powerful waifu got a cameo.

"Hey Blue Star, remember that conversation we had about your smoke bombs?" Gilda asked waving the air in front of her.

"That the next time one blew up in your face, you make me eat one," Trixie said cowering a bit more.

"Oh, right I did say that," Gilda said rubbing her neck. "Well forget that part, just try not to do it again, and sorry for the scare last year."


Glad Applejack isn't completely heartless.

Glad Apple Bloom releases they need to come clean.

I'm not gonna be pushy, but I hope you can get back to this story soon.

I do want to come back to this eventually, might do something on this just to show it's not canceled. There were just some problems with the length, this story turned out much larger than I was originally planning and the characters turned out very different so I needed to rethink how it would end.


Don't worry. I'm going through writer's block. Just go at your own pace.

Generally enjoyable so far. I'll make a proper review when the story is finished. Looking forward to when you pick it up again.

One thing I feel I should caution against, is bringing up sunsets sexuality. It implies that there's going to be a ship along those lines, and it really doesn't make sense for her to have a romantic interest when she can barely hold her friendships together as is, and would only distract from that part of the story imo.

I've read quite a few of these types of fics and it just never fits into place with the rest of the story. Especially when its female/female as you imply. Theres a lot of baggage that comes with it, which most writers either completely smooth over or focus too much on.

Dont put out a chapter just to put something out. I'd much rather have a chapter that has your full effort put into it, rather than some filler garbage just to please us. Thanks for putting it on hiatus and letting us know what happened btw, most writers would just leave us hanging without a word.

Just found this story, it is very deep and we can only hang-on to see what's going to happened next, how long will AppleBloom be able to take it? I think the story looks pretty close to its resolution.

This is so good, I really enjoy what you've done, please continue!

It was just getting good too

Just reread. Need more of this :twilightsmile: Hope all is well.

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