• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 2,749 Views, 177 Comments

The Trial Continues - Zerocool7785

This takes place A week after Sunset's Trial and the day after the Battle of the Bands. Sunset now as a new trials to deal with.

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Sunset's Good Will Tour Part 2

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long to get this out, this was a hard chapter to write. As always please review I need vindication from strangers on the internet.

Sunset walked right by her mom and Apple Cinnamon in a lip lock moving their hands all over each other’s bodies. As mad as she was about it she decided to just play it cool. Unfortunately her mouth didn’t cooperate

“Get a room. You two.” Sunset said walking by.

Luna and Apple Cinnamon broke their kiss. Luna glared at Sunset as she walked towards the back of the house. Luna went to go after her when Apple Cinnamon grabbed her arm

“Let me talk to her.” Apple Cinnamon said.

Sunset walked around the back of the house and leaned against the railing with her arms crossed. She didn’t like her mom kissing and making out with some guy.

“Sunset?” Apple Cinnamon asked, coming around the corner.
“What do you want?” Sunset snapped.
“Look Sunset, I need to talk to you. I know you hate me, but why?” Apple
Cinnamon asked.

“I don’t hate you. I just can’t get excited about you like mom.” Sunset said.

“Tell you what, if you want I’ll leave and never come back.” Apple Cinnamon told her.

“You promise?” Sunset asked.

“Honest. Just remember your mom is gonna be heartbroken. Please don’t forget about that.” Apple Cinnamon said as he walked away.

It hit Sunset harder than the Elements of Harmony. Then and there she realized two things. People all around her were falling in love. Her mom, Rarity, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash had eyes for Soarin, a friend of Rarity’s boyfriend Thunderlane.

Would she want one of her friends not to date a guy or girl (she wasn’t sure if any swung that way) if it didn’t make them happy. No she wouldn’t deny that to Rarity, Applejack, or any of her friends. Why deny that to Luna. She was the one she owed everything to. No she wasn’t going to deny that to her.

Sunset walked around the side of the house where her mom was leaning up against the house with her hands behind her back and one leg on the ground the other was bent backwards with her foot resting on the house. Apple Cinnamon standing close to her.

“Listen you two. I don’t like this but I’m not gonna get in the way of you two. I just want...you two to be happy.” Sunset said and then she quickly walked away,

“I guess she’s ready to go home. Listen, she has homework to do tomorrow, but I can come and help tomorrow.” Luna told Apple Cinnamon.

“You get no argument for me, just tell Granny Smith you're coming. You need to be here before Sunrise to help with breakfast. I got an idea how about you spend the night. I can kick Braeburn out of the room.” Apple Cinnamon said pressing up against Luna.

“I have to take Sunset home first and then I can take the hayloft where she slept last night.” Luna said.

“Nonsense Braeburn can sleep out there, you and I can share a room, we're consenting adults.” Apple Cinnamon.

“Consenting? Whoa I’m not just jump in bed with you, I wouldn’t do it in someone else’s house either. You’re like every guy! You think with one thing.” Lina said, rising from her leaning position to a standing one then walking off..

“Luna, I didn’t mean it like that.” Apple CInnamon said, grabbing her wrist.

“Then what did you mean? Let me tell you something I didn’t bring up on our date when I was 18 I lost my virginity to a guy who wanted one thing-sex!! I ended up pregnant and he skipped town.” Luna told him.

“I thought Sunset was adopted?” Apple Cinnamon said.

“She is, once the papers come back from the court.” Luna said, turning her back to Apple Cinnamon.

Apple Cinnamon put his arms around Luna from behind. “What happened to your child?” He asked.

“I miscarried!” Luna said, starting to cry. Apple Cinnamon spun her around and pulled her into a big hug. Luna still had a hard time with this, but at least for this second she had someone to hold onto.

Sunset saw this and turned away to go to the car. She texted Pinkie Pie and asked about next Saturday. Last time she tried to do this, she ended up grounded. She was determined to make amends to all of her friends.

* * *

The harvest was finished on Sunday and Applejack told Sunset on Monday that her crating did help, this way it kept most of the workers in the orchard on Saturday.

But what happened on Monday was Pinkie said that made her day.

“Mrs. Cake was willing to give Sunset a chance to work on a Saturday. They were only open until 3 So they did breakfast and lunch at the shop. You and I are working together!” Pinkie said excitedly.

Most people in Canterlot if they went out for dinner on Saturday Night it was at one of the upper scale restaurants. Except the teens usually ate at the local fast food place. Sunset wanted to try that one time with her friends.

Also Sunset noticed something else on Monday. Rainbow Dash was hanging out with Thunderlane’s friend Soarin. Not that she minded it was good to see Rainbow Dash not be so tomboyish for once.

After school she was talking about working the day at the Sweet Shop when Pinkie dropped a bombshell.

“You know we have a big homecoming dance coming up before winter break Sunny?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah why?” Sunset asked.

“Well there is this guy who graduated last year named Cheese Sandwich. He is helping me plan the dance isn’t that awesome!! He even said he would save a dance for me WOOHOO!!” Pinkie said, jumping almost a foot in the air.

“That’s really great Pinkie. You got this covered especially with his help.” Sunset said.

“You totally need to help us set up for the dance Sunset!! I would so like to work with a friend. It would be great!! Anyway, Saturday, be at the restaurant between 5-6. We open at six. See you then.” Pinkie said, almost bouncing off down the hall.

“I will never understand Pinkie if I live to be 100.” Sunset thought.

So Sunset not wanting to disappoint the Cakes again worked hard all week to be on her best behavior at home and school. In school she made sure to do all of her homework and at home do anything Luna asked, even some stuff Luna didn’t ask.

Finally on Thursday night Luna decided to see what had come over Sunset and why she was acting like this. It actually had her worried. So she stopped Sunset when she was coming back in from having done the laundry which Luna usually did.

“Sunset hold it.” Luna said, stopping Sunset who was folding clothes.

“Mom, I'm almost done.” Sunset complained.

“Sunset what did you do?” Luna asked.

“I was a queen bitch who split up five great friends, and tried to kill them with their new friend…” Sunset started.

“Sunset I mean why are you doing all these extra chores for?” Luna asked.
“I have to help out at The Sweet Shop this Saturday, I have been trying so hard
to not get grounded like last time. I need to make this up to them.” Sunset pleaded.

“What time do I have to have you there?” Luna asked, dreading the answer.

“About 5 am.” Sunset replied, trying to act innocent.

“Why can’t you, ever do one of your tour stops that start at a decent time? That means I need to get up at 4 am.” Luna whined

“I’m sorry mom, maybe I can stay with Pinkie Pie on Friday Night.” Sunset said.

“No, I'll take you. Just try to get more decent stops.” Luna said.

“Well Friday I’m gonna be the equipment girl for the volleyball team. Don’t worry, after practice Rainbow Dash’s parents said they would give me a lift home.” Sunset assured Luna.

“O.K. well it’s getting late and Friday and Saturday you got a lot to do. Let’s head for bed.” Luna said. Sunset headed for bed with no argument.

* * *

Friday dragged on for Sunset it seemed like it would never end. Finally the bell for lunch rang and for Sunset she knew it was the halfway mark. Sunset sat taking her usual seat at lunch. She was not as nervous as she used to be over it. Soon her friends joined her but they got to meet Fluttershy’s new boyfriend Sandalwood.

Sunset recognized him as one of the “eco-kids”. His trademark blue jeans, red t-shirt and brown vest with a recycling pin on it. Not to mention his trademark black hat looked more like a beret and his shoulder length green hair.

“Nice to meet you.” Sunset said, extending her hand.

“Same.” He said uneasily, shaking Sunset’s hand.

The rest of lunch for Sunset was a blur. She didn’t care that her friends were dating. She heard little of what was said as she was thinking about her helping Rainbow this afternoon and Pinkie tomorrow morning/afternoon.

Finally the last bell rang and Sunset headed over to see Luna. Upon entering the office she told Luna she was heading down to the gym. To help with the practice.

Arriving at the gym Rainbow met her and said “Practice starts soon. The coach is gonna go and open the supply closet, you hand out the volleyballs and we will split the team in half for practice. One group will represent the away team, you hand them red bibs to wear. Then just chill while we have practice. After practice you collect the equipment and put it away. In the closet, easy peasy, lemon squeezy.” Rainbow told her.

“Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy?” Sunset asked.

“Hanging around Pinkie Pie, rubs off on you.” Rainbow Dash says embarrassingly, rubbing the back of her neck.

Scootaloo came walking in the gym at this point and immediately walked over to Rainbow Dash. She was incensed.

“Ever since you started to hang out with Soarin, you forgot about your little sister. But I see as always you have time for She-Demon here.” Scootaloo said motioning towards Sunset.

“Her name is Sunset Shimmer and you will apologize to her right now.” Rainbow replied, getting in Scootaloo’s face.”

“I’m sorry you are a she-demon.” Scootaloo replied. Rainbow made a fist and actually raised it at Scootaloo. Sunset saw this was not going to end well and jumped off the bleachers and got between them.

“Rainbow, don't punch her! She’s your little sister!!” Sunset exclaimed.

“I don’t need you to defend me, you bitch!!” With that Scootaloo left the gym.

“Your aunts will hear about this Scootaloo!!” Rainbow yelled. The she turned to Sunset “Sunset I’m sorry about that, Scoots is jealous that I kinda have a boyfriend now.” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Kinda? Either you do or you don’t, you can’t kind of have a boyfriend.” Sunset pointed out.

“Then I guess I have a boyfriend then.” Rainbow replied and she went to get the coach to open the supply closet.

Sunset wheeled out the supply cart and handed people their volleyballs. After that Sunset relaxed doing some school work while they took a few laps. Then the coach split the team in half and motioned to Sunset who passed out the red bibs to the girls as they got set up for practice.

After practice Sunset cleaned up all the stuff and put it away. She was going to talk to Rainbow for a minute after the coach locked up the supply closet, but Rainbow had already left with Soarin.

“Damn it! She was supposed to give me a ride home. Must have gone with Soarin.” Sunset stomped her foot and tried not to scream out loud.

“Well I told Luna I was getting a ride home so if I hoof it I should make it home before dark.”. Sunset thought.

Sunset packed up her school supplies and left alone. Leaving the school Sunset ran into...