• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,749 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Sunset's Good Will Tour Part 5

Sunset and Luna dropped Trixie off at home. After the girls shared a hug at Trixie’s front door. After the girls shared a few words Trixie headed in. Sunset walked back to the car with a smile on her face. Luna definitely noticed Sunset’s mood,

“Well someone is happy.” Luna said.

“Trixie invited me over for a sleepover after the holidays.” Sunset said.

“Well that’s good isn’t it?” Luna asked as she put the car in gear and started home.

“I guess, but what if she comes on to me?” Sunset said.

Luna sighed. “Sunset I slept next to Chrysalis in the basement and at her house. She never came onto me. You need to stop being so damn homophobic. Trixie needs a good friend right now, someone who is not scared of her.” Luna scolded.
Sunset just bowed her head and looked down. She knew Luna was right.

“Remember the science class debacle. Applejack stepped right up and showed everyone she wasn’t scared to sit next to “the she-demon”. Now you need to be like that with Trixie.” Luna continued as she pulled into the apartment complex.

“You’re right mom. In fact let me invite Trixie over for a sleepover, maybe I should invite all the girls over, maybe for my sweet 16 party.” Sunset proclaimed.

“I guess you’ll want to take over the living room for the night huh?” Luna asked.

“Yes, if my mom is okay with it. Please say okay mommy.” Sunset did her best puppy dog pout look.

“Sunset that doesn't work on me.” Luna replied.

“Damn.” Sunset replied.

“We will see. Now why don't we get out of the car and go inside? You have a volunteering shift in the morning. Luna said.

“O.K. I am kind of tired tonight. I was going to ask that we do our midnight snack routine tonight but I think I am going to get changed and go to bed.” Sunset said.

“I hear you there. Tomorrow night we will do that ok hun?” Luna said.

“Sure mom.” Sunset said, her eyes drooping.

“Stay awake long enough to get changed.” Luna giving Sunset a gentle shake.

“Mom, I'm barely awake, but still awake.” Sunset said falling asleep.

Luna just sighed and shook her head. She walked around to the passenger side of the car. Unbuckled Sunset and picked her up in her arms and carried her girl up the stairs to the front door. Unlocking the door proved tough. But Luna managed to do it without waking Sunset.

Luna put Sunset on her bed and got her to wake up long enough to take her dress off. Sunset fell asleep soon after. Luna decided to let Sunset just sleep in her underwear for the night. Luna quickly got changed and fell asleep soon after. She was happy that this was the last Saturday she had to get up early.

* * *

Luna’s alarm went off at 7:00 a.m. and she almost fell out of bed. She quickly got up and turned the alarm off and went over to wake Sunset. That was going to be fun. She went in and gave Sunset a little nudge. Surprisingly Sunset lifted her head and looked at Luna through one eye.

“Sunset honey, it's time to get up. You get to finish your tour today.” Luna said softly.

“O.K. Mom.” Sunset murmured, laying her head back down. Luna saw this was gonna be a little bit harder than she had originally thought.

Luna pulled the blankets back and started tickling Sunset’s sides. Sunset started laughing uncontrollably. She was awake by then.

“Mom stop, I'm ticklish!! Mom, not first thing in the morning!! Please!” Sunset laughed out. Luna stopped and Sunset ran into the bathroom. Now Luna saw why Sunset wanted her to stop.

Luna went into the kitchen and started the Coffee. She needed a cup. It was early for her. “Next Saturday I can finally sleep in. Thank heavens.”Luna thought as she sipped her coffee.

Sunset came in a few minutes later. Dressed in a blue and white shirt. Blue jeans, and black boots with an orange stripe. She also had her other jacket on the one with an orange stripe on the sleeves.

“Mom, I need a cup of that too.” Sunset walking over to the coffee machine. This really surprised Luna as Sunset hardly ever drank coffee. In fact the only other time she saw Sunset drink coffee was her first day back after her suspension.

That morning was hell on Sunset as she was scared out of her wits. Luna was happy that a lot of students now left Sunset alone. She noticed especially since the battle of the bands no one bothered Sunset too much.

There was still a little bullying though, but it was High School and it was normal. Luna was grateful that Sunset had some great friends plus her and Chrysalis. Just wished Sunset would have a relationship with Celestia too.

Sunset finished her coffee and was eating a granola bar. Luna finished her coffee. Then went over to the far side of the kitchen and grabbed her keys off the hook and went into her bedroom grabbed her coat and purse. Sunset was waiting by the door. Luna unlocked the car and Sunset happily ran down the steps and Luna locked up her apartment.

“It’s nice to see Sunset happy. After all she went through the past several months. The last three years why didn’t I reach out to her sooner. Well she wouldn’t have accepted my help anyway.” Luna thought.

Unlike the last ride to the animal shelter. This one was a very different mood, Sunset actually talked and acted like a human being. Actually talking to Luna and saying more than just fine. Luna thought she better tell Sunset when her shift would end.

“Ok Sweetie, I'm picking you up at 12 noon. Your Aunt Chrysalis wants to meet you and me for lunch.” Luna told her.

“Ok I guess.” Sunset said.

“Guess? It's going to have to be.” Luna said

“Ok well I will see you then. Thanks for the ride mom.” Sunset said hoping out and heading over to where Fluttershy was standing by the doors leading into the shelter.

Luna smiled thinking this was a lot better than last time she dropped Sunset here. This time Sunset didn’t call her an asshole. So Luna was also happy this time.

Sunset walked up and hugged Fluttershy and then asked “Why are you standing out here?”

“I was waiting for you. The shelter opens at 9 and we start at 8 getting everything ready.” Fluttershy explained.

Soon a middle aged lady opened the door and she looked at Sunset.

“I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t open for another hour.” She told Sunset.

“Oh no it’s ok she’s with me. She’s doing a volunteer shift.” Fluttershy explained.

“Oh then come on in. What’s your name?” The Lady asked her.

“My name is Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset asked.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Springtime Gardens.” Springtime replied.

For the next hour Fluttershy showed her how to clean out cases and put fresh wood chips in each one. Also how to keep fresh clean water in fish tanks. After that Sunset set up water bottles in the hamster and gerbil cages not to mention giving them fresh food.

The door opened soon after that and while Sunset and Fluttershy still had a few more chores to do it was going along great. Sunset really felt rewarded for helping animals.

“You know Fluttershy this feels really rewarding.” Sunset said smiling and feeding some fish.

“I know I enjoy spending my Saturday mornings doing this.” Fluttershy said.

“Now I feel even worse. Fluttershy you’re not pathetic and I can understand having animals as some of your friends.” Sunset said sadly.

“It’s ok Sunset you’ve changed and grown and come on you been in a good mood all day, don’t do this now.” Fluttershy said, walking over and putting her hand on Sunset’s shoulder.

Sunset rubbed her hand and got back to work. Sweeping up the back room and then putting towels in the washing machine, and taking the trash out back.

Sunset figured this was her favorite part of the goodwill tour. Easier than the Apple Harvest, or working at The Sweet Shop, but keeping her busier than being an equipment manager, or fashion model. She was helping her friends and to Sunset that is what mattered most.

Looking at the clock she realized it was already 10:30. Having finished working in the back she decided to see what needed to be done out front. Walking out to the front she saw Fluttershy looking out the window.

“Sunset, check it out.” Fluttershy said, waving her over. Sunset looked out the window and her face lit up. The first snowfall of the season. It wasn’t overly heavy but enough that everything had a good white coating on it.

“This is gonna slow business down.” Springtime Gardens said.

“Sunset c’mon in the back with me for a second. I want to ask you a question.” Fluttershy said. Sunset followed, wondering what Fluttershy could possibly want.

“Sunset last night. Are you and Trixie dating? I mean what was that?” Fluttershy asked, perplexed.

“Ok. No we are not dating. Trixie took me to the dance to show everyone that I had changed. I was gonna sit at home or see if I could go play video games at Aunt Chrysalis’s house. Trixie wouldn’t hear of it. She insisted I go.” Sunset explained.

“Well you danced three dances with her, so you must have had a good time.” Fluttershy said.

“I did, but she wanted me to show people I could go to a dance and not destroy the school.” Sunset explained.

“Well I for one, know you have changed and am happy to count you among my friends.” Fluttershy said, giving Sunset a hug. Sunset hugged Fluttershy back.

“We’d better get back to work. I have an hour until mom picks me up.” Sunset said. Fluttershy went back into the main area. Sunset waited a second and then smiled and realized that this “Good Will Tour” had been a success. She realized she had six great friends.

The next hour went by fast and Sunset saw four people come in and adopt three dogs and one cat. Sunset thought it was cute. She wished she could have a pet but knew the apartment was not big enough for a dog or a cat. Besides she wanted something a little less hairy.

Eventually Luna came to pick Sunset up and after wishing the owner a good day and a quick hug with Fluttershy Sunset left for her and Luna’s lunch date.

“Well someone is happy.” Luna remarked seeing happy and relaxed Sunset was even smiling a little bit.

“The tour is over and I realize it was a great success. I have got six great friends. The world is in perfect order. Now I get to see my favorite aunt for lunch. This is a wonderful day.” Sunset remarked smiling.

Eventually arriving at The Sweet Shop. They were greeted by Pinkie Pie who told them Chrysalis and her friend were sitting in the back.

“Her friend?” Sunset questioned Luna.

“No wonder she wanted to have lunch. We are to meet someone special.” Luna declared understanding the situation perfectly.

Luna and Sunset walked to the back of the restaurant and there sat Chrysalis in her sneakers, ripped up jeans and black leather jacket. Her hair was tied back for once so she wasn’t blowing strands of hair out of her face.

Sitting next to her was another woman with purple pink and light blue striped hair. Blue eyes and skin almost as white as Rarity’s. She had on a green sweater and black jeans.

Chrysalis looked up and smiled at Luna and Sunset. Chrysalis got up and hugged both girls. Which took them both by surprise. Just stood there a second beaming.

She looked at them both and said “What is up my sisters?”

Sunset ducked behind Luna and said semi-mockingly “Mom I’m scared.”

“Chrysalis it’s obvious that you're happy, but calm down and introduce me to your friend here.” Luna said, motioning towards Chrysalis’s friend.

“You’re right, where are my manners? Luna and Sunset, I want you to meet my girlfriend Potion Nova.” Chrysalis said motioning to her girlfriend who got up and walked over to Luna and Sunset.

“Potion Nova nice to meet you both.” She said, extending her hand to both Luna and Sunset.

Luna warmly shook Potion’s hand. Sunset came from behind Luna and did likewise. Potion’s eyes widened seeing Sunset in the flesh. So this was the girl that Chrysalis had gone out of her way for.

“Sunset I have heard a great deal about you. Here, sit down.” Nova said motioning towards the seat at the table.

“So Sunset Chrysalis said you’d had a rough go of it.” Nova said.

“Yeah but things are finally looking up for me at school. I have a mom, two aunts, and some great friends. Now how did you and Chrysalis meet?” Sunset asked.

“That’s a long story. First let me say I’m glad things are looking up for you. Now Chrysalis had to get a physical for her job. Occasionally they make you get another one. Well I just started there at the Bureau fresh out of med school. I gave Chrysalis hers and the whole time she had a hard time keeping her eyes off of me. I could tell she liked what she saw.

Well I finally said apparently you like what you see. Well Chrys blushed and I said well you want to go out on a date. She said ok and we started dating a few days ago and here we are.

Now I have heard something weird about walking, talking, ponies. I want to hear about this.” Potion Nova said.

“That’s a longer story, and you are gonna think I am crazy but I swear it’s all true.” Sunset began. She felt happy her Aunt Chrysalis had found someone new and also felt happy. For once life was going well.