• Published 22nd Mar 2021
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That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware - Yuri Fanatic

Silver Spoon. Derived from the phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth," which implies being born into wealth, privilege, and now a pony too apparently.

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With another crunch, I chewed through another spoonful of cornflakes from my bowl of cereal. It tasted crispy with a hint of honeyed sweetness, as usual. I stirred my cereal again before taking another bite, then another bite of a sliced orange that was placed beside my bowl. The mix of flavors is nice, but not as nice as the artificial flavoring and high sugar contents of regular cereal.

I poked at my food in contemplation about last night's events. As the staff helped me prepare for the morning, my mind tried to make the hazy connections of what little memories I retained from last night's dream. From that, I figured out a couple of things. While the details of my dreams were lost, the emotions that I felt were still present. Namely fear. For that to happen it would have to be another nightmare, but so soon after my last? Usually, ponies have nightmares once a month based on what I've been told.

Was this a coincidence? No, this dream was definitely not the norm if it caused me to wake up in such a panic and haste to write down those words. As if I knew that I would forget. Something definitely happened.

I mixed my cereal absentmindedly before resuming my thoughts. A nightmare. I remember my last nightmare distinctly. Why couldn't I remember this one? I furrowed my brows as I concentrated on that feeling of fear. Details were lost, but what I felt was most certainly life-threatening. An attack? Like that spider from before? Pretty sure that thing survived my last dream. No, it doesn't matter what the attack came from, what matters is that I've been put in a situation that made me feel that my life was threatened.

I pulled the threads of my feelings further, trying to come up with conclusions that made sense. What happened after that? A feeling of... awe? Strange. Something significant has to have happened. Did I defeat it again? No, there wasn't any feeling of victory. Possibly defeated by circumstance?

My mind raced to the words that I wrote. Nightmare Moon. I must have encountered her. Did she save me? That would explain the feeling of awe. But why? Weren't those nightmares of her creation? Did she want something from me? Could she have engineered a situation where she sent those nightmares to attack me, then save me to lure me into a false sense of security? No, if I was fully lucid then I would have seen that deception from a mile away. She must have made a serious impression on me that I would even go as far as writing down that she wasn't evil. At least, not purely evil.

I scooped up a slightly soggy spoonful of cornflakes, before dropping it again into the bowl. Losing my memories was annoying. I hope that won't be a reoccurring factor. Wait, reoccurring? Why did I think that it would happen again? Would I remain in contact with her? If that's true then... that changes things.

"Madam? Is your food not to your liking?"

I turned my head and I saw Intricacy, the Head Butler, awaiting my response. I smiled lightly. "No, it's fine... it's good." I tried to reassure him. My eyes then drew across the dinner table, before landing on my father.

There he sat eating his breakfast, sipping his coffee while reading another newspaper from Equestria News. The maids and butlers stood by us, ready to serve any request we would have. However, despite the number of ponies, the room was silent for the most part. The only noise happening was the clinking of my spoon against the bowl and Silversmith's cup being placed against a plate.

My mind lingered for a moment, remembering the promise I made to mom a few nights ago. A promise to make an effort to connect. With a reluctant sigh, I initiated our first conversation today. "Father, is there any reason I never had the chance to eat normal cereal the other fillies and colts are eating?"

Silversmith's eyes never wavered from his newspaper. Instead, he took a bite out of his biscuit eggs benedict before answering. "You are eating normal cereal. The cereal the common folk eats is artificial. It's not suited for a member of the Silvers."

"Oh," I responded simply. Usually what little conversations we had would end after that. When it comes to the image of the Silvers, my father's opinion tended to be final. However, I couldn't just give up there. "Miss Cheerilee says that I should be eating plenty of foods with sugar in them, as it helps stimulates the brain and enables us to grow properly. What's the difference between artificial cereal and normal cereal?" I asked, knowing that my father wouldn't bat an eye at whatever advanced terminology I had. My parents already knew that I was well-read for a filly my age, at least when it came to fiction.

Father paused at that, his expression slightly furrowed as he clearly didn't expect me to continue. He thought for a moment before answering "The difference is that artificial foods have a higher sugar content than normal foods. It helps to have more sugar in our bodies, but ultimately detrimental."

Swallowing another bite of my cereal, I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Father flipped his newspaper to make it straight. "Ponies need sugar to function, but an over-reliance on it will hinder your mind's development. The brain is a muscle and it must be exercised properly. Reducing your sugar intake helps with that. If your mind can keep up with other ponies without sugar, then it can far exceed them while you're on it." He sipped his cup again and placed it down, only for the maid next to his chair to offer another refill.

I paused. "So that's a definite no on the artificial cereal then?"

Silversmith lowered his newspaper, finally looking me in the eyes. His eyes were cold and calculating. It was like he was seeing through me with the acute precision of a scalpel. I resisted the urge to shiver. Then he proceeded to bring his newspaper up again. "Once I receive your grades, I will determine whether or not having more sugar wouldn't harm your development." With another bite, he finished his meal before wiping his mouth with a dinner napkin. "If you perform well in school then we'll see about adding light deserts to your meals."

Silversmith then stood up from his seat, his servants already moving to put away his plates and utensils. "Finish your meal. I'll be waiting in the wagon." The stallion instructed me before leaving the dining room.

I simply sat there with my cereal, barely half-eaten and soggy from being submerged in milk for too long. Well... that was productive. I think. Still, that doesn't stop me from having Dia buy snacks for me. I mused to myself.

"Are you finished with your meal madam?"

Turning my head, I saw Intricacy the Head Butler awaiting my response. With a light smile, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm done with my breakfast. Could you pack something a little extra for my lunch?"

"Have anything in mind madam?" The stallion in a suit asked.

I thought to myself for a moment before answering. "An apple would be nice."

"Consider it done madam." Cacy lowered his head slightly.

"Thanks, Cacy." I smiled at him.

"Think nothing of it, madam." His expression remained stoic as he exited the room, but I could tell the slight crease of a smile at the end of his lips. The rest of the maids were taking care of my plates. I offered them a smile and another 'thank you' before taking my saddlebag and leaving.

"So when Rumble trotted up to kick that rock over the sandpit, he somehow tripped over it and landed muzzle-first into the sand!" Diamond Tiara giggled while eating her lunch.

"Pfft." I snorted before while taking a bite of my apple. "Was he hurt?"

"Nah, he's fine," Dia replied as she took a bite into her celery stick filled with peanut butter and raisins. "Then the other colts tried to jump into the sand too, thinking it was some kind of new game."

I chuckled at that before shifting my view to the school's sandpit. Seems that a bunch of colts is now trying to see how far they can jump into the sandpit from the outer edges of it. Naturally, the ones with wings managed to get further across, flapping their wings to lengthen their jumps. "Man, I sometimes wonder what it's like to have wings."

"Eh, wings seem like they take too much work to take care of. Plus don't they take dust baths? Mom would probably pass out if she saw me doing that." Dia joked before smiling innocently. "Also, what's a man?"

I choked on my apple slice before swallowing. "W-What?"

"You said, 'Man'. Is that another, uh expression? Or is it another one of your made-up words?" She teased.

"It's not-", I then stopped myself from taking her bait, "is 'man' not a word here?"

Diamond Tiara only shrugged in response. "Dunno. First time I've heard anypony say it. But you also like using a lot of new words I don't know."

Shit. "Uh, how often have I been doing that?" I asked while cringing to myself.

"Only sometimes, but learning new words is fun!" The pink filly chirped. "So what does 'man' mean?"

"Uh." I averted my eyes, trying to think of a way to explain this. "Yeah, it's an expression. Like, you say that when you're frustrated or disappointed at something."

"Oh. Neat." Dia said before taking another bite into her snack.

I hummed back in agreement before taking another slice of apple into my mouth. My eyes drifted outside the school grounds. I could see the neighboring buildings and cobblestone roads that lead in between them. It was pretty clear weather today and I could see small colored dots in the sky. Pegasi, moving and kicking clouds and managing today's weather. I chewed my apple slowly. Man, it's almost a shame that I was born a dirt horse. Almost.

"So. You know about Earth Pony magic?" I asked my friend.

"Earth Pony magic? Isn't that like, ponies being gardeners and moving around heavy stuff?" Diamond Tiara asked all too innocently.

I laughed before explaining. "Almost. I did some reading on it some time ago. Apparently Earth Pony magic is one of the less understood magic in Equestria. Yeah, it pretty much comes with being able to garden well and super strength, but apparently, it's a lot more nuanced than that."

Dia raised another eyebrow.

I sighed. "Nuanced means something having a special meaning."

My friend simply nodded in understanding. "So like, there's more to it then?" She asked.

"Yeah. Earth Ponies have something similar to a magic surge. You know how Unicorns need to have a magic surge before being able to use magic?"

Dia nodded. "Yeah. I've heard about them. They can be random and dangerous. Daddy warned me about it."

I nodded in turn. "Yeah. So, earth ponies have something similar to it. Except there's no like, explosion of magic or something. We just, suddenly have a bunch of extra strength or have a knack for plants."

"A knack?" Dia asked again for clarification.

"A special talent basically," I explained.

"So... like a cutie mark?"

"Ehhh," I waved my hoof side to side, "more like you suddenly become aware of plants and how they feel. You can feel the earth and tell if the dirt is a good place for plants to grow. Sometimes you can feel rocks too. You can figure out which part of a rock is weak or strong, or how sturdy a cave is so you can tell if it's dangerous or not. Some Earth Ponies can do that with wood too, although they're not as common. My father however is one of the very few Earth Ponies in Equestria that can feel metal. He can work with it better than any other pony out there. It's why he's super successful overseeing the metal industry."

"Ah, I see." Diamond Tiara nodded. From her expression, I could see clearly that she didn't know the meaning of a couple of words I had used, but showed understanding of the general gist of it. "So basically we just start feeling plants and dirt and stuff." She simplified.

I pursed my lip. "Yeah, I guess you can say that."

"That's cool, I guess." She chomped on another celery stick.

I snorted. "Not as cool as actual magic right?"

She laughed. "Maybe. But Sweets said that she needs to take magic lessons soon, and that sounds boooorrring."

I tilted my head. "Sweets?"

"Oh! It's Sweetie Belle's new nickname. I told her about it and she said it was a great name." The pink filly beamed.

"Not a fan of our other nicknames?" I mused.

Dia shrugged. "She said she liked Sweets more. Anyways she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to go look for pets with us."

I shifted my face into befuddlement. "Pet shopping?"

"Yeah! You said that Rarity gets a cat right? Sweets wants to go and find the one you're talking about. She's super curious how her sister will get one." Dia said excitedly.

I narrowed my eyes in disapproval. "I don't think that's a good idea... she will get one eventually. Getting a cat early, I don't even know how Rarity got one. All I know is that she gets one at some point."

"Oh come on, it's not like we're buying one. We're just looking. It'll be fun!" The pink filly beamed.

I pondered for a moment. "Well, if it's just looking..."

"Great! We can hang out together on the weekend then. I heard that there's an animal caretaker on the outside of Ponyville." Dia informed me.

"Oh," I said, my mind instantly raced to who I thought she was talking about. "Is by any chance the pony's name Fluttershy?" I asked almost hesitantly.

Dia's eyes widened slightly, before taking a hoof to her chin to ponder about it. "Hmm, yeah. I think so. So you already know about her?" She asked.

I responded by tapping a hoof on my temple. "I know about her, but she doesn't know me. I know that she's super shy. Even when it comes to other fillies." I explained. "But as long as we keep the topic on animals, I'm sure she'll be more than happy to talk to us."

"Oh, well that's good!" Dia seemed to get more excited about the prospect. "So, what else do you know in that little noggin of yours?" She leaned towards me from her seat playfully.

I exhaled shortly in amusement. "I know enough. Not going to start spilling out other ponies secret's anytime soon."

"Aww! But there's gotta be something interesting in there!" Dia complained. "Come on, can't you tell me at least something?" She looked me in the eyes hopefully, widening her eyes in an adorable fashion.

"W-wha?" I stared at her, confused.

"Pleeeaase?" She continued, forcing her expression to widen even further.

"S-Stop that." I stuttered weakly, unable to look away.

"Pleeaaaaaaaaseee!" She quivered her lips in a fashion that would make even the most stubborn pony consider her words.

"Stop that." My eyes narrowed, but I find myself unable to outright disapprove of her antics. Her gaze bore into me, weakening my will to resist her request. Eventually, my wavering won over. "Urgh, fine. What do you want to know."

As if her face was a light switch, she instantly dropped her expression into one of pure glee. However, then she paused to actually think about the question she would ask. "Uhh... I dunno. Never thought I'd get this far."

I stared at Dia incredulously. "You haven't thought about it?"

"Hey, it's not every day your friend offers a question about the future. Just let me think." The pink filly then started to drink her apple carton intensely and in deep concentration.

I pursed my lip in amusement before my attention was shifted to a small group of fillies and colts folding paper near the school entrance. They were folding paper just like how I'd taught them, but some of them started experimenting with different kinds of shapes. One of their papers even started to resemble something like an animal. "Hmm, looks like my origami lesson really kicked off."

"Hmm?" Dia was interrupted from her pondering, only to look at the same group of children I was. "Oh yeah, they're all folding stuff. Some of them are folding wrong though."

I snorted. "No Dia, some of them are trying to fold paper into other things."

Dia turned to face me in surprise. "Wait you can fold things other than stars?"

I looked back at her incredulously. "Of course! I know plenty of other things I can make."

"Like what?" Dia's eyes sparkled in anticipation.

I pursed my lip in thought. "Well, I can make kunai knives. Ninja knives basically. I can also make some paper claws. Wait would that even work?" I furrowed my brows in contemplation. Origami paper claws were elongated pointed digits with holes at the base. The holes were meant for human fingers to fit in, allowing for a full series of claws to fit on one's hand.

I looked at my hoof. I had no fingers. There was only a 'U' shaped toe and a soft pad at the center. I flexed my pad as if it was the palm of my hand and it did. I can grip objects with this hoof just fine, but by all means of logic, I shouldn't be able to use paper claws due to a lack of fingers. However, my mind raced back to the time I crafted those UNO cards with a pair of scissors. Those scissors were also meant for human fingers, yet Dia showed me that I could use them regardless of the logic at play.

Could it work?

"Hold on, let me test something," I said to Dia, before retrieving my saddlebag and pulling a sheet of blank paper out. Then I started folding. After a series of steps and a very curious Diamond Tiara watching my every move, I ended up with a paper claw.

"Ooh! That's so cool! Can I wear it?" The pink filly asked before swiping my claw without permission.

"What? Hey!" I tried to object. Yet what I saw next caused my eyes to practically bulge out.

Dia was wearing one of the claws on the edge of her hoof as if it didn't break the laws of physics. There in her hoof, she flexed the claw back and forth. "That's so cool! I can move it around and stuff. Can you make more?"

"I-I," I started to stutter, "that shouldn't be possible!"

Of course, Dia only gave me a confused look before saying "What is? Oh, sorry." She took the claw off of her hoof before sliding it back to me on the table. "What were you trying to test?"

My mouth opened, but I was too shocked to say anything. I gazed back at the claw on the table, before hesitantly grabbing it and trying to do the same. I placed the claw on the edge of my hoof while trying to imagine if a finger was there. However, when I let go the paper claw fell onto the table. My eye twitched in annoyance.

"What's wrong?" Dia said all too innocently for my own sanity. However, she did also look genuinely worried.

"That shouldn't be possible. There's nothing to put the claw on!" I tried to protest, but the evidence that Diamond Tiara revealed absolutely stunted my previous series of logic.

"What do you mean? Just put it on your hoof, like this." My friend then grabbed the claw and placed it on the edge of my hoof. This time it stayed there. My eyes stared daggers at the bizarre defiance of logic that was on my hoof. Hesitantly, I flexed it and it moved much like a finger normally would. It was a startling and familiar sensation. I tried to look at the claw itself and how it moved without fingers to guide it, but the moment I started thinking about the mechanics the claw fell off my hoof and onto the table again.

"You just had it," Dia chided, "just hold it like how you did your scissors."

I glanced at my friend for a second before looking back at the claw. Right. Just like those scissors. Just don't think about it.

I shut my brain off and simply put it on. This time the claw was placed just as before. Desperately I repeated a mantra in my head. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Just like before I flexed it easily and I continued to stare at the violation of physics at the very edge of my hoof. "Yeah that's-" I placed my claw-hoof down on the table and my other hoof to my temple before sighing. "I'm just gonna chalk that up to magic and that it just works somehow."

"Magic?" Dia tilted her head, not really understanding what I was getting at.

"Just ignore me. Let's see if I can get a full set of these for us." I said before pulling a small bundle of paper sheets out of my saddlebag.

"Okay!" Dia chirped.

A couple of moments of crafting later, we now both had a set of paper claws for our hooves. Dia was too busy being fascinated by playing with them, flexing and waving them around on both of her fore-hooves. I tested a full set on my own hoof, flexing five individual paper digits that worked as a hand would. It was a very weird experience. I've been without fingers for so long, only to get them back in the most unexpected way possible. Well, they were still technically claws, but that's beside the point.

I didn't stop experimenting there, however. I also decided to place them on my rear-hoof. It flexed as well, although the feeling was not quite like having toes. Instead, it was like having another set of hands on my rear legs as they were able to flex much as my fore-hoof did. My muzzle scrunched as I pondered the possibilities. With an idea in mind, I quickly got to work on another set of claws.

Placing the next set of paper claws on my other rear-hoof, I decided to jump off of my seat. I stood on both of my rear-legs. Diamond Tiara's eyes widened in surprise as I slowly started to walk around in them. The paper claws weren't that strong, but my body was still that of a filly's. So the result ended up in me being able to walk on my rear-legs with my paper claws establishing some balance to where I leaned. Frankly, I looked absolutely ridiculous, but my innate knowledge of how to walk like a human allowed me to pull it off with little to no difficulty.

"Holy guacamole! How do you do that?!" Dia exclaimed. She jumped out of her seat to circle me with intense excitement. "How are you standing like that? And walking like that? I've never seen that before."

I just shrugged. "Ponies have stood up like this before. Cello and violin players do it all the time." I remarked, before walking around the table with complete control over my balance.

"But you make it look so easy! I've never seen a pony walk so naturally on their back legs like that!" Dia praised me while observing how I moved around.

Her declarations however got the attention of the other fillies and colts in the playground. I felt their stares boring into me as I looked around to see many eyes on me. Feeling a surge of anxiety, I quickly went back on all fours. "Ah, I was just messing around. It's nothing." I nervously downplayed the act.

My ears flickered in the other children's direction. I could hear gossip come up from around me as they chattered about how I could stand on two legs. Cringing in embarrassment, I shoved my paper claws back into my saddlebag. Luckily for me, Miss Cheerilee exited the school building while ringing a bell in her mouth.

"Lunch is over children! Time to go back to class." The magenta mare announced with a happy smile.

Sighing a breath of relief, I slung my saddlebag on my back before turning to leave. "Great, now the class will know how weird I looked."

"Well, I thought you looked cool." Diamond Tiara smiled encouragingly, taking the rest of her meal and shoving the contents into a nearby trash bin.

My anxiety about the situation lessened slightly. "Thanks." I turned my head to smile back. As I turned, I saw a glimpse of something in my peripheral vision. For a split second in the distance, I caught an aquamarine figure amongst some bushes before disappearing. My eyes lingered there for a time, but I saw nothing but foliage. I narrowed my eyes but kept my suspicions to myself.

Author's Note:

I'm alive! Woo!