• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 2,493 Views, 34 Comments

I have to say, "I love you," in a song. - SparityLoveisForever

At Spike's birthday he wants to tell Rarity something. The evening doesn't go as planned.

  • ...

Heads Up, Or Hearts Down.


Mmmmm nothing like a relaxing break to refresh and rejuvenate one's self. Another background pony is becoming a relationship choice for one of the mane six. This time shocker it's Applejack who's getting a special somepony. And the pony I've chosen for her drumroll please, *Thunderous Drum-beats,* Parcel Post. Sorry, no love for the Caramel Jack fans here. I feel Caramel + any member of the Apple family is overdone, and not always done to the best of the possible outcomes. If you want some Caramel Jack, I recommend Luna the Matchmaker http://www.fimfiction.net/story/21241/luna-the-matchmaker . This story was written by the marvelous dlazerous. Now to address the stallion in question here, now officially Parcel Post is the mail pony who delivers Applejack's message of she's not coming back to Ponyville after the Equestria Rodeo Competition in the episode “The Last Roundup.” He has a light brown coat, brown mane, and tail, with ocean blue eyes and a cutie mark of an envelope with a heart-shaped seal. (Final Warning: I did update chapter three to include something that needed to happen before Spike left to save Rarity. If you are unaware of this story change, I recommend you turn back now and re-read chapter three.) Now onto your regularly scheduled story.

Heads Up, Or

Hearts Down.

The bass blared from the stereo system set up around the stage, as a few steady beats brought an end to a song; the music suddenly changed again, this time to something with a fast pounding drum beat. The night seemed to wear on slowly especially for one Twilight Sparkle; whose eyes locked on the broken window where her evening had been unavoidably interrupted. She was looking out towards the Everfree Forest; her mind focused on not missing the signal of her number one assistant. She noticed there was a set of blue sparks above the tree line, yet they were there one moment and gone the next. These lights weren't the signal it might have been a message from Rarity, but it was too far away to make out from the barn. Twilight's hooves gently tapping the ground were the only part of her enjoying the party.

Three other notable mares were enjoying the party at present. The first was Rainbow Dash, whom after breaking from the group noticed Star Hunter offering a dance with Ponyville's fastest flier to him. The two pegasi started to dance together very carefully despite it being their first dance together. If somepony didn't know better, they might say the two were already in a relationship. The second was Pinkie Pie, who had coerced Creme Brulee into a dance after clearing his plate of sweets. The pair of earth ponies soon started to make the pegasi pair look like they were standing still with the way they moved around the dance-floor. The third was Fluttershy, who nuzzled up against her big strong red stallion; asking in a quiet voice for a dance from her coltfriend. Big Mac heard his marefriend's voice even through the blaring music; moving to kiss her lips passionately, while he slowly brought her to the center of the dance-floor. Starting to gently hold her delicate Pegasus frame close to his strong, solid earth frame. The two danced like only two lovers could kissing tenderly every chance they got.

Another change of music to a slow tender beat this time, and Applejack could see her friends out there dancing with somepony special. She seemed to be the perpetual wallflower, the hardworking, strong-willed, muscular, earth mare with an orange coat, and a blonde mane and tail. 'Even mah brother has a special somepony,' thought Applejack. 'He's hardly left the farm! Ah've been all over Equestria! Why can't Ah find a stallion who likes me for who Ah am.' Applejack wanted somepony hardworking like her, who had their head on straight, and wasn't afraid of her. Still, she moved her Stetson over her face to cover a small set of tears.

Suddenly there was hoof on Applejack's shoulder tapping it gently; she turned her head sniffing her tears back, proceeding to pull her Stetson off her face to look at the pony who was trying to get her attention. She had never seen this stallion before; his coat was an almost grayish light brown, his milk chocolate mane and tail were in curly bushes, his eyes were a bright ocean blue, and his cutie mark was an envelopment with a heart seal. He was wearing a simple white dress shirt nothing overly fancy about it. He looked into her green eyes as he said in a light-confident tone, “May I have this dance, Beautiful?”

“Yee-haw! Sure thing, pardner,” said a slightly overjoyed Applejack. She pulled him out to the dance floor soon they started dancing together to the slow, steady beats of music. They were quickly introducing themselves, and discussing every part of their lives with each other. Enjoying the others company greatly, while they danced around their friends and family greeting them casually while dancing together.

Twilight's friends were now all having fun, save for her number one assistant, and his love interest. Twilight was in another world one away from the bright lights and soft pounding music, hers was a dark world of the night waiting for a green flare from the center of the forest. Figuring it would be best to approach Twilight when she wasn't so focused on something else, Princess Luna just sighed while watching the lavender mare from across the room.

Princess Luna couldn't explain it, but something just made Twilight so alluring to her. Soon, though, Luna felt a hoof on her shoulder. While turning her gaze to the hoof and noticing it was white, Luna continued turning to see her sister standing beside her. Princess Celestia said in a calming tone, “Ask her to dance, Lulu. If Twilight stares out that window much longer, she'll find herself outside of it. Spike wanted everypony to have fun. I can watch for the signal a bit.”

Princess Luna gulped audibly, while she slowly made her way to the barn to Twilight Sparkle. The slow song was still playing, and many couples were already out on the dance floor. The closer Luna got to Twilight the further away she felt from the mare. Before the princess realized it she was standing next to Twilight. Luna then touched her hoof to Twilight's shoulder gently, before saying, “Twilight Sparkle, I know Spike's on your mind right now. But, I also know he wanted his friends to enjoy the party when he couldn't. Would... it be too much to ask for you to share a dance with me?”Luna looked right into Twilight's eyes to convey the seriousness of her statements.

Twilight's first reaction, shocked the same as Spike's had been, yet, looking up into the eyes of the dark blue lunar mare with her matching ethereal mane had caused Twilight's heart to throb up into her ears. Her cheeks beginning to blush against her lavender coat, and her throat quickly becoming dry as a desert. Instinctively she licked her lips to moisten her mouth and throat for a response, “I... I... I would, Princess Luna, but I... I can't miss Spike's signal flare.”

Before either of them could continue a waiting Princess Celestia came up from behind Twilight saying, “Don't let that stop you, Twilight. I can watch for Spike's signal for a song or two.” Celestia only winked at her sister while aiding Twilight up from her seat which brought her much closer to Princess Luna's chest.

The pair of mares blushed at their new closer proximity; Princess Luna took charge proceeding to use a wing to lead Twilight towards the dance floor. Vinyl Scratch had noticed the uncertain couple coming to the dance floor near the end of the current slow song and managed to pull out something to continue the slow pace for the latecomers. Twilight was a blushing furiously, as she was lead to the dance floor by the younger of two monarchs she swiftly said, “But... but... I'm all left hooves.”

Luna had heard this, though she kept slowly moving Twilight onto the dance floor. Suddenly Luna moved her neck against Twilight's gently moving her muzzle up to her ears to say something in a whisper to her only,“Let me lead. We can take things slow, and before you know it we're dancing. Just slowly trot in place and move steadily with it's like trotting but with a partner.”

The two moved in unison slow dancing to the gentle rhythmic beats that played from the love song that was now coming from the stereo. At the start, nopony was watching the pair as they slowly shifted and moved in a slow circle Luna was leading Twilight's every movement. Both of their hearts were thumping in unison as they danced to the music. Soon Luna was directing Twilight to make straightforward and steady motions with her fore-hooves. Before Twilight had realized it, both ponies were on their hind legs waltzing to the steady beats of the music. Soon everypony had their eyes on the Princess and her dance partner. The two showing an amazing display of control poise and balance. The duo slowly finished with the song as Luna held Twilight in her hooves. It was as if they had been dancing together for years; suddenly the music had come to a stop, replaced by a thunderous applause for the duo both lightly blushing in the arms of the other.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

Rarity was now back in her dungeon cell, the two unicorn stallions with green magic aura's had just finished re-attaching her to the wet dungeon floor. It was at this moment that Rarity got her first look at them since they were wearing black robes with hoods the entire time not coming close enough to her earlier for proper identification. The hoods had slid back from their faces a bit revealing to her that each had a pair of bright green eyes that matched the color of their magical aura. They both had a coat color of a pale yellow, and a mane of red with stark white strips of contrast. Suddenly Rarity couldn't help but feel as though she had seen these two somewhere before, while she was thinking about it the pair of stallions started to turn towards the stairs. “A pair of unicorn brothers with green magic,” she thought. Then Rarity shouted out, “You! You're the two who tried to put one my best friends out of business. Then almost three years later you ask me out on a date. Asking if I'd like to have two stallions instead of just one. What an absolutely revolting idea.”

“Looks like she remembers us now, brother o'mine. Maybe she doesn’t realize there is no need for all her despair,” said Flim who came to a halt on the stairwell.

“Maybe the secret to all her troubles coming to an end, we should share,” said a Flam who had gotten his brothers flank to his chest.

“Wait! If you're going to break out into song, could you at least spare me your names,' You're the Flim Flam Brothers. I get that,” Rarity said with a bit of disdain her voice.

“Nopony else it could be right, Brother o'mine? You could just save yourself a lot of trouble and come into a whole new world in this here castle,” Flim soon said looking back at his brother.”

“All you'd have to do is give in, and it will be soft sheets, baths a bubble, with not a single hassle,” said Flam in a sing-song tone of voice.

Rarity rolled her eyes at their starting performance as if she knew what was coming. Soon though Flim was picking up where his brother left off with, “You'd be giving into, the one and only, the biggest and the best.”

“Our master is, unbelievable, undefeatable...” called out Flam right off his brother's words.

“Invincible, and 'I can defeat a dragon able.' So your little Spike has no chance to save you.” sang out Flim until his final statement which he said looking right into Rarities eyes.

Rarity looked back up at them with fire and determination in her eyes. To hopefully end their woefully grim satire of song she spoke up, “Spike will save me. I have no doubts about that. When he does, you two had best be long gone. Spike was more appalled than I was that you two wanted to double team me after a date. Stand in his way, and you'll be lucky to be like a rabbit under the hoof of a stampeding steer, flat and round shaped.”

“Pretty high and mighty for someone in chains. Isn't she brother o'mine?” said Flim again pulling back for a moment.

“Maybe what she lacks is the proper brains, to understand brother o'mine.” Flam said this full of confidence that they would not be pancakes by the time the night was over.

“I'm certain if you boy's were of import to your 'prince's' plans he wouldn't have you on guard duty. Over an already worn out unicorn mare, and a near beaten to death pegasi. If you really held any sway at all you'd be able to see my friend was going to make it through the night,” Rarity said this with her eyes half lidded and a slight pout to her lips.

“Such a simple final request, dear brother. Think we can oblige her?“Flim said trying to gauge the sincerity of the unicorn.

“An easy request to fulfill, dear brother. Though we shall have to take her to, 'The Doc' since we can't spare the power to save her ourselves.” Flam said without really thinking too hard about what he was saying.

“Quiet, Brother!” Flim's voice went from shouting to just above a whisper.“What if she were to realize that we are powering the force-field?” Rarity still managed to hear the words “we,” “power,” and “force-field.”

Soon a pair of green magical auras had enveloped the Pegasus, and the pair of hooded unicorns were now heading back towards the stairs with the Pegasus in tow. The brothers felt they could prove themselves to the captive, by granting such a simple request. They were essential parts of the plan, after all, they were preventing escape or entrance by air. The brothers were soon out of the dungeon once more, and Rarity was left alone once again.

Rarity sat on the wet dungeon floor and stared up at the starry night-sky. She could not see the moon from her present position which was a shame, as she always enjoyed it as part of the nightscape. So with no moon she felt a bit alone in her cell for the first time, she had not even felt that alone with Fleetfoot unconscious and close. Her pristine coat was starting to get a bit of gray discoloration especially on her haunches; the chains didn't help things either. She looked up at the night-sky seeing a shooting star she wasn't sure if Princess Luna had one in store for tonight, but Rarity hoped as she looked up at the darkness making a simple wish on the shooting star.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

Blueblood had started to move towards the outer doors of the partially renovated ruined castle. He couldn't believe how well things were going for him right now. He knew the dragon wouldn't give in easily, but he had a plan for that. There was no way this plan could fail, after all, he was taking care of all the important parts himself. “There is no room for failure,”Blueblood thought. “I will make that dragon pay with his life. No pony should have their destiny tied with a dragon. After tonight I'm going to make her future mine.”

All the pieces were falling into place quite nicely for Blueblood. He moved to put on a black cloak with a hood to cover his face. He only wanted the dragon to know it was him once the dragon was gasping for his last few breaths of life from under Blueblood's hoof.

There were so many ways to hurt the dragon, and Blueblood had made sure he had taken every precaution, bringing together the best of his loyal followers to wreck the dragon. Defeating even an adolescent dragon was a feat that few of ponykind had ever even dared to try. This dragon had no parents; he was a lone child out in the wilderness. The dragon was out in the Everfree Forest in the middle of the night, trying to save the one thing that mattered to him more than anything. Blueblood knew he held all the cards, but he still had few aces up his sleeves just to make sure things went his way.

Opening the door to the outside of the castle Blueblood was soon followed by the white unicorn mare wearing Rarity's ensemble from earlier that evening. He led her out to the edge of the stone bridge and said, “Now be a dear, and lay on the ground. I don't want him getting any Idea's about trying to check if it's really her.”

“Alright, Darling no need to be pushy. I will be free to go after this, won't I?”The dead ringer for Rarity asked this of Blueblood, just making sure once again she would be able to leave the stallion after this. She never liked owing him her life. Five years of servitude to this stallion who made her blood boil with every request more depraved than the last.

“Yes, and... Don't ask again if you value your freedom!” said Blueblood in a sharp flat furious tone that rang out a bit from their position. He just watched as she laid down on the ground and then he proceeded to add a pair of chains to her fore-hooves and her back hooves. “Close those eyes and don't say another word. The chains are for effect.”

With that, the stage set for the arrival of the dragon. Blueblood's traps had been set his forces were ready for dealing with the possibility of things going down wrong, and he was prepared to land the finishing blow when that time came. Hopefully, it would be able to end it quickly and not have to fuss with any of his fail-safes. The dragon slain before the sun could rise on his detestable purple face again regardless of what happened, though. He couldn't believe that Aunt Celestia could care for that filth like he was royalty. It would be time for a new regime once there were no more friendly dragons about the land.

A time for pony kind to worship a new ruler. A king to rule over all of Equestria with an iron hoof, and queen whom would be a trophy representing what happened to those who opposed his desires. Not even that prized student of the current leadership would be able to stop him. She'd be distraught over the loss of her friend and likely be an unwilling fool ready for subjugation into the new regime. “It will be a glorious time for all ponykind. Especially for me and my already loyal subjects.” thought Blueblood, as he stood waiting for the dragon to come to his death.


Sweetie Belle came up to the microphone again before the start of the next song. Wanting to hear what the young mare who had enchanted them all evening with her voice was going to say, the crowd of ponies had come to a standstill at the break in the music. Shortly Sweetie Belle said, “This next song is something I'm sure some of you will know while others will be hearing it for the first time. This song originally was done by a very promising new group of ponies. I hope I can do them justice with my rendition.”

Soon there was a set of light, fast rhythmic beats to the stereo system followed by a set of heavy synchronous beats in the same fashion. Then quickly the words followed from Sweetie Belle's lips.

“Take a number, dear.
Wait your turn, and don't get out of line.
Everything, you fear...”

Spike was pulling the cart along with his upper-body strength, his wings folded behind him, while he put one clawed foot in-front of the other. He seemed to be walking an endless line forward toward the old castle of the alicorn sisters. Surely the ponies holding his dear lady were watching his every step to make sure there was an amount of bits and gems equal, if not greater than, the sum required. Spike gripped the necklace Luna had given him before he left. He could feel it gently pulsing with every step closer to the castle. His fears eased by the comforting feeling the necklace was giving him. “Only a little more,” Spike thought.

“Paint it black, in the back of your mind.
You just go on breathing, repeating...”

The night-sky was a sea of black and purple from the bottom of the slope Spike was on. He looked up at the night sky to notice the moon and a sudden streak through the night-scape. Seeing the shooting star he made a wish as he looked up at it. He continued forward up the ridge. Every breath being drawn from his scaly body, each squeak of the wheels on the apple cart, and the chinking sound of bits shifting in the cart were each a gentle noise against the backdrop of silence in the Everfree Forest. One more ridge and he would be in-front of the castle and those filthy kidnappers.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

A pony in a black robe stood over a fully clothed alabaster white unicorn mare with a distinctive red ruby over her chest. Part of Spike felt relieved at seeing those luscious purple locks of mane again, and yet, something was amiss... she had all her clothes! Rarity wouldn't have given the last of her magic to give him a false clue. He came down the hill examining the chained clothed pony with every step closer to her. He was scrutinizing her like a rare gem to see if there was anything amiss, something that didn't fit his Rarity's appearance. He stood across from the bridges as he looked out to the hooded pony and said, “I brought your random and then some.”

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound.”

“Bring it to me and then you and your little 'rarity' are free to go,” said Blueblood. The cloak still covering most of his face, his eyes shone from under the hood with an icy blue stare across at the dragon.

“How do I know that's really her? She's sleeping by the looks of it. It could be an enchanted ponyquin for all I know,” Spike called back across the gorge. His eyes were fixed with determination right at those cold blue unforgiving eyes, moving the cart so that it would be right on the edge of the gap, Spike's weight keeping it from rolling towards the long drop below.

“Careful with your payload, or you won't get her back at all, dragon. I could awaken her if it would prove she was a real pony,” said Blueblood in a steady tone.

“Let me wake her, and you've got a deal,” Spike said this with absolute confidence, convinced his method of rousing would ferret out any fakes.

“Grr... Fine. I want No sudden moves, though. Or she will pay the ultimate price, and you will be forced to watch,” said Blueblood menacingly. Spike just nodded, and with a steady motion shoved the front of the cart into the ground to steady it.

“Your composure slips.
Twenty-two and nothing left to do.
But resign to this...”

Spike unfolded his wings and flew over the gap separating the gorge and landed right next to the sleeping pony, whom he was going to find out if it was Rarity. First, he moved one of his claws around to the back of the fire ruby necklace just above the latch. Next, he moved his other clawed hand around to the front of her face. He brought his thumb and forefinger down over one of the resting mare's eyes and grasped one of her eyelashes pulling it out.

“Yeeeeouch! S... Sp... Spike. Why would you do such a thing to a lady?” said the rudely awoken mare.

“Wrong answer,” thought Spike. He undid the clasp on the necklace quickly with one deft motion pulling it away from her neck and clutching it in the hand that had removed it from the mare. Spike brought his tail around to quickly trip the hooded pony, giving both the fake and the hooded pony a swift hit to the backs of their heads with his bare fist. Darting swiftly into the castle, he heard the sounds of a few spell bolts hitting the door behind him.

“Bona fide pilgrim pride, tried and true.
So you don't question, this lesson.”

Spike couldn't believe that the whole main castle hall remodeled like brand new. He quickly took a spear from one of the knights; then barred the door behind him putting the spear in-between the handles. “Think, Spike, where did Twilight say the dungeons were?” Spike remembered the trip here two summers ago. Twilight had even shown him where the dungeons were. He had wanted to see the place where his big sister had taken down Nightmare Moon. She had described all the architecture of the old castle to him. Twilight's lessons felt so very faint in his memory the fleeting moments in time his might was reaching to grasp. That was also the year he had fought with her over his exhausting work schedule. “Schedule! That's it! Ten o'clock dungeon third door on the left,” thought Spike.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

“Locked, just great,” thought Spike. He moved one of his claws into the lock starting to fiddle with the tumblers when he suddenly heard a click of success. Spike opened the stairwell and saw a set of two non-magical torches going down a long stairway. He started to go down the stairs quickly as he could, leaving the door behind semi-closed.

There in the center of the dungeon was a slightly gray unicorn mare with a flat purple mane; Rarity was feeling lost, alone, and helpless. The nightscape from the cell window was a view of freedom that was absorbing her thoughts.

While approaching her, the necklace around Spike's neck started to glow brighter. She didn't notice that she soon had two necklaces put around her, followed by a set of strong purple dragon arms wrapping around her gently.

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound..”

“Spike! Oh... I knew you'd come for me. Did Blueblood give you any trouble?”Rarity said with bright hopes as she looked back at him and brought her muzzle down to kiss gently on the back of his forearms.

“That was Prince Blueblood!? Not yet, m'lady. Now let's get you out of your bonds.”Spike proceeded to pull the magic inhibitor from her horn very gently. Then he proceeded to crush her manacles with his superior dragon strength.

When the last piece of metal removed from her person, she moved her fore-hooves up and around Spike's neck and gave him another kiss. This time she put her lips right against his scaly lips for a moment. It seemed like all was right in the universe; together they kissed gently and tenderly caught in a joyful moment together in the dungeon.

“I try to find my strength inside the sound
But I can't fight the darkness all around
I'm bleeding 'til I drown”

Their moment of bliss shattered at the sounds of hooves on the dungeon stairs. Spike quickly pulled away from her and hid against the spiraling stairs. A pair of unicorn stallions holding a pegasus in their green magical grip were trotting back down the stairs, not having seen the dragon nor heard the red alert from outside the castle walls. As the two unicorns placed the pegasus down in front of Rarity, they said in unison, “See, all better other than the broken wing and back leg. We told you we were 'Important' around here.”

“Oooh... I can see that now. Clearly, you're the ponies winning this race. Why don't you two studs come a bit closer and take those hoods off,” said Rarity as seductively as possible, including in her statement a gentle sway of her back hips, her forehooves on her knees, and a gentle lick of her lips.

Flim and Flam flicked their hoods back and came steadily closer to the mare, their eyes unable to leave Rarity's curves as she moved them ever so gently at the end of her statement. So much so when the dragon slid from his hiding spot they didn't even notice when his hands brought their heads together knocking them both out.

“They controlled the force-field, Spike. We have to get to the courtyard so you can fly us out of here.”Rarity said this shortly after the hooded ponies were unconscious.

Spike picked Fleetfoot off the ground putting her on his back. Then he also took Rarity in his arms, starting to head toward the courtyard. He had remembered the whole map from his one trip here. Twilight had shown him everything. Soon they were breathing a bit of the fresh night air, the moon still rising slowly only about the first fourth of its journey through the evening sky complete.

“Heads up, hearts down, steady as she goes.
Don't break step, don't make a sound.”

Now was as good a time as any for the signal, even though Spike could hear the ponies still trying to break down the front door of the castle. He sighed, breathing in deeply, before letting loose a giant pillar of fire from his mouth with all his might. Spike sent a massive fire flare from the center of the forest right up into the sky. Rarity was astounded by the mighty display of Spike's fire prowess, and she didn't have much time to admire the emerald flames illuminating the night sky for a full sixty seconds. After which Spike took to the skies, gaining speed and altitude was a chore having to compensate for the extra weight. Spike's take off into the night sky happened just as there was a loud crash below from the entrance to the castle had just been re-opened.

“Heads up, hearts down, no one ever knows.
What started this exodus, onward bound...”

As they began to leave the castle behind them, there was a set of two bolts of magic from below. The first bolt of magic struck Spike's tail, and he could feel it starting to frost over from the spade tip creeping towards the base of the long tail. The second bolt of magic found his form as well. This one caused him to cry out in anguish, as the spell had completely eaten away one section of his wing. He dropped losing altitude suddenly and having to change course from Ponyville to just barely adjust his wings into a glider landing quickly on a small patch of land just south of Froggy-Bottom Bogg. Using the last of his tail's strength to smash the section that was freezing against the ground to break the spell sent a shiver down his spine. Spike looked around he knew this was a whole different part of the forest between them and safety now. He sighed and gave Rarity a gentle stroke to the back of her head. To which she responded with turning herself to put her hooves around his neck again; which gave Spike the strength to continue on foot with Rarity and Fleetfoot.

The song ended with the same set of notes it had started with, and Sweetie Belle met with another rousing sound of applause. She waited for every pony to calm down before saying, “Heads up, Hearts Down. By the group, I Fight Gryphons.” Another set of hoof stomping applause from the crowd. Sweetie just smiled as she looked around at the crowd of ponies she had been entertaining, and suddenly a bright green flare from the Everfree Forest appeared. Twilight sent her signal to the group, and they were slowly starting to bow out of the party for their assignments. Sweetie Belle tossed up her signal to the other Crusaders to follow their counterparts.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

“They landed just below Atlas's region. I'm going to intercept personally. If any of you ponies want to be a part of My New Equestria, then you will follow me and shoot the dragon on sight.” Eugene Blueblood was so furious he had yelled across his magical intercoms to the remainder of his forces in the Everfree Forest. “If the Blunder Brothers can hear this message haul the payload into the castle Immediately.” He was out for blood now the look on his face would've killed most ponies who saw it.

'The dragon had been able to land even with a destroyed wing. Dammit!' thought Blueblood. Fortunately, the dragon was still too far from Ponyville to be called safe. They would meet in mortal combat, and he would be far too weak to stand by the time he arrived. Not exactly a fair fight, but one he would win to be sure. Blueblood had one last loose end to tie up before he left to for his combat encounter, though.

He looked down at the still unconscious almost clone of the female he would make his queen. He sent a small thin beam from his horn down to the unconscious mare. Upon reaching her form, her back legs slowly started to change from a bright white to a black leathery skin with holes in certain parts. Soon all the hooves on the formerly lovely creature were black, and the changes were starting to crawl up her neck and then slowly over her face revealing a pair of fangs from the mouth of the once enticing mare. He pounded one hoof down near her face, then said, “Wake up, You've failed me for the first and last time.”

The changeling just shook their head and looked at the magical chains still binding it's front and back side together and the garment hindering it's wings from release. It looked up at Blueblood with the solid blue eyes almost asking for mercy. Blueblood was not in a merciful mood this evening and used his magic to lift the creature up with it's back still towards the ground. The magic raised it towards the gorge and once over the center he let his magic release the beast. “Pleasure doing business with you; Now you're free,” Blueblood said as he started to head towards the forest.

“They will not reach the safety in Ponyville, not before I have my vengeance, not even all the years he spent with that magical librarian Auntie taught will save him from this spell.” Blueblood thought to continue into the forest. He moved at a steady pace wanting to make sure that it was he, or Atlas, his apprentice, who found and would slay the Dragon. Though his little apprentice had instructions to contain the dragon until he arrived. Blueblood thought,”Next time dragon you won't catch me by surprise. Then you'll be dead.”

EOC (End of Chapter)


Author's Note:


Ok, to start things off the song was Heads Up Hearts Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ6vRE4lVNw by the group I Fight Dragons. Once again the link here is for those of you who wish to know how I want you to hear the song Sweetie Belle is singing. Ok so based on the Online 2012 Map of Equestria I had determined that the bog on this Map is Froggy Bottom Bogg which is the bog mentioned when Twilight was trying to disprove Pinkie Sense. So with all relation to where they are they still have a long way to get home since they are just south of it. I hope that Spike was once again on center stage here in this chapter. The action happening in between isn't meant to match up to the song beat in this chapter correctly. Now I believe that will slightly change with the next chapter only due to the fact of what song I have selected for it. I will once again thank all my readers and loyal followers. I know there only a few of you out there, but I'm glad to have even a small fan base.Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope I can continue to entice your interest. The grammar update for this chapter is now live. Comment Time Everypony.

Comments ( 8 )

I was so thrilled to see an update after all this time. Well done! This is a beautiful piece of fiction! I am loving every minute of it. :moustache:

2747935 Thank you. The journey continues.

2750684 Thank you for the vote of confidence. I know it takes me some time to get these chapter updates but I'm working through lap top issues right now and I have a lot of afk responsibilities as well so I'm always trying to bring the next chapters as soon as I can. That goes for all my stories but my Blog here usually keeps people informed when I'm close to done with a new chapter. Thanks for the support again.:eeyup:

2828706 Just for your first note

I feel the ponies are not superhero's in the average sense so capes are fine. They're just regular ponies who happen to save the day once in a while. More so for Rainbow Dash. To your second comment :pinkiegasp: is exactly the kind of reaction that scene was going for.

2831850 Yes, but he thinks he's all powerful he slayed a dragon by that point in his thought process. He knows who Spike's "mom" is and I don't think he cares. He's got his eyes on the prize of being the the New Ruler of Equestria. Thus he finds himself in a wonderfully euphoric state of where in his mind nothing could ever go wrong.

Not even that prized student of the current leadership would be able to stop him. She'd be distraught over the loss of her friend and likely be an unwilling fool ready for subjugation into the new regime.

I think she'd be absolutely furious if you did that and considering how powerful she was before her ascension, might make the biggest mistake of his life. And that's before taking into account who Spike's "mom" is.

2862619 Yeah I know and as I'm sure some people around here might mention if they had a chance or looked at my blog ever I've re edited the first 3 chapters multiple times since I started this project. I've been working very hard to scale my self back and improve on this. I'd like to think I've gotten better. Only time will tell I guess and in all honesty hearing this again makes me want to run though it all again just to see if I can't lop a large section of the paragraphs in half.

3873498 Unfortunately all I can promise right now is I'm working very hard on it. With my primary side project out of the way. Right now that project is undergoing a finalizing set of edits. Then I can devote most of my time to continuing and working out any problems I might have with chapter 6. I have mentioned in my blog that this is the biggest undertaking in a chapter I've ever undergone so please be patient with me. The holidays cut a lot of my ability to work on this out.

Please finish this story.

Damn. This story seems really interesting, but I don't know if I want to read it knowing that the last anything on it was over two years ago... Y'know I've been thinking about starting a group devoted to collecting all the amazing fics left half done for more than six months. I'd need a cool name though... I've gotten off topic:facehoof:. Anyways. It looks cool, but I don't know it's worth the feeling of meeting another cliffhanger never to be resolved:applecry:

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