• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 1,426 Views, 38 Comments

Emerald - A random pony oc

A changeling queen nymph finds herself alone in a forest not far from Ponyvile. Copying herself as a pony foal, Applejack finds her and took care of her. Of course, with a queen, it needs a kingdom...

  • ...

The Nest 3

While the wind fluttered her mane, Emerald flew towards the borders of Canterlot. The buildings and other made it hard to see, but there was a group of those wretched, no good ponies with changeling traitors galloping towards the gates leading outside. The absolute thought of it made Emerald sneer in disgust. This was not how she trained her beloved, and maybe slightly underpaid changelings. And the fact they teamed with the... ponies.

As she neared the ground preparing to land, there was an changeling unit assembled near the gates. They were carrying shined and sharpened spears, while others decided to use good old fashioned hooves to fight. Emerald neared Lapis Sodalite as they bowed.

"My Queen."

"How's the prep, General Lapis Sodalite?" Emerald asked as she signaled them to raise their head.

"So far, we got a few small troops stationed near this gate, with all the others near either an gape, passage, or any other tunnels. We also have some flying above them to update their location. We'll capture and give them the appropriate punishment, since we can't waste any pony-power."

"And please tell me you won't fail me like last time," Emerald asked with a threatening undertone as she glared down at Lapis. "It won't be pretty if you do."

"I won't." Lapis stared down as if it could make the eroded pebbles crack even more. His stern and resolute voice gave the affirmation Emerald needed.

"Great." Emerald said as she pat his back. She then went towards the towers where the flying guards were repeatedly giving reports and news.

"There's about 63 of them, two thirds ponies, the other traitors," one reported to a guard. "If we engage, they might camouflage with any unanimated object and escape our radar. Only true changelings can see one another, and I doubt they'll be using the Hivemind, therefore it'll hard to imprison them. Please tell that to Lapis."

"I seen them armed, it's no wonder they were able to escape. If we engage, it should a hassle to take them down without taking a few losses." another one told the guard.

"And I think they have hostages, some actual loyal changelings." A third one told. "I'm sure the loyal ones would be honored to be spies on what they're doing, so we should contact them."

Emerald heard all the talk around her and sighed. Hopefully Lapis would be able to handle this. If a changeling made from the Queen herself isn't reliable, there will be more losses in the future than she would like.

"My Queen," a drone suddenly made itself known in front of her. "Are you giving advice or reinforcements to the gates?"

"I'm just being a bystander for the grand picture." Emerald responded. "My dear changelings will be proving themselves that we will be taken seriously, am I right?"

"Yes, my Queen!" the drone stood upright saluting. "Long live the Queen."

"Oh yes, I almost forgot." Emerald said. "Where did you put the S.W?"

Celestia struggled against her binds, straining and pulling, trying to break free. After exerting herself of all the energy she had, she slumped back down in her confines. Her rugged breathing was one of the only reminders that this wasn't a dream, nor a nightmare. It was reality, and she wasn't ready to face it.

"Not like this..." she muttered. She glanced around, but the very dimly lit room made it hard to make anything out. And the absolute gravity of her situation and Luna's pressured her, barely giving her room to be calm.

Oh Luna, she sulked silently. She didn't appreciated enough at all. After her return from the moon, she thought everything in her life was going to go uphill, but her fate thought differently. She didn't even get to fix broken bonds properly, and...

Her moody expression morphed into an angered one. That changeling was living under her muzzle the whole time, and she was her student! And her mocking and jeering expression was all it took for her calm and composed self to be livid as this.

That changeling, no, no changelings shouldn't have left the badlands at all. What went wrong?

Suddenly, a bright light shined in her eyes. She squinted as she recontinued her struggle. There's no way she's going down without a fight, especially against a jumpstart villain. She glared at the changeling guard once her eyes readjusted to the brightness.

"Slave, the Queen has required your lowly presence at the battlegrounds."

Battlegrounds? She perked her head up slightly in worry at the male guard. What are they planning for her? She slowly got off the dirty, rusty stone floor as she proceeded to slowly trot to the guard, tripping over the occasional hardened green goo.

The guard gestured to follow as they treaded the halls of the dungeon. As they roamed, Celestia saw many other ponies trapped in cages and cells, wasting away in there. There was also cocoons hanging from the ceiling, which gave the whole area an gloomy, dark energy. As Celestia focused even more in the cocoons, there seemed to be figures in there, though she wasn't sure.

Then when she looked down, her heart skipped a beat. She saw her own sister, Luna, getting pushed around while nearing her. The guards made her tumble over again and again as they mocked her.

"Hey idiots, we're suppose to bring them to the Queen in their best form! And I'm sure the Queen wouldn't like what she's seeing, you all violating her words." Celestia's guard lectured them loudly. The other guards snapped their sight to them, then straightened up. They all hanged their heads low as he spoke.

"Besides, why don't you think the Queen is bringing them? She specifically said for the bigger picture! And we don't hurry up, those bastards might escape!"

Celestia was intrigued now, if not hopeful. If what she gathered so far was true, then maybe there's a outbreak going on, and Emerald was bringing her and Luna right towards it. Although the reason is unknown for now, perhaps there's hope for the so called "bastards" to escape. If nurtured right, they can even be the downfall of Emerald!

Celestia glanced at Luna as Luna glanced at her. They just had to wish upon a star. And then they'll be free, sooner or later, right?

Author's Note:

So sorry I haven't updated in so long, I was busy! 🙇

Anyways, after this, expect Lighting Heaven return soon! I'll see you all later!